Interface MutableBitmap

    • Method Detail

      • clear

        void clear()
        Empties the content of this bitmap.
      • or

        void or​(MutableBitmap mutableBitmap)
        Compute the bitwise-or of this bitmap with another bitmap. The current bitmap is modified whereas the other bitmap is left intact. Note that the other bitmap should be of the same class instance.
        mutableBitmap - other bitmap
      • getSizeInBytes

        int getSizeInBytes()
        Return the size in bytes for the purpose of serialization to a ByteBuffer. Note that this is distinct from the memory usage.
        the total set in bytes
      • add

        void add​(int entry)
        Add the specified integer to the bitmap. This is equivalent to setting the ith bit to the value 1.
        entry - integer to be added
      • remove

        void remove​(int entry)
        Remove the specified integer to the bitmap. This is equivalent to setting the ith bit to the value 1.
        entry - integer to be remove