Interface IsSingleton

All Known Subinterfaces:
BrowsableEndpoint, Endpoint, Producer
All Known Implementing Classes:
BeanEndpoint, BeanLanguage, BrowseEndpoint, CollectionProducer, ConstantLanguage, DataSetEndpoint, DefaultAsyncProducer, DefaultEndpoint, DefaultPollingEndpoint, DefaultProducer, DirectEndpoint, DirectProducer, FileEndpoint, GenericFileEndpoint, GenericFileProducer, HeaderLanguage, InterceptSendToEndpoint, LanguageEndpoint, LanguageProducer, LogEndpoint, LogProducer, MockEndpoint, ProcessorEndpoint, PropertyLanguage, RefLanguage, ResourceEndpoint, ScheduledPollEndpoint, SedaEndpoint, SedaProducer, SimpleLanguage, SynchronousDelegateProducer, TestEndpoint, TimerEndpoint, TokenizeLanguage, UnitOfWorkProducer, XPathLanguage, XsltEndpoint

public interface IsSingleton

Used for defining if a given class is singleton or not. If the class is a singleton, then a single instance will be shared (and hence should be treated as immutable and be used in a thread-safe manner.) This interface is not implemented as a marker interface (i.e., it's necessary to read isSingleton() instead of instanceof(IsSingleton)). This allows for subclasses to have a singleton status different from a parent and for objects to have this value dynamically changed.


Method Summary
 boolean isSingleton()
          Whether this class supports being singleton or not.

Method Detail


boolean isSingleton()
Whether this class supports being singleton or not.

true to be a single shared instance, false to create new instances.

Apache CAMEL