Class MemoryOpenHashTable

    • Constructor Detail

      • MemoryOpenHashTable

        public MemoryOpenHashTable​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory tableMemory,
                                   int numBuckets,
                                   int maxSize,
                                   int keySize,
                                   int valueSize)
        Create a new table.
        tableMemory - backing memory for the table; must be exactly large enough to hold "numBuckets"
        numBuckets - number of buckets for the table
        maxSize - maximum number of elements for the table; must be less than numBuckets
        keySize - key size in bytes
        valueSize - value size in bytes
    • Method Detail

      • memoryNeeded

        public static int memoryNeeded​(int numBuckets,
                                       int bucketSize)
        Returns the amount of memory needed for a table. This is just a multiplication, which is easy enough to do on your own, but sometimes it's nice for clarity's sake to call a function with a name that indicates why the multiplication is happening.
        numBuckets - number of buckets
        bucketSize - size per bucket (in bytes)
        size of table (in bytes)
      • bucketSize

        public static int bucketSize​(int keySize,
                                     int valueSize)
        Returns the size of each bucket in a table.
        keySize - size of keys (in bytes)
        valueSize - size of values (in bytes)
        size of buckets (in bytes)
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clear the table, resetting size to zero.
      • copyTo

        public void copyTo​(MemoryOpenHashTable other,
                           MemoryOpenHashTable.BucketCopyHandler copyHandler)
        Copy this table into another one. The other table must be large enough to hold all the copied buckets. The other table will be cleared before the copy takes place.
        other - the other table
        copyHandler - a callback that is notified for each copied bucket
      • findBucket

        public int findBucket​(int keyHash,
                              org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory keySpace,
                              int keySpacePosition)
        Finds the bucket for a particular key.
        keyHash - result of calling HashTableUtils.hashMemory(org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory, long, int) on this key
        keySpace - memory containing the key
        keySpacePosition - position of the key within keySpace
        bucket number if currently occupied, or -bucket - 1 if not occupied (yet)
      • canInsertNewBucket

        public boolean canInsertNewBucket()
        Returns whether this table can accept a new bucket.
      • initBucket

        public void initBucket​(int bucket,
                               org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory keySpace,
                               int keySpacePosition)
        Initialize a bucket with a particular key. Do not call this method unless the bucket is currently unused and canInsertNewBucket() returns true.
        bucket - bucket number
        keySpace - memory containing the key
        keySpacePosition - position of the key within keySpace
      • size

        public int size()
        Returns the number of elements currently in the table.
      • numBuckets

        public int numBuckets()
        Returns the number of buckets in this table. Note that not all of these can actually be used. The amount that can be used depends on the "maxSize" parameter provided during construction.
      • keySize

        public int keySize()
        Returns the size of keys, in bytes.
      • valueSize

        public int valueSize()
        Returns the size of values, in bytes.
      • bucketKeyOffset

        public int bucketKeyOffset()
        Returns the offset within each bucket where the key starts.
      • bucketValueOffset

        public int bucketValueOffset()
        Returns the offset within each bucket where the value starts.
      • bucketSize

        public int bucketSize()
        Returns the size in bytes of each bucket.
      • bucketMemoryPosition

        public int bucketMemoryPosition​(int bucket)
        Returns the position within memory() where a particular bucket starts.
      • memory

        public org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory memory()
        Returns the memory backing this table.
      • bucketIterator

        public it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntIterator bucketIterator()
        Iterates over all used buckets, returning bucket numbers for each one. The intent is that callers will pass the bucket numbers to bucketMemoryPosition(int) and then use bucketKeyOffset() and bucketValueOffset() to extract keys and values from the buckets as needed.