Class WindowDenseRankProcessor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WindowDenseRankProcessor
    extends WindowRankingProcessorBase
    This Processor assumes that data has already been sorted for it. It does not re-sort the data and if it is given data that is not in the correct sorted order, its operation is undefined.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WindowDenseRankProcessor

        public WindowDenseRankProcessor​(List<String> groupingCols,
                                        String outputColumn)
    • Method Detail

      • process

        public RowsAndColumns process​(RowsAndColumns incomingPartition)
        Description copied from interface: Processor
        Applies the logic of the processor to a RowsAndColumns object
        incomingPartition - the incoming RowsAndColumns object
        the transformed RowsAndColumns object