Uses of Interface

Packages that use Processor
org.apache.camel The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules. 
org.apache.camel.builder The Camel Domain Specific Language for creating Routes, Predicates, Expressions and Error Handlers
org.apache.camel.builder.xml Support for XPath based Expressions and Predicates as well as an XSLT processor 
org.apache.camel.component.bean The Bean Component which will look up the bean name in the Spring ApplicationContext and use that to dispatch messages to a POJO 
org.apache.camel.component.browse The Browse Component which is a simple in memory component which maintains a list of all message exchanges which can be useful for debugging, tooling or visualistion. 
org.apache.camel.component.dataset A DataSet Endpoint for testing of endpoints using defined DataSets The Direct Component which synchronously invokes all the consumers when a producer sends an exchange to the endpoint. 
org.apache.camel.component.file The File Component for working with file systems. 
org.apache.camel.component.language The Language Component to send messages to language endpoints executing the script. 
org.apache.camel.component.mock The Mock Component which is used for testing of routing and mediation rules. 
org.apache.camel.component.seda The SEDA Component for asynchronous SEDA exchanges on a BlockingQueue within a single CamelContext 
org.apache.camel.component.timer The Timer Component extends the POJO component to provide a simple timer 
org.apache.camel.converter A set of helper classes for converting from different types of Java object to be used by the Type Conversion Support 
org.apache.camel.impl Default implementation classes for Camel Core 
org.apache.camel.impl.converter Default implementation classes the Type Conversion Strategies Camel management Camel management events Camel management JMX Mbeans 
org.apache.camel.model The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules. 
org.apache.camel.model.loadbalancer The Load Balancer EIP pattern 
org.apache.camel.processor A collection of Processor implementations which are used to implement the Enterprise Integration Patterns 
org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate Helper classes for the Aggregator pattern. 
org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent An implementation of the Idempotent Consumer pattern. 
org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor Helper classes for interceptors. 
org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer Various load balancer processors 
org.apache.camel.processor.validation Performs XML validation using JAXP for validating against XSD or RelaxNG 
org.apache.camel.spi Service Provider Interfaces used internally by the Camel runtime which are plugin strategies. 
org.apache.camel.util Utility classes used by the core of Camel and useful for Camel component developers 

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel

Subinterfaces of Processor in org.apache.camel
 interface AsyncProcessor
          An asynchronous processor which can process an Exchange in an asynchronous fashion and signal completion by invoking the AsyncCallback.
 interface Channel
          Channel acts as a channel between Processors in the route graph.
 interface Producer
          Provides a channel on which clients can create and invoke message exchanges on an Endpoint

Methods in org.apache.camel that return Processor
 Processor Channel.getErrorHandler()
          Gets the ErrorHandler this Channel uses.
 Processor Channel.getNextProcessor()
          Gets the next Processor to route to (not wrapped)
 Processor Channel.getOutput()
          Gets the wrapped output that at runtime should be delegated to.
 Processor RouteNode.getProcessor()
          Gets the actual processor this node represents.

Methods in org.apache.camel that return types with arguments of type Processor
 Navigate<Processor> Route.navigate()
          Returns a navigator to navigate this route by navigating all the Processors.

Methods in org.apache.camel with parameters of type Processor
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor, Synchronization onCompletion)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint using a supplied processor.
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(String endpointUri, Processor processor, Synchronization onCompletion)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint using a supplied processor.
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncSend(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint.
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncSend(String endpointUri, Processor processor)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint.
 Consumer Endpoint.createConsumer(Processor processor)
          Creates a new Event Driven Consumer which consumes messages from the endpoint using the given processor
 Exchange ProducerTemplate.request(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied processor Uses an ExchangePattern.InOut message exchange pattern.
 Exchange ProducerTemplate.request(String endpointUri, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied processor Uses an ExchangePattern.InOut message exchange pattern.
 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied processor

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using Exchange.getException().

 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied processor

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using Exchange.getException().

 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to the default endpoint using a supplied processor

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using Exchange.getException().
 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(String endpointUri, ExchangePattern pattern, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied processor

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using Exchange.getException().

 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(String endpointUri, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied processor

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using Exchange.getException().

 void Channel.setErrorHandler(Processor errorHandler)
          Sets the ErrorHandler this Channel uses.
 void Channel.setNextProcessor(Processor next)
          Sets the processor that the channel should route the Exchange to.
 void Channel.setOutput(Processor output)
          Sets the wrapped output that at runtime should be delegated to.

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.builder

Fields in org.apache.camel.builder declared as Processor
protected  Processor DefaultErrorHandlerBuilder.failureProcessor
protected  Processor DefaultErrorHandlerBuilder.onRedelivery

Methods in org.apache.camel.builder that return Processor
 Processor NoErrorHandlerBuilder.createErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
 Processor LoggingErrorHandlerBuilder.createErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
 Processor ErrorHandlerBuilderRef.createErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
 Processor ErrorHandlerBuilder.createErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
          Creates the error handler interceptor
 Processor DefaultErrorHandlerBuilder.createErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
 Processor DeadLetterChannelBuilder.createErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
 Processor DefaultErrorHandlerBuilder.getFailureProcessor()
 Processor DeadLetterChannelBuilder.getFailureProcessor()
 Processor DefaultErrorHandlerBuilder.getOnRedelivery()
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.removeFaultHeader(String name)
          Removes the header on the FAULT message
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.removeHeader(String name)
          Removes the header on the IN message
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.removeHeaders(String pattern)
          Removes the headers on the IN message
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.removeProperty(String name)
          Removes the property on the exchange
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.setBody(Expression expression)
          Creates a processor which sets the body of the IN message to the value of the expression
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.setFaultBody(Expression expression)
          Creates a processor which sets the body of the FAULT message to the value of the expression
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.setFaultHeader(String name, Expression expression)
          Sets the header on the FAULT message
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.setHeader(String name, Expression expression)
          Sets the header on the IN message
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.setOutBody(Expression expression)
          Creates a processor which sets the body of the OUT message to the value of the expression
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.setOutHeader(String name, Expression expression)
          Sets the header on the OUT message
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.setProperty(String name, Expression expression)
          Sets the property on the exchange
static Processor ProcessorBuilder.throwException(Exception ex)
          Throws an exception

