Class ImmutableNode

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class ImmutableNode
    extends Object
    Byte layout: Header 0 to 1 : the MSB is a boolean flag for isLeaf, the next 15 bits represent the number of children of a node Body 2 to 2 + numDims * Float.BYTES : minCoordinates 2 + numDims * Float.BYTES to 2 + 2 * numDims * Float.BYTES : maxCoordinates concise set rest (children) : Every 4 bytes is storing an offset representing the position of a child. The child offset is an offset from the initialOffset
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImmutableNode

        public ImmutableNode​(int numDims,
                             int initialOffset,
                             int offsetFromInitial,
                             ByteBuffer data,
                             BitmapFactory bitmapFactory)
      • ImmutableNode

        public ImmutableNode​(int numDims,
                             int initialOffset,
                             int offsetFromInitial,
                             short numChildren,
                             boolean leaf,
                             ByteBuffer data,
                             BitmapFactory bitmapFactory)
    • Method Detail

      • getInitialOffset

        public int getInitialOffset()
      • getOffsetFromInitial

        public int getOffsetFromInitial()
      • getNumDims

        public int getNumDims()
      • isLeaf

        public boolean isLeaf()
      • getMinCoordinates

        public float[] getMinCoordinates()
      • getMaxCoordinates

        public float[] getMaxCoordinates()