Class ExecuteWhenDoneYielder<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • ExecuteWhenDoneYielder

        public ExecuteWhenDoneYielder​(Yielder<T> baseYielder,
                                      Runnable runnable,
                                      Executor executor)
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public T get()
        Description copied from interface: Yielder
        Gets the object currently held by this Yielder. Can be called multiple times as long as next() is not called. Once next() is called on this Yielder object, all further operations on this object are undefined.
        Specified by:
        get in interface Yielder<T>
        the currently yielded object, null if done
      • next

        public Yielder<T> next​(T initValue)
        Description copied from interface: Yielder
        Gets the next Yielder in the chain. The argument is used as the accumulator value to pass along to start the accumulation until the next yield() call or iteration completes. Once next() is called on this Yielder object, all further operations on this object are undefined.
        Specified by:
        next in interface Yielder<T>
        initValue - the initial value to pass along to start the accumulation until the next yield() call or iteration completes.
        the next Yielder in the chain, or undefined if done
      • isDone

        public boolean isDone()
        Description copied from interface: Yielder
        Returns true if this is the last Yielder in the chain. Review the class level javadoc for an understanding of the contract for other methods when isDone() is true. Once next() is called on this Yielder object, all further operations on this object are undefined.
        Specified by:
        isDone in interface Yielder<T>
        true if this is the last Yielder in the chain, false otherwise