All Classes and Interfaces

File filter using AntPathMatcher.
File filter using AntPathMatcher.
File binding with the File type.
Acquires exclusive read lock to the given file by checking whether the file is being changed by scanning the file at different intervals (to detect changes).
* The File Component provides access to file systems.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
File consumer.
Read and write files.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
A file read lock that uses an IdempotentRepository and changed as the lock strategy.
A file read lock that uses an IdempotentRepository and rename as the lock strategy.
A file read lock that uses an IdempotentRepository as the lock strategy.
Acquires exclusive read lock to the given file.
This is the interface to be implemented when a custom implementation needs to be provided in case of fileExists=Move is in use while moving any existing file in producer endpoints.
Provides an interface for adapters handling file offsets
File operations for File.
Acquires exclusive read lock to the given file.
Defines resume adapter for consumers of the file component.
Generic File.
Binding between the generic file and the body content.
Base class file component.
Base class for file consumers.
A set of converter methods for working with generic file types
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Default binding for generic file.
Default file sorter.
Base class for file endpoints
Strategy for acquiring exclusive read locks for files to be consumed.
Represent the kinds of options when writing a file and what to do in case of an existing file exists.
A filter for GenericFile.
Generic file message
On completion strategy that performs the required work after the Exchange has been processed.
Exception thrown in case of last file operation failed.
Represents a pluggable strategy when processing files.
Factory to create GenericFileProcessStrategy
Base class for implementations of GenericFileProcessStrategy.
Generic file producer
Acquires exclusive read lock to the given file.
Used for renaming files.
Acquires read lock to the given file using a marker file so other Camel consumers wont acquire the same file.