Class ColumnFamilyStore

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String SNAPSHOT_TRUNCATE_PREFIX
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SNAPSHOT_DROP_PREFIX
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int RING_VERSION_IRRELEVANT
        Special values used when the local ranges are not changed with ring changes (e.g. local tables).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • keyspace

        public final Keyspace keyspace
      • name

        public final java.lang.String name
      • readOrdering

        public final OpOrder readOrdering
      • viewManager

        public final TableViews viewManager
      • sampleReadLatencyMicros

        public volatile long sampleReadLatencyMicros
      • additionalWriteLatencyMicros

        public volatile long additionalWriteLatencyMicros
    • Constructor Detail

      • ColumnFamilyStore

        public ColumnFamilyStore​(Keyspace keyspace,
                                 java.lang.String columnFamilyName,
                                 java.util.function.Supplier<? extends SSTableId> sstableIdGenerator,
                                 TableMetadataRef metadata,
                                 Directories directories,
                                 boolean loadSSTables,
                                 boolean registerBookeeping,
                                 boolean offline)
    • Method Detail

      • shutdownPostFlushExecutor

        public static void shutdownPostFlushExecutor()
                                              throws java.lang.InterruptedException
      • shutdownExecutorsAndWait

        public static void shutdownExecutorsAndWait​(long timeout,
                                                    java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
                                             throws java.lang.InterruptedException,
      • reload

        public void reload()
      • getBackgroundCompactionTaskSubmitter

        public static java.lang.Runnable getBackgroundCompactionTaskSubmitter()
      • setCompactionParameters

        public void setCompactionParameters​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> options)
        Description copied from interface: ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        Sets the compaction parameters locally for this node Note that this will be set until an ALTER with compaction = {..} is executed or the node is restarted
        Specified by:
        setCompactionParameters in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        options - compaction options map
      • setCompactionParametersJson

        public void setCompactionParametersJson​(java.lang.String options)
        Description copied from interface: ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        Sets the compaction parameters locally for this node Note that this will be set until an ALTER with compaction = {..} is executed or the node is restarted
        Specified by:
        setCompactionParametersJson in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        options - compaction options with the same syntax as when doing ALTER ... WITH compaction = {..}
      • setCompressionParameters

        public void setCompressionParameters​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> opts)
        Description copied from interface: ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        Set the compression parameters locally for this node
        Specified by:
        setCompressionParameters in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        opts - map of string names to values
      • getTableMBeanName

        public static java.lang.String getTableMBeanName​(java.lang.String ks,
                                                         java.lang.String name,
                                                         boolean isIndex)
      • getColumnFamilieMBeanName

        public static java.lang.String getColumnFamilieMBeanName​(java.lang.String ks,
                                                                 java.lang.String name,
                                                                 boolean isIndex)
      • updateSpeculationThreshold

        public void updateSpeculationThreshold()
      • getDataPaths

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getDataPaths()
        Specified by:
        getDataPaths in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
      • writesShouldSkipCommitLog

        public boolean writesShouldSkipCommitLog()
      • memtableWritesAreDurable

        public boolean memtableWritesAreDurable()
      • streamToMemtable

        public boolean streamToMemtable()
      • streamFromMemtable

        public boolean streamFromMemtable()
      • supportsEarlyOpen

        public boolean supportsEarlyOpen()
      • invalidate

        public void invalidate()
        call when dropping or renaming a CF. Performs mbean housekeeping and invalidates CFS to other operations
      • invalidate

        public void invalidate​(boolean expectMBean)
      • invalidate

        public void invalidate​(boolean expectMBean,
                               boolean dropData)
      • createColumnFamilyStore

        public static ColumnFamilyStore createColumnFamilyStore​(Keyspace keyspace,
                                                                java.lang.String columnFamily,
                                                                TableMetadataRef metadata,
                                                                Directories directories,
                                                                boolean loadSSTables,
                                                                boolean registerBookkeeping,
                                                                boolean offline)
        This is only directly used by offline tools
      • scrubDataDirectories

