Interface NettyServerBootstrapFactory

    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(org.apache.camel.CamelContext camelContext,
                  NettyServerBootstrapConfiguration configuration,
        <> pipelineFactory)
        Initializes this non-shared NettyServerBootstrapFactory.
        camelContext - the CamelContext for non-shared bootstrap factory
        configuration - the bootstrap configuration
        pipelineFactory - the channel initializer which set up the channel handler pipeline
      • init

        void init​(ThreadFactory threadFactory,
                  NettyServerBootstrapConfiguration configuration,
        <> pipelineFactory)
        Initializes this shared NettyServerBootstrapFactory.
        threadFactory - the thread factory to use for shared bootstrap factory
        configuration - the bootstrap configuration
        pipelineFactory - the channel initializer which set up the channel handler pipeline
      • addChannel

        void addChannel​( channel)
        When a new Channel is opened.
      • removeChannel

        void removeChannel​( channel)
        When a Channel is closed.
      • removeConsumer

        void removeConsumer​(NettyConsumer consumer)
        When a NettyConsumer is removed and no longer using this bootstrap factory.