Class QueryInterruptedException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, SanitizableException

    public class QueryInterruptedException
    extends QueryException
    Exception representing a failed query. The name "QueryInterruptedException" is a misnomer; this is actually used on the client side for *all* kinds of failed queries.

    Fields: - "errorCode" is a well-defined errorCode code taken from a specific list (see the static constants). "Unknown exception" represents all wrapped exceptions other than interrupt, cancellation, resource limit exceeded, unauthorized request, and unsupported operation. - "errorMessage" is the toString of the wrapped exception - "errorClass" is the class of the wrapped exception - "host" is the host that the errorCode occurred on

    The QueryResource is expected to emit the JSON form of this object when errors happen, and the DirectDruidClient deserializes and wraps them.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • QueryInterruptedException

        public QueryInterruptedException​(Throwable cause)
        Creates a new QueryInterruptedException wrapping an underlying exception. The errorMessage and errorClass of this exception will be based on the highest non-QueryInterruptedException in the causality chain.
        cause - wrapped exception
      • QueryInterruptedException

        public QueryInterruptedException​(Throwable cause,
                                         String host)