Uses of Interface

Packages that use Exchange
org.apache.camel The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules. 
org.apache.camel.builder The Camel Domain Specific Language for creating Routes, Predicates, Expressions and Error Handlers
org.apache.camel.builder.xml Support for XPath based Expressions and Predicates as well as an XSLT processor 
org.apache.camel.component.bean The Bean Component which will look up the bean name in the Spring ApplicationContext and use that to dispatch messages to a POJO 
org.apache.camel.component.browse The Browse Component which is a simple in memory component which maintains a list of all message exchanges which can be useful for debugging, tooling or visualistion. 
org.apache.camel.component.dataset A DataSet Endpoint for testing of endpoints using defined DataSets The Direct Component which synchronously invokes all the consumers when a producer sends an exchange to the endpoint. 
org.apache.camel.component.file The File Component for working with file systems. 
org.apache.camel.component.file.strategy Strategies for the File Component. 
org.apache.camel.component.language The Language Component to send messages to language endpoints executing the script. 
org.apache.camel.component.log The Log Component uses Jakarta Commons Logging to log message exchanges. 
org.apache.camel.component.mock The Mock Component which is used for testing of routing and mediation rules. 
org.apache.camel.component.seda The SEDA Component for asynchronous SEDA exchanges on a BlockingQueue within a single CamelContext 
org.apache.camel.component.vm The VM Component for asynchronous SEDA exchanges on a BlockingQueue within the current JVM; so across CamelContext instances. 
org.apache.camel.converter A set of helper classes for converting from different types of Java object to be used by the Type Conversion Support 
org.apache.camel.converter.jaxp A number of JAXP related helper classes for converting to and from various JAXP related classes like Document and Source to be used by a TypeConverter Package with converters for dealing with stream-based messages 
org.apache.camel.impl Default implementation classes for Camel Core 
org.apache.camel.impl.converter Default implementation classes the Type Conversion Strategies 
org.apache.camel.language.bean Camel Bean language. Camel management Camel management events 
org.apache.camel.model The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules. 
org.apache.camel.model.language The JAXB POJOs for the Expression and Predicate plugins for the XML Configuration
org.apache.camel.processor A collection of Processor implementations which are used to implement the Enterprise Integration Patterns 
org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate Helper classes for the Aggregator pattern. 
org.apache.camel.processor.exceptionpolicy Exception policy startegies for Dead Letter Channel pattern. 
org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent An implementation of the Idempotent Consumer pattern. 
org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor Helper classes for interceptors. 
org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer Various load balancer processors 
org.apache.camel.processor.resequencer Helper classes for the Resequencer pattern. 
org.apache.camel.processor.validation Performs XML validation using JAXP for validating against XSD or RelaxNG 
org.apache.camel.spi Service Provider Interfaces used internally by the Camel runtime which are plugin strategies. 
org.apache.camel.util Utility classes used by the core of Camel and useful for Camel component developers 

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel

Methods in org.apache.camel that return Exchange
 Exchange Exchange.copy()
          Creates a copy of the current message exchange so that it can be forwarded to another destination
 Exchange Producer.createExchange()
          Creates a new exchange to send to this endpoint
 Exchange Endpoint.createExchange()
          Create a new exchange for communicating with this endpoint
 Exchange Producer.createExchange(Exchange exchange)
          Creates a new exchange for communicating with this exchange using the given exchange to pre-populate the values of the headers and messages
 Exchange Endpoint.createExchange(Exchange exchange)
          Creates a new exchange for communicating with this exchange using the given exchange to pre-populate the values of the headers and messages
 Exchange Producer.createExchange(ExchangePattern pattern)
          Creates a new exchange of the given pattern to send to this endpoint
 Exchange Endpoint.createExchange(ExchangePattern pattern)
          Create a new exchange for communicating with this endpoint with the specified ExchangePattern such as whether its going to be an ExchangePattern.InOnly or ExchangePattern.InOut exchange
 Exchange RuntimeExchangeException.getExchange()
          Returns the exchange which caused the exception

Can be null

 Exchange Message.getExchange()
          Returns the exchange this message is related to
 Exchange ExpressionEvaluationException.getExchange()
 Exchange ExpectedBodyTypeException.getExchange()
 Exchange CamelExchangeException.getExchange()
          Returns the exchange which caused the exception
 Exchange PollingConsumer.receive()
          Waits until a message is available and then returns it.
 Exchange ConsumerTemplate.receive(Endpoint endpoint)
          Receives from the endpoint, waiting until there is a response.
 Exchange ConsumerTemplate.receive(Endpoint endpoint, long timeout)
          Receives from the endpoint, waiting until there is a response or the timeout occurs

Important: See ConsumerTemplate.doneUoW(Exchange)

 Exchange PollingConsumer.receive(long timeout)
          Attempts to receive a message exchange, waiting up to the given timeout to expire if a message is not yet available
 Exchange ConsumerTemplate.receive(String endpointUri)
          Receives from the endpoint, waiting until there is a response

Important: See ConsumerTemplate.doneUoW(Exchange)

 Exchange ConsumerTemplate.receive(String endpointUri, long timeout)
          Receives from the endpoint, waiting until there is a response or the timeout occurs

Important: See ConsumerTemplate.doneUoW(Exchange)

 Exchange PollingConsumer.receiveNoWait()
          Attempts to receive a message exchange immediately without waiting and returning null if a message exchange is not available yet.
 Exchange ConsumerTemplate.receiveNoWait(Endpoint endpoint)
          Receives from the endpoint, not waiting for a response if non exists.
 Exchange ConsumerTemplate.receiveNoWait(String endpointUri)
          Receives from the endpoint, not waiting for a response if non exists.
 Exchange ProducerTemplate.request(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied processor Uses an ExchangePattern.InOut message exchange pattern.
 Exchange ProducerTemplate.request(String endpointUri, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied processor Uses an ExchangePattern.InOut message exchange pattern.
 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange)
          Sends the exchange to the given endpoint

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using getException().

 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied processor

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using getException().

 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied processor

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using getException().

 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(Exchange exchange)
          Sends the exchange to the default endpoint

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using getException().
 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to the default endpoint using a supplied processor

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using getException().
 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(String endpointUri, Exchange exchange)
          Sends the exchange to the given endpoint

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using getException().

 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(String endpointUri, ExchangePattern pattern, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied processor

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using getException().

 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(String endpointUri, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied processor

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using getException().


Methods in org.apache.camel that return types with arguments of type Exchange
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange, Synchronization onCompletion)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint.
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor, Synchronization onCompletion)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint using a supplied processor.
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(String endpointUri, Exchange exchange, Synchronization onCompletion)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint.
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(String endpointUri, Processor processor, Synchronization onCompletion)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint using a supplied processor.
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncSend(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint.
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncSend(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint.
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncSend(String endpointUri, Exchange exchange)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint.
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncSend(String endpointUri, Processor processor)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint.

Methods in org.apache.camel with parameters of type Exchange
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange, Synchronization onCompletion)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint.
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(String endpointUri, Exchange exchange, Synchronization onCompletion)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint.
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncSend(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint.
 Future<Exchange> ProducerTemplate.asyncSend(String endpointUri, Exchange exchange)
          Sends an asynchronous exchange to the given endpoint.
<T> T
TypeConverter.convertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
          Converts the value to the specified type in the context of an exchange

Used when conversion requires extra information from the current exchange (such as encoding).

 Exchange Producer.createExchange(Exchange exchange)
          Creates a new exchange for communicating with this exchange using the given exchange to pre-populate the values of the headers and messages
 Exchange Endpoint.createExchange(Exchange exchange)
          Creates a new exchange for communicating with this exchange using the given exchange to pre-populate the values of the headers and messages
protected static String RuntimeExchangeException.createMessage(String message, Exchange exchange)
 boolean AsyncProducerCallback.doInAsyncProducer(Producer producer, AsyncProcessor asyncProducer, Exchange exchange, ExchangePattern exchangePattern, AsyncCallback callback)
          Performs operation on the given producer to send the given exchange.
 T ProducerCallback.doInProducer(Producer producer, Exchange exchange, ExchangePattern exchangePattern)
          Performs operation on the given producer to send the given exchange.
 void ConsumerTemplate.doneUoW(Exchange exchange)
          If you have used any of the receive methods which returns a Exchange type then you need to invoke this method when you are done using the returned Exchange.
<T> T
Expression.evaluate(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type)
          Returns the value of the expression on the given exchange
 String RouteNode.getLabel(Exchange exchange)
          Gets a label about this node to be used for tracing or tooling etc.
 void Exchange.handoverCompletions(Exchange target)
          Handover all the on completions from this exchange to the target exchange.
<T> T
TypeConverter.mandatoryConvertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
          Converts the value to the specified type in the context of an exchange

Used when conversion requires extra information from the current exchange (such as encoding).

 boolean Predicate.matches(Exchange exchange)
          Evaluates the predicate on the message exchange and returns true if this exchange matches the predicate
 String BinaryPredicate.matchesReturningFailureMessage(Exchange exchange)
          Evaluates the predicate on the message exchange and returns null if this exchange matches the predicate.
 void Processor.process(Exchange exchange)
          Processes the message exchange
 boolean AsyncProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
          Processes the message exchange.
protected static String NoSuchPropertyException.reason(Exchange exchange, String propertyName)
protected static String NoSuchHeaderException.reason(Exchange exchange, String propertyName)
 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange)
          Sends the exchange to the given endpoint

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using getException().

 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(Exchange exchange)
          Sends the exchange to the default endpoint

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using getException().
 Exchange ProducerTemplate.send(String endpointUri, Exchange exchange)
          Sends the exchange to the given endpoint

Notice: that if the processing of the exchange failed with an Exception it is not thrown from this method, but you can access it from the returned exchange using getException().