        public static void scrubDataDirectories​(TableMetadata metadata)
                                         throws StartupException
        Removes unnecessary files from the cf directory at startup: these include temp files, orphans, zero-length files and compacted sstables. Files that cannot be recognized will be ignored.
      • loadNewSSTables

        public static void loadNewSSTables​(java.lang.String ksName,
                                           java.lang.String cfName)
        See #StorageService.importNewSSTables for more info
        ksName - The keyspace name
        cfName - The columnFamily name
      • importNewSSTables

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> importNewSSTables​(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> srcPaths,
                                                                  boolean resetLevel,
                                                                  boolean clearRepaired,
                                                                  boolean verifySSTables,
                                                                  boolean verifyTokens,
                                                                  boolean invalidateCaches,
                                                                  boolean extendedVerify,
                                                                  boolean copyData)
        #Load new sstables from the given directory
        Specified by:
        importNewSSTables in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        srcPaths - the path to the new sstables - if it is an empty set, the data directories will be scanned
        resetLevel - if the level should be reset to 0 on the new sstables
        clearRepaired - if repaired info should be wiped from the new sstables
        verifySSTables - if the new sstables should be verified that they are not corrupt
        verifyTokens - if the tokens in the new sstables should be verified that they are owned by the current node
        invalidateCaches - if row cache should be invalidated for the keys in the new sstables
        extendedVerify - if we should run an extended verify checking all values in the new sstables
        copyData - if we should copy data from source paths instead of moving them
        list of failed import directories
      • importNewSSTables

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> importNewSSTables​(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> srcPaths,
                                                                  boolean resetLevel,
                                                                  boolean clearRepaired,
                                                                  boolean verifySSTables,
                                                                  boolean verifyTokens,
                                                                  boolean invalidateCaches,
                                                                  boolean extendedVerify)
        Description copied from interface: ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        Load new sstables from the given directory
        Specified by:
        importNewSSTables in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        srcPaths - the path to the new sstables - if it is an empty set, the data directories will be scanned
        resetLevel - if the level should be reset to 0 on the new sstables
        clearRepaired - if repaired info should be wiped from the new sstables
        verifySSTables - if the new sstables should be verified that they are not corrupt
        verifyTokens - if the tokens in the new sstables should be verified that they are owned by the current node
        invalidateCaches - if row cache should be invalidated for the keys in the new sstables
        extendedVerify - if we should run an extended verify checking all values in the new sstables
        list of failed import directories
      • rebuildSecondaryIndex

        public void rebuildSecondaryIndex​(java.lang.String idxName)
      • rebuildSecondaryIndex

        public static void rebuildSecondaryIndex​(java.lang.String ksName,
                                                 java.lang.String cfName,
                                                 java.lang.String... idxNames)
      • getKeyspaceName

        public java.lang.String getKeyspaceName()
      • newSSTableDescriptor

        public Descriptor newSSTableDescriptor​(File directory)
      • forceFlush

        public Future<CommitLogPosition> forceFlush​(ColumnFamilyStore.FlushReason reason)
        Flush if there is unflushed data in the memtables
        a Future yielding the commit log position that can be guaranteed to have been successfully written to sstables for this table once the future completes
      • forceFlush

        public Future<?> forceFlush​(CommitLogPosition flushIfDirtyBefore)
        Flush if there is unflushed data that was written to the CommitLog before @param flushIfDirtyBefore (inclusive).
        a Future yielding the commit log position that can be guaranteed to have been successfully written to sstables for this table once the future completes
      • createMemtable

        public Memtable createMemtable​(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference<CommitLogPosition> commitLogUpperBound)
      • getCurrentMemtable

        public Memtable getCurrentMemtable()
        Description copied from interface: Memtable.Owner
        Get the current memtable for this owner. Used to avoid capturing memtable in scheduled flush tasks.
        Specified by:
        getCurrentMemtable in interface Memtable.Owner
      • activeMemtables