Methods in org.apache.camel.builder with parameters of type Processor
 Processor NoErrorHandlerBuilder.createErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
 Processor LoggingErrorHandlerBuilder.createErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
 Processor ErrorHandlerBuilderRef.createErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
 Processor ErrorHandlerBuilder.createErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
          Creates the error handler interceptor
 Processor DefaultErrorHandlerBuilder.createErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
 Processor DeadLetterChannelBuilder.createErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
 DefaultErrorHandlerBuilder DefaultErrorHandlerBuilder.onRedelivery(Processor processor)
          Sets a processor that should be processed before a redelivery attempt.
 void DefaultErrorHandlerBuilder.setFailureProcessor(Processor failureProcessor)
 void DefaultErrorHandlerBuilder.setOnRedelivery(Processor onRedelivery)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.builder.xml

Classes in org.apache.camel.builder.xml that implement Processor
 class XsltBuilder
          Creates a Processor which performs an XSLT transformation of the IN message body.

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.component.bean

Classes in org.apache.camel.component.bean that implement Processor
 class BeanProcessor
          A Processor which converts the inbound exchange to a method invocation on a POJO

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.bean that return Processor
protected  Processor BeanEndpoint.createProcessor()
 Processor RegistryBean.getProcessor()
 Processor ConstantBeanHolder.getProcessor()
protected  Processor BeanProcessor.getProcessor()
 Processor BeanHolder.getProcessor()

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.component.browse

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.browse with parameters of type Processor
 Consumer BrowseEndpoint.createConsumer(Processor processor)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.component.dataset

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.dataset that return Processor
 Processor DataSetSupport.getOutputTransformer()

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.dataset with parameters of type Processor
 Consumer DataSetEndpoint.createConsumer(Processor processor)
 void DataSetSupport.setOutputTransformer(Processor outputTransformer)
 void DataSetEndpoint.setReporter(Processor reporter)
          Sets a custom progress reporter

Constructors in org.apache.camel.component.dataset with parameters of type Processor
DataSetConsumer(DataSetEndpoint endpoint, Processor processor)

Uses of Processor in

Classes in that implement Processor
 class DirectProducer
          The direct producer.

Methods in with parameters of type Processor
 Consumer DirectEndpoint.createConsumer(Processor processor)

Constructors in with parameters of type Processor
DirectConsumer(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.component.file

Classes in org.apache.camel.component.file that implement Processor
 class GenericFileProducer<T>
          Generic file producer

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.file with parameters of type Processor
abstract  GenericFileConsumer<T> GenericFileEndpoint.createConsumer(Processor processor)
 FileConsumer FileEndpoint.createConsumer(Processor processor)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.component.file with parameters of type Processor
FileConsumer(GenericFileEndpoint<File> endpoint, Processor processor, GenericFileOperations<File> operations)
GenericFileConsumer(GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, Processor processor, GenericFileOperations<T> operations)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.component.language

Classes in org.apache.camel.component.language that implement Processor
 class LanguageProducer
          Language producer.

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.language with parameters of type Processor
 Consumer LanguageEndpoint.createConsumer(Processor processor)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.component.mock

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.mock that return Processor
 Processor MockEndpoint.getReporter()

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.mock with parameters of type Processor
 Consumer MockEndpoint.createConsumer(Processor processor)
 void MockEndpoint.setReporter(Processor reporter)
          Allows a processor to added to the endpoint to report on progress of the test
 void MockEndpoint.whenAnyExchangeReceived(Processor processor)
          Set the processor that will be invoked when the some message is received.
 void MockEndpoint.whenExchangeReceived(int index, Processor processor)
          Set the processor that will be invoked when the index message is received.

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.component.seda

Classes in org.apache.camel.component.seda that implement Processor
 class CollectionProducer
          A simple Producer which just appends to a Collection the Exchange object.
 class SedaProducer

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.seda that return Processor
 Processor SedaConsumer.getProcessor()

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.seda with parameters of type Processor
 Consumer SedaEndpoint.createConsumer(Processor processor)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.component.seda with parameters of type Processor
SedaConsumer(SedaEndpoint endpoint, Processor processor)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.component.timer

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.timer with parameters of type Processor
 Consumer TimerEndpoint.createConsumer(Processor processor)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.component.timer with parameters of type Processor
TimerConsumer(TimerEndpoint endpoint, Processor processor)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.converter

Methods in org.apache.camel.converter that return Processor
 Processor CamelConverter.toProcessor(Expression expresion)
 Processor CamelConverter.toProcessor(Predicate predicate)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.impl

Classes in org.apache.camel.impl that implement Processor
 class DefaultAsyncProducer
          A default implementation of Producer for implementation inheritance, which can process Exchanges asynchronously.
 class DefaultProducer
          A default implementation of Producer for implementation inheritance.
 class EventDrivenPollingConsumer
          A default implementation of the PollingConsumer which uses the normal asynchronous consumer mechanism along with a BlockingQueue to allow the caller to pull messages on demand.
 class SynchronousDelegateProducer
          To process the delegated producer in synchronous mode.

