Package org.apache.camel.model

The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules.


Interface Summary
Block Interface to add block featuring to the XML element type.
RouteContainer Container to hold Route.

Class Summary
AggregateDefinition Represents an XML <aggregate/> element
AOPDefinition Represents an XML <aop/> element
BeanDefinition Represents an XML <bean/> element
CatchDefinition Represents an XML <catch/> element
ChoiceDefinition Represents an XML <choice/> element
ConvertBodyDefinition Represents an XML <convertBodyTo/> element
DataFormatDefinition Represents the base XML type for DataFormat.
DelayDefinition Represents an XML <delay/> element
DescriptionDefinition Represents a description element which can be used on any element in the EIP route
EnrichDefinition Represents an XML <enrich/> element
ExpressionNode A base class for nodes which contain an expression and a number of outputs
ExpressionSubElementDefinition Represents an expression sub element
FilterDefinition Represents an XML <filter/> element
FinallyDefinition Represents an XML <finally/> element
FromDefinition Represents an XML <from/> element
IdempotentConsumerDefinition Represents an XML <idempotentConsumer/> element
IdentifiedType The unique identifier for a bean.
InOnlyDefinition Represents an XML <inOnly/> element
InOutDefinition Represents an XML <inOut/> element
InterceptDefinition Represents an XML <intercept/> element
InterceptFromDefinition Represents an XML <interceptFrom/> element
InterceptSendToEndpointDefinition Represents an XML <interceptToEndpoint/> element
LoadBalanceDefinition Represents an XML <loadBalance/> element
LoadBalancerDefinition Represents an XML <loadBalancer/> element
LogDefinition Represents an XML <log/> element
LoopDefinition Represents an XML <loop/> element
MarshalDefinition Marshals to a binary payload using the given DataFormatDefinition
MulticastDefinition Represents an XML <multicast/> element
NodeFactory A simple factory used to create new child nodes which allows pluggable extension points such as to add extra DSL helper methods such as for the Groovy or Ruby DSLs
OnCompletionDefinition Represents an XML <onCompletion/> element
OnExceptionDefinition Represents an XML <onException/> element
OptionalIdentifiedDefinition<T extends OptionalIdentifiedDefinition> Allows an element to have an optional ID specified
OtherwiseDefinition Represents an XML <otherwise/> element
OutputDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition> A useful base class for output types
PackageScanDefinition PackageScanDefinition represents a <package-scan/> element.
PipelineDefinition Represents an XML <pipeline/> element which can be used to define an explicit pipeline; or to define a specific pipeline within a <multicast> block
PolicyDefinition Represents an XML <policy/> element
PollEnrichDefinition Represents an XML <pollEnrich/> element
ProcessDefinition Represents an XML <process/> element
ProcessorDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition> Base class for processor types that most XML types extend.
ProcessorDefinitionHelper Helper class for ProcessorDefinition and the other model classes.
RecipientListDefinition Represents an XML <recipientList/> element
RedeliveryPolicyDefinition Represents an XML <redeliveryPolicy/> element
RemoveHeaderDefinition Represents an XML <removeHeader/> element
RemovePropertyDefinition Represents an XML <removeProperty/> element
ResequenceDefinition Represents an XML <resequence/> element
RollbackDefinition Represents an XML <rollback/> element
RouteBuilderDefinition Represents an XML <routeBuilderRef/> element
RouteDefinition Represents an XML <route/> element
RoutesDefinition Represents a collection of routes
RoutingSlipDefinition Represents an XML <routingSlip/> element
SamplingDefinition Represents an XML <sample/> element
SendDefinition<Type extends ProcessorDefinition> Base class for sending to an endpoint with an optional ExchangePattern
SetBodyDefinition Represents an XML <setBody/> element.
SetExchangePatternDefinition Represents an XML <setExchangePattern/> element
SetHeaderDefinition Represents an XML <setHeader/> element
SetOutHeaderDefinition Represents an XML <setOutHeader/> element
SetPropertyDefinition Represents an XML <setProperty/> element
SortDefinition Represents an XML <sort/> element
SplitDefinition Represents an XML <split/> element
StopDefinition Represents an XML <stop/> element
ThreadsDefinition Represents an XML <threads/> element
ThrottleDefinition Represents an XML <throttle/> element
ThrowExceptionDefinition Represents an XML <throwException/> element
ToDefinition Represents an XML <to/> element
TransactedDefinition Represents an XML <transacted/> element
TransformDefinition Represents an XML <transform/> element
TryDefinition Represents an XML <try/> element
UnmarshalDefinition Unmarshals the binary payload using the given DataFormatDefinition
WhenDefinition Represents an XML <when/> element
WireTapDefinition Represents an XML <wireTap/> element

Package org.apache.camel.model Description

The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules.

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