Constructors in org.apache.camel with parameters of type Exchange
CamelAuthorizationException(String message, Exchange exchange)
CamelAuthorizationException(String message, Exchange exchange, Throwable cause)
CamelExchangeException(String message, Exchange exchange)
CamelExchangeException(String message, Exchange exchange, Throwable cause)
CamelExecutionException(String message, Exchange exchange)
CamelExecutionException(String message, Exchange exchange, Throwable cause)
ExchangeTimedOutException(Exchange exchange, long timeout)
ExpectedBodyTypeException(Exchange exchange, Class<?> expectedBodyType)
ExpressionEvaluationException(Expression expression, Exchange exchange, Throwable cause)
InvalidPayloadException(Exchange exchange, Class<?> type)
InvalidPayloadException(Exchange exchange, Class<?> type, Message message)
InvalidPayloadException(Exchange exchange, Class<?> type, Message message, Throwable cause)
InvalidPayloadRuntimeException(Exchange exchange, Class<?> type)
InvalidPayloadRuntimeException(Exchange exchange, Class<?> type, Message message)
InvalidPayloadRuntimeException(Exchange exchange, Class<?> type, Message message, Throwable cause)
InvalidPayloadRuntimeException(Exchange exchange, Class<?> type, Throwable cause)
NoSuchHeaderException(Exchange exchange, String headerName, Class<?> type)
NoSuchPropertyException(Exchange exchange, String propertyName, Class<?> type)
RollbackExchangeException(Exchange exchange)
RollbackExchangeException(Exchange exchange, Throwable cause)
RollbackExchangeException(String message, Exchange exchange)
RollbackExchangeException(String message, Exchange exchange, Throwable cause)
RuntimeExchangeException(String message, Exchange exchange)
RuntimeExchangeException(String message, Exchange exchange, Throwable cause)
ValidationException(Exchange exchange, String message)
ValidationException(String message, Exchange exchange, Throwable cause)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.builder

Methods in org.apache.camel.builder with parameters of type Exchange
<T> T
ValueBuilder.evaluate(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type)
<T> T
SimpleBuilder.evaluate(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type)
 boolean SimpleBuilder.matches(Exchange exchange)
 boolean BinaryPredicateSupport.matches(Exchange exchange)
protected abstract  boolean BinaryPredicateSupport.matches(Exchange exchange, Object leftValue, Object rightValue)
 String BinaryPredicateSupport.matchesReturningFailureMessage(Exchange exchange)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.builder.xml

Methods in org.apache.camel.builder.xml with parameters of type Exchange
protected  void XsltBuilder.configureTransformer(Transformer transformer, Exchange exchange)
          Configures the transformer with exchange specific parameters
 ResultHandler StringResultHandlerFactory.createResult(Exchange exchange)
 ResultHandler StreamResultHandlerFactory.createResult(Exchange exchange)
 ResultHandler ResultHandlerFactory.createResult(Exchange exchange)
          Creates the ResultHandler to use
 ResultHandler FileResultHandlerFactory.createResult(Exchange exchange)
 ResultHandler DomResultHandlerFactory.createResult(Exchange exchange)
protected  Object XPathBuilder.doInEvaluateAs(XPathExpression xpathExpression, Exchange exchange, QName resultQName)
protected  Object XPathBuilder.evaluate(Exchange exchange)
<T> T
XPathBuilder.evaluate(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type)
protected  Object XPathBuilder.evaluateAs(Exchange exchange, QName resultQName)
          Evaluates the expression as the given result type
protected  Object XPathBuilder.getDocument(Exchange exchange)
          Strategy method to extract the document from the exchange.
protected  Source XsltBuilder.getSource(Exchange exchange)
          Converts the inbound body to a Source
 boolean XPathBuilder.matches(Exchange exchange)
 void XsltBuilder.process(Exchange exchange)

Constructor parameters in org.apache.camel.builder.xml with type arguments of type Exchange
MessageVariableResolver(ThreadLocal<Exchange> exchange)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.component.bean

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.bean with parameters of type Exchange
protected  MethodInfo BeanInfo.chooseMethod(Object pojo, Exchange exchange, String name)
          Lets try choose one of the available methods to invoke if we can match the message body to the body parameter
static Object BeanConverter.convertTo(Class<?> type, Exchange exchange, Object value, TypeConverterRegistry registry)
 MethodInvocation BeanInfo.createInvocation(Method method, Object pojo, Exchange exchange)
 MethodInvocation BeanInfo.createInvocation(Object pojo, Exchange exchange)
 MethodInvocation MethodInfo.createMethodInvocation(Object pojo, Exchange exchange)
protected  Object MethodInfo.invoke(Method mth, Object pojo, Object[] arguments, Exchange exchange)
 void BeanInvocation.invoke(Object pojo, Exchange exchange)
          This causes us to invoke the endpoint Pojo using reflection.
 void BeanProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 boolean BeanProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.component.bean with parameters of type Exchange
AmbiguousMethodCallException(Exchange exchange, Collection<MethodInfo> methods)
MethodNotFoundException(Exchange exchange, Object pojo, String methodName)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.component.browse

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.browse that return types with arguments of type Exchange
protected  List<Exchange> BrowseEndpoint.createExchangeList()
 List<Exchange> BrowseEndpoint.getExchanges()

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.browse with parameters of type Exchange
protected  void BrowseEndpoint.onExchange(Exchange exchange)
          Invoked on a message exchange being sent by a producer

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.component.dataset

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.dataset that return Exchange
 Exchange DataSetEndpoint.createExchange(long messageIndex)
          Creates a message exchange for the given index in the DataSet

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.dataset with parameters of type Exchange
protected  void DataSetSupport.applyHeaders(Exchange exchange, long messageIndex)
          Allows derived classes to add some custom headers for a given message
static void DataSetEndpoint.assertEquals(String description, Object expected, Object actual, Exchange exchange)
 void DataSetSupport.assertMessageExpected(DataSetEndpoint dataSetEndpoint, Exchange expected, Exchange actual, long index)
 void DataSet.assertMessageExpected(DataSetEndpoint endpoint, Exchange expected, Exchange actual, long messageIndex)
          Asserts that the expected message has been received for the given index
protected  void DataSetEndpoint.assertMessageExpected(long index, Exchange expected, Exchange actual)
protected  void DataSetEndpoint.performAssertions(Exchange actual)
 void DataSetSupport.populateMessage(Exchange exchange, long messageIndex)
 void DataSet.populateMessage(Exchange exchange, long messageIndex)
          Populates a message exchange when using the DataSet as a source of messages

Uses of Exchange in

Methods in with parameters of type Exchange
 void DirectProducer.process(Exchange exchange)
 boolean DirectProducer.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.component.file

Fields in org.apache.camel.component.file with type parameters of type Exchange
protected  Comparator<Exchange> GenericFileEndpoint.sortBy

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.file that return Exchange
 Exchange FileEndpoint.createExchange(GenericFile<File> file)
abstract  Exchange GenericFileEndpoint.createExchange(GenericFile<T> file)

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.file that return types with arguments of type Exchange
 Comparator<Exchange> GenericFileEndpoint.getSortBy()
static Comparator<Exchange> GenericFileDefaultSorter.sortByFileLanguage(CamelContext context, String expression, boolean reverse)
          Returns a new sory by file language expression
static Comparator<Exchange> GenericFileDefaultSorter.sortByFileLanguage(CamelContext context, String expression, boolean reverse, boolean ignoreCase)
          Returns a new sory by file language expression
static Comparator<Exchange> GenericFileDefaultSorter.sortByFileLanguage(CamelContext context, String expression, boolean reverse, boolean ignoreCase, Comparator<Exchange> nested)
          Returns a new sort by file language expression

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.file with parameters of type Exchange
 boolean GenericFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy.acquireExclusiveReadLock(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFile<T> file, Exchange exchange)
          Acquires exclusive read lock to the file.
 boolean GenericFileProcessStrategy.begin(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)
          Called when work is about to begin on this file.
 void GenericFile.bindToExchange(Exchange exchange)
          Bind this GenericFile to an Exchange
 void GenericFileProcessStrategy.commit(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)
          Releases any file locks and possibly deletes or moves the file after successful processing
 void GenericFileEndpoint.configureExchange(Exchange exchange)
          Set up the exchange properties with the options of the file endpoint
static Object GenericFileConverter.convertTo(Class<?> type, Exchange exchange, Object value, TypeConverterRegistry registry)
 String GenericFileProducer.createFileName(Exchange exchange)
 String GenericFileProducer.createTempFileName(Exchange exchange, String fileName)
static InputStream GenericFileConverter.genericFileToInputStream(GenericFile<?> file, Exchange exchange)
static Serializable GenericFileConverter.genericFileToSerializable(GenericFile<?> file, Exchange exchange)
static String GenericFileConverter.genericFileToString(GenericFile<?> file, Exchange exchange)
 void GenericFileProducer.handleFailedWrite(Exchange exchange, Exception exception)
          If we fail writing out a file, we will call this method.
 void GenericFileDefaultBinding.loadContent(Exchange exchange, GenericFile<?> file)
 void GenericFileBinding.loadContent(Exchange exchange, GenericFile<?> file)
          Ensures the content is loaded from the file into memory
 void FileBinding.loadContent(Exchange exchange, GenericFile<?> file)
 void GenericFileOnCompletion.onComplete(Exchange exchange)
protected  void GenericFileOnCompletion.onCompletion(Exchange exchange)
 void GenericFileOnCompletion.onFailure(Exchange exchange)
 void GenericFileProducer.process(Exchange exchange)
protected  void GenericFileConsumer.processExchange(Exchange exchange)
          Processes the exchange
protected  void GenericFileProducer.processExchange(Exchange exchange, String target)
          Perform the work to process the fileExchange
protected  void GenericFileOnCompletion.processStrategyCommit(GenericFileProcessStrategy<T> processStrategy, Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)
          Strategy when the file was processed and a commit should be executed.
protected  void GenericFileOnCompletion.processStrategyRollback(GenericFileProcessStrategy<T> processStrategy, Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)
          Strategy when the file was not processed and a rollback should be executed.
 void GenericFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy.releaseExclusiveReadLock(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFile<T> file, Exchange exchange)
          Releases the exclusive read lock granted by the acquireExclusiveReadLock method.
 boolean GenericFileOperations.retrieveFile(String name, Exchange exchange)
          Retrieves the file
 boolean FileOperations.retrieveFile(String name, Exchange exchange)
 void GenericFileProcessStrategy.rollback(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)
          Releases any file locks and possibly deletes or moves the file after unsuccessful processing
 boolean GenericFileOperations.storeFile(String name, Exchange exchange)
          Stores the content as a new remote file (upload)
 boolean FileOperations.storeFile(String fileName, Exchange exchange)
 void GenericFileProducer.writeFile(Exchange exchange, String fileName)

