Class Transformation<I extends BaseRowIterator<?>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • Transformation

        public Transformation()
    • Method Detail

      • onClose

        protected void onClose()
        Run on the close of any (logical) partitions iterator this function was applied to We stipulate logical, because if applied to a transformed iterator the lifetime of the iterator object may be longer than the lifetime of the "logical" iterator it was applied to; if the iterator is refilled with MoreContents, for instance, the iterator may outlive this function
      • onPartitionClose

        protected void onPartitionClose()
        Run on the close of any (logical) rows iterator this function was applied to We stipulate logical, because if applied to a transformed iterator the lifetime of the iterator object may be longer than the lifetime of the "logical" iterator it was applied to; if the iterator is refilled with MoreContents, for instance, the iterator may outlive this function
      • applyToPartition

        protected I applyToPartition​(I partition)
        Applied to any rows iterator (partition) we encounter in a partitions iterator
      • applyToRow

        protected Row applyToRow​(Row row)
        Applied to any row we encounter in a rows iterator
      • applyToPartitionKey

        protected DecoratedKey applyToPartitionKey​(DecoratedKey key)
        Applied to the partition key of any rows/unfiltered iterator we are applied to
      • applyToStatic

        protected Row applyToStatic​(Row row)
        Applied to the static row of any rows iterator. NOTE that this is only applied to the first iterator in any sequence of iterators filled by a MoreContents; the static data for such iterators is all expected to be equal
      • applyToDeletion

        protected DeletionTime applyToDeletion​(DeletionTime deletionTime)
        Applied to the partition-level deletion of any rows iterator. NOTE that this is only applied to the first iterator in any sequence of iterators filled by a MoreContents; the static data for such iterators is all expected to be equal
      • applyToPartitionColumns

        protected RegularAndStaticColumns applyToPartitionColumns​(RegularAndStaticColumns columns)
        Applied to the PartitionColumns of any rows iterator. NOTE: same remark than for applyToDeletion: it is only applied to the first iterator in a sequence of iterators filled by MoreContents.