Interface Processor

    • Method Detail

      • process

        RowsAndColumns process​(RowsAndColumns incomingPartition)
        Applies the logic of the processor to a RowsAndColumns object
        incomingPartition - the incoming RowsAndColumns object
        the transformed RowsAndColumns object
      • validateEquivalent

        boolean validateEquivalent​(Processor otherProcessor)
        Validates the equivalence of the Processors. This is similar to @{code .equals} but is its own method so that it can ignore certain fields that would be important for a true equality check. Namely, two Processors defined the same way but with different output names can be considered equivalent even though they are not equal.

        This primarily exists to simplify tests, where this equivalence can be used to validate that the Processors created by the SQL planner are actually equivalent to what we expect without needing to be overly dependent on how the planner names the output columns

        otherProcessor - the processor to test equivalence of
        boolean identifying if these processors should be considered equivalent to each other.