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl that return Processor
protected  Processor DefaultProducerTemplate.createBodyAndHeaderProcessor(Object body, String header, Object headerValue)
protected  Processor DefaultProducerTemplate.createBodyAndPropertyProcessor(Object body, String property, Object propertyValue)
protected  Processor CamelPostProcessorHelper.createConsumerProcessor(Object pojo, Method method, Endpoint endpoint)
          Create a processor which invokes the given method when an incoming message exchange is received
protected  Processor ProcessorEndpoint.createProcessor()
 Processor DefaultRouteContext.createProcessor(ProcessorDefinition<?> node)
protected  Processor DefaultProducerTemplate.createSetBodyProcessor(Object body)
 Processor ProcessorEndpoint.getProcessor()
 Processor OnExceptionRouteNode.getProcessor()
 Processor OnCompletionRouteNode.getProcessor()
 Processor EventDrivenConsumerRoute.getProcessor()
 Processor DoFinallyRouteNode.getProcessor()
 Processor DoCatchRouteNode.getProcessor()
 Processor DefaultRouteNode.getProcessor()
 Processor DefaultConsumer.getProcessor()
 Processor AggregateRouteNode.getProcessor()

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl that return types with arguments of type Processor
 Navigate<Processor> EventDrivenConsumerRoute.navigate()

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl with parameters of type Processor
 void DefaultRouteContext.addEventDrivenProcessor(Processor processor)
 boolean DefaultDebugger.afterProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition, long timeTaken)
 void BreakpointSupport.afterProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition, long timeTaken)
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor, Synchronization onCompletion)
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(String uri, Processor processor, Synchronization onCompletion)
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncSend(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncSend(String uri, Processor processor)
 boolean DefaultDebugger.beforeProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition)
 void BreakpointSupport.beforeProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition)
 Consumer InterceptSendToEndpoint.createConsumer(Processor processor)
 Consumer DefaultPollingEndpoint.createConsumer(Processor processor)
 boolean ConditionSupport.matchProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition)
protected  void DefaultDebugger.onAfterProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition, long timeTaken, Breakpoint breakpoint)
protected  void DefaultDebugger.onBeforeProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition, Breakpoint breakpoint)
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.request(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.request(String endpoint, Processor processor)
 Exchange ProducerCache.send(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied Processor to populate the exchange
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Processor processor)
 Exchange ProducerCache.send(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied Processor to populate the exchange
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(Processor processor)
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(String endpointUri, ExchangePattern pattern, Processor processor)
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(String endpointUri, Processor processor)
protected  Exchange ProducerCache.sendExchange(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Processor processor, Exchange exchange)
 void InterceptSendToEndpoint.setDetour(Processor detour)
 void ProcessorEndpoint.setProcessor(Processor processor)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.impl with parameters of type Processor
DefaultConsumer(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
DefaultRouteNode(ProcessorDefinition<?> processorDefinition, Processor processor)
DefaultScheduledPollConsumer(DefaultEndpoint defaultEndpoint, Processor processor)
DefaultScheduledPollConsumer(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor, ScheduledExecutorService executor)
EventDrivenConsumerRoute(RouteContext routeContext, Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
ProcessorEndpoint(String endpointUri, CamelContext context, Processor processor)
ProcessorEndpoint(String endpointUri, Component component, Processor processor)
ProcessorEndpoint(String endpointUri, Processor processor)
ProcessorPollingConsumer(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
ScheduledPollConsumer(DefaultEndpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
ScheduledPollConsumer(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor, ScheduledExecutorService executor)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.impl.converter

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl.converter with parameters of type Processor
static AsyncProcessor AsyncProcessorTypeConverter.convert(Processor value)

Uses of Processor in

Classes in that implement Processor
 class InstrumentationProcessor
          JMX enabled processor that uses the ManagedCounter for instrumenting processing of exchanges.

Methods in that return Processor
 Processor InstrumentationInterceptStrategy.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition definition, Processor target, Processor nextTarget)

Methods in with parameters of type Processor
 EventObject DefaultEventFactory.createExchangeFailureHandledEvent(Exchange exchange, Processor failureHandler, boolean deadLetterChannel)
 ObjectName DefaultManagementNamingStrategy.getObjectNameForErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor errorHandler, ErrorHandlerBuilder builder)
 ObjectName DefaultManagementNamingStrategy.getObjectNameForProcessor(CamelContext context, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition)
 void DefaultManagementLifecycleStrategy.onErrorHandlerAdd(RouteContext routeContext, Processor errorHandler, ErrorHandlerBuilder errorHandlerBuilder)
 Processor InstrumentationInterceptStrategy.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition definition, Processor target, Processor nextTarget)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Processor
InstrumentationInterceptStrategy(Map<ProcessorDefinition,PerformanceCounter> registeredCounters, Map<Processor,KeyValueHolder<ProcessorDefinition,InstrumentationProcessor>> wrappedProcessors)

Uses of Processor in

Methods in that return Processor
 Processor ExchangeFailureHandledEvent.getFailureHandler()

Constructors in with parameters of type Processor
ExchangeFailureHandledEvent(Exchange source, Processor failureHandler, boolean deadLetterChannel)

Uses of Processor in

Methods in that return Processor
 Processor ManagedErrorHandler.getErrorHandler()
 Processor ManagedProcessor.getProcessor()

Constructors in with parameters of type Processor
ManagedErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor errorHandler, ErrorHandlerBuilder builder)
ManagedProcessor(CamelContext context, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.model

