Class GoogleSheetsStreamConfiguration

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GoogleSheetsStreamConfiguration
    extends Object
    implements Cloneable
    Component configuration for GoogleSheets stream component.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GoogleSheetsStreamConfiguration

        public GoogleSheetsStreamConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • getClientId

        public String getClientId()
      • setClientId

        public void setClientId​(String clientId)
        Client ID of the sheets application
      • getClientSecret

        public String getClientSecret()
      • setClientSecret

        public void setClientSecret​(String clientSecret)
        Client secret of the sheets application
      • getAccessToken

        public String getAccessToken()
      • setAccessToken

        public void setAccessToken​(String accessToken)
        OAuth 2 access token. This typically expires after an hour so refreshToken is recommended for long term usage.
      • getRefreshToken

        public String getRefreshToken()
      • setRefreshToken

        public void setRefreshToken​(String refreshToken)
        OAuth 2 refresh token. Using this, the Google Calendar component can obtain a new accessToken whenever the current one expires - a necessity if the application is long-lived.
      • getApplicationName

        public String getApplicationName()
      • setApplicationName

        public void setApplicationName​(String applicationName)
        Google sheets application name. Example would be "camel-google-sheets/1.0"
      • setScopes

        public void setScopes​(List<String> scopes)
        Specifies the level of permissions you want a sheets application to have to a user account. See for more info.
      • getSpreadsheetId

        public String getSpreadsheetId()
      • setSpreadsheetId

        public void setSpreadsheetId​(String spreadsheetId)
        Specifies the spreadsheet identifier that is used to identify the target to obtain.
      • getMaxResults

        public int getMaxResults()
      • setMaxResults

        public void setMaxResults​(int maxResults)
        Specify the maximum number of returned results. This will limit the number of rows in a returned value range data set or the number of returned value ranges in a batch request.
      • getRange

        public String getRange()
      • setRange

        public void setRange​(String range)
        Specifies the range of rows and columns in a sheet to get data from.
      • getMajorDimension

        public String getMajorDimension()
      • setMajorDimension

        public void setMajorDimension​(String majorDimension)
        Specifies the major dimension that results should use..
      • getValueRenderOption

        public String getValueRenderOption()
      • setValueRenderOption

        public void setValueRenderOption​(String valueRenderOption)
        Determines how values should be rendered in the output.
      • isIncludeGridData

        public boolean isIncludeGridData()
      • setIncludeGridData

        public void setIncludeGridData​(boolean includeGridData)
        True if grid data should be returned.
      • isSplitResults

        public boolean isSplitResults()
      • setSplitResults

        public void setSplitResults​(boolean splitResults)
        True if value range result should be split into rows or columns to process each of them individually. When true each row or column is represented with a separate exchange in batch processing. Otherwise value range object is used as exchange junk size.
      • getServiceAccountKey

        public String getServiceAccountKey()
      • setServiceAccountKey

        public void setServiceAccountKey​(String serviceAccountKey)
        Sets "*.json" file with credentials for Service account
        serviceAccountKey - String file, classpath, or http url
      • getDelegate

        public String getDelegate()
      • setDelegate

        public void setDelegate​(String delegate)
        Delegate for wide-domain service account