Class ResponseContext.Keys

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class ResponseContext.Keys
    extends Object
    Global registry of response context keys. Also defines the standard keys associated with objects in the context.

    If it's necessary to add new keys in the context then they should be listed in a separate class:

     public class SomeClass
       static final Key EXTENSION_KEY_1 = new StringKey(
          "extension_key_1", Visibility.HEADER_AND_TRAILER, true),
       static final Key EXTENSION_KEY_2 = new CounterKey(
          "extension_key_2", Visibility.None);
       static {
         Keys.instance().registerKeys(new Key[] {
    Make sure all extension keys are added with the {@link #registerKey(Key)} or {@link #registerKeys(Key[])} methods.

    Create custom keys in one of two ways. As shown above, predefined key types exist for common values. Custom values can be created as shown in the code for this class.

    • Field Detail


        public static final ResponseContext.Key UNCOVERED_INTERVALS
        Lists intervals for which NO segment is present.

        public static final ResponseContext.Key UNCOVERED_INTERVALS_OVERFLOWED
        Indicates if the number of uncovered intervals exceeded the limit (true/false).

        public static final ResponseContext.Key REMAINING_RESPONSES_FROM_QUERY_SERVERS
        Map of most relevant query ID to remaining number of responses from query nodes. The value is initialized in CachingClusteredClient when it initializes the connection to the query nodes, and is updated whenever they respond (@code DirectDruidClient). RetryQueryRunner uses this value to check if the MISSING_SEGMENTS is valid.

        Currently, the broker doesn't run subqueries in parallel, the remaining number of responses will be updated one by one per subquery. However, since it can be parallelized to run subqueries simultaneously, we store them in a ConcurrentHashMap.

        See Also:

        public static final ResponseContext.Key MISSING_SEGMENTS
        Lists missing segments.
      • ETAG

        public static final ResponseContext.Key ETAG
        Entity tag. A part of HTTP cache validation mechanism. Is being removed from the context before sending and used as a separate HTTP header.

        public static final ResponseContext.Key QUERY_TOTAL_BYTES_GATHERED
        Query total bytes gathered.

        public static final ResponseContext.Key QUERY_FAIL_DEADLINE_MILLIS
        Query fail time (current time + timeout).
      • TIMEOUT_AT

        public static final ResponseContext.Key TIMEOUT_AT
        This variable indicates when a running query should be expired, and is effective only when 'timeout' of queryContext has a positive value.

        public static final ResponseContext.Key NUM_SCANNED_ROWS
        The number of rows scanned by ScanQueryEngine.

        Named "count" for backwards compatibility with older data servers that still send this, even though it's now marked as internal.


        public static final ResponseContext.Key CPU_CONSUMED_NANOS
        The total CPU time for threads related to Sequence processing of the query. Resulting value on a Broker is a sum of downstream values from historicals / realtime nodes. For additional information see CPUTimeMetricQueryRunner
      • INSTANCE

        public static final ResponseContext.Keys INSTANCE
        One and only global list of keys. This is a semi-constant: it is mutable at start-up time, but then is not thread-safe, and must remain unchanged for the duration of the server run.
    • Method Detail

      • instance

        public static ResponseContext.Keys instance()
        Returns the single, global key registry for this server.
      • registerKeys

        public void registerKeys​(ResponseContext.Key[] keys)
        Register a group of keys.
      • find

        public ResponseContext.Key find​(String name)
        Returns a registered key associated with the given name, or null if the key is not registered. This form is for testing and for deserialization when the existence of the key is suspect.