Class HandlerChainInvoker


public class HandlerChainInvoker extends Object
invoke the handlers in a registered handler chain
  • Constructor Details

    • HandlerChainInvoker

      public HandlerChainInvoker(List<> hc)
    • HandlerChainInvoker

      public HandlerChainInvoker(List<> hc, boolean isOutbound)
  • Method Details

    • getLogicalHandlers

      public List<<?>> getLogicalHandlers()
    • getProtocolHandlers

      public List<<?>> getProtocolHandlers()
    • getLogicalMessageContext

      public getLogicalMessageContext()
    • setLogicalMessageContext

      public void setLogicalMessageContext( mc)
    • getProtocolMessageContext

      public getProtocolMessageContext()
    • setProtocolMessageContext

      public void setProtocolMessageContext( mc)
    • invokeLogicalHandlers

      public boolean invokeLogicalHandlers(boolean requestor, context)
    • invokeLogicalHandlersHandleFault

      public boolean invokeLogicalHandlersHandleFault(boolean requestor, context)
    • invokeProtocolHandlers

      public boolean invokeProtocolHandlers(boolean requestor, context)
    • invokeProtocolHandlersHandleFault

      public boolean invokeProtocolHandlersHandleFault(boolean requestor, context)
    • setResponseExpected

      public void setResponseExpected(boolean expected)
    • isResponseExpected

      public boolean isResponseExpected()
    • isOutbound

      public boolean isOutbound()
    • isInbound

      public boolean isInbound()
    • isRequestor

      public boolean isRequestor()
      We need HandlerChainInvoker behaves differently on the client and server side. For the client side, as there is no inbound faultChain, we need to call handleFault and close within HandlerChainInvoker directly.
    • setRequestor

      public void setRequestor(boolean requestor)
    • setInbound

      public void setInbound()
    • setOutbound

      public void setOutbound()
    • faultRaised

      public boolean faultRaised()
    • getFault

      public Exception getFault()
    • setFault

      public void setFault(boolean fe)
    • mepComplete

      public void mepComplete(org.apache.cxf.message.Message message)
      Invoke handlers at the end of an MEP calling close on each. The handlers must be invoked in the reverse order that they appear in the handler chain. On the server side this will not be the reverse order in which they were invoked so use the handler chain directly and not simply the invokedHandler list.
    • isClosed

      public boolean isClosed()
      Indicates that the invoker is closed. When closed, only
      See Also:
    • adoptLogicalHandlers

      public void adoptLogicalHandlers(HandlerChainInvoker invoker)
      Allows an the logical handler chain for one invoker to be used as an alternate chain for another.
      invoker - the invoker encalsulting the alternate logical handler chain
    • setFault

      protected final void setFault(Exception ex)