Method parameters in org.apache.camel.component.file with type arguments of type Exchange
 void GenericFileEndpoint.setSortBy(Comparator<Exchange> sortBy)
static Comparator<Exchange> GenericFileDefaultSorter.sortByFileLanguage(CamelContext context, String expression, boolean reverse, boolean ignoreCase, Comparator<Exchange> nested)
          Returns a new sort by file language expression

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.component.file.strategy

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.file.strategy with parameters of type Exchange
 boolean MarkerFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy.acquireExclusiveReadLock(GenericFileOperations<File> operations, GenericFile<File> file, Exchange exchange)
 boolean FileLockExclusiveReadLockStrategy.acquireExclusiveReadLock(GenericFileOperations<File> operations, GenericFile<File> file, Exchange exchange)
 boolean FileChangedExclusiveReadLockStrategy.acquireExclusiveReadLock(GenericFileOperations<File> operations, GenericFile<File> file, Exchange exchange)
 boolean GenericFileRenameExclusiveReadLockStrategy.acquireExclusiveReadLock(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFile<T> file, Exchange exchange)
 boolean GenericFileRenameProcessStrategy.begin(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)
 boolean GenericFileProcessStrategySupport.begin(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)
 boolean GenericFileDeleteProcessStrategy.begin(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)
 void GenericFileRenameProcessStrategy.commit(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)
 void GenericFileProcessStrategySupport.commit(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)
 void GenericFileDeleteProcessStrategy.commit(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)
 void MarkerFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy.releaseExclusiveReadLock(GenericFileOperations<File> operations, GenericFile<File> file, Exchange exchange)
 void FileLockExclusiveReadLockStrategy.releaseExclusiveReadLock(GenericFileOperations<File> operations, GenericFile<File> file, Exchange exchange)
 void GenericFileRenameExclusiveReadLockStrategy.releaseExclusiveReadLock(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFile<T> file, Exchange exchange)
 GenericFile<T> GenericFileRenamer.renameFile(Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)
          Renames the given file
 GenericFile<T> GenericFileExpressionRenamer.renameFile(Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)
 void GenericFileRenameProcessStrategy.rollback(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)
 void GenericFileProcessStrategySupport.rollback(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)
 void GenericFileDeleteProcessStrategy.rollback(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.component.language

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.language with parameters of type Exchange
 void LanguageProducer.process(Exchange exchange)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.component.log

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.log with parameters of type Exchange
 String LogFormatter.format(Exchange exchange)
 boolean LogProducer.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.component.mock

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.mock that return Exchange
 Exchange MockEndpoint.assertExchangeReceived(int index)
          Asserts that the given index of message is received (starting at zero)

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.mock that return types with arguments of type Exchange
 List<Exchange> MockEndpoint.getExchanges()
 List<Exchange> MockEndpoint.getReceivedExchanges()

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.mock with parameters of type Exchange
protected  void AssertionClause.applyAssertionOn(MockEndpoint endpoint, int index, Exchange exchange)
          Performs any assertions on the given exchange
 void MockEndpoint.handle(Exchange exchange)
          Handles the incoming exchange.
protected  boolean TimeClause.matches(Exchange exchange, Object leftValue, Object rightValue)
protected  void MockEndpoint.onExchange(Exchange exchange)
protected  void MockEndpoint.performAssertions(Exchange exchange)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.component.seda

Fields in org.apache.camel.component.seda with type parameters of type Exchange
protected  Collection<Exchange> CollectionProducer.queue

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.seda that return types with arguments of type Exchange
 BlockingQueue<Exchange> SedaComponent.createQueue(String uri, Map<String,Object> parameters)
 List<Exchange> SedaEndpoint.getExchanges()
          Returns the current pending exchanges
 BlockingQueue<Exchange> SedaEndpoint.getQueue()

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.seda with parameters of type Exchange
 boolean SedaProducer.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean CollectionProducer.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
protected  void SedaConsumer.sendToConsumers(Exchange exchange)
          Send the given Exchange to the consumer(s).

Method parameters in org.apache.camel.component.seda with type arguments of type Exchange
 void SedaEndpoint.setQueue(BlockingQueue<Exchange> queue)

Constructor parameters in org.apache.camel.component.seda with type arguments of type Exchange
CollectionProducer(Endpoint endpoint, Collection<Exchange> queue)
SedaEndpoint(String endpointUri, BlockingQueue<Exchange> queue)
SedaEndpoint(String endpointUri, BlockingQueue<Exchange> queue, int concurrentConsumers)
SedaEndpoint(String endpointUri, Component component, BlockingQueue<Exchange> queue)
SedaEndpoint(String endpointUri, Component component, BlockingQueue<Exchange> queue, int concurrentConsumers)
SedaProducer(SedaEndpoint endpoint, BlockingQueue<Exchange> queue, WaitForTaskToComplete waitForTaskToComplete, long timeout)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.component.vm

Fields in org.apache.camel.component.vm with type parameters of type Exchange
protected static Map<String,BlockingQueue<Exchange>> VmComponent.QUEUES

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.vm that return types with arguments of type Exchange
 BlockingQueue<Exchange> VmComponent.createQueue(String uri, Map<String,Object> parameters)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.converter

Methods in org.apache.camel.converter with parameters of type Exchange
static String IOConverter.getCharsetName(Exchange exchange)
static String IOConverter.getCharsetName(Exchange exchange, boolean useDefault)
          Gets the charset name if set as property CHARSET_NAME.
static byte[] IOConverter.toByteArray(BufferedReader reader, Exchange exchange)
static byte[] IOConverter.toByteArray(Reader reader, Exchange exchange)
static byte[] IOConverter.toByteArray(String value, Exchange exchange)
static ByteBuffer NIOConverter.toByteBuffer(String value, Exchange exchange)
static Class ObjectConverter.toClass(Object value, Exchange exchange)
          Returns the converted value, or null if the value is null
static InputStream IOConverter.toInputStream(BufferedReader buffer, Exchange exchange)
static InputStream IOConverter.toInputStream(String text, Exchange exchange)
static BufferedReader IOConverter.toReader(File file, Exchange exchange)
static Reader IOConverter.toReader(InputStream in, Exchange exchange)
static String IOConverter.toString(byte[] data, Exchange exchange)
static String IOConverter.toString(ByteArrayOutputStream os, Exchange exchange)
static String NIOConverter.toString(ByteBuffer buffer, Exchange exchange)
static String IOConverter.toString(File file, Exchange exchange)
static String IOConverter.toString(InputStream in, Exchange exchange)
static String IOConverter.toString(URL url, Exchange exchange)
static BufferedWriter IOConverter.toWriter(File file, Exchange exchange)
static Writer IOConverter.toWriter(OutputStream out, Exchange exchange)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.converter.jaxp

Methods in org.apache.camel.converter.jaxp with parameters of type Exchange
 XMLEventReader StaxConverter.createXMLEventReader(InputStream in, Exchange exchange)
 XMLEventWriter StaxConverter.createXMLEventWriter(OutputStream out, Exchange exchange)
 XMLStreamReader StaxConverter.createXMLStreamReader(InputStream in, Exchange exchange)
 XMLStreamWriter StaxConverter.createXMLStreamWriter(OutputStream outputStream, Exchange exchange)
 byte[] DomConverter.toByteArray(NodeList nodeList, Exchange exchange)
 byte[] XmlConverter.toByteArray(Source source, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the given input Source into bytes
 InputStream XmlConverter.toInputStream(Document dom, Exchange exchange)
 InputStream XmlConverter.toInputStream(DOMSource source, Exchange exchange)
 InputStream DomConverter.toInputStream(NodeList nodeList, Exchange exchange)
 Reader XmlConverter.toReaderFromSource(Source src, Exchange exchange)
 SAXSource XmlConverter.toSAXSource(InputStream source, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the source instance to a SAXSource or returns null if the conversion is not supported (making it easy to derive from this class to add new kinds of conversion).
 SAXSource XmlConverter.toSAXSource(Source source, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the source instance to a SAXSource or returns null if the conversion is not supported (making it easy to derive from this class to add new kinds of conversion).
 SAXSource XmlConverter.toSAXSource(String source, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the source instance to a SAXSource or returns null if the conversion is not supported (making it easy to derive from this class to add new kinds of conversion).
 SAXSource XmlConverter.toSAXSourceFromDOM(DOMSource source, Exchange exchange)
 StreamSource XmlConverter.toStreamSource(byte[] in, Exchange exchange)
 StreamSource XmlConverter.toStreamSource(ByteBuffer in, Exchange exchange)
 StreamSource XmlConverter.toStreamSource(Source source, Exchange exchange)
 StreamSource XmlConverter.toStreamSourceFromDOM(DOMSource source, Exchange exchange)
 StreamSource XmlConverter.toStreamSourceFromSAX(SAXSource source, Exchange exchange)
 String XmlConverter.toString(Node node, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the given input Node into text
 String DomConverter.toString(NodeList nodeList, Exchange exchange)
 String XmlConverter.toString(Source source, Exchange exchange)
          Converts the given input Source into text

Uses of Exchange in

Methods in with parameters of type Exchange
 byte[] StreamCacheConverter.convertToByteArray(StreamCache cache, Exchange exchange)
 Serializable StreamCacheConverter.convertToSerializable(StreamCache cache, Exchange exchange)
 StreamCache StreamCacheConverter.convertToStreamCache(InputStream stream, Exchange exchange)
 StreamCache StreamCacheConverter.convertToStreamCache(Reader reader, Exchange exchange)
 StreamCache StreamCacheConverter.convertToStreamCache(SAXSource source, Exchange exchange)
 StreamCache StreamCacheConverter.convertToStreamCache(StreamSource source, Exchange exchange)

