Class ArrayStringGroupByColumnSelectorStrategy

    • Constructor Detail

      • ArrayStringGroupByColumnSelectorStrategy

        public ArrayStringGroupByColumnSelectorStrategy()
    • Method Detail

      • getGroupingKeySize

        public int getGroupingKeySize()
        Description copied from interface: GroupByColumnSelectorStrategy
        Return the size, in bytes, of this dimension's values in the grouping key. For example, a String implementation would return 4, the size of an int.
        Specified by:
        getGroupingKeySize in interface GroupByColumnSelectorStrategy
        size, in bytes, of this dimension's values in the grouping key.
      • processValueFromGroupingKey

        public void processValueFromGroupingKey​(GroupByColumnSelectorPlus selectorPlus,
                                                ByteBuffer key,
                                                ResultRow resultRow,
                                                int keyBufferPosition)
        Description copied from interface: GroupByColumnSelectorStrategy
        Read a value from a grouping key and add it to the group by query result row, using the output name specified in a DimensionSpec. An implementation may choose to not add anything to the result row (e.g., as the String implementation does for empty rows) selectorPlus provides access to: - the keyBufferPosition offset from which to read the value - the dimension value selector - the DimensionSpec for this dimension from the query
        Specified by:
        processValueFromGroupingKey in interface GroupByColumnSelectorStrategy
        selectorPlus - dimension info containing the key offset, value selector, and dimension spec
        key - grouping key
        resultRow - result row for the group by query being served
        keyBufferPosition - buffer position for the grouping key, added to support chaining multiple ColumnSelectorStrategy
      • initColumnValues

        public int initColumnValues​(ColumnValueSelector selector,
                                    int columnIndex,
                                    Object[] valuess)
        Description copied from interface: GroupByColumnSelectorStrategy
        Retrieve a row object from the ColumnValueSelector and put it in valuess at columnIndex.
        Specified by:
        initColumnValues in interface GroupByColumnSelectorStrategy
        selector - Value selector for a column.
        columnIndex - Index of the column within the row values array
        valuess - Row values array, one index per column
        estimated increase in internal state footprint, in bytes, as a result of this operation. May be zero if memory did not increase as a result of this operation. Will not be negative.
      • initGroupingKeyColumnValue

        public void initGroupingKeyColumnValue​(int keyBufferPosition,
                                               int dimensionIndex,
                                               Object rowObj,
                                               ByteBuffer keyBuffer,
                                               int[] stack)
        Description copied from interface: GroupByColumnSelectorStrategy
        Read the first value within a row values object (e. g. IndexedInts, as the value in a dictionary-encoded string column) and write that value to the keyBuffer at keyBufferPosition. If the row size is 0 (e. g. IndexedInts.size()), write GroupByColumnSelectorStrategy.GROUP_BY_MISSING_VALUE instead. If the size of the row is > 0, write 1 to stack[] at columnIndex, otherwise write 0.
        Specified by:
        initGroupingKeyColumnValue in interface GroupByColumnSelectorStrategy
        keyBufferPosition - Starting offset for this column's value within the grouping key.
        dimensionIndex - Index of this dimension within the stack array
        rowObj - Row value object for this column
        keyBuffer - grouping key
        stack - array containing the current within-row value index for each column
      • checkRowIndexAndAddValueToGroupingKey

        public boolean checkRowIndexAndAddValueToGroupingKey​(int keyBufferPosition,
                                                             Object rowObj,
                                                             int rowValIdx,
                                                             ByteBuffer keyBuffer)
        Description copied from interface: GroupByColumnSelectorStrategy
        If rowValIdx is less than the size of rowObj (haven't handled all of the row values): First, read the value at rowValIdx from a rowObj and write that value to the keyBuffer at keyBufferPosition. Then return true Otherwise, return false.
        Specified by:
        checkRowIndexAndAddValueToGroupingKey in interface GroupByColumnSelectorStrategy
        keyBufferPosition - Starting offset for this column's value within the grouping key.
        rowObj - Row value object for this column (e.g., IndexedInts)
        rowValIdx - Index of the current value being grouped on within the row
        keyBuffer - grouping key
        true if rowValIdx < size of rowObj, false otherwise
      • writeToKeyBuffer

        public int writeToKeyBuffer​(int keyBufferPosition,
                                    ColumnValueSelector selector,
                                    ByteBuffer keyBuffer)
        Description copied from interface: GroupByColumnSelectorStrategy
        Write a single object from the given selector to the keyBuffer at keyBufferPosition. The reading column must have a single value. The position of the keyBuffer may be modified.
        Specified by:
        writeToKeyBuffer in interface GroupByColumnSelectorStrategy
        keyBufferPosition - starting offset for this column's value within the grouping key
        selector - selector to retrieve row value object from
        keyBuffer - grouping key
        estimated increase in internal state footprint, in bytes, as a result of this operation. May be zero if memory did not increase as a result of this operation. Will not be negative.