Package org.apache.cassandra.thrift

Class Summary
CassandraDaemon This class supports two methods for creating a Cassandra node daemon, invoking the class's main method, and using the jsvc wrapper from commons-daemon, (for more information on using this class with the jsvc wrapper, see the Commons Daemon documentation).
CustomTHsHaServer This is a interim solution till THRIFT-1167 gets committed...
CustomTThreadPoolServer Slightly modified version of the Apache Thrift TThreadPoolServer.
TBinaryProtocol TODO This was added to support writeBinary on direct buffers for CASSANDRA-1714; we can remove it once we upgrade to Thrift 0.7, which incorporates the patch (THRIFT-883).
TCustomServerSocket Extends Thrift's TServerSocket to allow customization of various desirable TCP properties.
TCustomSocket Socket implementation of the TTransport interface.
ThriftValidation This has a lot of building blocks for CassandraServer to call to make sure it has valid input -- ensuring column names conform to the declared comparator, for instance.

Enum Summary

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