Package org.apache.camel.model.dataformat

The JAXB POJOs for the Data Formats used to marshal and unmarshal objects to and from streams inside components


Class Summary
BindyDataFormat Represents the Bindy DataFormat
CastorDataFormat Represents a Castor DataFormat.
CsvDataFormat Represents a CSV (Comma Separated Values) DataFormat
DataFormatsDefinition Represents the XML type for a collection of DataFormats.
FlatpackDataFormat Represents a Flatpack DataFormat.
GzipDataFormat Represents the GZip DataFormat
HL7DataFormat Represents a HL7 DataFormat.
JaxbDataFormat Represents the JAXB2 XML DataFormat
ProtobufDataFormat Represents a protobuf DataFormat DataFormat
RssDataFormat Represents a RSS DataFormat.
SerializationDataFormat Represents the Java Serialization DataFormat
StringDataFormat Represents the String (text based) DataFormat
TidyMarkupDataFormat Represents a wellformed HTML document (XML well Formed) DataFormat
XMLBeansDataFormat Represents the XMLBeans XML DataFormat
XMLSecurityDataFormat Represents as XML Security Encrypter/Decrypter DataFormat
XStreamDataFormat Represents the XStream XML DataFormat
ZipDataFormat Represents the ZIP XML DataFormat

Enum Summary
BindyType Represents the different types of bindy data formats.
JsonLibrary Represents the concrete Json libraries Camel supports.

Package org.apache.camel.model.dataformat Description

The JAXB POJOs for the Data Formats used to marshal and unmarshal objects to and from streams inside components

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