        public static java.lang.Iterable<Memtable> activeMemtables()
      • getIndexMemtables

        public java.lang.Iterable<Memtable> getIndexMemtables()
        Description copied from interface: Memtable.Owner
        Collect the index memtables flushed together with this. Used to accurately calculate memory that would be freed by a flush.
        Specified by:
        getIndexMemtables in interface Memtable.Owner
      • apply

        public void apply​(PartitionUpdate update,
                          CassandraWriteContext context,
                          boolean updateIndexes)
        Insert/Update the column family for this key. Caller is responsible for acquiring Keyspace.switchLock
        update - to be applied
        context - write context for current update
        updateIndexes - whether secondary indexes should be updated
      • getOverlappingLiveSSTables

        public java.util.Collection<SSTableReader> getOverlappingLiveSSTables​(java.lang.Iterable<SSTableReader> sstables)
        sstables -
        sstables whose key range overlaps with that of the given sstables, not including itself. (The given sstables may or may not overlap with each other.)
      • getAndReferenceOverlappingLiveSSTables

        public Refs<SSTableReader> getAndReferenceOverlappingLiveSSTables​(java.lang.Iterable<SSTableReader> sstables)
        like getOverlappingSSTables, but acquires references before returning
      • addSSTables

        public void addSSTables​(java.util.Collection<SSTableReader> sstables)
      • getExpectedCompactedFileSize

        public long getExpectedCompactedFileSize​(java.lang.Iterable<SSTableReader> sstables,
                                                 OperationType operation)
        Calculate expected file size of SSTable after compaction. If operation type is CLEANUP and we're not dealing with an index sstable, then we calculate expected file size with checking token range to be eliminated. Otherwise, we just add up all the files' size, which is the worst case file size for compaction of all the list of files given.
        sstables - SSTables to calculate expected compacted file size
        operation - Operation type
        Expected file size of SSTable after compaction
      • forceCleanup

        public CompactionManager.AllSSTableOpStatus forceCleanup​(int jobs)
                                                          throws java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException,
      • scrub

        public CompactionManager.AllSSTableOpStatus scrub​(boolean disableSnapshot,
                                                          IScrubber.Options options,
                                                          int jobs)
                                                   throws java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException,
      • scrub

        public CompactionManager.AllSSTableOpStatus scrub​(boolean disableSnapshot,
                                                          boolean alwaysFail,
                                                          IScrubber.Options options,
                                                          int jobs)
                                                   throws java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException,
      • rebuildOnFailedScrub

        public boolean rebuildOnFailedScrub​(java.lang.Throwable failure)
        CASSANDRA-5174 : For an index cfs we may be able to discard everything and just rebuild the index when a scrub fails.
        true if we are an index cfs and we successfully rebuilt the index
      • sstablesRewrite

        public CompactionManager.AllSSTableOpStatus sstablesRewrite​(boolean skipIfCurrentVersion,
                                                                    long skipIfNewerThanTimestamp,
                                                                    boolean skipIfCompressionMatches,
                                                                    int jobs)
                                                             throws java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException,
        Rewrites all SSTables according to specified parameters
        skipIfCurrentVersion - - if {@link true}, will rewrite only SSTables that have version older than the current one (SSTableFormat.getLatestVersion())
        skipIfNewerThanTimestamp - - max timestamp (local creation time) for SSTable; SSTables created _after_ this timestamp will be excluded from compaction
        skipIfCompressionMatches - - if {@link true}, will rewrite only SSTables whose compression parameters are different from {@link TableMetadata#params#getCompressionParameters()} ()}
        jobs - number of jobs for parallel execution
      • relocateSSTables

        public CompactionManager.AllSSTableOpStatus relocateSSTables​(int jobs)
                                                              throws java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException,
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid()
      • getTracker

