Class RowSignature

    • Method Detail

      • getColumnName

        public String getColumnName​(int columnNumber)
        Returns the name of the column at position columnNumber.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if columnNumber is not within our row length
      • getColumnType

        public Optional<ColumnType> getColumnType​(String columnName)
        Returns the type of the column named columnName, or empty if the type is unknown or the column does not exist.
      • getColumnType

        public Optional<ColumnType> getColumnType​(int columnNumber)
        Returns the type of the column at position columnNumber, or empty if the type is unknown.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if columnNumber is not within our row length
      • isNumeric

        public boolean isNumeric​(String columnName)
        Returns true if the column is a numeric type (TypeSignature.isNumeric()), otherwise false if the column is not a numeric type or is not present in the row signature.
      • getColumnNames

        public List<String> getColumnNames()
        Returns a list of column names in the order they appear in this signature.
      • size

        public int size()
        Returns the number of columns in this signature.
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(String columnName)
        Returns whether this signature contains a named column.
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(int columnNumber)
      • indexOf

        public int indexOf​(String columnName)
        Returns the first position of columnName in this row signature, or -1 if it does not appear. Note: the same column name may appear more than once in a signature; if it does, this method will return the first appearance.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object