Classes in org.apache.camel.model that implement Processor
 class LoadBalancerDefinition
          Represents an XML <loadBalancer/> element

Fields in org.apache.camel.model declared as Processor
protected  Processor InterceptDefinition.output

Fields in org.apache.camel.model with type parameters of type Processor
protected  List<Processor> InterceptDefinition.intercepted

Methods in org.apache.camel.model that return Processor
 Processor ProcessorDefinition.createChildProcessor(RouteContext routeContext, boolean mandatory)
          Creates the child processor (outputs) from the current definition
protected  Processor ProcessorDefinition.createCompositeProcessor(RouteContext routeContext, List<Processor> list)
          Creates a new instance of some kind of composite processor which defaults to using a Pipeline but derived classes could change the behaviour
protected  Processor MulticastDefinition.createCompositeProcessor(RouteContext routeContext, List<Processor> list)
 Processor ProcessorDefinition.createOutputsProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
          Prefer to use {#link #createChildProcessor}.
protected  Processor ProcessorDefinition.createOutputsProcessor(RouteContext routeContext, Collection<ProcessorDefinition> outputs)
protected  Processor LoadBalanceDefinition.createOutputsProcessor(RouteContext routeContext, Collection<ProcessorDefinition> outputs)
 Processor WireTapDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor UnmarshalDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor TryDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor TransformDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor TransactedDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor ThrowExceptionDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor ThrottleDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor ThreadsDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor StopDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor SplitDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor SortDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor SetPropertyDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor SetOutHeaderDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor SetHeaderDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor SetExchangePatternDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor SetBodyDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor SendDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor SamplingDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor RoutingSlipDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor RollbackDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor ResequenceDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor RemovePropertyDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor RemoveHeadersDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor RemoveHeaderDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor RecipientListDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor ProcessorDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
          Override this in definition class and implement logic to create the processor based on the definition model.
 Processor ProcessDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor PollEnrichDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor PolicyDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor PipelineDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor OtherwiseDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor OnCompletionDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor MulticastDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor MarshalDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor LoopDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor LogDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor LoadBalanceDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor InterceptSendToEndpointDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor InterceptFromDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor InterceptDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor IdempotentConsumerDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor FinallyDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor EnrichDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor DynamicRouterDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor DelayDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor ConvertBodyDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor ChoiceDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor BeanDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor AOPDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor AggregateDefinition.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
 Processor OnExceptionDefinition.getErrorHandler()
 Processor InterceptDefinition.getInterceptedProcessor(int index)
 Processor WireTapDefinition.getNewExchangeProcessor()
 Processor OnExceptionDefinition.getOnRedelivery()
protected  Processor ProcessorDefinition.makeProcessor(RouteContext routeContext)
          Creates the processor and wraps it in any necessary interceptors and error handlers
protected  Processor ProcessorDefinition.wrapChannel(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition child)
protected  Processor ProcessorDefinition.wrapInErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, ErrorHandlerBuilder builder, Processor output)
          Wraps the given output in an error handler
 Processor ProcessorDefinition.wrapProcessor(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
          Wraps the child processor in whatever necessary interceptors and error handlers

Methods in org.apache.camel.model that return types with arguments of type Processor
 List<Processor> LoadBalancerDefinition.getProcessors()

Methods in org.apache.camel.model with parameters of type Processor
 void LoadBalancerDefinition.addProcessor(Processor processor)
 OnExceptionDefinition OnExceptionDefinition.onRedelivery(Processor processor)
          Sets a processor that should be processed before a redelivery attempt.
 Type ProcessorDefinition.process(Processor processor)
          Message Translator EIP: Adds the custom processor to this destination which could be a final destination, or could be a transformation in a pipeline
 void LoadBalancerDefinition.removeProcessor(Processor processor)
 void WireTapDefinition.setNewExchangeProcessor(Processor processor)
 void OnExceptionDefinition.setOnRedelivery(Processor onRedelivery)
 Type ProcessorDefinition.wireTap(String uri, boolean copy, Processor processor)
          WireTap EIP: Sends a new Exchange to the destination using ExchangePattern.InOnly.
 Type ProcessorDefinition.wireTap(String uri, Processor processor)
          WireTap EIP: Sends a new Exchange to the destination using ExchangePattern.InOnly.
protected  Processor ProcessorDefinition.wrapChannel(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition child)
protected  Processor ProcessorDefinition.wrapInErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, ErrorHandlerBuilder builder, Processor output)
          Wraps the given output in an error handler
 Processor ProcessorDefinition.wrapProcessor(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
          Wraps the child processor in whatever necessary interceptors and error handlers

Method parameters in org.apache.camel.model with type arguments of type Processor
protected  Processor ProcessorDefinition.createCompositeProcessor(RouteContext routeContext, List<Processor> list)
          Creates a new instance of some kind of composite processor which defaults to using a Pipeline but derived classes could change the behaviour
protected  Processor MulticastDefinition.createCompositeProcessor(RouteContext routeContext, List<Processor> list)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.model with parameters of type Processor
ProcessDefinition(Processor processor)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.model.loadbalancer

Classes in org.apache.camel.model.loadbalancer that implement Processor
 class FailoverLoadBalancerDefinition
          Represents an XML <failover/> element
 class RandomLoadBalancerDefinition
          Represents an XML <random/> element
 class RoundRobinLoadBalancerDefinition
          Represents an XML <roundRobin/> element
 class StickyLoadBalancerDefinition
          Represents an XML <sticky/> element
 class TopicLoadBalancerDefinition
          Represents an XML <topic/> element
 class WeightedLoadBalancerDefinition
          Represents an XML <weighted/> element

