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A_GATEWAY_RECEIVER_ALREADY_EXISTS_ON_THIS_MEMBER - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiverFactory
AbstractLauncher<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> - Class in org.apache.geode.distributed
The AbstractLauncher class is a base class for implementing various launchers to construct and run different GemFire processes, like Cache Servers, Locators, Managers, HTTP servers and so on.
AbstractLauncher() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
AbstractLauncher.ServiceState<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> - Class in org.apache.geode.distributed
The ServiceState is an immutable type representing the state of the specified Locator at any given moment in time.
AbstractLauncher.Status - Enum in org.apache.geode.distributed
The Status enumerated type represents the various lifecycle states of a GemFire service (such as a Cache Server, a Locator or a Manager).
accept(Map.Entry<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.SnapshotFilter
Returns true if the entry passes the filter criteria; false otherwise.
AccessControl - Interface in
since Geode 1.0, use SecurityManager instead
accumulate(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Aggregator
Accumulate the next scalar value
ACK_SEVERE_ALERT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static string definition of the "ack-severe-alert-threshold" property
ACK_WAIT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ack-wait-threshold" property
action - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruEntryCount
action - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruHeapPercentage
action - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesDetail
AdaptedMembershipEvent(ClientMembershipEvent) - Constructor for class
addAlertListener(AlertListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Registers an AlertListener that will receive all alerts that are at or above the alert level.
addAsyncEventQueueId(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Adds a AsyncEventQueue to the end of list of async event queues on this factory
addAsyncEventQueueId(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Adds AsyncEventQueueId to the list of AsyncEventQueueId of the region.
addAsyncEventQueueId(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Adds a asyncEventQueueId to the RegionAttributes
addCacheListener(SystemMemberCacheListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Registers a cache event listener.
addCacheListener(CacheListener<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Adds a cache listener to the end of the list of cache listeners on this factory.
addCacheListener(CacheListener<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Adds a cache listener to the end of the list of cache listeners on this region.
addCacheListener(CacheListener<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Adds a cache listener to the end of the list of cache listeners on this factory.
addCacheListener(CacheListener<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Adds a cache listener to the end of the list of cache listeners on this factory.
addCacheServer() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
addCacheServer() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Adds a new, unstarted cache server that will serve the contents of this cache to clients.
addCacheServer() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Creates a new cache server, with the default configuration, that will allow clients to access this cache.
addCacheVm() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Creates a new cache vm that is ready to configure and start.
addConnectedClient(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
addConnectedServer(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
addCqListener(CqListener) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqAttributesFactory
Adds a CQ listener to the end of the list of cq listeners on this factory.
addCqListener(CqListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqAttributesMutator
Adds a CQ listener to the end of the list of CQ listeners on this CqQuery.
addDistributionLocator() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Creates a new DistributionLocator that is ready to configure and start.
addException(Throwable) - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionException
Adds exceptions thrown from different nodes to a ds
addExceptions(Collection<? extends Throwable>) - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionException
Adds the list of exceptions provided
addFixedPartitionAttributes(FixedPartitionAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
FixedPartitionAttributes defined for this partitioned region is added to PR attributes.
addGatewayEventFilter(GatewayEventFilter) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Adds a GatewayEventFilter to the attributes of AsyncEventQueue being created by factory.
addGatewayEventFilter(GatewayEventFilter) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Adds the provided GatewayEventFilter to this GatewaySender.
addGatewayEventFilter(GatewayEventFilter) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Adds a GatewayEventFilter
addGatewaySenderId(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
adds a gateway sender to the end of list of gateway senders on this factory
addGatewaySenderId(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Adds GatewaySenderId to the list of GatewaySenderIds of the region.
addGatewaySenderId(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Adds a gatewaySenderId to the RegionAttributes
addGatewayTransportFilter(GatewayTransportFilter) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiverFactory
Adds a GatewayTransportFilter
addGatewayTransportFilter(GatewayTransportFilter) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Adds a GatewayTransportFilter
addListener(DistributedSystemConfig.ConfigListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Registers listener for notification of changes in this config.
addListener(TransactionListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
Adds a transaction listener to the end of the list of transaction listeners on this cache.
addLocator(String, int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Add a locator, given its host and port, to this factory.
addMembershipListener(SystemMembershipListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Registers a listener that receives callbacks when a member joins or leaves the distributed system.
addMembershipListener(MembershipListener) - Method in class
Registers a listener that receives call backs when a member joins or leaves the distributed system.
addMeterSubregistry(MeterRegistry) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Adds the given meter registry to the cache's composite registry for publishing cache metrics to external monitoring systems.
addPartitionListener(PartitionListener) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
adds a PartitionListener for the partitioned region.
addPoolLocator(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Add a locator, given its host and port, to this factory.
addPoolServer(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Add a server, given its host and port, to this factory.
addResult(DistributedMember, T) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.ResultCollector
Method used to feed result to the ResultCollector.
addServer(String, int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Add a server, given its host and port, to this factory.
addSSLProperty(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Adds an SSL property
addSubRegion(RegionSubRegionSnapshot) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
add the snapshot of sub region
addSubregistry(MeterRegistry) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.metrics.MetricsSession
Adds the given registry to this metrics session.
addSystem(InternalDistributedSystem) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
addUnconnectedServer(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
AdminConfig - Class in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
AdminConfig() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminConfig
AdminConfig.Entry - Class in org.apache.geode.admin
AdminDistributedSystem - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
AdminDistributedSystemFactory - Class in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
AdminDistributedSystemFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystemFactory
AdminException - Exception in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
AdminException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.AdminException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
AdminException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.AdminException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
AdminException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.AdminException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
AdminException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.AdminException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
AdminXmlException - Exception in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
AdminXmlException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.AdminXmlException
Creates a new AdminXmlException with the given descriptive message.
AdminXmlException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.AdminXmlException
Creates a new AdminXmlException with the given descriptive message and cause.
afterAcknowledgement(GatewayQueueEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventFilter
It will be invoked once GatewaySender receives an ack from remote GatewayReceiver
This callback will always be called from the thread which is dispatching events to remote distributed systems
afterBucketCreated(int, Iterable<?>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionListener
Callback invoked after a bucket has been created in a member (e.g.
afterBucketCreated(int, Iterable<?>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionListenerAdapter
afterBucketRemoved(int, Iterable<?>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionListener
Callback invoked after a bucket has been removed from a member (e.g.
afterBucketRemoved(int, Iterable<?>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionListenerAdapter
afterCacheClose(SystemMemberCacheEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheListener
Invoked after a cache is closed in any node of a distributed system.
afterCacheCreate(SystemMemberCacheEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheListener
Invoked after a cache is created in any node of a distributed system.
afterCommit(TransactionEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionListener
Called after a successful commit of a transaction.
afterCommit(TransactionEvent) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.TransactionListenerAdapter
afterCreate(EntryEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheListener
Handles the event of new key being added to a region.
afterCreate(EntryEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheListenerAdapter
afterDestroy(EntryEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheListener
Handles the event of an entry being destroyed.
afterDestroy(EntryEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheListenerAdapter
afterFailedCommit(TransactionEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionListener
Called after an unsuccessful commit operation.
afterFailedCommit(TransactionEvent) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.TransactionListenerAdapter
afterInvalidate(EntryEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheListener
Handles the event of an entry's value being invalidated.
afterInvalidate(EntryEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheListenerAdapter
afterPrimary(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionListener
Callback invoked when any bucket in a partitioned region becomes primary
afterPrimary(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionListenerAdapter
afterRegionClear(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheListener
Handles the event of a region being cleared.
afterRegionClear(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheListenerAdapter
afterRegionCreate(SystemMemberRegionEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheListener
Invoked after a region is created in any node of distributed system.
afterRegionCreate(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheListener
Handles the event of a region being created.
