Package org.apache.camel.impl

Default implementation classes for Camel Core


Class Summary
ActiveMQUuidGenerator UuidGenerator which is a fast implementation based on how AggregateRouteNode  
BreakpointSupport A support class for Breakpoint implementations to use as base class.
CamelPostProcessorHelper A helper class for Camel based injector or post processing hooks which can be reused by both the Spring, Guice and Blueprintsupport.
CompositeRegistry This registry will look up the object with the sequence of the registry list until it finds the Object.
ConditionSupport A support class for Condition implementations to use as base class.
ConsumerCache Cache containing created Consumer.
DefaultAsyncProducer A default implementation of Producer for implementation inheritance, which can process Exchanges asynchronously.
DefaultCamelContext Represents the context used to configure routes and the policies to use.
DefaultCamelContextNameStrategy A default name strategy which auto assigns a name using a prefix-counter pattern.
DefaultClassResolver Default class resolver that uses regular class loader to load classes.
DefaultComponent Default component to use for base for components implementations.
DefaultComponentResolver The default implementation of ComponentResolver which tries to find components by using the URI scheme prefix and searching for a file of the URI scheme name in the META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/component/ directory on the classpath.
DefaultConsumer A default consumer useful for implementation inheritance.
DefaultConsumerTemplate Template (named like Spring's TransactionTemplate & JmsTemplate et al) for working with Camel and consuming Message instances in an Exchange from an Endpoint.
DefaultDataFormatResolver Default data format resolver
DefaultDebugger The default implementation of the Debugger.
DefaultEndpoint A default endpoint useful for implementation inheritance.
DefaultExchange A default implementation of Exchange
DefaultExchangeFormatter A default ExchangeFormatter which just uses the Exchange toString() method
DefaultExchangeHolder Holder object for sending an exchange over a remote wire as a serialized object.
DefaultFactoryFinder Default factory finder.
DefaultFactoryFinderResolver Default factory finder.
DefaultHeaderFilterStrategy The default header filtering strategy.
DefaultInflightRepository Default implement which just uses a counter
DefaultLanguageResolver Default language resolver that looks for language factories in META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/language/ and language resolvers in META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/language/resolver/.
DefaultMessage The default implementation of Message

This implementation uses a CaseInsensitiveMap storing the headers.

DefaultNodeIdFactory Default id factory.
DefaultPackageScanClassResolver Default implement of PackageScanClassResolver
DefaultPollingConsumerPollStrategy A default implementation that just logs a WARN level log in case of rollback.
DefaultPollingEndpoint A base class for an endpoint which the default consumer mode is to use a PollingConsumer
DefaultProducer A default implementation of Producer for implementation inheritance.
DefaultProducerServicePool A service pool for Producer.
DefaultProducerTemplate Template (named like Spring's TransactionTemplate & JmsTemplate et al) for working with Camel and sending Message instances in an Exchange to an Endpoint.
DefaultRoute Default implementation of Route.
DefaultRouteContext The context used to activate new routing rules
DefaultRouteNode A default implementation of the RouteNode
DefaultRouteStartupOrder Default implementation of RouteStartupOrder.
DefaultScheduledPollConsumer A default implementation of an event driven Consumer which uses the PollingConsumer
DefaultServicePool<Key,Service> Default implementation to inherit for a basic service pool.
DefaultShutdownStrategy Default ShutdownStrategy which uses graceful shutdown.
DefaultSubUnitOfWork A default implementation of SubUnitOfWork combined with a SubUnitOfWorkCallback to gather callbacks into this SubUnitOfWork state
DefaultUnitOfWork The default implementation of UnitOfWork
EndpointRegistry Endpoint registry which is a based on a LRUSoftCache.
EventDrivenConsumerRoute A DefaultRoute which starts with an Event Driven Consumer
EventDrivenPollingConsumer A default implementation of the PollingConsumer which uses the normal asynchronous consumer mechanism along with a BlockingQueue to allow the caller to pull messages on demand.
ExplicitCamelContextNameStrategy Strategy to used an explicit (fixed) name for CamelContext.
ExpressionAdapter A helper class for developers wishing to implement an Expression using Java code with a minimum amount of code to write so that the developer only needs to implement one of the ExpressionAdapter.evaluate(org.apache.camel.Exchange, Class) or ExpressionSupport.evaluate(org.apache.camel.Exchange) methods.
ExpressionSupport A useful base class for Predicate and Expression implementations
InterceptSendToEndpoint This is an endpoint when sending to it, is intercepted and is routed in a detour
InterceptSendToMockEndpointStrategy A EndpointStrategy which is capable of mocking endpoints.
JavaUuidGenerator This implementation uses the UUID from Java.
JndiRegistry A Registry implementation which looks up the objects in JNDI
LimitedPollingConsumerPollStrategy A PollingConsumerPollStrategy which supports suspending consumers if they failed for X number of times in a row.
LoggingExceptionHandler A default implementation of ExceptionHandler which uses a CamelLogger to log the exception.
MDCUnitOfWork This unit of work supports MDC.
MessageSupport A base class for implementation inheritance providing the core Message body handling features but letting the derived class deal with headers.
PollingConsumerSupport A useful base class for implementations of PollingConsumer
ProcessorEndpoint An endpoint which allows exchanges to be sent into it which just invokes a given Processor.
ProcessorPollingConsumer A simple implementation of PollingConsumer which just uses a Processor.
ProducerCache Cache containing created Producer.
PropertyPlaceholderDelegateRegistry A Registry which delegates to the real registry.
RoutePolicySupport A base class for developing custom RoutePolicy implementations.
RouteService Represents the runtime objects for a given RouteDefinition so that it can be stopped independently of other routes
ScheduledPollConsumer A useful base class for any consumer which is polling based
ScheduledPollEndpoint A base class for Endpoint which creates a ScheduledPollConsumer
SerializationDataFormat The data format using Java Serialiation.
ServiceSupport A useful base class which ensures that a service is only initialized once and provides some helper methods for enquiring of its status.
SharedProducerServicePool A shared DefaultProducerServicePool which is used by CamelContext by default.
SimpleRegistry A Map-based registry.
SimpleUuidGenerator This implementation uses a counter which increments by one
StringDataFormat The text based data format supporting charset encoding.
SynchronizationAdapter Simple Synchronization adapter with empty methods for easier overriding of single methods.
SynchronousDelegateProducer To process the delegated producer in synchronous mode.
ThrottlingInflightRoutePolicy A throttle based RoutePolicy which is capable of dynamic throttling a route based on number of current inflight exchanges.
WebSpherePackageScanClassResolver WebSphere specific resolver to handle loading annotated resources in JAR files.

Enum Summary

Package org.apache.camel.impl Description

Default implementation classes for Camel Core

Apache CAMEL