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.processor

Subinterfaces of Processor in org.apache.camel.processor
 interface ErrorHandler
          An interface used to represent an error handler

Classes in org.apache.camel.processor that implement Processor
 class AOPProcessor
 class BatchProcessor
          Deprecated. may be removed in the future
 class CatchProcessor
          A processor which catches exceptions.
 class ChoiceProcessor
          Implements a Choice structure where one or more predicates are used which if they are true their processors are used, with a default otherwise clause used if none match.
 class ConvertBodyProcessor
          A processor which converts the payload of the input message to be of the given type

If the convertions fails an InvalidPayloadException is thrown.

 class DeadLetterChannel
          Implements a Dead Letter Channel after attempting to redeliver the message using the RedeliveryPolicy
 class DefaultChannel
          DefaultChannel is the default Channel.
 class DefaultErrorHandler
          Default error handler
 class Delayer
          A Delayer which delays processing the exchange until the correct amount of time has elapsed using an expression to determine the delivery time.
 class DelayProcessorSupport
          A useful base class for any processor which provides some kind of throttling or delayed processing.
 class DelegateAsyncProcessor
          A Delegate pattern which delegates processing to a nested AsyncProcessor which can be useful for implementation inheritance when writing an Policy

Important: This implementation does support the asynchronous routing engine.

 class DelegateProcessor
          A Delegate pattern which delegates processing to a nested Processor which can be useful for implementation inheritance when writing an Policy

Important: This implementation does not support the asynchronous routing engine.

 class DynamicRouter
          Implements a Dynamic Router pattern where the destination(s) is computed at runtime.
 class Enricher
          A content enricher that enriches input data by first obtaining additional data from a resource represented by an endpoint producer and second by aggregating input data and additional data.
 class ErrorHandlerSupport
          Support class for ErrorHandler implementations.
 class ExchangePatternProcessor
 class FilterProcessor
          The processor which implements the Message Filter EIP pattern.
 class InterceptEndpointProcessor
          Endpoint intercept processor so we know the processor is supposed to intercept an endpoint.
 class InterceptorToAsyncProcessorBridge
          A bridge to have regular interceptors implemented as Processor work with the asynchronous routing engine without causing side effects.
 class Logger
          A Processor which just logs to a Log object which can be used as an exception handler instead of using a dead letter queue.
 class LoggingErrorHandler
          An ErrorHandler which uses commons-logging to dump the error
 class LogProcessor
          A processor which evaluates an Expression and logs it.
 class LoopProcessor
          The processor which sends messages in a loop.
 class MarshalProcessor
          Marshals the body of the incoming message using the given data format
 class MulticastProcessor
          Implements the Multicast pattern to send a message exchange to a number of endpoints, each endpoint receiving a copy of the message exchange.
 class OnCompletionProcessor
 class Pipeline
          Creates a Pipeline pattern where the output of the previous step is sent as input to the next step, reusing the same message exchanges
 class PollEnricher
          A content enricher that enriches input data by first obtaining additional data from a resource represented by an endpoint producer and second by aggregating input data and additional data.
 class RecipientList
          Implements a dynamic Recipient List pattern where the list of actual endpoints to send a message exchange to are dependent on some dynamic expression.
 class RecipientListProcessor
          Implements a dynamic Recipient List pattern where the list of actual endpoints to send a message exchange to are dependent on some dynamic expression.
 class RedeliveryErrorHandler
          Base redeliverable error handler that also supports a final dead letter queue in case all redelivery attempts fail.
 class Resequencer
          An implementation of the Resequencer which can reorder messages within a batch.
 class RollbackProcessor
          Processor for marking an Exchange to rollback.
 class RoutePolicyProcessor
 class RoutingSlip
          Implements a Routing Slip pattern where the list of actual endpoints to send a message exchange to are dependent on the value of a message header.
 class SamplingThrottler
          A SamplingThrottler is a special kind of throttler.
 class SendProcessor
          Processor for forwarding exchanges to an endpoint destination.
 class SetBodyProcessor
          A processor which sets the body on the IN message with an expression
 class SortProcessor
          A processor that sorts the expression using a comparator
 class Splitter
          Implements a dynamic Splitter pattern where an expression is evaluated to iterate through each of the parts of a message and then each part is then send to some endpoint.
 class StopProcessor
          Stops continue processing the route and marks it as complete.
 class StreamResequencer
          A resequencer that re-orders a (continuous) stream of Exchanges.
 class ThreadsProcessor
          Threads processor that leverage a thread pool for continue processing the Exchanges using the asynchronous routing engine.
 class Throttler
          A Throttler will set a limit on the maximum number of message exchanges which can be sent to a processor within a specific time period.
 class ThroughputLogger
          A logger for logging message throughput.
 class ThrowExceptionProcessor
          The processor which implements the ThrowException DSL
 class TransformProcessor
          A processor which sets the body on the OUT message with an expression
 class TryProcessor
          Implements try/catch/finally type processing
 class UnitOfWorkProcessor
          Ensures the Exchange is routed under the boundaries of an UnitOfWork.
 class UnitOfWorkProducer
          Ensures a Producer is executed within an UnitOfWork.
 class UnmarshalProcessor
          Unmarshals the body of the incoming message using the given data format
 class WireTapProcessor
          Processor for wire tapping exchanges to an endpoint destination.
 class WrapProcessor
          A processor which ensures wrapping processors is having lifecycle handled.

