Interface ObjectFlattener<T>

  • public interface ObjectFlattener<T>
    • Method Detail

      • flatten

        Map<String,​Object> flatten​(T obj)
        Transforms an input row object into a Map, likely based on the instructions in some JSONPathSpec. This method is used in normal ingestion to extract values into a map to translate into an InputRow
      • toMap

        Map<String,​Object> toMap​(T obj)
        Completely transforms an input row into a Map, including translating all nested structure into plain java objects such as Map and List. This method should translate everything as much as possible, ignoring any instructions in JSONPathSpec which might otherwise limit the amount of transformation done. This method is used by the ingestion "sampler" to provide a "raw" JSON form of the original input data, regardless of actual format, so that it can use "inline" JSON datasources and reduce sampling overhead.