Interface TopNColumnAggregatesProcessor<ValueSelectorType>

    • Method Detail

      • getRowSelector

        Aggregator[][] getRowSelector​(TopNQuery query,
                                      TopNParams params,
                                      StorageAdapter storageAdapter)
        Used by HeapBasedTopNAlgorithm. Create an Aggregator[][] using BaseTopNAlgorithm.AggregatorArrayProvider and the given parameters. As the Aggregator[][] is used as an integer-based lookup, this method is only applicable for dimension types that use integer row values, e.g. string columns where the value cardinality is known. A dimension type that does not have integer values should return null.
        query - The TopN query being served
        params - Parameters for the TopN query being served
        storageAdapter - Column storage adapter, to provide information about the column that can be used for query optimization, e.g. whether dimension values are sorted or not
        an Aggregator[][] for integer-valued dimensions, null otherwise
      • scanAndAggregate

        long scanAndAggregate​(TopNQuery query,
                              ValueSelectorType selector,
                              Cursor cursor,
                              Aggregator[][] rowSelector)
        Used by HeapBasedTopNAlgorithm. The contract of this method requires calling initAggregateStore() prior to calling this method. Iterate through the Cursor, reading the current row from a dimension value selector, and for each row value: 1. Retrieve the Aggregator[] for the row value from rowSelector (fast integer lookup), usable if value cardinality is known, or from aggregatesStore (slower map). 2. If the rowSelector/aggregatesStore did not have an entry for a particular row value, this function should retrieve the current Aggregator[] using BaseTopNAlgorithm.makeAggregators(org.apache.druid.segment.Cursor, java.util.List<org.apache.druid.query.aggregation.AggregatorFactory>) and the provided cursor and query, storing them in rowSelector/aggregatesStore 3. Call Aggregator.aggregate() on each of the aggregators. If a dimension type doesn't have integer values, it should ignore rowSelector and use the aggregatesStore map only.
        query - The TopN query being served.
        selector - Dimension value selector
        cursor - Cursor for the segment being queried
        rowSelector - Integer lookup containing aggregators
        the number of processed rows (after postFilters are applied inside the cursor being processed)
      • updateResults

        void updateResults​(TopNResultBuilder resultBuilder)
        Used by HeapBasedTopNAlgorithm. Read entries from the aggregates store, adding the keys and associated values to the resultBuilder, applying the valueTransformer to the keys if present
        resultBuilder - TopN result builder
      • initAggregateStore

        void initAggregateStore()
        Initializes the underlying aggregates store to something nice and seleector type appropriate
      • closeAggregators

        void closeAggregators()
        Closes all on heap Aggregator associated with the aggregates processor