Class ArrayListRowsAndColumns<RowType>

  • Type Parameters:
    RowType -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    RowsAndColumns, AppendableRowsAndColumns

    public class ArrayListRowsAndColumns<RowType>
    extends Object
    implements AppendableRowsAndColumns
    ArrayListRowsAndColumns is a RowsAndColumns implementation that believes it has all of its data on-heap.

    It is an AppendableRowsAndColumns and, as with all RowsAndColumns, it is not thread-safe for multiple writes. Under certain circumstances, concurrent reads from multiple threads can be correct, but the code has to be follow a very strict ordering of code that ensures that reads only happen after writes and once a value is read, it will never be overwritten.

    Additionally, this object implements various of the semantic interfaces directly to provide some degree of processing and memory optimization.

    • Method Detail

      • getColumnNames

        public Collection<String> getColumnNames()
        Description copied from interface: RowsAndColumns
        The set of column names available from the RowsAndColumns
        Specified by:
        getColumnNames in interface RowsAndColumns
        The set of column names available from the RowsAndColumns
      • numRows

        public int numRows()
        Description copied from interface: RowsAndColumns
        The number of rows in the RowsAndColumns object
        Specified by:
        numRows in interface RowsAndColumns
        the integer number of rows
      • findColumn

        public Column findColumn​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: RowsAndColumns
        Finds a column by name. null is returned if the column is not found. The RowsAndColumns object should not attempt to default not-found columns to pretend as if they exist, instead the user of the RowsAndColumns object should decide the correct semantic interpretation of a column that does not exist. It is expected that most locations will choose to believe that the column does exist and is always null, but there are often optimizations that can effect this same assumption without doing a lot of extra work if the calling code knows that it does not exist.
        Specified by:
        findColumn in interface RowsAndColumns
        name - the name of the column to find
        the Column, if found. null if not found.
      • as

        public <T> T as​(Class<T> clazz)
        Description copied from interface: RowsAndColumns
        Asks the RowsAndColumns to return itself as a concrete implementation of a specific interface. The interface asked for will tend to be a semantically-meaningful interface. This method allows the calling code to interrogate the RowsAndColumns object about whether it can offer a meaningful optimization of the semantic interface. If a RowsAndColumns cannot do anything specifically optimal for the interface requested, it should return null instead of trying to come up with its own default implementation.
        Specified by:
        as in interface RowsAndColumns
        Type Parameters:
        T - The interface that the calling code wants a concrete implementation of
        clazz - A class object representing the interface that the calling code wants a concrete implementation of
        A concrete implementation of the interface, or null if there is no meaningful optimization to be had through a local implementation of the interface.
      • addColumn

        public void addColumn​(String name,
                              Column column)
        Description copied from interface: AppendableRowsAndColumns
        Mutates the RowsAndColumns by appending the requested Column.
        Specified by:
        addColumn in interface AppendableRowsAndColumns
        name - the name of the new column
        column - the Column object representing the new column