Interface ColumnProcessorFactory<T>

    • Method Detail

      • defaultType

        ColumnType defaultType()
        This default type will be used when the underlying column has an unknown type. This allows a column processor factory to specify what type it prefers to deal with (the most 'natural' type for whatever it is doing) when all else is equal.
      • makeDimensionProcessor

        T makeDimensionProcessor​(DimensionSelector selector,
                                 boolean multiValue)
        Create a processor for a string column.
        selector - dimension selector
        multiValue - whether the selector *might* have multiple values
      • makeFloatProcessor

        T makeFloatProcessor​(BaseFloatColumnValueSelector selector)
        Create a processor for a float column.
        selector - float selector
      • makeDoubleProcessor

        T makeDoubleProcessor​(BaseDoubleColumnValueSelector selector)
        Create a processor for a double column.
        selector - double selector
      • makeLongProcessor

        T makeLongProcessor​(BaseLongColumnValueSelector selector)
        Create a processor for a long column.
        selector - long selector
      • makeArrayProcessor

        T makeArrayProcessor​(BaseObjectColumnValueSelector<?> selector,
                             ColumnCapabilities columnCapabilities)
        selector - array selector
        columnCapabilities - information about the underlying column to match. Null here just means the capabilities are unknown, and not necessarily indicative that the column doesn't exist
      • makeComplexProcessor

        T makeComplexProcessor​(BaseObjectColumnValueSelector<?> selector)
        Create a processor for a complex column.
        selector - object selector