Class VectorCursorGranularizer

  • public class VectorCursorGranularizer
    extends Object
    Class that helps vectorized query engines handle "granularity" parameters. Nonvectorized engines have it handled for them by the StorageAdapter. Vectorized engines don't, because they can get efficiency gains by pushing granularity handling into the engine layer.
    • Method Detail

      • setCurrentOffsets

        public void setCurrentOffsets​(org.joda.time.Interval bucketInterval)
      • advanceCursorWithinBucket

        public boolean advanceCursorWithinBucket()
        Return true, and advances the cursor, if it can be advanced within the current time bucket. Otherwise, returns false and does nothing else.
      • getBucketIterable

        public Iterable<org.joda.time.Interval> getBucketIterable()
      • getStartOffset

        public int getStartOffset()
      • getEndOffset

        public int getEndOffset()