        public Tracker getTracker()
        Package protected for access from the CompactionManager.
      • getLiveSSTables

        public java.util.Set<SSTableReader> getLiveSSTables()
      • getUncompactingSSTables

        public java.lang.Iterable<SSTableReader> getUncompactingSSTables()
      • getPendingRepairStats

        public java.util.Map<TimeUUID,​PendingStat> getPendingRepairStats()
      • releaseRepairData

        public CleanupSummary releaseRepairData​(java.util.Collection<TimeUUID> sessions,
                                                boolean force)
        promotes (or demotes) data attached to an incremental repair session that has either completed successfully, or failed
        session ids whose data could not be released
      • syncPaxosRepairHistory

        public void syncPaxosRepairHistory​(PaxosRepairHistory sync,
                                           boolean flush)
      • onPaxosRepairComplete

        public void onPaxosRepairComplete​(java.util.Collection<Range<Token>> ranges,
                                          Ballot highBallot)
      • gcBefore

        public long gcBefore​(long nowInSec)
      • getSSTablesForKey

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getSSTablesForKey​(java.lang.String key)
        Description copied from interface: ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        Returns a list of filenames that contain the given key on this node
        Specified by:
        getSSTablesForKey in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        list of filenames containing the key
      • getSSTablesForKey

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getSSTablesForKey​(java.lang.String key,
                                                                  boolean hexFormat)
        Description copied from interface: ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        Returns a list of filenames that contain the given key on this node
        Specified by:
        getSSTablesForKey in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        hexFormat - if key is in hex string format
        list of filenames containing the key
      • getSSTablesForKeyWithLevel

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,​java.util.Set<java.lang.String>> getSSTablesForKeyWithLevel​(java.lang.String key,
                                                                                                                 boolean hexFormat)
        Description copied from interface: ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        Returns a list of filenames that contain the given key and which level they belong to. Requires table to be compacted with LeveledCompactionStrategy
        Specified by:
        getSSTablesForKeyWithLevel in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        list of filenames and levels containing the key
      • withSSTablesForKey

        public <T> java.util.List<T> withSSTablesForKey​(java.lang.String key,
                                                        boolean hexFormat,
                                              <SSTableReader,​T> mapper)
      • beginLocalSampling

        public void beginLocalSampling​(java.lang.String sampler,
                                       int capacity,
                                       int durationMillis)
        Description copied from interface: ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        begin sampling for a specific sampler with a given capacity. The cardinality may be larger than the capacity, but depending on the use case it may affect its accuracy
        Specified by:
        beginLocalSampling in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
      • finishLocalSampling

        public java.util.List<> finishLocalSampling​(java.lang.String sampler,
                                                                                            int count)
        Specified by:
        finishLocalSampling in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        top count items for the sampler since beginLocalSampling was called
      • cleanupCache

        public void cleanupCache()
      • snapshotWithoutMemtable

        public TableSnapshot snapshotWithoutMemtable​(java.lang.String snapshotName)
      • snapshotWithoutMemtable

        public TableSnapshot snapshotWithoutMemtable​(java.lang.String snapshotName,
                                                     java.time.Instant creationTime)
      • snapshotWithoutMemtable

        public TableSnapshot snapshotWithoutMemtable​(java.lang.String snapshotName,
                                           <SSTableReader> predicate,
                                                     boolean ephemeral,
                                                     DurationSpec.IntSecondsBound ttl,
                                                     java.time.Instant creationTime)
        ephemeral - If this flag is set to true, the snapshot will be cleaned during next startup
      • clearEphemeralSnapshots

        protected static void clearEphemeralSnapshots​(Directories directories)
      • getSnapshotSSTableReaders

        public Refs<SSTableReader> getSnapshotSSTableReaders​(java.lang.String tag)
      • snapshot

        public TableSnapshot snapshot​(java.lang.String snapshotName)
        Take a snap shot of this columnfamily store.
        snapshotName - the name of the associated with the snapshot
      • snapshot

