Class EncodedKeyComponent<K>

  • Type Parameters:
    K - Encoded key component type

    public class EncodedKeyComponent<K>
    extends Object
    Represents the encoded component of a row key corresponding to a single dimension. The row key contains a component for each dimension.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EncodedKeyComponent

        public EncodedKeyComponent​(@Nullable
                                   K component,
                                   long effectiveSizeBytes)
        Creates an EncodedKeyComponent corresponding to a single dimension.
        component - The encoded dimension value(s)
        effectiveSizeBytes - Effective size of the key component in bytes. This value is used to estimate on-heap memory usage and must account for the footprint of both the original and encoded dimension values, as applicable.
    • Method Detail

      • getComponent

        public K getComponent()
        Encoded dimension value(s) to be used as a component for a row key.
      • getEffectiveSizeBytes

        public long getEffectiveSizeBytes()
        Effective size of the key component in bytes. This value is used to estimate on-heap memory usage and accounts for the memory footprint of both the original and encoded dimension values, as applicable.