Class BusFactory

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    CXFBusFactory, SpringBusFactory

    public abstract class BusFactory
    extends Object
    Factory to create CXF Bus objects.

    CXF includes a large number of components that provide services, such as WSDL parsing, and message processing. To avoid creating these objects over and over, and to allow them to be shared easily, they are associated with a data structure called a bus.

    You don't ever have to explicitly create or manipulate bus objects. If you simply use the CXF or JAX-WS APIs to create clients or servers, CXF will create a default bus for you. You can create a bus explicitly if you need to customize components on the bus or maintain several independent buses with independent configurations.

    This class maintains the default bus for the entire process and a set of thread-default buses. All CXF components that reference the bus, which is to say all CXF components, will obtain a default bus from this class if you do not set a specific bus.

    If you create a bus when there is no default bus in effect, that bus will become the default bus.

    This class holds a reference to the global default bus and a reference to each thread default bus. The thread references are weak with respect to the threads, but otherwise ordinary. Thus, so long as the thread remains alive there will be a strong reference to the bus, and it will not get garbage-collected. If you want to recover memory used CXF, you can set the default and per-thread default bus to null, explicitly.

    • Field Detail

      • defaultBus

        protected static Bus defaultBus

        protected static final Map<Thread,​org.apache.cxf.BusFactory.BusHolder> THREAD_BUSSES
      • THREAD_BUS

        protected static final ThreadLocal<org.apache.cxf.BusFactory.BusHolder> THREAD_BUS
    • Constructor Detail

      • BusFactory

        public BusFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • createBus

        public abstract Bus createBus()
        Creates a new bus. While concrete BusFactory may offer differently parameterized methods for creating a bus, all factories support this no-arg factory method.
        the newly created bus.
      • getDefaultBus

        public static Bus getDefaultBus()
        Returns the default bus, creating it if necessary.
        the default bus.
      • getDefaultBus

        public static Bus getDefaultBus​(boolean createIfNeeded)
        Returns the default bus
        createIfNeeded - Set to true to create a default bus if one doesn't exist
        the default bus.
      • setDefaultBus

        public static void setDefaultBus​(Bus bus)
        Sets the default bus.
        bus - the default bus.
      • setThreadDefaultBus

        public static void setThreadDefaultBus​(Bus bus)
        Sets the default bus for the thread.
        bus - the default bus.
      • getAndSetThreadDefaultBus

        public static Bus getAndSetThreadDefaultBus​(Bus bus)
        Sets the default bus for the thread.
        bus - the new thread default bus.
        the old thread default bus or null
      • getThreadDefaultBus

        public static Bus getThreadDefaultBus()
        Gets the default bus for the thread.
        the default bus.
      • getThreadDefaultBus

        public static Bus getThreadDefaultBus​(boolean createIfNeeded)
        Gets the default bus for the thread, creating if needed
        createIfNeeded - Set to true to create a default bus if one doesn't exist
        the default bus.
      • clearDefaultBusForAnyThread

        public static void clearDefaultBusForAnyThread​(Bus bus)
        Removes a bus from being a thread default bus for any thread.

        This is typically done when a bus has ended its lifecycle (i.e.: a call to Bus.shutdown(boolean) was invoked) and it wants to remove any reference to itself for any thread.

        bus - the bus to remove
      • possiblySetDefaultBus

        public static boolean possiblySetDefaultBus​(Bus bus)
        Sets the default bus if a default bus is not already set.
        bus - the default bus.
        true if the bus was not set and is now set
      • newInstance

        public static BusFactory newInstance()
        Create a new BusFactory The class of the BusFactory is determined by looking for the system propery: org.apache.cxf.bus.factory or by searching the classpath for: META-INF/services/org.apache.cxf.bus.factory
        a new BusFactory to be used to create Bus objects
      • newInstance

        public static BusFactory newInstance​(String className)
        Create a new BusFactory
        className - The class of the BusFactory to create. If null, uses the default search algorithm.
        a new BusFactory to be used to create Bus objects
      • initializeBus

        protected void initializeBus​(Bus bus)