        public TableSnapshot snapshot​(java.lang.String snapshotName,
                                      boolean skipMemtable,
                                      DurationSpec.IntSecondsBound ttl,
                                      java.time.Instant creationTime)
        Take a snap shot of this columnfamily store.
        snapshotName - the name of the associated with the snapshot
        skipMemtable - Skip flushing the memtable
        ttl - duration after which the taken snapshot is removed automatically, if supplied with null, it will never be automatically removed
        rateLimiter - Rate limiter for hardlinks-per-second
        creationTime - time when this snapshot was taken
      • snapshot

        public TableSnapshot snapshot​(java.lang.String snapshotName,
                            <SSTableReader> predicate,
                                      boolean ephemeral,
                                      boolean skipMemtable)
        ephemeral - If this flag is set to true, the snapshot will be cleaned up during next startup
        skipMemtable - Skip flushing the memtable
      • snapshot

        public TableSnapshot snapshot​(java.lang.String snapshotName,
                            <SSTableReader> predicate,
                                      boolean ephemeral,
                                      boolean skipMemtable,
                                      DurationSpec.IntSecondsBound ttl,
                                      java.time.Instant creationTime)
        ephemeral - If this flag is set to true, the snapshot will be cleaned up during next startup
        skipMemtable - Skip flushing the memtable
        ttl - duration after which the taken snapshot is removed automatically, if supplied with null, it will never be automatically removed
        rateLimiter - Rate limiter for hardlinks-per-second
        creationTime - time when this snapshot was taken
      • snapshotExists

        public boolean snapshotExists​(java.lang.String snapshotName)
      • clearSnapshot

        public void clearSnapshot​(java.lang.String snapshotName)
        Clear all the snapshots for a given column family.
        snapshotName - the user supplied snapshot name. If left empty, all the snapshots will be cleaned.
      • listSnapshots

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​TableSnapshot> listSnapshots()
        Return a map of all snapshots to space being used The pair for a snapshot has true size and size on disk.
      • getRawCachedPartition

        public CachedPartition getRawCachedPartition​(DecoratedKey key)
        the cached partition for @param key if it is already present in the cache. Not that this will not readAndCache the parition if it is not present, nor are these calls counted in cache statistics. Note that this WILL cause deserialization of a SerializingCache partition, so if all you need to know is whether a partition is present or not, use containsCachedParition instead.
      • invalidateRowCache

        public int invalidateRowCache​(java.util.Collection<Bounds<Token>> boundsToInvalidate)
      • invalidateCounterCache

        public int invalidateCounterCache​(java.util.Collection<Bounds<Token>> boundsToInvalidate)
      • containsCachedParition

        public boolean containsCachedParition​(DecoratedKey key)
        true if @param key is contained in the row cache
      • invalidateCachedPartition

        public void invalidateCachedPartition​(RowCacheKey key)
      • invalidateCachedPartition

        public void invalidateCachedPartition​(DecoratedKey key)
      • forceMajorCompaction

        public void forceMajorCompaction()
      • forceMajorCompaction

        public void forceMajorCompaction​(boolean splitOutput)
        Description copied from interface: ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        force a major compaction of this column family
        Specified by:
        forceMajorCompaction in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        splitOutput - true if the output of the major compaction should be split in several sstables
      • forceCompactionForTokenRange

        public void forceCompactionForTokenRange​(java.util.Collection<Range<Token>> tokenRanges)
                                          throws java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException,
        Description copied from interface: ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        Forces a major compaction of specified token ranges in this column family.

        The token ranges will be interpreted as closed intervals to match the closed interval defined by the first and last keys of a sstable, even though the Range class is suppossed to be half-open by definition.

        Specified by:
        forceCompactionForTokenRange in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        tokenRanges - The token ranges to be compacted, interpreted as closed intervals.
      • forceCompactionForTokenRanges

        public void forceCompactionForTokenRanges​(java.lang.String... strings)
        Description copied from interface: ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        Forces a major compaction of specified token ranges in this column family.

