Class DoubleFormat.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static final class DoubleFormat.Builder extends Object
Builds configured format functions for standard double format types.
  • Method Details

    • allowSignedZero

      public DoubleFormat.Builder allowSignedZero(boolean signedZero)
      Sets the flag determining whether or not the zero string may be returned with the minus sign or if it will always be returned in the positive form. For example, if set to true, the string "-0.0" may be returned for some input numbers. If false, only "0.0" will be returned, regardless of the sign of the input number. The default value is true.
      signedZero - if true, the zero string may be returned with a preceding minus sign; if false, the zero string will only be returned in its positive form
      this instance
    • alwaysIncludeExponent

      public DoubleFormat.Builder alwaysIncludeExponent(boolean alwaysIncludeExponent)
      Sets the flag indicating if an exponent value should always be included in the formatted value, even if the exponent value is zero. This property only applies to formats that use scientific notation, namely SCIENTIFIC, ENGINEERING, and MIXED. The default value is false.
      alwaysIncludeExponent - if true, exponents will always be included in formatted output even if the exponent value is zero
      this instance
    • build

      Builds a new double format function.
      format function
    • decimalSeparator

      public DoubleFormat.Builder decimalSeparator(char decimalSeparator)
      Sets the decimal separator character, i.e., the character placed between the whole number and fractional portions of the formatted strings. The default value is '.'.
      decimalSeparator - decimal separator character
      this instance
    • digits

      Sets the string containing the digit characters 0-9, in that order. The default value is the string "0123456789".
      digits - string containing the digit characters 0-9
      this instance
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the argument does not have a length of exactly 10
    • exponentSeparator

      public DoubleFormat.Builder exponentSeparator(String exponentSeparator)
      Sets the exponent separator character, i.e., the string placed between the mantissa and the exponent. The default value is "E", as in "1.2E6".
      exponentSeparator - exponent separator string
      this instance
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • formatSymbols

      Configures this instance with the given format symbols. The following values are set: The digit character string is constructed by starting at the configured zero digit and adding the next 9 consecutive characters.
      symbols - format symbols
      this instance
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • groupingSeparator

      public DoubleFormat.Builder groupingSeparator(char groupingSeparator)
      Sets the character used to separate groups of thousands. Default value is ','.
      groupingSeparator - character used to separate groups of thousands
      this instance
      See Also:
    • groupThousands

      public DoubleFormat.Builder groupThousands(boolean groupThousands)
      If set to true, thousands will be grouped with the grouping separator. For example, if set to true, the number 1000 could be formatted as "1,000". This property only applies to the PLAIN format. Default value is false.
      groupThousands - if true, thousands will be grouped
      this instance
      See Also:
    • includeFractionPlaceholder

      public DoubleFormat.Builder includeFractionPlaceholder(boolean fractionPlaceholder)
      Sets the flag determining whether or not a zero character is added in the fraction position when no fractional value is present. For example, if set to true, the number 1 would be formatted as "1.0". If false, it would be formatted as "1". The default value is true.
      fractionPlaceholder - if true, a zero character is placed in the fraction position when no fractional value is present; if false, fractional digits are only included when needed
      this instance
    • infinity

      Sets the string used to represent infinity. For negative infinity, this string is prefixed with the minus sign.
      infinity - string used to represent infinity
      this instance
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • maxPrecision

      public DoubleFormat.Builder maxPrecision(int maxPrecision)
      Sets the maximum number of significant decimal digits used in format results. A value of 0 indicates no limit. The default value is 0.
      maxPrecision - maximum precision
      this instance
    • minDecimalExponent

      public DoubleFormat.Builder minDecimalExponent(int minDecimalExponent)
      Sets the minimum decimal exponent for formatted strings. No digits with an absolute value of less than 10minDecimalExponent will be included in format results. If the number being formatted does not contain any such digits, then zero is returned. For example, if minDecimalExponent is set to -2 and the number 3.14159 is formatted, the plain format result will be "3.14". If 0.001 is formatted, then the result is the zero string.
      minDecimalExponent - minimum decimal exponent
      this instance
    • minusSign

      public DoubleFormat.Builder minusSign(char minusSign)
      Sets the character used as the minus sign.
      minusSign - character to use as the minus sign
      this instance
    • nan

      Sets the string used to represent Double.NaN.
      nan - string used to represent Double.NaN
      this instance
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • plainFormatMaxDecimalExponent

      public DoubleFormat.Builder plainFormatMaxDecimalExponent(int plainFormatMaxDecimalExponent)
      Sets the maximum decimal exponent for numbers formatted as plain decimal strings when using the MIXED format type. If the number being formatted has an absolute value less than 10plainFormatMaxDecimalExponent + 1 and greater than or equal to 10plainFormatMinDecimalExponent after any necessary rounding, then the formatted result will use the PLAIN format type. Otherwise, SCIENTIFIC format will be used. For example, if this value is set to 2, the number 999 will be formatted as "999.0" while 1000 will be formatted as "1.0E3".

      The default value is 6.

      This value is ignored for formats other than DoubleFormat.MIXED.

      plainFormatMaxDecimalExponent - maximum decimal exponent for values formatted as plain strings when using the MIXED format type.
      this instance
      See Also:
    • plainFormatMinDecimalExponent

      public DoubleFormat.Builder plainFormatMinDecimalExponent(int plainFormatMinDecimalExponent)
      Sets the minimum decimal exponent for numbers formatted as plain decimal strings when using the MIXED format type. If the number being formatted has an absolute value less than 10plainFormatMaxDecimalExponent + 1 and greater than or equal to 10plainFormatMinDecimalExponent after any necessary rounding, then the formatted result will use the PLAIN format type. Otherwise, SCIENTIFIC format will be used. For example, if this value is set to -2, the number 0.01 will be formatted as "0.01" while 0.0099 will be formatted as "9.9E-3".

      The default value is -3.

      This value is ignored for formats other than DoubleFormat.MIXED.

      plainFormatMinDecimalExponent - maximum decimal exponent for values formatted as plain strings when using the MIXED format type.
      this instance
      See Also: