Class OperatorSequence

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • accumulate

        public <OutType> OutType accumulate​(OutType initValue,
                                            Accumulator<OutType,​RowsAndColumns> accumulator)
        Description copied from interface: Sequence
        Accumulate this sequence using the given accumulator.
        Specified by:
        accumulate in interface Sequence<RowsAndColumns>
        Type Parameters:
        OutType - the type of accumulated value.
        initValue - the initial value to pass along to start the accumulation.
        accumulator - the accumulator which is responsible for accumulating input values.
        accumulated value.
      • toYielder

        public <OutType> Yielder<OutType> toYielder​(OutType initValue,
                                                    YieldingAccumulator<OutType,​RowsAndColumns> accumulator)
        Description copied from interface: Sequence
        Return a Yielder for accumulated sequence.
        Specified by:
        toYielder in interface Sequence<RowsAndColumns>
        Type Parameters:
        OutType - the type of accumulated value.
        initValue - the initial value to pass along to start the accumulation.
        accumulator - the accumulator which is responsible for accumulating input values.
        a Yielder for accumulated sequence.
        See Also: