Uses of Interface

Packages that use Route
org.apache.camel The core Camel API. 
org.apache.camel.impl Default implementation classes for Camel Core Camel management Camel management events Camel management JMX MBeans 
org.apache.camel.model The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules. 
org.apache.camel.processor A collection of Processor implementations which are used to implement the Enterprise Integration Patterns 
org.apache.camel.spi Service Provider Interfaces used internally by the Camel runtime which are plugin strategies. Base classes that help to implement the camel API and are expected to be extended by the user 
org.apache.camel.util Utility classes used by the core of Camel. 

Uses of Route in org.apache.camel

Methods in org.apache.camel that return Route
 Route CamelContext.getRoute(String id)
          Gets the route with the given id

Methods in org.apache.camel that return types with arguments of type Route
 List<Route> CamelContext.getRoutes()
          Returns the current routes in this context

Uses of Route in org.apache.camel.impl

Classes in org.apache.camel.impl that implement Route
 class DefaultRoute
          Default implementation of Route.
 class EventDrivenConsumerRoute
          A DefaultRoute which starts with an Event Driven Consumer

Use the API from CamelContext to control the lifecycle of a route, such as starting and stopping using the CamelContext.startRoute(String) and CamelContext.stopRoute(String) methods.


Methods in org.apache.camel.impl that return Route
 Route DefaultRouteStartupOrder.getRoute()
 Route DefaultCamelContext.getRoute(String id)

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl that return types with arguments of type Route
 Map<Route,Consumer> RouteService.getInputs()
          Gets the inputs to the routes.
 Collection<Route> RouteService.getRoutes()
 List<Route> DefaultCamelContext.getRoutes()

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl with parameters of type Route
protected  void DefaultCamelContext.logRouteState(Route route, String state)
 void RoutePolicySupport.onExchangeBegin(Route route, Exchange exchange)
 void ThrottlingInflightRoutePolicy.onExchangeDone(Route route, Exchange exchange)
 void RoutePolicySupport.onExchangeDone(Route route, Exchange exchange)
 void ThrottlingInflightRoutePolicy.onInit(Route route)
 void RoutePolicySupport.onInit(Route route)
 void RoutePolicySupport.onRemove(Route route)
 void RoutePolicySupport.onResume(Route route)
 void RoutePolicySupport.onStart(Route route)
 void RoutePolicySupport.onStop(Route route)
 void RoutePolicySupport.onSuspend(Route route)
protected  void RoutePolicySupport.resumeRoute(Route route)
protected  void RouteService.startChildService(Route route, List<Service> services)
protected  void RoutePolicySupport.startRoute(Route route)
protected  void RouteService.stopChildService(Route route, Set<Service> services, boolean shutdown)
protected  void RoutePolicySupport.stopRoute(Route route)
protected  void RoutePolicySupport.stopRoute(Route route, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
protected  void RoutePolicySupport.suspendRoute(Route route)
protected  void RoutePolicySupport.suspendRoute(Route route, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
protected  void ThrottlingInflightRoutePolicy.throttle(Route route, Exchange exchange)
          Throttles the route when Exchanges is done.

Method parameters in org.apache.camel.impl with type arguments of type Route
 void DefaultCamelContext.setRoutes(List<Route> routes)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.impl with parameters of type Route
DefaultRouteStartupOrder(int startupOrder, Route route, RouteService routeService)

Constructor parameters in org.apache.camel.impl with type arguments of type Route
DefaultRouteContext(CamelContext camelContext, RouteDefinition route, FromDefinition from, Collection<Route> routes)
RouteService(DefaultCamelContext camelContext, RouteDefinition routeDefinition, List<RouteContext> routeContexts, List<Route> routes)

Uses of Route in

Methods in with parameters of type Route
 Object DefaultManagementObjectStrategy.getManagedObjectForProcessor(CamelContext context, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition, Route route)
 Object DefaultManagementObjectStrategy.getManagedObjectForRoute(CamelContext context, Route route)
 ObjectName DefaultManagementNamingStrategy.getObjectNameForRoute(Route route)
 void DefaultManagementLifecycleStrategy.onServiceAdd(CamelContext context, Service service, Route route)
 void DefaultManagementLifecycleStrategy.onServiceRemove(CamelContext context, Service service, Route route)
protected  boolean DefaultManagementLifecycleStrategy.shouldRegister(Object service, Route route)
          Whether or not to register the mbean.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Route
 void DefaultManagementLifecycleStrategy.onRoutesAdd(Collection<Route> routes)
 void DefaultManagementLifecycleStrategy.onRoutesRemove(Collection<Route> routes)

