Class FrameWriterUtils

  • public class FrameWriterUtils
    extends Object
    Utility methods used by FrameWriter implementations.
    • Field Detail


        public static final byte[] NULL_STRING_MARKER_ARRAY
    • Constructor Detail

      • FrameWriterUtils

        public FrameWriterUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • writeFrameHeader

        public static long writeFrameHeader​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory memory,
                                            long startPosition,
                                            FrameType frameType,
                                            long totalSize,
                                            int numRows,
                                            int numRegions,
                                            boolean permuted)
        Writes a frame header to a memory locations.
      • getUtf8ByteBuffersFromStringSelector

        public static List<ByteBuffer> getUtf8ByteBuffersFromStringSelector​(DimensionSelector selector,
                                                                            boolean multiValue)
        Retrieves UTF-8 byte buffers from a DimensionSelector, which is expected to be the kind of selector you get for an STRING column. Null strings are returned as NULL_STRING_MARKER_ARRAY.
        selector - the selector
        multiValue - if true, return an array that corresponds exactly to DimensionSelector.getRow(). if false, always return a single-valued array. In particular, this means [] is returned as [NULL_STRING_MARKER_ARRAY].
        UTF-8 strings. The list itself is never null.
      • getNumericArrayFromObject

        public static List<? extends Number> getNumericArrayFromObject​(Object row)
        Retrieves a numeric list from a Java object, given that the object is an instance of something that can be returned from BaseObjectColumnValueSelector.getObject() of valid numeric array selectors representations While BaseObjectColumnValueSelector specifies that only instances of Object[] can be returned from the numeric array selectors, this method also handles a few more cases which can be encountered if the selector is directly implemented on top of the group by stuff
      • findDisallowedFieldNames

        public static Set<String> findDisallowedFieldNames​(RowSignature signature)
        Checks the provided signature for any disallowed field names. Returns any that are found.
      • verifySortColumns

        public static void verifySortColumns​(List<KeyColumn> keyColumns,
                                             RowSignature signature)
        Verifies whether the provided sortColumns are all sortable, and are a prefix of the signature. This is required because it allows us to treat the sort key as a chunk of bytes. Exits quietly if the sort columns are OK. Throws an exception if there is a problem.
        IllegalArgumentException - if there is a problem
      • copyByteBufferToMemory

        public static void copyByteBufferToMemory​(ByteBuffer src,
                                                  org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory dst,
                                                  long dstPosition,
                                                  int len,
                                                  boolean allowNullBytes)
        Copies "len" bytes from src.position() to "dstPosition" in "memory". Does not update the position of src.
        InvalidNullByteException - if "allowNullBytes" is false and a null byte is encountered
      • replaceUnknownTypesWithNestedColumns

        public static RowSignature replaceUnknownTypesWithNestedColumns​(RowSignature rowSignature)