Constructors in with parameters of type Exchange
CachedOutputStream(Exchange exchange)
CachedOutputStream(Exchange exchange, boolean closedOnCompletion)
StreamSourceCache(StreamSource source, Exchange exchange)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.impl

Classes in org.apache.camel.impl that implement Exchange
 class DefaultExchange
          A default implementation of Exchange

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl that return Exchange
 Exchange DefaultExchange.copy()
 Exchange SynchronousDelegateProducer.createExchange()
 Exchange InterceptSendToEndpoint.createExchange()
 Exchange DefaultProducer.createExchange()
 Exchange DefaultEndpoint.createExchange()
 Exchange SynchronousDelegateProducer.createExchange(Exchange exchange)
 Exchange InterceptSendToEndpoint.createExchange(Exchange exchange)
 Exchange DefaultProducer.createExchange(Exchange exchange)
 Exchange DefaultEndpoint.createExchange(Exchange exchange)
 Exchange SynchronousDelegateProducer.createExchange(ExchangePattern pattern)
 Exchange InterceptSendToEndpoint.createExchange(ExchangePattern pattern)
 Exchange DefaultProducer.createExchange(ExchangePattern pattern)
 Exchange DefaultEndpoint.createExchange(ExchangePattern pattern)
 Exchange MessageSupport.getExchange()
 Exchange ProcessorPollingConsumer.receive()
 Exchange EventDrivenPollingConsumer.receive()
 Exchange DefaultConsumerTemplate.receive(Endpoint endpoint)
 Exchange ConsumerCache.receive(Endpoint endpoint)
 Exchange DefaultConsumerTemplate.receive(Endpoint endpoint, long timeout)
 Exchange ConsumerCache.receive(Endpoint endpoint, long timeout)
 Exchange ProcessorPollingConsumer.receive(long timeout)
 Exchange EventDrivenPollingConsumer.receive(long timeout)
 Exchange DefaultConsumerTemplate.receive(String endpointUri)
 Exchange DefaultConsumerTemplate.receive(String endpointUri, long timeout)
 Exchange ProcessorPollingConsumer.receiveNoWait()
 Exchange EventDrivenPollingConsumer.receiveNoWait()
 Exchange DefaultConsumerTemplate.receiveNoWait(Endpoint endpoint)
 Exchange ConsumerCache.receiveNoWait(Endpoint endpoint)
 Exchange DefaultConsumerTemplate.receiveNoWait(String endpointUri)
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.request(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.request(String endpoint, Processor processor)
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange)
 Exchange ProducerCache.send(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied Processor to populate the exchange
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Processor processor)
 Exchange ProducerCache.send(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied Processor to populate the exchange
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(Exchange exchange)
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(Processor processor)
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(String endpointUri, Exchange exchange)
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(String endpointUri, ExchangePattern pattern, Processor processor)
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(String endpointUri, Processor processor)
protected  Exchange ProducerCache.sendExchange(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Processor processor, Exchange exchange)

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl that return types with arguments of type Exchange
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange, Synchronization onCompletion)
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor, Synchronization onCompletion)
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(String uri, Exchange exchange, Synchronization onCompletion)
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(String uri, Processor processor, Synchronization onCompletion)
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncSend(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange)
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncSend(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncSend(String uri, Exchange exchange)
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncSend(String uri, Processor processor)
 Class<Exchange> DefaultEndpoint.getExchangeType()
          Returns the type of the exchange which is generated by this component

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl with parameters of type Exchange
 void DefaultInflightRepository.add(Exchange exchange)
 boolean DefaultDebugger.afterProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition, long timeTaken)
 void BreakpointSupport.afterProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition, long timeTaken)
 void MDCUnitOfWork.afterProcess(Processor processor, Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback, boolean doneSync)
 void DefaultUnitOfWork.afterProcess(Processor processor, Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback, boolean doneSync)
 boolean DefaultHeaderFilterStrategy.applyFilterToCamelHeaders(String headerName, Object headerValue, Exchange exchange)
 boolean DefaultHeaderFilterStrategy.applyFilterToExternalHeaders(String headerName, Object headerValue, Exchange exchange)
protected abstract  String ExpressionSupport.assertionFailureMessage(Exchange exchange)
protected  String ExpressionAdapter.assertionFailureMessage(Exchange exchange)
 void ExpressionSupport.assertMatches(String text, Exchange exchange)
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange, Synchronization onCompletion)
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncCallback(String uri, Exchange exchange, Synchronization onCompletion)
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncSend(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange)
 Future<Exchange> DefaultProducerTemplate.asyncSend(String uri, Exchange exchange)
 boolean DefaultDebugger.beforeProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition)
 void BreakpointSupport.beforeProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition)
 AsyncCallback MDCUnitOfWork.beforeProcess(Processor processor, Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 AsyncCallback DefaultUnitOfWork.beforeProcess(Processor processor, Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 Exchange SynchronousDelegateProducer.createExchange(Exchange exchange)
 Exchange InterceptSendToEndpoint.createExchange(Exchange exchange)
 Exchange DefaultProducer.createExchange(Exchange exchange)
 Exchange DefaultEndpoint.createExchange(Exchange exchange)
 boolean ProducerCache.doInAsyncProducer(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange, ExchangePattern pattern, AsyncCallback callback, AsyncProducerCallback producerCallback)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied callback supporting the asynchronous routing engine.
<T> T
ProducerCache.doInProducer(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange, ExchangePattern pattern, ProducerCallback<T> callback)
          Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied callback

If an exception was thrown during processing, it would be set on the given Exchange

 void DefaultUnitOfWork.done(Exchange exchange)
 void DefaultConsumerTemplate.doneUoW(Exchange exchange)
 Object ExpressionSupport.evaluate(Exchange exchange)
<T> T
ExpressionAdapter.evaluate(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type)
protected  boolean DefaultHeaderFilterStrategy.extendedFilter(HeaderFilterStrategy.Direction direction, String key, Object value, Exchange exchange)
protected  Object DefaultProducerTemplate.extractResultBody(Exchange result)
protected  Object DefaultConsumerTemplate.extractResultBody(Exchange result)
          Extracts the body from the given result.
protected  Object DefaultProducerTemplate.extractResultBody(Exchange result, ExchangePattern pattern)
 String DefaultExchangeFormatter.format(Exchange exchange)
 String OnExceptionRouteNode.getLabel(Exchange exchange)
 String OnCompletionRouteNode.getLabel(Exchange exchange)
 String DoFinallyRouteNode.getLabel(Exchange exchange)
 String DoCatchRouteNode.getLabel(Exchange exchange)
 String DefaultRouteNode.getLabel(Exchange exchange)
 String AggregateRouteNode.getLabel(Exchange exchange)
 void LoggingExceptionHandler.handleException(String message, Exchange exchange, Throwable exception)
 void DefaultExchange.handoverCompletions(Exchange target)
 void DefaultUnitOfWork.handoverSynchronization(Exchange target)
static DefaultExchangeHolder DefaultExchangeHolder.marshal(Exchange exchange)
          Creates a payload object with the information from the given exchange.
static DefaultExchangeHolder DefaultExchangeHolder.marshal(Exchange exchange, boolean includeProperties)
          Creates a payload object with the information from the given exchange.
 void ZipDataFormat.marshal(Exchange exchange, Object graph, OutputStream stream)
 void StringDataFormat.marshal(Exchange exchange, Object graph, OutputStream stream)
 void SerializationDataFormat.marshal(Exchange exchange, Object graph, OutputStream stream)
 void GzipDataFormat.marshal(Exchange exchange, Object graph, OutputStream stream)
 boolean ExpressionSupport.matches(Exchange exchange)
 boolean ConditionSupport.matchEvent(Exchange exchange, EventObject event)
 boolean ConditionSupport.matchProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition)
protected  void DefaultDebugger.onAfterProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition, long timeTaken, Breakpoint breakpoint)
protected  void DefaultDebugger.onBeforeProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition, Breakpoint breakpoint)
 void SynchronizationAdapter.onComplete(Exchange exchange)
 void SynchronizationAdapter.onDone(Exchange exchange)
 boolean DefaultDebugger.onEvent(Exchange exchange, EventObject event)
protected  void DefaultDebugger.onEvent(Exchange exchange, EventObject event, Breakpoint breakpoint)
 void BreakpointSupport.onEvent(Exchange exchange, EventObject event, ProcessorDefinition definition)
protected  void ProcessorEndpoint.onExchange(Exchange exchange)
 void RoutePolicySupport.onExchangeBegin(Route route, Exchange exchange)
 void ThrottlingInflightRoutePolicy.onExchangeDone(Route route, Exchange exchange)
 void RoutePolicySupport.onExchangeDone(Route route, Exchange exchange)
 void SynchronizationAdapter.onFailure(Exchange exchange)
 void SynchronousDelegateProducer.process(Exchange exchange)
 void EventDrivenPollingConsumer.process(Exchange exchange)
 void DefaultAsyncProducer.process(Exchange exchange)
 void DefaultInflightRepository.remove(Exchange exchange)
 void ProducerCache.send(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange)
          Sends the exchange to the given endpoint.
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange)
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(Exchange exchange)
 Exchange DefaultProducerTemplate.send(String endpointUri, Exchange exchange)
protected  Exchange ProducerCache.sendExchange(Endpoint endpoint, ExchangePattern pattern, Processor processor, Exchange exchange)
 void MessageSupport.setExchange(Exchange exchange)
static void DefaultExchangeHolder.unmarshal(Exchange exchange, DefaultExchangeHolder payload)
          Transfers the information from the payload to the exchange.
 Object ZipDataFormat.unmarshal(Exchange exchange, InputStream stream)
 Object StringDataFormat.unmarshal(Exchange exchange, InputStream stream)
 Object SerializationDataFormat.unmarshal(Exchange exchange, InputStream stream)
 Object GzipDataFormat.unmarshal(Exchange exchange, InputStream stream)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.impl with parameters of type Exchange
DefaultExchange(Exchange parent)
DefaultUnitOfWork(Exchange exchange)
MDCUnitOfWork(Exchange exchange)