afterRegionCreate(RegionEvent<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionListener
Handles the 'after region creation' event of a dynamic region.
afterRegionCreate(Region<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionListener
Callback invoked when a partition region is created
afterRegionCreate(Region<?, ?>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionListenerAdapter
afterRegionCreate(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheListenerAdapter
afterRegionDestroy(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheListener
Handles the event of a region being destroyed.
afterRegionDestroy(RegionEvent<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionListener
Handles the 'after region destroyed' event of a dynamic region.
afterRegionDestroy(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheListenerAdapter
afterRegionInvalidate(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheListener
Handles the event of a region being invalidated.
afterRegionInvalidate(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheListenerAdapter
afterRegionLive(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheListener
Handles the event of a region being live after receiving the marker from the server.
afterRegionLive(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheListenerAdapter
afterRegionLoss(SystemMemberRegionEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheListener
Invoked when a region is destroyed or closed in any node of distributed system.
afterRegisterInterest(InterestRegistrationEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.InterestRegistrationListener
Handles an after register interest event.
afterRemoteRegionCrash(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionMembershipListener
Invoked when another member's distributed region is no longer available to this cache because the member has crashed or is no longer reachable on the network.
afterRemoteRegionCrash(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.RegionMembershipListenerAdapter
afterRemoteRegionCreate(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionMembershipListener
Invoked when another member has created the distributed region this listener is on.
afterRemoteRegionCreate(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.RegionMembershipListenerAdapter
afterRemoteRegionDeparture(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionMembershipListener
Invoked when another member's distributed region is no longer available to this cache due to normal operations.
afterRemoteRegionDeparture(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.RegionMembershipListenerAdapter
afterRoleGain(RoleEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionRoleListener
Invoked when a required role has returned to the distributed system after being absent.
afterRoleGain(RoleEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.RegionRoleListenerAdapter
afterRoleLoss(RoleEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionRoleListener
Invoked when a required role is no longer available in the distributed system.
afterRoleLoss(RoleEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.RegionRoleListenerAdapter
afterRollback(TransactionEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionListener
Called after an explicit rollback of a transaction.
afterRollback(TransactionEvent) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.TransactionListenerAdapter
afterSecondary(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionListener
Callback invoked when any bucket in a partitioned region stops being primary
afterUnregisterInterest(InterestRegistrationEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.InterestRegistrationListener
Handles an after unregister interest event.
afterUpdate(EntryEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheListener
Handles the event of an entry's value being modified in a region.
afterUpdate(EntryEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheListenerAdapter
Agent - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin.jmx
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
AGENT_SSL_CIPHERS_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "agent-ssl-ciphers" property
AGENT_SSL_ENABLED_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "agent-ssl-enabled" property
AGENT_SSL_PROTOCOLS_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "agent-ssl-protocols" property
AGENT_SSL_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "agent-ssl-require-authentication" property
AgentConfig - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin.jmx
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
AgentFactory - Class in org.apache.geode.admin.jmx
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
AgentFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentFactory
Aggregator - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Behavior of a user-defined aggregator.
Alert - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
alert(Alert) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AlertListener
Invoked when an Alert is received.
ALERT_LEVEL - Static variable in interface
The level at which this alert is issued.
AlertLevel - Class in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
AlertListener - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
alertThreshold - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
alertThreshold - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
ALL - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestPolicy
This subscriber is interested in all data.
ALL - Static variable in class
ALL - Static variable in interface
This determines that all components will be secured.
ALL_KEYS - Static variable in class
use All
ALL_REGIONS - Static variable in class
use ALL
AllConnectionsInUseException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.client
Indicates that the connection pool is at its maximum size and all connections are in use.
AllConnectionsInUseException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.AllConnectionsInUseException
Create a new instance of AllConnectionsInUseException without a detail message or cause.
