Interface Row

    • Method Detail

      • getTimestampFromEpoch

        long getTimestampFromEpoch()
        Returns the timestamp from the epoch in milliseconds. If the event happened _right now_, this would return the same thing as System.currentTimeMillis();
        the timestamp from the epoch in milliseconds.
      • getTimestamp

        org.joda.time.DateTime getTimestamp()
        Returns the timestamp from the epoch as an org.joda.time.DateTime. If the event happened _right now_, this would return the same thing as new DateTime();
        the timestamp from the epoch as an org.joda.time.DateTime object.
      • getDimension

        List<String> getDimension​(String dimension)
        Returns the list of dimension values for the given column name.

        dimension - the column name of the dimension requested
        the list of values for the provided column name
      • getRaw

        Object getRaw​(String dimension)
        Returns the raw dimension value for the given column name. This is different from getDimension(java.lang.String) which converts all values to strings before returning them.
        dimension - the column name of the dimension requested
        the value of the provided column name
      • getMetric

        Number getMetric​(String metric)
        Returns the metric column value for the given column name. This method is different from getRaw(java.lang.String) in two aspects: 1. If the column is absent in the row, either numeric zero or null will be returned, depending on the value of druid.generic.useDefaultValueForNull. 2. If the column has string value, an attempt is made to parse this value as a number.