Constructor parameters in org.apache.camel.impl with type arguments of type Exchange
EventDrivenPollingConsumer(Endpoint endpoint, BlockingQueue<Exchange> queue)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.impl.converter

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl.converter with parameters of type Exchange
<T> T
ToStringTypeConverter.convertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
StaticMethodTypeConverter.convertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
StaticMethodFallbackTypeConverter.convertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
PropertyEditorTypeConverter.convertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
InstanceMethodTypeConverter.convertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
InstanceMethodFallbackTypeConverter.convertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
FutureTypeConverter.convertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
EnumTypeConverter.convertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
BaseTypeConverterRegistry.convertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
AsyncProcessorTypeConverter.convertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
ArrayTypeConverter.convertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
protected  Object LazyLoadingTypeConverter.doConvertTo(Class type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
protected  Object BaseTypeConverterRegistry.doConvertTo(Class type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
ToStringTypeConverter.mandatoryConvertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
StaticMethodTypeConverter.mandatoryConvertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
StaticMethodFallbackTypeConverter.mandatoryConvertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
PropertyEditorTypeConverter.mandatoryConvertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
InstanceMethodTypeConverter.mandatoryConvertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
InstanceMethodFallbackTypeConverter.mandatoryConvertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
FutureTypeConverter.mandatoryConvertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
EnumTypeConverter.mandatoryConvertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
BaseTypeConverterRegistry.mandatoryConvertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
AsyncProcessorTypeConverter.mandatoryConvertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)
<T> T
ArrayTypeConverter.mandatoryConvertTo(Class<T> type, Exchange exchange, Object value)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.language.bean

Methods in org.apache.camel.language.bean that return Exchange
 Exchange RuntimeBeanExpressionException.getExchange()

Methods in org.apache.camel.language.bean with parameters of type Exchange
 Object BeanExpression.evaluate(Exchange exchange)
<T> T
BeanExpression.evaluate(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type)
 boolean BeanExpression.matches(Exchange exchange)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.language.bean with parameters of type Exchange
RuntimeBeanExpressionException(Exchange exchange, String beanName, String method, Throwable e)

Uses of Exchange in

Methods in with parameters of type Exchange
 EventObject DefaultEventFactory.createExchangeCompletedEvent(Exchange exchange)
 EventObject DefaultEventFactory.createExchangeCreatedEvent(Exchange exchange)
 EventObject DefaultEventFactory.createExchangeFailedEvent(Exchange exchange)
 EventObject DefaultEventFactory.createExchangeFailureHandledEvent(Exchange exchange, Processor failureHandler, boolean deadLetterChannel)
 EventObject DefaultEventFactory.createExchangeRedeliveryEvent(Exchange exchange, int attempt)
 EventObject DefaultEventFactory.createExchangeSentEvent(Exchange exchange, Endpoint endpoint, long timeTaken)
 boolean InstrumentationProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
protected  void InstrumentationProcessor.recordTime(Exchange exchange, long duration)

Uses of Exchange in

Methods in that return Exchange
 Exchange AbstractExchangeEvent.getExchange()

Constructors in with parameters of type Exchange
AbstractExchangeEvent(Exchange source)
ExchangeCompletedEvent(Exchange source)
ExchangeCreatedEvent(Exchange source)
ExchangeFailedEvent(Exchange source)
ExchangeFailureHandledEvent(Exchange source, Processor failureHandler, boolean deadLetterChannel)
ExchangeRedeliveryEvent(Exchange source, int attempt)
ExchangeSentEvent(Exchange source, Endpoint endpoint, long timeTaken)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.model

Methods in org.apache.camel.model with parameters of type Exchange
 void LoadBalancerDefinition.process(Exchange exchange)
 boolean LoadBalancerDefinition.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.model.language

Methods in org.apache.camel.model.language with parameters of type Exchange
 void ExpressionDefinition.assertMatches(String text, Exchange exchange)
 Object ExpressionDefinition.evaluate(Exchange exchange)
<T> T
ExpressionDefinition.evaluate(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type)
 boolean ExpressionDefinition.matches(Exchange exchange)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.processor

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor that return Exchange
protected  Exchange WireTapProcessor.configureExchange(Exchange exchange, ExchangePattern pattern)
protected  Exchange SendProcessor.configureExchange(Exchange exchange, ExchangePattern pattern)
 Exchange UnitOfWorkProducer.createExchange()
 Exchange UnitOfWorkProducer.createExchange(Exchange exchange)
 Exchange UnitOfWorkProducer.createExchange(ExchangePattern pattern)
protected  Exchange Pipeline.createNextExchange(Exchange previousExchange)
          Strategy method to create the next exchange from the previous exchange.
protected  Exchange Enricher.createResourceExchange(Exchange source, ExchangePattern pattern)
          Creates a new DefaultExchange instance from the given exchange.
 Exchange ProcessorExchangePair.getExchange()
protected  Exchange OnCompletionProcessor.prepareExchange(Exchange exchange)
          Prepares the Exchange to send as onCompletion.
protected  Exchange RoutingSlip.prepareExchangeForRoutingSlip(Exchange current, Endpoint endpoint)

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor that return types with arguments of type Exchange
protected static Set<Exchange> Resequencer.createSet(Comparator<? super Exchange> comparator, boolean allowDuplicates, boolean reverse)
protected static Set<Exchange> Resequencer.createSet(Expression expression, boolean allowDuplicates, boolean reverse)
protected static Set<Exchange> Resequencer.createSet(List<Expression> expressions, boolean allowDuplicates, boolean reverse)