Fields in org.apache.camel.processor declared as Processor
protected  Processor RedeliveryErrorHandler.deadLetter
protected  Processor RedeliveryErrorHandler.output
protected  Processor DelegateProcessor.processor
protected  Processor RedeliveryErrorHandler.redeliveryProcessor

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor that return Processor
 Processor RedeliveryErrorHandler.getDeadLetter()
          Returns the dead letter that message exchanges will be sent to if the redelivery attempts fail
 Processor DefaultChannel.getErrorHandler()
 Processor WireTapProcessor.getNewExchangeProcessor()
 Processor DefaultChannel.getNextProcessor()
 Processor ChoiceProcessor.getOtherwise()
 Processor RedeliveryErrorHandler.getOutput()
          Returns the output processor
abstract  Processor ErrorHandlerSupport.getOutput()
          Gets the output
 Processor DefaultChannel.getOutput()
 Processor StreamResequencer.getProcessor()
          Returns the next processor.
 Processor ProcessorExchangePair.getProcessor()
 Processor DelegateProcessor.getProcessor()
 Processor BatchProcessor.getProcessor()
static Processor Pipeline.newInstance(CamelContext camelContext, List<Processor> processors)

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor that return types with arguments of type Processor
 Collection<Processor> MulticastProcessor.getProcessors()
          Returns the producers to multicast to

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor with parameters of type Processor
protected  ProcessorExchangePair MulticastProcessor.createProcessorExchangePair(int index, Processor processor, Exchange exchange)
          Creates the ProcessorExchangePair which holds the processor and exchange to be send out.
protected  boolean RedeliveryErrorHandler.deliverToFailureProcessor(Processor processor, Exchange exchange, RedeliveryErrorHandler.RedeliveryData data, AsyncCallback callback)
          All redelivery attempts failed so move the exchange to the dead letter queue
protected static void OnCompletionProcessor.doProcess(Processor processor, Exchange exchange)
          Processes the exchange by the processors
 void DefaultChannel.setErrorHandler(Processor errorHandler)
 void WireTapProcessor.setNewExchangeProcessor(Processor newExchangeProcessor)
 void DefaultChannel.setNextProcessor(Processor next)
 void DefaultChannel.setOutput(Processor output)
 void DelegateProcessor.setProcessor(Processor processor)
 void DelegateAsyncProcessor.setProcessor(Processor processor)
 void InterceptorToAsyncProcessorBridge.setTarget(Processor target)
protected static void MulticastProcessor.setToEndpoint(Exchange exchange, Processor processor)

Method parameters in org.apache.camel.processor with type arguments of type Processor
protected  boolean Pipeline.continueRouting(Iterator<Processor> it, Exchange exchange)
static Processor Pipeline.newInstance(CamelContext camelContext, List<Processor> processors)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.processor with parameters of type Processor
AOPProcessor(Processor tryProcessor, List<CatchProcessor> catchClauses, Processor finallyProcessor)
BatchProcessor(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, Collection<Exchange> collection)
CatchProcessor(List<Class> exceptions, Processor processor, Predicate onWhen, Predicate handled)
ChoiceProcessor(List<FilterProcessor> filters, Processor otherwise)
DeadLetterChannel(CamelContext camelContext, Processor output, Logger logger, Processor redeliveryProcessor, RedeliveryPolicy redeliveryPolicy, Predicate handledPolicy, ExceptionPolicyStrategy exceptionPolicyStrategy, Processor deadLetter, String deadLetterUri, boolean useOriginalBodyPolicy, Predicate retryWhile)
          Creates the dead letter channel.
DefaultErrorHandler(CamelContext camelContext, Processor output, Logger logger, Processor redeliveryProcessor, RedeliveryPolicy redeliveryPolicy, Predicate handledPolicy, ExceptionPolicyStrategy exceptionPolicyStrategy, Predicate retryWhile)
          Creates the default error handler.
Delayer(Processor processor, Expression delay, ScheduledExecutorService executorService)
DelayProcessorSupport(Processor processor)
DelayProcessorSupport(Processor processor, ScheduledExecutorService executorService)
DelegateAsyncProcessor(Processor processor)
DelegateProcessor(Processor processor)
FilterProcessor(Predicate predicate, Processor processor)
InterceptEndpointProcessor(String uri, Processor processor)
InterceptorToAsyncProcessorBridge(Processor interceptor)
          Constructs the bridge
InterceptorToAsyncProcessorBridge(Processor interceptor, AsyncProcessor target)
          Constructs the bridge
LoggingErrorHandler(CamelContext camelContext, Processor output, Logger logger, ExceptionPolicyStrategy exceptionPolicyStrategy)
          Creates the logging error handler.
LoopProcessor(Expression expression, Processor processor)
OnCompletionProcessor(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, ExecutorService executorService, boolean onCompleteOnly, boolean onFailureOnly, Predicate onWhen, boolean useOriginalBody)
RedeliveryErrorHandler(CamelContext camelContext, Processor output, Logger logger, Processor redeliveryProcessor, RedeliveryPolicy redeliveryPolicy, Predicate handledPolicy, Processor deadLetter, String deadLetterUri, boolean useOriginalMessagePolicy, Predicate retryWhile)
Resequencer(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, Expression expression)
Resequencer(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, List<Expression> expressions, boolean allowDuplicates, boolean reverse)
Resequencer(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, Set<Exchange> collection)
RoutePolicyProcessor(Processor processor, RoutePolicy routePolicy)
SamplingThrottler(Processor processor, long samplePeriod, TimeUnit units)
Splitter(CamelContext camelContext, Expression expression, Processor destination, AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
Splitter(CamelContext camelContext, Expression expression, Processor destination, AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy, boolean parallelProcessing, ExecutorService executorService, boolean streaming, boolean stopOnException, long timeout)
StreamResequencer(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, SequenceElementComparator<Exchange> comparator)
          Creates a new StreamResequencer instance.
Throttler(Processor processor, long maximumRequestsPerPeriod)
Throttler(Processor processor, long maximumRequestsPerPeriod, long timePeriodMillis, ScheduledExecutorService executorService)
TryProcessor(Processor tryProcessor, List<CatchProcessor> catchClauses, Processor finallyProcessor)
UnitOfWorkProcessor(Processor processor)
UnitOfWorkProcessor(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
WrapProcessor(Processor processor, Processor wrapped)