AllConnectionsInUseException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.AllConnectionsInUseException
Create a new instance of AllConnectionsInUseException with a detail message
AllConnectionsInUseException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.AllConnectionsInUseException
Create a new instance of AllConnectionsInUseException with a cause
AllConnectionsInUseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.AllConnectionsInUseException
Create a new instance of AllConnectionsInUseException with a detail message and cause
allowForceCompaction - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
allowsDuplicates() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.CollectionType
Return whether duplicates are kept in this type of collection.
AlreadyRunningException - Exception in
Indicates that a request to start a management service failed because it was already running.
AlreadyRunningException() - Constructor for exception
AlreadyRunningException(String) - Constructor for exception
AlreadyRunningException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
AlreadyRunningException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
AmbiguousNameException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown if an attribute or method name in a query can be resolved to more than one object in scope or if there is more than one maximally specific overridden method in a class.
AmbiguousNameException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.AmbiguousNameException
Constructs instance of AmbiguousNameException with error message
AmbiguousNameException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.AmbiguousNameException
Constructs instance of AmbiguousNameException with error message and cause
APPLICATION - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberType
Application connected to the distributed system
APPLY_RETRIES - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
If the batch already seen by this receiver, arrives again then whether it is to be re-applied or not is decided by this attribute.
ARCHIVE_DISK_SPACE_LIMIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "archive-disk-space-limit" property
ARCHIVE_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "archive-file-size-limit" property
asList() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults
Returns this SelectedResults as a java.util.List.
assertPortAvailable(int) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Asserts that the specified port is available on all network interfaces on this local system.
assertPortAvailable(InetAddress, int) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Asserts that the specified port is available on the specified network interface, indicated by it's assigned IP address, on this local system.
asSet() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults
Returns this SelectResults as a java.util.Set.
assignBucketsToPartitions(Region<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionHelper
Decide which partitions will host which buckets.
asString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
Get the string representation of this Locator in host[port] format.
ASYNC_DISTRIBUTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "async-distribution-timeout" property
ASYNC_EVENT_QUEUE_CLOSED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that an async queue has been closed.
ASYNC_EVENT_QUEUE_CREATED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that an async queue is created
The value of this type string is ggemfire.distributedsystem.asycn.event.queue.created.
ASYNC_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "async-max-queue-size" property
ASYNC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "async-queue-timeout" property
AsyncEvent<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue
Represents Cache events delivered to AsyncEventListener.
AsyncEventListener - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue
A callback for events passing through the AsyncEventQueue to which this listener is attached.
asyncEventListener - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
AsyncEventQueue - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue
Interface of AsyncEventQueue.
AsyncEventQueue() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
AsyncEventQueueFactory - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue
Factory to create the AsyncEventQueue.
asyncEventQueueIds - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
AsyncEventQueueMXBean - Interface in
MBean that provides access to an AsyncEventQueue.
asyncEventQueues - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
asynchronousWrites - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes
AsynchronousWrites() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes.AsynchronousWrites
AttachAPINotFoundException - Exception in org.apache.geode.lang
The AttachAPINotFoundException class is a RuntimeException indicating that the JDK tools.jar has not been properly set on the user's classpath

AttachAPINotFoundException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.lang.AttachAPINotFoundException
Constructs an instance of the AttachAPINotFoundException class.
AttachAPINotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.lang.AttachAPINotFoundException
Constructs an instance of the AttachAPINotFoundException class with a description of the problem.
AttachAPINotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.lang.AttachAPINotFoundException
Constructs an instance of the AttachAPINotFoundException class with a reference to the underlying Exception causing this Exception to be thrown.
AttachAPINotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.lang.AttachAPINotFoundException
Constructs an instance of the AttachAPINotFoundException class with a reference to the underlying Exception causing this Exception to be thrown in addition to a description of the problem.
AttributesFactory<K,V> - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
AttributesFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Creates a new instance of AttributesFactory ready to create a RegionAttributes with default settings.
AttributesFactory(RegionAttributes<K, V>) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Creates a new instance of AttributesFactory ready to create a RegionAttributes with the same settings as those in the specified RegionAttributes.
