Class ResultRow

    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static ResultRow of​(Object... row)
        Create a row from an array of objects.
      • create

        public static ResultRow create​(int size)
        Create a row of a certain size, initialized to all nulls.
      • fromLegacyRow

        public static ResultRow fromLegacyRow​(Row row,
                                              GroupByQuery query)
        Create a row based on a legacy Row that was generated by a given GroupByQuery. This is useful for deserializing rows that have come off the wire in the older format. (In the past, GroupBy query results were sequences of Row, not ResultRow.)
        row - legacy row
        query - query corresponding to the output ResultRow
      • getArray

        public Object[] getArray()
        Get the backing array for this row (not a copy).
      • getLong

        public long getLong​(int i)
      • length

        public int length()
      • copy

        public ResultRow copy()
        Returns a copy of this row. The backing array will be copied as well.
      • toMap

        public Map<String,​Object> toMap​(GroupByQuery query)
        Returns a Map representation of the data in this row. Does not include the timestamp.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object