Constructor parameters in org.apache.camel.processor with type arguments of type Processor
MulticastProcessor(CamelContext camelContext, Collection<Processor> processors)
MulticastProcessor(CamelContext camelContext, Collection<Processor> processors, AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
MulticastProcessor(CamelContext camelContext, Collection<Processor> processors, AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy, boolean parallelProcessing, ExecutorService executorService, boolean streaming, boolean stopOnException, long timeout)
Pipeline(CamelContext camelContext, Collection<Processor> processors)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate

Classes in org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate that implement Processor
 class AggregateProcessor
          An implementation of the Aggregator pattern where a batch of messages are processed (up to a maximum amount or until some timeout is reached) and messages for the same correlation key are combined together using some kind of AggregationStrategy (by default the latest message is used) to compress many message exchanges into a smaller number of exchanges.

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate that return types with arguments of type Processor

Constructors in org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate with parameters of type Processor
AggregateProcessor(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, Expression correlationExpression, AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy, ExecutorService executorService)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent

Classes in org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent that implement Processor
 class IdempotentConsumer
          An implementation of the Idempotent Consumer pattern.

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent that return Processor
 Processor IdempotentConsumer.getProcessor()

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent that return types with arguments of type Processor

Constructors in org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent with parameters of type Processor
IdempotentConsumer(Expression messageIdExpression, IdempotentRepository<String> idempotentRepository, boolean eager, Processor processor)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor

Classes in org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor that implement Processor
 class DelayInterceptor
          An interceptor for delaying routes.
 class HandleFaultInterceptor
 class StreamCachingInterceptor
          An interceptor that converts streams messages into a re-readable format by wrapping the stream into a StreamCache.
 class TraceInterceptor
          An interceptor for debugging and tracing routes

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor that return Processor
 Processor TraceInterceptorFactory.createTraceInterceptor(ProcessorDefinition node, Processor target, TraceFormatter formatter, Tracer tracer)
          Create a trace interceptor.
 Processor DefaultTraceInterceptorFactory.createTraceInterceptor(ProcessorDefinition node, Processor target, TraceFormatter formatter, Tracer tracer)
 Processor Tracer.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition, Processor target, Processor nextTarget)
 Processor StreamCaching.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition, Processor target, Processor nextTarget)
 Processor HandleFault.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition, Processor target, Processor nextTarget)
 Processor Delayer.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition, Processor target, Processor nextTarget)
 Processor Debug.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition, Processor target, Processor nextTarget)

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor with parameters of type Processor
 Processor TraceInterceptorFactory.createTraceInterceptor(ProcessorDefinition node, Processor target, TraceFormatter formatter, Tracer tracer)
          Create a trace interceptor.
 Processor DefaultTraceInterceptorFactory.createTraceInterceptor(ProcessorDefinition node, Processor target, TraceFormatter formatter, Tracer tracer)
 void TraceEventHandler.traceExchange(ProcessorDefinition node, Processor target, TraceInterceptor traceInterceptor, Exchange exchange)
          Event called when an Exchange is about to be processed

This event is only called if trace out has been disabled (which it is by default).

 Object TraceEventHandler.traceExchangeIn(ProcessorDefinition node, Processor target, TraceInterceptor traceInterceptor, Exchange exchange)
          Event called when an Exchange is about to be processed (in)

This event is only called if trace out has been enabled.

 void TraceEventHandler.traceExchangeOut(ProcessorDefinition node, Processor target, TraceInterceptor traceInterceptor, Exchange exchange, Object traceState)
          Event called when an Exchange has been processed (out)

This event is only called if trace out has been enabled.

 Processor Tracer.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition, Processor target, Processor nextTarget)
 Processor StreamCaching.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition, Processor target, Processor nextTarget)
 Processor HandleFault.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition, Processor target, Processor nextTarget)
 Processor Delayer.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition, Processor target, Processor nextTarget)
 Processor Debug.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition, Processor target, Processor nextTarget)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor with parameters of type Processor
DelayInterceptor(ProcessorDefinition<?> node, Processor target, Delayer delayer)
HandleFaultInterceptor(Processor processor)
StreamCachingInterceptor(Processor processor)
TraceInterceptor(ProcessorDefinition node, Processor target, TraceFormatter formatter, Tracer tracer)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer

Subinterfaces of Processor in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer
 interface LoadBalancer
          A strategy for load balancing across a number of Processor instances

Classes in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer that implement Processor
 class FailOverLoadBalancer
          This FailOverLoadBalancer will failover to use next processor when an exception occurred

This implementation mirrors the logic from the Pipeline in the async variation as the failover load balancer is a specialized pipeline.