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor with parameters of type Exchange
protected  long Throttler.calculateDelay(Exchange exchange)
protected abstract  long DelayProcessorSupport.calculateDelay(Exchange exchange)
protected  long Delayer.calculateDelay(Exchange exchange)
 Throwable CatchProcessor.catches(Exchange exchange, Throwable exception)
          Returns with the exception that is caught by this processor.
protected  Exchange WireTapProcessor.configureExchange(Exchange exchange, ExchangePattern pattern)
protected  Exchange SendProcessor.configureExchange(Exchange exchange, ExchangePattern pattern)
protected  boolean DefaultChannel.continueProcessing(Exchange exchange)
          Strategy to determine if we should continue processing the Exchange.
static boolean PipelineHelper.continueProcessing(Exchange exchange, String message, org.slf4j.Logger log)
          Should we continue processing the exchange?
protected  boolean TryProcessor.continueRouting(Iterator<AsyncProcessor> it, Exchange exchange)
protected  boolean Pipeline.continueRouting(Iterator<Processor> it, Exchange exchange)
 Exchange UnitOfWorkProducer.createExchange(Exchange exchange)
protected  String ThroughputLogger.createLogMessage(Exchange exchange, int receivedCount)
protected  Exchange Pipeline.createNextExchange(Exchange previousExchange)
          Strategy method to create the next exchange from the previous exchange.
protected  ProcessorExchangePair RecipientListProcessor.createProcessorExchangePair(int index, Endpoint endpoint, Producer producer, Exchange exchange)
          This logic is similar to MulticastProcessor but we have to return a RecipientProcessorExchangePair instead
protected  ProcessorExchangePair MulticastProcessor.createProcessorExchangePair(int index, Processor processor, Exchange exchange, RouteContext routeContext)
          Creates the ProcessorExchangePair which holds the processor and exchange to be send out.
protected  Iterable<ProcessorExchangePair> Splitter.createProcessorExchangePairs(Exchange exchange)
protected  Iterable<ProcessorExchangePair> RecipientListProcessor.createProcessorExchangePairs(Exchange exchange)
protected  Iterable<ProcessorExchangePair> MulticastProcessor.createProcessorExchangePairs(Exchange exchange)
protected  Exchange Enricher.createResourceExchange(Exchange source, ExchangePattern pattern)
          Creates a new DefaultExchange instance from the given exchange.
protected  RoutingSlip.RoutingSlipIterator RoutingSlip.createRoutingSlipIterator(Exchange exchange)
          Creates the route slip iterator to be used.
protected  RoutingSlip.RoutingSlipIterator DynamicRouter.createRoutingSlipIterator(Exchange exchange)
protected  boolean ErrorHandlerSupport.customProcessorForException(Exchange exchange, Throwable exception)
          Attempts to invoke the handler for this particular exception if one is available
protected  void DelayProcessorSupport.delay(long delay, Exchange exchange)
          Delays the given time before continuing.
protected  boolean RedeliveryErrorHandler.deliverToFailureProcessor(Processor processor, Exchange exchange, RedeliveryErrorHandler.RedeliveryData data, AsyncCallback callback)
          All redelivery attempts failed so move the exchange to the dead letter queue
protected  void RedeliveryErrorHandler.deliverToOnRedeliveryProcessor(Exchange exchange, RedeliveryErrorHandler.RedeliveryData data)
          Gives an optional configure redelivery processor a chance to process before the Exchange will be redelivered.
protected  void MulticastProcessor.doAggregate(AggregationStrategy strategy, AtomicExchange result, Exchange exchange)
          Aggregate the Exchange with the current result
protected  void MulticastProcessor.doDone(Exchange original, Exchange subExchange, AsyncCallback callback, boolean doneSync, boolean exhaust)
          Common work which must be done when we are done multicasting.
protected static void OnCompletionProcessor.doProcess(Processor processor, Exchange exchange)
          Processes the exchange by the processors
protected  void MulticastProcessor.doProcessParallel(Exchange original, AtomicExchange result, Iterable<ProcessorExchangePair> pairs, boolean streaming, AsyncCallback callback)
protected  boolean MulticastProcessor.doProcessSequential(Exchange original, AtomicExchange result, Iterable<ProcessorExchangePair> pairs, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean RoutingSlip.doRoutingSlip(Exchange exchange, Object routingSlip, AsyncCallback callback)
protected  AggregationStrategy MulticastProcessor.getAggregationStrategy(Exchange exchange)
protected  OnExceptionDefinition ErrorHandlerSupport.getExceptionPolicy(Exchange exchange, Throwable exception)
          Attempts to find the best suited OnExceptionDefinition to be used for handling the given thrown exception.
protected  Integer Splitter.getExchangeIndex(Exchange exchange)
protected  Integer MulticastProcessor.getExchangeIndex(Exchange exchange)
protected  void RedeliveryErrorHandler.handleException(Exchange exchange, RedeliveryErrorHandler.RedeliveryData data)
 boolean CatchProcessor.handles(Exchange exchange)
          Whether this catch processor handles the exception it have caught
protected  void DelayProcessorSupport.handleSleepInterruptedException(InterruptedException e, Exchange exchange)
          Called when a sleep is interrupted; allows derived classes to handle this case differently
 boolean RoutingSlip.RoutingSlipIterator.hasNext(Exchange exchange)
          Are the more routing slip(s)?
protected  boolean RedeliveryErrorHandler.isCancelledOrInterrupted(Exchange exchange)
          Strategy to determine if the exchange was cancelled or interrupted
protected  boolean RedeliveryErrorHandler.isDone(Exchange exchange)
          Strategy to determine if the exchange is done so we can continue
protected  String ThroughputLogger.logMessage(Exchange exchange)
protected  String CamelLogger.logMessage(Exchange exchange)
protected  String CamelLogger.logMessage(Exchange exchange, String message)
protected  boolean CatchProcessor.matchesWhen(Exchange exchange)
          Strategy method for matching the exception type with the current exchange.
 Object exchange)
          Returns the next routing slip(s).
protected  void PollEnricher.preCheckPoll(Exchange exchange)
          Strategy to pre check polling.
protected  Exchange OnCompletionProcessor.prepareExchange(Exchange exchange)
          Prepares the Exchange to send as onCompletion.
protected  void RedeliveryErrorHandler.prepareExchangeAfterFailure(Exchange exchange, RedeliveryErrorHandler.RedeliveryData data)
protected  void RedeliveryErrorHandler.prepareExchangeForContinue(Exchange exchange, RedeliveryErrorHandler.RedeliveryData data)
protected  void RedeliveryErrorHandler.prepareExchangeForRedelivery(Exchange exchange)
protected  Exchange RoutingSlip.prepareExchangeForRoutingSlip(Exchange current, Endpoint endpoint)
 void DelegateProcessor.proceed(Exchange exchange)
          Deprecated. will be removed in Camel 2.5
 void WireTapProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void UnmarshalProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void UnitOfWorkProducer.process(Exchange exchange)
 void TryProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void TransformProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void ThrowExceptionProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
          Set the exception in the exchange
 void ThroughputLogger.process(Exchange exchange)
 void ThreadsProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void StreamResequencer.process(Exchange exchange)
 void StopProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void SortProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void SetBodyProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void SendProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void RoutingSlip.process(Exchange exchange)
 void RollbackProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void RedeliveryErrorHandler.process(Exchange exchange)
 void RecipientList.process(Exchange exchange)
 void PollEnricher.process(Exchange exchange)
          Enriches the input data (exchange) by first obtaining additional data from an endpoint represented by an endpoint producer and second by aggregating input data and additional data.
 void Pipeline.process(Exchange exchange)
 void OnCompletionProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void MulticastProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void MarshalProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void LogProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void InterceptorToAsyncProcessorBridge.process(Exchange exchange)
          Process invoked by the interceptor
 void ExchangePatternProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void Enricher.process(Exchange exchange)
 void DelegateProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void DefaultErrorHandler.process(Exchange exchange)
 void DefaultChannel.process(Exchange exchange)
 void DeadLetterChannel.process(Exchange exchange)
 void ConvertBodyProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void ChoiceProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void CamelLogger.process(Exchange exchange)
 void BatchProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
          Deprecated. Enqueues an exchange for later batch processing.
 boolean WireTapProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean UnitOfWorkProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean TryProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean ThreadsProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean Splitter.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean SendProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean SamplingThrottler.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean RoutingSlip.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean RoutePolicyProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean RedeliveryErrorHandler.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean RecipientList.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean Pipeline.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean MulticastProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean LoopProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean LogProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean InterceptorToAsyncProcessorBridge.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean FilterProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean Enricher.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
          Enriches the input data (exchange) by first obtaining additional data from an endpoint represented by an endpoint producer and second by aggregating input data and additional data.
 boolean DelegateAsyncProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean DelayProcessorSupport.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean DefaultChannel.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean ChoiceProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
protected  boolean TryProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback, AsyncProcessor processor, Iterator<AsyncProcessor> processors)
protected  boolean LoopProcessor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback, AtomicInteger index, AtomicInteger count)
 void CamelLogger.process(Exchange exchange, String message)
 void CamelLogger.process(Exchange exchange, Throwable exception)
protected  void RedeliveryErrorHandler.processAsyncErrorHandler(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback, RedeliveryErrorHandler.RedeliveryData data)
          This logic is only executed if we have to retry redelivery asynchronously, which have to be done from the callback.
protected  boolean RedeliveryErrorHandler.processErrorHandler(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback, RedeliveryErrorHandler.RedeliveryData data)
          Process the exchange using redelivery error handling.
protected  boolean RoutingSlip.processExchange(Endpoint endpoint, Exchange exchange, Exchange original, AsyncCallback callback, RoutingSlip.RoutingSlipIterator iter)
protected  void BatchProcessor.processExchange(Exchange exchange)
          Deprecated. Strategy Method to process an exchange in the batch.
protected  void DelegateProcessor.processNext(Exchange exchange)
protected  boolean DelegateAsyncProcessor.processNext(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
protected  void MulticastProcessor.removeAggregationStrategyFromExchange(Exchange exchange)
          Removes the associated AggregationStrategy from the Exchange which must be done after use.
protected static Endpoint RecipientListProcessor.resolveEndpoint(Exchange exchange, Object recipient)
protected  Endpoint RecipientList.resolveEndpoint(Exchange exchange, Object recipient)
protected  Endpoint RoutingSlip.resolveEndpoint(RoutingSlip.RoutingSlipIterator iter, Exchange exchange)
 void StreamResequencer.sendElement(Exchange exchange)
          Sends the exchange to the next processor.
 boolean RecipientList.sendToRecipientList(Exchange exchange, Object recipientList, AsyncCallback callback)
          Sends the given exchange to the recipient list
protected  void MulticastProcessor.setAggregationStrategyOnExchange(Exchange exchange, AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy)
          Sets the given AggregationStrategy on the Exchange.
protected static void MulticastProcessor.setToEndpoint(Exchange exchange, Processor processor)
protected  boolean RedeliveryErrorHandler.shouldHandleException(Exchange exchange)
          Strategy whether the exchange has an exception that we should try to handle.
 boolean RedeliveryPolicy.shouldRedeliver(Exchange exchange, int redeliveryCounter, Predicate retryWhile)
          Returns true if the policy decides that the message exchange should be redelivered.
protected  void Splitter.updateNewExchange(Exchange exchange, int index, Iterable<ProcessorExchangePair> allPairs, Iterator<ProcessorExchangePair> it)
protected  void MulticastProcessor.updateNewExchange(Exchange exchange, int index, Iterable<ProcessorExchangePair> allPairs, Iterator<ProcessorExchangePair> it)

Method parameters in org.apache.camel.processor with type arguments of type Exchange
protected static Set<Exchange> Resequencer.createSet(Comparator<? super Exchange> comparator, boolean allowDuplicates, boolean reverse)

Constructor parameters in org.apache.camel.processor with type arguments of type Exchange
BatchProcessor(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, Collection<Exchange> collection)
Resequencer(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, Set<Exchange> collection)
StreamResequencer(CamelContext camelContext, Processor processor, SequenceElementComparator<Exchange> comparator)
          Creates a new StreamResequencer instance.

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate that return Exchange
 Exchange MemoryAggregationRepository.add(CamelContext camelContext, String key, Exchange exchange)
 Exchange UseOriginalAggregationStrategy.aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)
 Exchange UseLatestAggregationStrategy.aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)
 Exchange GroupedExchangeAggregationStrategy.aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)
 Exchange AggregationStrategy.aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)
          Aggregates an old and new exchange together to create a single combined exchange
 Exchange MemoryAggregationRepository.get(CamelContext camelContext, String key)
protected  Exchange AggregateProcessor.onAggregation(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)
protected  Exchange UseLatestAggregationStrategy.propagateFailure(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate with parameters of type Exchange
 Exchange MemoryAggregationRepository.add(CamelContext camelContext, String key, Exchange exchange)
 Exchange UseOriginalAggregationStrategy.aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)
 Exchange UseLatestAggregationStrategy.aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)
 Exchange GroupedExchangeAggregationStrategy.aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)
 Exchange AggregationStrategy.aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)
          Aggregates an old and new exchange together to create a single combined exchange
protected  Exception UseOriginalAggregationStrategy.checkException(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)
protected  String AggregateProcessor.isCompleted(String key, Exchange exchange)
          Tests whether the given exchange is complete or not
protected  Exchange AggregateProcessor.onAggregation(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)
protected  void AggregateProcessor.onCompletion(String key, Exchange exchange, boolean fromTimeout)
 void AggregateProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
protected  void UseLatestAggregationStrategy.propagateException(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)
protected  Exchange UseLatestAggregationStrategy.propagateFailure(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)
 void MemoryAggregationRepository.remove(CamelContext camelContext, String key, Exchange exchange)
 void TimeoutAwareAggregationStrategy.timeout(Exchange oldExchange, int index, int total, long timeout)
          A timeout occurred

Constructors in org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate with parameters of type Exchange
ClosedCorrelationKeyException(String correlationKey, Exchange exchange)
ClosedCorrelationKeyException(String correlationKey, Exchange exchange, Throwable cause)
UseOriginalAggregationStrategy(Exchange original, boolean propagateException)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.processor.exceptionpolicy

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.exceptionpolicy with parameters of type Exchange
 OnExceptionDefinition ExceptionPolicyStrategy.getExceptionPolicy(Map<ExceptionPolicyKey,OnExceptionDefinition> exceptionPolicies, Exchange exchange, Throwable exception)
          Resolves the OnExceptionDefinition that should handle the thrown exception.
 OnExceptionDefinition DefaultExceptionPolicyStrategy.getExceptionPolicy(Map<ExceptionPolicyKey,OnExceptionDefinition> exceptionPolicies, Exchange exchange, Throwable exception)
protected  boolean DefaultExceptionPolicyStrategy.matchesWhen(OnExceptionDefinition definition, Exchange exchange)
          Strategy method for matching the exception type with the current exchange.

