Interface FileEndpointBuilderFactory.FileEndpointBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • charset

        default FileEndpointBuilderFactory.FileEndpointBuilder charset​(String charset)
        This option is used to specify the encoding of the file. You can use this on the consumer, to specify the encodings of the files, which allow Camel to know the charset it should load the file content in case the file content is being accessed. Likewise when writing a file, you can use this option to specify which charset to write the file as well. Do mind that when writing the file Camel may have to read the message content into memory to be able to convert the data into the configured charset, so do not use this if you have big messages. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: common
        Specified by:
        charset in interface FileEndpointBuilderFactory.FileEndpointConsumerBuilder
        Specified by:
        charset in interface FileEndpointBuilderFactory.FileEndpointProducerBuilder
        charset - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • doneFileName

        default FileEndpointBuilderFactory.FileEndpointBuilder doneFileName​(String doneFileName)
        Producer: If provided, then Camel will write a 2nd done file when the original file has been written. The done file will be empty. This option configures what file name to use. Either you can specify a fixed name. Or you can use dynamic placeholders. The done file will always be written in the same folder as the original file. Consumer: If provided, Camel will only consume files if a done file exists. This option configures what file name to use. Either you can specify a fixed name. Or you can use dynamic placeholders.The done file is always expected in the same folder as the original file. Only ${} and ${} is supported as dynamic placeholders. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: common
        Specified by:
        doneFileName in interface FileEndpointBuilderFactory.FileEndpointConsumerBuilder
        Specified by:
        doneFileName in interface FileEndpointBuilderFactory.FileEndpointProducerBuilder
        doneFileName - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • fileName

        default FileEndpointBuilderFactory.FileEndpointBuilder fileName​(String fileName)
        Use Expression such as File Language to dynamically set the filename. For consumers, it's used as a filename filter. For producers, it's used to evaluate the filename to write. If an expression is set, it take precedence over the CamelFileName header. (Note: The header itself can also be an Expression). The expression options support both String and Expression types. If the expression is a String type, it is always evaluated using the File Language. If the expression is an Expression type, the specified Expression type is used - this allows you, for instance, to use OGNL expressions. For the consumer, you can use it to filter filenames, so you can for instance consume today's file using the File Language syntax: mydata-${date:now:yyyyMMdd}.txt. The producers support the CamelOverruleFileName header which takes precedence over any existing CamelFileName header; the CamelOverruleFileName is a header that is used only once, and makes it easier as this avoids to temporary store CamelFileName and have to restore it afterwards. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: common
        Specified by:
        fileName in interface FileEndpointBuilderFactory.FileEndpointConsumerBuilder
        Specified by:
        fileName in interface FileEndpointBuilderFactory.FileEndpointProducerBuilder
        fileName - the value to set
        the dsl builder