Class InlineKeyboardButton

    • Constructor Detail

      • InlineKeyboardButton

        public InlineKeyboardButton()
      • InlineKeyboardButton

        public InlineKeyboardButton​(String text,
                                    String url,
                                    LoginUrl loginUrl,
                                    String callbackData,
                                    CallbackGame callbackGame,
                                    Boolean requestContact,
                                    Boolean requestLocation)
        Builds InlineKeyboardButton instance.
        text - Label text on the button
        url - Optional. HTTP or tg:// url to be opened when button is pressed
        loginUrl - Optional. An HTTP URL used to automatically authorize the user.
        callbackData - Optional. Data to be sent in a callback query to the bot when button is pressed, 1-64 bytes
        callbackGame - Optional. Description of the game that will be launched when the user presses the button.
        requestContact - Optional. By clicking on the button, the user's phone will be sent.
        requestLocation - Optional. By clicking on the button, the user's location will be sent
    • Method Detail

      • getText

        public String getText()
      • setText

        public void setText​(String text)
      • getUrl

        public String getUrl()
      • setUrl

        public void setUrl​(String url)
      • getLoginUrl

        public LoginUrl getLoginUrl()
      • setLoginUrl

        public void setLoginUrl​(LoginUrl loginUrl)
      • getCallbackData

        public String getCallbackData()
      • setCallbackData

        public void setCallbackData​(String callbackData)
      • setCallbackGame

        public void setCallbackGame​(CallbackGame callbackGame)
      • getRequestContact

        public Boolean getRequestContact()
      • setRequestContact

        public void setRequestContact​(Boolean requestContact)
      • getRequestLocation

        public Boolean getRequestLocation()
      • setRequestLocation

        public void setRequestLocation​(Boolean requestLocation)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object