        The token ranges will be interpreted as closed intervals to match the closed interval defined by the first and last keys of a sstable, even though the Range class is suppossed to be half-open by definition.

        Specified by:
        forceCompactionForTokenRanges in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
      • forceCompactionForKey

        public void forceCompactionForKey​(DecoratedKey key)
      • forceCompactionKeysIgnoringGcGrace

        public void forceCompactionKeysIgnoringGcGrace​(java.lang.String... partitionKeysIgnoreGcGrace)
      • shouldIgnoreGcGraceForKey

        public boolean shouldIgnoreGcGraceForKey​(DecoratedKey dk)
      • estimatedKeysForRange

        public long estimatedKeysForRange​(Range<Token> range)
      • clearUnsafe

        public void clearUnsafe()
        For testing. No effort is made to clear historical or even the current memtables, nor for thread safety. All we do is wipe the sstable containers clean, while leaving the actual data files present on disk. (This allows tests to easily call loadNewSSTables on them.)
      • truncateBlocking

        public void truncateBlocking()
      • truncateBlockingWithoutSnapshot

        public void truncateBlockingWithoutSnapshot()
      • dumpMemtable

        public Future<CommitLogPosition> dumpMemtable()
        Drops current memtable without flushing to disk. This should only be called when truncating a column family that cannot have dirty intervals in the commit log (i.e. one which is not durable, or where the memtable itself performs durable writes).
      • unloadCf

        public void unloadCf()
      • runWithCompactionsDisabled

        public <V> V runWithCompactionsDisabled​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<V> callable,
                                                OperationType operationType,
                                                boolean interruptValidation,
                                                boolean interruptViews)
      • runWithCompactionsDisabled

        public <V> V runWithCompactionsDisabled​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<V> callable,
                                      <SSTableReader> sstablesPredicate,
                                                OperationType operationType,
                                                boolean interruptValidation,
                                                boolean interruptViews,
                                                boolean interruptIndexes)
        Runs callable with compactions paused and compactions including sstables matching sstablePredicate stopped
        callable - what to do when compactions are paused
        sstablesPredicate - which sstables should we cancel compactions for
        interruptValidation - if we should interrupt validation compactions
        interruptViews - if we should interrupt view compactions
        interruptIndexes - if we should interrupt compactions on indexes. NOTE: if you set this to true your sstablePredicate must be able to handle LocalPartitioner sstables!
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • disableAutoCompaction

        public void disableAutoCompaction()
      • enableAutoCompaction

        public void enableAutoCompaction()
      • enableAutoCompaction

        public void enableAutoCompaction​(boolean waitForFutures)
        used for tests - to be able to check things after a minor compaction
        waitForFutures - if we should block until autocompaction is done
      • getMeanEstimatedCellPerPartitionCount

        public int getMeanEstimatedCellPerPartitionCount()
      • getMeanPartitionSize

        public double getMeanPartitionSize()
      • getMeanRowCount

        public int getMeanRowCount()
      • decorateKey

        public DecoratedKey decorateKey​(java.nio.ByteBuffer key)
      • isIndex

        public boolean isIndex()
        true if this CFS contains secondary index data
      • concatWithIndexes

        public java.lang.Iterable<ColumnFamilyStore> concatWithIndexes()
      • getBuiltIndexes

