Class ComparatorSortedDimensionDictionary<T>

  • public class ComparatorSortedDimensionDictionary<T>
    extends Object
    Comparator based SortedDimensionDictionary There are a number of unused methods, because nested columns don't merge bitmap indexes during the merge phase, rather they are created when serializing the column, but leaving for now for compatibility with the other implementation
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComparatorSortedDimensionDictionary

        public ComparatorSortedDimensionDictionary​(List<T> idToValue,
                                                   Comparator<T> comparator,
                                                   int length)
    • Method Detail

      • getUnsortedIdFromSortedId

        public int getUnsortedIdFromSortedId​(int index)
      • getSortedIdFromUnsortedId

        public int getSortedIdFromUnsortedId​(int id)
      • getValueFromSortedId

        public T getValueFromSortedId​(int index)