Class DebuggerConfigurationProperties

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable, org.apache.camel.spi.BootstrapCloseable

@Configurer(bootstrap=true) public class DebuggerConfigurationProperties extends Object implements org.apache.camel.spi.BootstrapCloseable
Debugger configuration.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • end

    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
    • setEnabled

      public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Enables Debugger in your Camel application.
    • isStandby

      public boolean isStandby()
    • setStandby

      public void setStandby(boolean standby)
      To set the debugger in standby mode, where the debugger will be installed by not automatic enabled. The debugger can then later be enabled explicit from Java, JMX or tooling.
    • isWaitForAttach

      public boolean isWaitForAttach()
    • setWaitForAttach

      public void setWaitForAttach(boolean waitForAttach)
      Whether the debugger should suspend on startup, and wait for a remote debugger to attach. This is what the IDEA and VSCode tooling is using.
    • getLoggingLevel

      public org.apache.camel.LoggingLevel getLoggingLevel()
    • setLoggingLevel

      public void setLoggingLevel(org.apache.camel.LoggingLevel loggingLevel)
      The debugger logging level to use when logging activity.
    • getBreakpoints

      public String getBreakpoints()
    • setBreakpoints

      public void setBreakpoints(String breakpoints)
      Allows to pre-configure breakpoints (node ids) to use with debugger on startup. Multiple ids can be separated by comma. Use special value _all_routes_ to add a breakpoint for the first node for every route, in other words this makes it easy to debug from the beginning of every route without knowing the exact node ids.
    • isSingleStepIncludeStartEnd

      public boolean isSingleStepIncludeStartEnd()
    • setSingleStepIncludeStartEnd

      public void setSingleStepIncludeStartEnd(boolean singleStepIncludeStartEnd)
      In single step mode, then when the exchange is created and completed, then simulate a breakpoint at start and end, that allows to suspend and watch the incoming/complete exchange at the route (you can see message body as response, failed exception etc).
    • getBodyMaxChars

      public int getBodyMaxChars()
    • setBodyMaxChars

      public void setBodyMaxChars(int bodyMaxChars)
      To limit the message body to a maximum size in the traced message. Use 0 or negative value to use unlimited size.
    • isBodyIncludeStreams

      public boolean isBodyIncludeStreams()
    • setBodyIncludeStreams

      public void setBodyIncludeStreams(boolean bodyIncludeStreams)
      Whether to include the message body of stream based messages. If enabled then beware the stream may not be re-readable later. See more about Stream Caching.
    • isBodyIncludeFiles

      public boolean isBodyIncludeFiles()
    • setBodyIncludeFiles

      public void setBodyIncludeFiles(boolean bodyIncludeFiles)
      Whether to include the message body of file based messages. The overhead is that the file content has to be read from the file.
    • isIncludeExchangeProperties

      public boolean isIncludeExchangeProperties()
    • setIncludeExchangeProperties

      public void setIncludeExchangeProperties(boolean includeExchangeProperties)
      Whether to include the exchange properties in the traced message
    • isIncludeExchangeVariables

      public boolean isIncludeExchangeVariables()
    • setIncludeExchangeVariables

      public void setIncludeExchangeVariables(boolean includeExchangeVariables)
      Whether to include the exchange variables in the traced message
    • isIncludeException

      public boolean isIncludeException()
    • setIncludeException

      public void setIncludeException(boolean includeException)
      Trace messages to include exception if the message failed
    • getFallbackTimeout

      public long getFallbackTimeout()
    • setFallbackTimeout

      public void setFallbackTimeout(long fallbackTimeout)
      Fallback Timeout in seconds (300 seconds as default) when block the message processing in Camel. A timeout used for waiting for a message to arrive at a given breakpoint.
    • withEnabled

      public DebuggerConfigurationProperties withEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Enables Debugger in your Camel application.
    • withStandby

      public DebuggerConfigurationProperties withStandby(boolean standby)
      To set the debugger in standby mode, where the debugger will be installed by not automatic enabled. The debugger can then later be enabled explicit from Java, JMX or tooling.
    • withWaitForAttach

      public DebuggerConfigurationProperties withWaitForAttach(boolean waitForAttach)
      Whether the debugger should suspend on startup, and wait for a remote debugger to attach. This is what the IDEA and VSCode tooling is using.
    • withLoggingLevel

      public DebuggerConfigurationProperties withLoggingLevel(org.apache.camel.LoggingLevel loggingLevel)
      The debugger logging level to use when logging activity.
    • withBreakpoints

      public DebuggerConfigurationProperties withBreakpoints(String breakpoints)
      Allows to pre-configure breakpoints (node ids) to use with debugger on startup. Multiple ids can be separated by comma. Use special value _all_routes_ to add a breakpoint for the first node for every route, in other words this makes it easy to debug from the beginning of every route without knowing the exact node ids.
    • withSingleStepIncludeStartEnd

      public DebuggerConfigurationProperties withSingleStepIncludeStartEnd(boolean singleStepIncludeStartEnd)
      In single step mode, then when the exchange is created and completed, then simulate a breakpoint at start and end, that allows to suspend and watch the incoming/complete exchange at the route (you can see message body as response, failed exception etc).
    • withBodyMaxChars

      public DebuggerConfigurationProperties withBodyMaxChars(int bodyMaxChars)
      To limit the message body to a maximum size in the traced message. Use 0 or negative value to use unlimited size.
    • withBodyIncludeStreams

      public DebuggerConfigurationProperties withBodyIncludeStreams(boolean bodyIncludeStreams)
      Whether to include the message body of stream based messages. If enabled then beware the stream may not be re-readable later. See more about Stream Caching.
    • withBodyIncludeFiles

      public DebuggerConfigurationProperties withBodyIncludeFiles(boolean bodyIncludeFiles)
      Whether to include the message body of file based messages. The overhead is that the file content has to be read from the file.
    • withIncludeExchangeProperties

      public DebuggerConfigurationProperties withIncludeExchangeProperties(boolean includeExchangeProperties)
      Whether to include the exchange properties in the traced message
    • withIncludeExchangeVariables

      public DebuggerConfigurationProperties withIncludeExchangeVariables(boolean includeExchangeVariables)
      Whether to include the exchange variables in the traced message
    • withIncludeException

      public DebuggerConfigurationProperties withIncludeException(boolean includeException)
      Trace messages to include exception if the message failed
    • withFallbackTimeout

      public DebuggerConfigurationProperties withFallbackTimeout(long fallbackTimeout)
      Fallback Timeout in seconds (300 seconds as default) when block the message processing in Camel. A timeout used for waiting for a message to arrive at a given breakpoint.