Class ChainedExecutionQueryRunner<T>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ChainedExecutionQueryRunner<T>
    extends Object
    implements QueryRunner<T>
    A QueryRunner that combines a list of other QueryRunners and executes them in parallel on an executor.

    When using this, it is important to make sure that the list of QueryRunners provided is fully flattened. If, for example, you were to pass a list of a Chained QueryRunner (A) and a non-chained QueryRunner (B). Imagine A has 2 QueryRunner chained together (Aa and Ab), the fact that the Queryables are run in parallel on an executor would mean that the Queryables are actually processed in the order

    A -> B -> Aa -> Ab

    That is, the two sub queryables for A would run *after* B is run, effectively meaning that the results for B must be fully cached in memory before the results for Aa and Ab are computed.