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent that return Exchange
 Exchange NoMessageIdException.getExchange()
          The exchange which caused this failure

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent with parameters of type Exchange
 void IdempotentOnCompletion.onComplete(Exchange exchange)
protected  void IdempotentOnCompletion.onCompletedMessage(Exchange exchange, String messageId)
          A strategy method to allow derived classes to overload the behavior of processing a completed message
protected  void IdempotentConsumer.onDuplicateMessage(Exchange exchange, String messageId)
          A strategy method to allow derived classes to overload the behaviour of processing a duplicate message
protected  void IdempotentOnCompletion.onFailedMessage(Exchange exchange, String messageId)
          A strategy method to allow derived classes to overload the behavior of processing a failed message
 void IdempotentOnCompletion.onFailure(Exchange exchange)
 void IdempotentConsumer.process(Exchange exchange)
 boolean IdempotentConsumer.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent with parameters of type Exchange
NoMessageIdException(Exchange exchange, Expression expression)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor that return Exchange
 Exchange TraceEventMessage.getTracedExchange()
          Gets the traced Exchange.
 Exchange DefaultTraceEventMessage.getTracedExchange()

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor with parameters of type Exchange
 long DelayInterceptor.calculateDelay(Exchange exchange)
protected  String DefaultTraceFormatter.extractBreadCrumb(TraceInterceptor interceptor, ProcessorDefinition<?> currentNode, Exchange exchange)
          Creates the breadcrumb based on whether this was a trace of an exchange coming out of or into a processing step.
 String TraceInterceptor.format(Exchange exchange)
 Object TraceFormatter.format(TraceInterceptor interceptor, ProcessorDefinition<?> node, Exchange exchange)
          Formats a log message at given point of interception.
 Object DefaultTraceFormatter.format(TraceInterceptor interceptor, ProcessorDefinition<?> node, Exchange exchange)
protected  Object DefaultTraceFormatter.getBreadCrumbID(Exchange exchange)
protected  String DefaultTraceFormatter.getNodeMessage(RouteNode entry, Exchange exchange)
protected  void HandleFaultInterceptor.handleFault(Exchange exchange)
          Handles the fault message by converting it to an Exception
protected  void TraceInterceptor.logException(Exchange exchange, Throwable throwable)
protected  void TraceInterceptor.logExchange(Exchange exchange)
 boolean TraceInterceptor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean StreamCachingInterceptor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean HandleFaultInterceptor.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
protected  boolean TraceInterceptor.shouldLogException(Exchange exchange)
          Returns true if the given exchange should be logged when an exception was thrown
protected  boolean TraceInterceptor.shouldLogExchange(Exchange exchange)
          Returns true if the given exchange should be logged in the trace list
protected  void TraceInterceptor.traceExchange(Exchange exchange)
 void TraceEventHandler.traceExchange(ProcessorDefinition node, Processor target, TraceInterceptor traceInterceptor, Exchange exchange)
          Event called when an Exchange is about to be processed

This event is only called if trace out has been disabled (which it is by default).

protected  Object TraceInterceptor.traceExchangeIn(Exchange exchange)
 Object TraceEventHandler.traceExchangeIn(ProcessorDefinition node, Processor target, TraceInterceptor traceInterceptor, Exchange exchange)
          Event called when an Exchange is about to be processed (in)

This event is only called if trace out has been enabled.

protected  void TraceInterceptor.traceExchangeOut(Exchange exchange, Object traceState)
 void TraceEventHandler.traceExchangeOut(ProcessorDefinition node, Processor target, TraceInterceptor traceInterceptor, Exchange exchange, Object traceState)
          Event called when an Exchange has been processed (out)

This event is only called if trace out has been enabled.

protected  void TraceInterceptor.traceIntercept(InterceptDefinition intercept, TracedRouteNodes traced, Exchange exchange)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor with parameters of type Exchange
DefaultTraceEventMessage(Date timestamp, ProcessorDefinition<?> toNode, Exchange exchange)
          Creates a DefaultTraceEventMessage based on the given node it was traced while processing the current Exchange

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer that return Exchange
protected  Exchange TopicLoadBalancer.copyExchangeStrategy(Processor processor, Exchange exchange)
          Strategy method to copy the exchange before sending to another endpoint.

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer with parameters of type Exchange
protected  Processor WeightedRoundRobinLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected  Processor WeightedRandomLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected  Processor StickyLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected  Processor RoundRobinLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected  Processor RandomLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected abstract  Processor QueueLoadBalancer.chooseProcessor(List<Processor> processors, Exchange exchange)
protected  Exchange TopicLoadBalancer.copyExchangeStrategy(Processor processor, Exchange exchange)
          Strategy method to copy the exchange before sending to another endpoint.
protected  void FailOverLoadBalancer.prepareExchangeForFailover(Exchange exchange)
          Prepares the exchange for failover
abstract  void SimpleLoadBalancerSupport.process(Exchange exchange)
 void QueueLoadBalancer.process(Exchange exchange)
 void LoadBalancerSupport.process(Exchange exchange)
 boolean TopicLoadBalancer.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean SimpleLoadBalancerSupport.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean QueueLoadBalancer.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
 boolean FailOverLoadBalancer.process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
protected  boolean FailOverLoadBalancer.shouldFailOver(Exchange exchange)
          Should the given failed Exchange failover?

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.processor.resequencer

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.resequencer with parameters of type Exchange
 int o1, Exchange o2)
 boolean DefaultExchangeComparator.predecessor(Exchange o1, Exchange o2)
 boolean DefaultExchangeComparator.successor(Exchange o1, Exchange o2)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.processor.validation

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor.validation with parameters of type Exchange
protected static String PredicateValidationException.buildMessage(Predicate predicate, Exchange exchange)
 void DefaultValidationErrorHandler.handleErrors(Exchange exchange, Object schema)
 void ValidatorErrorHandler.handleErrors(Exchange exchange, Schema schema, Result result)
          Process any errors which may have occurred during validation
 void DefaultValidationErrorHandler.handleErrors(Exchange exchange, Schema schema, Result result)
 void ValidatingProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)
 void PredicateValidatingProcessor.process(Exchange exchange)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.processor.validation with parameters of type Exchange
NoXmlBodyValidationException(Exchange exchange)
PredicateValidationException(Exchange exchange, Predicate predicate)
SchemaValidationException(Exchange exchange, Object schema, List<SAXParseException> fatalErrors, List<SAXParseException> errors, List<SAXParseException> warnings)

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.spi

Methods in org.apache.camel.spi that return Exchange
 Exchange AggregationRepository.add(CamelContext camelContext, String key, Exchange exchange)
          Add the given Exchange under the correlation key.
 Exchange AggregationRepository.get(CamelContext camelContext, String key)
          Gets the given exchange with the correlation key
 Exchange RecoverableAggregationRepository.recover(CamelContext camelContext, String exchangeId)
          Recovers the exchange with the given exchange id

Methods in org.apache.camel.spi that return types with arguments of type Exchange
 List<Exchange> BrowsableEndpoint.getExchanges()
          Return the exchanges available on this endpoint

Methods in org.apache.camel.spi with parameters of type Exchange
 Exchange AggregationRepository.add(CamelContext camelContext, String key, Exchange exchange)
          Add the given Exchange under the correlation key.
 void InflightRepository.add(Exchange exchange)
          Adds the exchange to the inflight registry
 boolean Debugger.afterProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition, long timeTaken)
          Callback invoked when an Exchange has been processed which allows implementators to notify breakpoints.
 void Breakpoint.afterProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition, long timeTaken)
          Callback invoked when the breakpoint was hit and the Exchange has been processed (after).
 void UnitOfWork.afterProcess(Processor processor, Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback, boolean doneSync)
          Strategy for optional work to be executed after the processing
 boolean HeaderFilterStrategy.applyFilterToCamelHeaders(String headerName, Object headerValue, Exchange exchange)
          Applies filtering logic to Camel Message header that is going to be copied to target message such as CXF and JMS message.
 boolean HeaderFilterStrategy.applyFilterToExternalHeaders(String headerName, Object headerValue, Exchange exchange)
          Applies filtering logic to an external message header such as CXF and JMS message that is going to be copied to Camel message header.
 boolean Debugger.beforeProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition)
          Callback invoked when an Exchange is about to be processed which allows implementators to notify breakpoints.
 void Breakpoint.beforeProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition)
          Callback invoked when the breakpoint was hit and the Exchange is about to be processed (before).
 AsyncCallback UnitOfWork.beforeProcess(Processor processor, Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
          Strategy for optional work to be execute before processing

For example the MDCUnitOfWork leverages this to ensure MDC is handled correctly during routing exchanges using the asynchronous routing engine.

