Interface BeanEndpointBuilderFactory.BeanEndpointBuilder

All Superinterfaces:
org.apache.camel.builder.EndpointProducerBuilder, org.apache.camel.EndpointProducerResolver
Enclosing interface:

public static interface BeanEndpointBuilderFactory.BeanEndpointBuilder extends org.apache.camel.builder.EndpointProducerBuilder
Builder for endpoint for the Bean component.
  • Method Details

    • advanced

    • method

      Sets the name of the method to invoke on the bean. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: common
      method - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • scope

      default BeanEndpointBuilderFactory.BeanEndpointBuilder scope(org.apache.camel.BeanScope scope)
      Scope of bean. When using singleton scope (default) the bean is created or looked up only once and reused for the lifetime of the endpoint. The bean should be thread-safe in case concurrent threads is calling the bean at the same time. When using request scope the bean is created or looked up once per request (exchange). This can be used if you want to store state on a bean while processing a request and you want to call the same bean instance multiple times while processing the request. The bean does not have to be thread-safe as the instance is only called from the same request. When using prototype scope, then the bean will be looked up or created per call. However in case of lookup then this is delegated to the bean registry such as Spring or CDI (if in use), which depends on their configuration can act as either singleton or prototype scope. so when using prototype then this depends on the delegated registry. The option is a: <code>org.apache.camel.BeanScope</code> type. Default: Singleton Group: common
      scope - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • scope

      Scope of bean. When using singleton scope (default) the bean is created or looked up only once and reused for the lifetime of the endpoint. The bean should be thread-safe in case concurrent threads is calling the bean at the same time. When using request scope the bean is created or looked up once per request (exchange). This can be used if you want to store state on a bean while processing a request and you want to call the same bean instance multiple times while processing the request. The bean does not have to be thread-safe as the instance is only called from the same request. When using prototype scope, then the bean will be looked up or created per call. However in case of lookup then this is delegated to the bean registry such as Spring or CDI (if in use), which depends on their configuration can act as either singleton or prototype scope. so when using prototype then this depends on the delegated registry. The option will be converted to a <code>org.apache.camel.BeanScope</code> type. Default: Singleton Group: common
      scope - the value to set
      the dsl builder