 class LoadBalancerSupport
          A default base class for a LoadBalancer implementation.
 class QueueLoadBalancer
          A base class for LoadBalancer implementations which choose a single destination for each exchange (rather like JMS Queues)
 class RandomLoadBalancer
          Implements the random load balancing policy
 class RoundRobinLoadBalancer
          Implements the round robin load balancing policy
 class SimpleLoadBalancerSupport
          A default base class for a LoadBalancer implementation.
 class StickyLoadBalancer
          Implements a sticky load balancer using an Expression to calculate a correlation key to perform the sticky load balancing; rather like jsessionid in the web or JMSXGroupID in JMS.
 class TopicLoadBalancer
          A LoadBalancer implementations which sends to all destinations (rather like JMS Topics).
 class WeightedLoadBalancer
 class WeightedRandomLoadBalancer
 class WeightedRoundRobinLoadBalancer

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer that return Processor
protected  Processor WeightedRoundRobinLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected  Processor WeightedRandomLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected  Processor StickyLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected  Processor RoundRobinLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected  Processor RandomLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected abstract  Processor QueueLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer that return types with arguments of type Processor
 List<Processor> LoadBalancerSupport.getProcessors()
 List<Processor> LoadBalancer.getProcessors()
          Returns the current processors available to this load balancer

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer with parameters of type Processor
 void LoadBalancerSupport.addProcessor(Processor processor)
 void LoadBalancer.addProcessor(Processor processor)
          Adds a new processor to the load balancer
protected  Exchange TopicLoadBalancer.copyExchangeStrategy(Processor processor, Exchange exchange)
          Strategy method to copy the exchange before sending to another endpoint.
 void StickyLoadBalancer.removeProcessor(Processor processor)
 void LoadBalancerSupport.removeProcessor(Processor processor)
 void LoadBalancer.removeProcessor(Processor processor)
          Removes the given processor from the load balancer

Method parameters in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer with type arguments of type Processor
protected  Processor WeightedRoundRobinLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected  Processor WeightedRandomLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected  Processor StickyLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected  Processor RoundRobinLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected  Processor RandomLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected abstract  Processor QueueLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected  void WeightedLoadBalancer.normalizeDistributionListAgainstProcessors(List<Processor> processors)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer with parameters of type Processor
LoadBalancerConsumer(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor, LoadBalancer loadBalancer)

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.processor.validation

Classes in org.apache.camel.processor.validation that implement Processor
 class PredicateValidatingProcessor
          A processor which validates the content of the inbound message body against a predicate.
 class ValidatingProcessor
          A processor which validates the XML version of the inbound message body against some schema either in XSD or RelaxNG

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.spi

Methods in org.apache.camel.spi that return Processor
 Processor ProcessorFactory.createChildProcessor(RouteContext routeContext, ProcessorDefinition definition, boolean mandatory)
          Creates the child processor.
 Processor RouteContext.createProcessor(ProcessorDefinition<?> node)
          Creates a processor
 Processor ProcessorFactory.createProcessor(RouteContext routeContext, ProcessorDefinition definition)
          Creates the processor.
 Processor Policy.wrap(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
          Wraps any applicable interceptors around the given processor.
 Processor InterceptStrategy.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition, Processor target, Processor nextTarget)
          This method is invoked by ProcessorDefinition.wrapProcessor(RouteContext, Processor) to give the implementor an opportunity to wrap the target processor in a route.

Methods in org.apache.camel.spi with parameters of type Processor
 void RouteContext.addEventDrivenProcessor(Processor processor)
          Adds an event driven processor
 boolean Debugger.afterProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition, long timeTaken)
          Callback invoked when an Exchange has been processed which allows implementators to notify breakpoints.
 void Breakpoint.afterProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition, long timeTaken)
          Callback invoked when the breakpoint was hit and the Exchange has been processed (after).
 boolean Debugger.beforeProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition)
          Callback invoked when an Exchange is about to be processed which allows implementators to notify breakpoints.
 void Breakpoint.beforeProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition)
          Callback invoked when the breakpoint was hit and the Exchange is about to be processed (before).
 EventObject EventFactory.createExchangeFailureHandledEvent(Exchange exchange, Processor failureHandler, boolean deadLetterChannel)
          Creates an EventObject when an Exchange has failed but was handled by the Camel error handlers such as an dead letter channel.
 ObjectName ManagementNamingStrategy.getObjectNameForErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Processor errorHandler, ErrorHandlerBuilder builder)
 ObjectName ManagementNamingStrategy.getObjectNameForProcessor(CamelContext context, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition)
 boolean Condition.matchProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition)
          Does the condition match
 void LifecycleStrategy.onErrorHandlerAdd(RouteContext routeContext, Processor errorHandler, ErrorHandlerBuilder errorHandlerBuilder)
          Notification on adding error handler.
 Processor Policy.wrap(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor)
          Wraps any applicable interceptors around the given processor.
 Processor InterceptStrategy.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition<?> definition, Processor target, Processor nextTarget)
          This method is invoked by ProcessorDefinition.wrapProcessor(RouteContext, Processor) to give the implementor an opportunity to wrap the target processor in a route.

Uses of Processor in org.apache.camel.util

Methods in org.apache.camel.util with parameters of type Processor
static Future<Exchange> AsyncProcessorHelper.asyncProcess(ExecutorService executor, Processor processor, Exchange exchange)
          Deprecated. will be removed in Camel 2.5
static void EventHelper.notifyExchangeFailureHandled(CamelContext context, Exchange exchange, Processor failureHandler, boolean deadLetterChannel)
static void EndpointHelper.pollEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
          Creates a PollingConsumer and polls all pending messages on the endpoint and invokes the given Processor to process each Exchange and then closes down the consumer and throws any exceptions thrown.
static void EndpointHelper.pollEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor, long timeout)
          Creates a PollingConsumer and polls all pending messages on the endpoint and invokes the given Processor to process each Exchange and then closes down the consumer and throws any exceptions thrown.

Apache CAMEL