 EventObject EventFactory.createExchangeCompletedEvent(Exchange exchange)
          Creates an EventObject when an Exchange has been completed successfully
 EventObject EventFactory.createExchangeCreatedEvent(Exchange exchange)
          Creates an EventObject when an Exchange has been created
 EventObject EventFactory.createExchangeFailedEvent(Exchange exchange)
          Creates an EventObject when an Exchange has failed
 EventObject EventFactory.createExchangeFailureHandledEvent(Exchange exchange, Processor failureHandler, boolean deadLetterChannel)
          Creates an EventObject when an Exchange has failed but was handled by the Camel error handlers such as an dead letter channel.
 EventObject EventFactory.createExchangeRedeliveryEvent(Exchange exchange, int attempt)
          Creates an EventObject when an Exchange is about to be redelivered
 EventObject EventFactory.createExchangeSentEvent(Exchange exchange, Endpoint endpoint, long timeTaken)
          Creates an EventObject when an Exchange has completely been sent to the endpoint.
 void UnitOfWork.done(Exchange exchange)
          Invoked when this unit of work has been completed, whether it has failed or completed
 String ExchangeFormatter.format(Exchange exchange)
          Generates a string representation of the exchange
 void ExceptionHandler.handleException(String message, Exchange exchange, Throwable exception)
          Handles the given exception
 void UnitOfWork.handoverSynchronization(Exchange target)
          Handover all the registered synchronizations to the target Exchange.
 void DataFormat.marshal(Exchange exchange, Object graph, OutputStream stream)
          Marshals the object to the given Stream.
 boolean Condition.matchEvent(Exchange exchange, EventObject event)
          Does the condition match
 boolean Condition.matchProcess(Exchange exchange, Processor processor, ProcessorDefinition definition)
          Does the condition match
 void Synchronization.onComplete(Exchange exchange)
          Called when the processing of the message exchange is complete
 boolean Debugger.onEvent(Exchange exchange, EventObject event)
          Callback invoked when an Exchange is being processed which allows implementators to notify breakpoints.
 void Breakpoint.onEvent(Exchange exchange, EventObject event, ProcessorDefinition definition)
          Callback invoked when the breakpoint was hit and any of the Exchange events occurred.
 void RoutePolicy.onExchangeBegin(Route route, Exchange exchange)
          Callback invoked when an Exchange is started being routed on the given Route
 void RoutePolicy.onExchangeDone(Route route, Exchange exchange)
          Callback invoked when an Exchange is done being routed, where it started from the given Route

Notice this callback is invoked when the Exchange is done and the Route is the route where the Exchange was started.

 void Synchronization.onFailure(Exchange exchange)
          Called when the processing of the message exchange has failed for some reason.
 void AggregationRepository.remove(CamelContext camelContext, String key, Exchange exchange)
          Removes the exchange with the given correlation key, which should happen when an Exchange is completed
 void InflightRepository.remove(Exchange exchange)
          Removes the exchange from the inflight registry
 Object DataFormat.unmarshal(Exchange exchange, InputStream stream)
          Unmarshals the given stream into an object.

Uses of Exchange in org.apache.camel.util

Methods in org.apache.camel.util that return Exchange
static Exchange ExchangeHelper.createCopy(Exchange exchange, boolean preserveExchangeId)
          Creates a new instance and copies from the current message exchange so that it can be forwarded to another destination as a new instance.
static Exchange ExchangeHelper.createCorrelatedCopy(Exchange exchange, boolean handover)
          Creates a new instance and copies from the current message exchange so that it can be forwarded to another destination as a new instance.
static Exchange ExchangeHelper.getExchangeById(Iterable<Exchange> exchanges, String exchangeId)
          Returns the first exchange in the given collection of exchanges which has the same exchange ID as the one given or null if none could be found

Methods in org.apache.camel.util that return types with arguments of type Exchange
static Future<Exchange> AsyncProcessorHelper.asyncProcess(ExecutorService executor, Processor processor, Exchange exchange)
          Deprecated. will be removed in Camel 2.5

Methods in org.apache.camel.util with parameters of type Exchange
static void PredicateAssertHelper.assertMatches(Predicate predicate, String text, Exchange exchange)
static Future<Exchange> AsyncProcessorHelper.asyncProcess(ExecutorService executor, Processor processor, Exchange exchange)
          Deprecated. will be removed in Camel 2.5
 int e1, Exchange e2)
 int e1, Exchange e2)
<T> T
ExchangeHelper.convertToMandatoryType(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type, Object value)
          Converts the value to the given expected type or throws an exception
<T> T
ExchangeHelper.convertToType(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type, Object value)
          Converts the value to the given expected type returning null if it could not be converted
static void ExchangeHelper.copyResults(Exchange result, Exchange source)
          Copies the results of a message exchange from the source exchange to the result exchange which will copy the out and fault message contents and the exception
static void ExchangeHelper.copyResultsPreservePattern(Exchange result, Exchange source)
          Copies the source exchange to target exchange preserving the ExchangePattern of target.
static Exchange ExchangeHelper.createCopy(Exchange exchange, boolean preserveExchangeId)
          Creates a new instance and copies from the current message exchange so that it can be forwarded to another destination as a new instance.
static Exchange ExchangeHelper.createCorrelatedCopy(Exchange exchange, boolean handover)
          Creates a new instance and copies from the current message exchange so that it can be forwarded to another destination as a new instance.
static String ExchangeHelper.createExceptionMessage(String message, Exchange exchange, Throwable cause)
          Creates an exception message with the provided details.
static Map<String,Object> ExchangeHelper.createVariableMap(Exchange exchange)
          Creates a Map of the variables which are made available to a script or template
static void UnitOfWorkHelper.doneSynchronizations(Exchange exchange, List<Synchronization> synchronizations, org.slf4j.Logger log)
static Object ExchangeHelper.extractResultBody(Exchange exchange, ExchangePattern pattern)
          Extracts the body from the given exchange.
<T> T
ExchangeHelper.getBinding(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type)
          Extracts the Exchange.BINDING of the given type or null if not present
static String ExchangeHelper.getContentEncoding(Exchange exchange)
          Returns the MIME content encoding on the input message or null if one is not defined
static String ExchangeHelper.getContentType(Exchange exchange)
          Returns the MIME content type on the input message or null if one is not defined
<T> T
ExchangeHelper.getMandatoryHeader(Exchange exchange, String propertyName, Class<T> type)
static Object ExchangeHelper.getMandatoryInBody(Exchange exchange)
          Returns the mandatory inbound message body of the correct type or throws an exception if it is not present
<T> T
ExchangeHelper.getMandatoryInBody(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type)
          Returns the mandatory inbound message body of the correct type or throws an exception if it is not present
static Object ExchangeHelper.getMandatoryOutBody(Exchange exchange)
          Returns the mandatory outbound message body of the correct type or throws an exception if it is not present
<T> T
ExchangeHelper.getMandatoryOutBody(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type)
          Returns the mandatory outbound message body of the correct type or throws an exception if it is not present
<T> T
ExchangeHelper.getMandatoryProperty(Exchange exchange, String propertyName, Class<T> type)
static Message ExchangeHelper.getResultMessage(Exchange exchange)
          Returns the message where to write results in an exchange-pattern-sensitive way.
static Scanner ObjectHelper.getScanner(Exchange exchange, Object value)
          Creates a Scanner for scanning the given value.
static boolean ExchangeHelper.hasExceptionBeenHandledByErrorHandler(Exchange exchange)
          Tests whether the exchange has already been handled by the error handler
static boolean ExchangeHelper.hasFaultMessage(Exchange exchange)
          Tests whether the exchange has a fault message set and that its not null.
static boolean ExchangeHelper.isFailureHandled(Exchange exchange)
static boolean ExchangeHelper.isInterrupted(Exchange exchange)
static boolean ExchangeHelper.isOutCapable(Exchange exchange)
          Returns true if the given exchange pattern (if defined) can support OUT messages
static boolean ExchangeHelper.isRedeliveryExhausted(Exchange exchange)
static Object ExchangeHelper.lookupBean(Exchange exchange, String name)
          Performs a lookup in the registry of the bean name
<T> T
ExchangeHelper.lookupBean(Exchange exchange, String name, Class<T> type)
          Performs a lookup in the registry of the bean name and type
static Object ExchangeHelper.lookupMandatoryBean(Exchange exchange, String name)
          Performs a lookup in the registry of the mandatory bean name and throws an exception if it could not be found
<T> T
ExchangeHelper.lookupMandatoryBean(Exchange exchange, String name, Class<T> type)
          Performs a lookup in the registry of the mandatory bean name and throws an exception if it could not be found
<T> T
ExchangeHelper.newInstance(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type)
          Creates a new instance of the given type from the injector
static void EventHelper.notifyExchangeCreated(CamelContext context, Exchange exchange)
static void EventHelper.notifyExchangeDone(CamelContext context, Exchange exchange)
static void EventHelper.notifyExchangeFailed(CamelContext context, Exchange exchange)
static void EventHelper.notifyExchangeFailureHandled(CamelContext context, Exchange exchange, Processor failureHandler, boolean deadLetterChannel)
static void EventHelper.notifyExchangeRedelivery(CamelContext context, Exchange exchange, int attempt)
static void EventHelper.notifyExchangeSent(CamelContext context, Exchange exchange, Endpoint endpoint, long timeTaken)
static void ExchangeHelper.populateVariableMap(Exchange exchange, Map<String,Object> map)
          Populates the Map with the variables which are made available to a script or template
static void ExchangeHelper.prepareAggregation(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange)
          Prepares the exchanges for aggregation.
static void ExchangeHelper.prepareOutToIn(Exchange exchange)
          Strategy to prepare results before next iterator or when we are complete, which is done by copying OUT to IN, so there is only an IN as input for the next iteration.
static void AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessor processor, Exchange exchange)
          Calls the async version of the processor's process method and waits for it to complete before returning.
static boolean AsyncProcessorHelper.process(AsyncProcessor processor, Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback)
          Calls the async version of the processor's process method.
static Endpoint ExchangeHelper.resolveEndpoint(Exchange exchange, Object value)
          Attempts to resolve the endpoint for the given value
static void ExchangeHelper.setFailureHandled(Exchange exchange)
static CamelExecutionException ObjectHelper.wrapCamelExecutionException(Exchange exchange, Throwable e)
          Wraps the caused exception in a CamelExecutionException if its not already such an exception.

Method parameters in org.apache.camel.util with type arguments of type Exchange
static Exchange ExchangeHelper.getExchangeById(Iterable<Exchange> exchanges, String exchangeId)
          Returns the first exchange in the given collection of exchanges which has the same exchange ID as the one given or null if none could be found

Apache CAMEL