Interface GenericFileProcessStrategy<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:
GenericFileDeleteProcessStrategy, GenericFileNoOpProcessStrategy, GenericFileProcessStrategySupport, GenericFileRenameProcessStrategy

public interface GenericFileProcessStrategy<T>
Represents a pluggable strategy when processing files.
  • Method Details

    • prepareOnStartup

      void prepareOnStartup(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint) throws Exception
      Allows custom logic to be run on first poll preparing the strategy, such as removing old lock files etc.
      operations - file operations
      endpoint - the endpoint
      Exception - can be thrown in case of errors which causes poll to fail
    • begin

      boolean begin(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file) throws Exception
      Called when work is about to begin on this file. This method may attempt to acquire some file lock before returning true; returning false if the file lock could not be obtained so that the file should be ignored.
      operations - file operations
      endpoint - the endpoint
      exchange - the exchange
      file - the file
      true if the file can be processed (such as if a file lock could be obtained)
      Exception - can be thrown in case of errors
    • abort

      void abort(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file) throws Exception
      Called when a begin is aborted, for example to release any resources which may have been acquired during the begin(GenericFileOperations, GenericFileEndpoint, org.apache.camel.Exchange, GenericFile) operation.
      operations - file operations
      endpoint - the endpoint
      exchange - the exchange
      file - the file
      Exception - can be thrown in case of errors
    • commit

      void commit(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file) throws Exception
      Releases any file locks and possibly deletes or moves the file after successful processing
      operations - file operations
      endpoint - the endpoint
      exchange - the exchange
      file - the file
      Exception - can be thrown in case of errors
    • rollback

      void rollback(GenericFileOperations<T> operations, GenericFileEndpoint<T> endpoint, org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange, GenericFile<T> file) throws Exception
      Releases any file locks and possibly deletes or moves the file after unsuccessful processing
      operations - file operations
      endpoint - the endpoint
      exchange - the exchange
      file - the file
      Exception - can be thrown in case of errors