Class FrameFile

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable

    public class FrameFile
    extends Object
    implements Closeable
    A file containing Frame data. Frame files are written by FrameFileWriter. Frame files can optionally be partitioned, by providing partition numbers to the FrameFileWriter.writeFrame(org.apache.druid.frame.Frame, int) method when creating the file. Partitions are contiguous within the frame file. Frame files can contain up to Integer.MAX_VALUE frames. Generally, frames are on the order of 1 MB in size, so this allows well over a petabyte of data per file. Ought to be enough for anyone. Format: - 2 bytes: FrameFileWriter.MAGIC - NNN bytes: sequence of FrameFileWriter.MARKER_FRAME followed by one compressed frame (see Frame) - 1 byte: FrameFileWriter.MARKER_NO_MORE_FRAMES - 4 bytes * numPartitions: end frame number of each partition (exclusive), as little-endian ints. Note that partitions may be empty. In this case, certain adjacent values in this array will be equal. Only present if the file is partitioned. - 8 bytes * numFrames: end of each compressed frame (exclusive), relative to start of file, as little-endian longs - 4 bytes: number of frames, as little-endian int - 4 bytes: number of partitions, as little-endian int - 4 bytes: length of footer, from FrameFileWriter.MARKER_NO_MORE_FRAMES to EOF - 4 bytes: checksum of footer (xxhash64, truncated to 32 bits), not considering these final 4 bytes Instances of this class are not thread-safe. For sharing across threads, use newReference() to create an additional reference.
    • Method Detail

      • numFrames

        public int numFrames()
        Number of frames in the file.
      • numPartitions

        public int numPartitions()
        Number of partitions in the file, or zero if the file is unpartitioned.
      • getPartitionStartFrame

        public int getPartitionStartFrame​(int partition)
        First frame of a given partition. Partitions beyond numPartitions() are treated as empty: if provided, this method returns numFrames().
      • frame

        public Frame frame​(int frameNumber)
        Reads a frame from the file.
      • newReference

        public FrameFile newReference()
        Creates a new reference to this file. Calling close() releases the reference. The original file is closed when it, and all additional references, are closed. The new FrameFile instance may be used concurrently with the original FrameFile instance.
      • file

        public File file()
        Returns the file that this instance is backed by.