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getBuiltIndexes()
        Description copied from interface: ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        Returns a list of the names of the built column indexes for current store
        Specified by:
        getBuiltIndexes in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        list of the index names
      • getUnleveledSSTables

        public int getUnleveledSSTables()
        Specified by:
        getUnleveledSSTables in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        the number of SSTables in L0. Always return 0 if Leveled compaction is not enabled.
      • getSSTableCountPerLevel

        public int[] getSSTableCountPerLevel()
        Specified by:
        getSSTableCountPerLevel in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        sstable count for each level. null unless leveled compaction is used. array index corresponds to level(int[0] is for level 0, ...).
      • getPerLevelSizeBytes

        public long[] getPerLevelSizeBytes()
        Specified by:
        getPerLevelSizeBytes in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        total size on disk for each level. null unless leveled compaction is used. array index corresponds to level(int[0] is for level 0, ...).
      • isLeveledCompaction

        public boolean isLeveledCompaction()
        Specified by:
        isLeveledCompaction in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        true if the table is using LeveledCompactionStrategy. false otherwise.
      • getSSTableCountPerTWCSBucket

        public int[] getSSTableCountPerTWCSBucket()
        Specified by:
        getSSTableCountPerTWCSBucket in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        sstable count for each bucket in TWCS. null unless time window compaction is used. array index corresponds to bucket(int[0] is for most recent, ...).
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
      • isRowCacheEnabled

        public boolean isRowCacheEnabled()
      • isCounterCacheEnabled

        public boolean isCounterCacheEnabled()
      • isKeyCacheEnabled

        public boolean isKeyCacheEnabled()
      • isAutoSnapshotEnabled

        public boolean isAutoSnapshotEnabled()
      • isTableIncrementalBackupsEnabled

        public boolean isTableIncrementalBackupsEnabled()
      • discardSSTables

        public void discardSSTables​(long truncatedAt)
        Discard all SSTables that were created before given timestamp. Caller should first ensure that comapctions have quiesced.
        truncatedAt - The timestamp of the truncation (all SSTables before that timestamp are going be marked as compacted)
      • trueSnapshotsSize

        public long trueSnapshotsSize()
        Specified by:
        trueSnapshotsSize in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        the size of SSTables in "snapshots" subdirectory which aren't live anymore
      • getIfExists

        public static ColumnFamilyStore getIfExists​(TableId id)
        Returns a ColumnFamilyStore by id if it exists, null otherwise Differently from others, this method does not throw exception if the table does not exist.
      • getIfExists

        public static ColumnFamilyStore getIfExists​(java.lang.String ksName,
                                                    java.lang.String cfName)
        Returns a ColumnFamilyStore by ksname and cfname if it exists, null otherwise Differently from others, this method does not throw exception if the keyspace or table does not exist.
      • getDirectoriesForFiles

        public java.util.List<File> getDirectoriesForFiles​(java.util.Set<SSTableReader> sstables)
        Grabs the global first/last tokens among sstables and returns the range of data directories that start/end with those tokens. This is done to avoid grabbing the disk boundaries for every sstable in case of huge compactions.
      • invalidateLocalRanges

        public void invalidateLocalRanges()
      • hasMisplacedSSTables

        public boolean hasMisplacedSSTables()
        Description copied from interface: ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        Check SSTables whether or not they are misplaced.
        Specified by:
        hasMisplacedSSTables in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        true if any of the SSTables is misplaced. If all SSTables are correctly placed or the partitioner does not support splitting, it returns false.
      • getMaxSSTableSize

        public long getMaxSSTableSize()
        Description copied from interface: ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        Returns the size of the biggest SSTable of this table.
        Specified by:
        getMaxSSTableSize in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        (physical) size of the biggest SSTable of this table on disk or 0 if no SSTable is present
      • getMaxSSTableDuration

        public long getMaxSSTableDuration()
        Description copied from interface: ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        Returns the longest duration of an SSTable, in milliseconds, of this table, computed as maxTimestamp - minTimestamp. It returns 0 if there are no SSTables or if maxTimestamp or minTimestamp is equal to Long.MAX_VALUE. Effectively non-zero for tables on TimeWindowCompactionStrategy.
        Specified by:
        getMaxSSTableDuration in interface ColumnFamilyStoreMBean
        the biggest maxTimestamp - minTimestamp among all SSTables of this table or 0 if no SSTable is present