Uses of Route in

Methods in that return Route
 Route RouteStoppedEvent.getRoute()
 Route RouteStartedEvent.getRoute()

Methods in with parameters of type Route
 EventObject DefaultEventFactory.createRouteStartedEvent(Route route)
 EventObject DefaultEventFactory.createRouteStoppedEvent(Route route)

Constructors in with parameters of type Route
RouteStartedEvent(Route source)
RouteStoppedEvent(Route source)

Uses of Route in

Fields in declared as Route
protected  Route ManagedRoute.route

Methods in that return Route
 Route ManagedService.getRoute()
 Route ManagedRoute.getRoute()
 Route ManagedProcessor.getRoute()

Methods in with parameters of type Route
 void ManagedService.setRoute(Route route)
 void ManagedProcessor.setRoute(Route route)

Constructors in with parameters of type Route
ManagedRoute(ModelCamelContext context, Route route)
ManagedSuspendableRoute(ModelCamelContext context, Route route)

Uses of Route in org.apache.camel.model

Method parameters in org.apache.camel.model with type arguments of type Route
protected  RouteContext RouteDefinition.addRoutes(CamelContext camelContext, Collection<Route> routes, FromDefinition fromType)
 List<RouteContext> RouteDefinition.addRoutes(ModelCamelContext camelContext, Collection<Route> routes)
 void ProcessorDefinition.addRoutes(RouteContext routeContext, Collection<Route> routes)
 void OnExceptionDefinition.addRoutes(RouteContext routeContext, Collection<Route> routes)

Uses of Route in org.apache.camel.processor

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor with parameters of type Route
 void RoutePolicyProcessor.setRoute(Route route)
          Sets the route this policy applies.
 void RouteInflightRepositoryProcessor.setRoute(Route route)

Uses of Route in org.apache.camel.spi

Methods in org.apache.camel.spi that return Route
 Route RouteStartupOrder.getRoute()
          Gets the route

Methods in org.apache.camel.spi with parameters of type Route
 EventObject EventFactory.createRouteStartedEvent(Route route)
          Creates an EventObject for Route has been started successfully.
 EventObject EventFactory.createRouteStoppedEvent(Route route)
          Creates an EventObject for Route has been stopped successfully.
 Object ManagementObjectStrategy.getManagedObjectForProcessor(CamelContext context, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition, Route route)
 Object ManagementObjectStrategy.getManagedObjectForRoute(CamelContext context, Route route)
 ObjectName ManagementNamingStrategy.getObjectNameForRoute(Route route)
 void RoutePolicy.onExchangeBegin(Route route, Exchange exchange)
          Callback invoked when an Exchange is started being routed on the given Route
 void RoutePolicy.onExchangeDone(Route route, Exchange exchange)
          Callback invoked when an Exchange is done being routed, where it started from the given Route

Notice this callback is invoked when the Exchange is done and the Route is the route where the Exchange was started.

 void RoutePolicy.onInit(Route route)
          Callback invoked when the Route is being initialized
 void RoutePolicy.onRemove(Route route)
          Callback invoked when the Route is being removed from CamelContext
 void RoutePolicy.onResume(Route route)
          Callback invoked when the Route is being resumed
 void LifecycleStrategy.onServiceAdd(CamelContext context, Service service, Route route)
          Notification on adding a Service.
 void LifecycleStrategy.onServiceRemove(CamelContext context, Service service, Route route)
          Notification on removing a Service.
 void RoutePolicy.onStart(Route route)
          Callback invoked when the Route is being started
 void RoutePolicy.onStop(Route route)
          Callback invoked when the Route is being stopped
 void RoutePolicy.onSuspend(Route route)
          Callback invoked when the Route is being suspended

Method parameters in org.apache.camel.spi with type arguments of type Route
 void LifecycleStrategy.onRoutesAdd(Collection<Route> routes)
          Notification on adding Route(s).
 void LifecycleStrategy.onRoutesRemove(Collection<Route> routes)
          Notification on removing Route(s).

Uses of Route in

Methods in with parameters of type Route
 void LifecycleStrategySupport.onServiceAdd(CamelContext context, Service service, Route route)
 void LifecycleStrategySupport.onServiceRemove(CamelContext context, Service service, Route route)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Route
 void LifecycleStrategySupport.onRoutesAdd(Collection<Route> routes)
 void LifecycleStrategySupport.onRoutesRemove(Collection<Route> routes)

Uses of Route in org.apache.camel.util

Methods in org.apache.camel.util with parameters of type Route
static void EventHelper.notifyRouteStarted(CamelContext context, Route route)
static void EventHelper.notifyRouteStopped(CamelContext context, Route route)

Apache CAMEL