Class OutgoingGameMessage

    • Constructor Detail

      • OutgoingGameMessage

        public OutgoingGameMessage​(String chatId,
                                   Long replyToMessageId,
                                   String gameShortName,
                                   Boolean disableNotification,
                                   InlineKeyboardMarkup replyMarkup)
        Builds OutgoingGameMessage instance.
        chatId - Unique identifier for the target chat.
        replyToMessageId - If the message is a reply, ID of the original message.
        gameShortName - Short name of the game, serves as the unique identifier for the game.
        disableNotification - Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
        replyMarkup - An inline keyboard that appears right next to the message it belongs to. If empty, one ‘Play game_title’ button will be shown. If not empty, the first button must launch the game.
      • OutgoingGameMessage

        public OutgoingGameMessage()