AttributesMutator<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Supports modification of certain region attributes after the region has been created.
authenticate(Properties) - Method in class
authenticate(Properties) - Method in class org.apache.geode.examples.SimpleSecurityManager
authenticate(Properties, DistributedMember) - Method in interface
Verify the credentials provided in the properties for the client/peer as specified in member ID and returns the principal associated with the client/peer.
authenticate(Properties) - Method in interface
authenticate(Properties) - Method in interface
Verify the credentials provided in the properties Your security manager needs to validate credentials coming from all communication channels.
AuthenticationFailedException - Exception in
Thrown if authentication of this client/peer fails.
AuthenticationFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs instance of AuthenticationFailedException with error message.
AuthenticationFailedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs instance of AuthenticationFailedException with error message and cause.
AuthenticationRequiredException - Exception in
Thrown if the distributed system is in secure mode and this client/peer has not set the security credentials.
AuthenticationRequiredException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs instance of NotAuthenticatedException with error message.
AuthenticationRequiredException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs instance of NotAuthenticatedException with error message and cause.
Authenticator - Interface in
since Geode 1.0, use SecurityManager instead
AuthInitialize - Interface in
Specifies the mechanism to obtain credentials for a client or peer.
authorize(Method, Object) - Method in class
Executes the authorization logic to determine whether the method is allowed to be executed on the target object instance.
authorize(Method, Object) - Method in interface
Executes the authorization logic to determine whether the method is allowed to be executed on the target object instance.
authorize(Method, Object) - Method in class
Executes the authorization logic to determine whether the method is allowed to be executed on the target object instance.
authorize(Method, Object) - Method in class
Executes the authorization logic to determine whether the method is allowed to be executed on the target object instance.
authorize(Method, Object) - Method in class
Executes the authorization logic to determine whether the method is allowed to be executed on the target object instance.
authorize(Method, Object) - Method in class
authorize(Object, ResourcePermission) - Method in class
authorize(Object, ResourcePermission) - Method in class org.apache.geode.examples.SimpleSecurityManager
authorize(Object, ResourcePermission) - Method in interface
Authorize the ResourcePermission for a given Principal
authorizeOperation(String, OperationContext) - Method in interface
Check if the given operation is allowed for the cache/region.
AuthTokenEnabledComponents - Enum in
AUTO_CONNECT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "auto-connect" property
autoCompact - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType


backupAllMembers(File) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Backup the persistent files for all of the members of the distributed system that the admin member is connected to.
backupAllMembers(File, File) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Incrementally backup the persistent files for all of the members of the distributed system that the admin member is connected to.
backupAllMembers(String, String) - Method in interface
Performs a backup on all members.
backups - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
BackupStatus - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
BackupStatus - Interface in
The status of a backup operation.
batchConflation - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
batchSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
batchSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
batchSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
batchTimeInterval - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
batchTimeInterval - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
batchTimeInterval - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
becomeLockGrantor() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Specifies this member to become the grantor for this region's lock service.
becomeLockGrantor() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
Specifies this member to become the grantor for this lock service.
becomeLockGrantor(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
Specifies that this member should become the grantor for the named locking service.
becomeLockGrantor() - Method in interface
Requests that this member become the granter.
beforeCommit(TransactionEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionWriter
Called before the transaction has finished committing, but after conflict checking.
beforeCreate(EntryEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriter
Called before an entry is created.
beforeCreate(EntryEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheWriterAdapter
beforeDestroy(EntryEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriter
Called before an entry is destroyed.
beforeDestroy(EntryEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheWriterAdapter
beforeEnqueue(GatewayQueueEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventFilter
It will be invoked before enqueuing event into GatewaySender's queue.
beforeRegionClear(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriter
Called before a region is cleared.
beforeRegionClear(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheWriterAdapter
beforeRegionCreate(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionListener
Handles the 'before region creation' event of a dynamic region.
beforeRegionDestroy(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriter
Called before a region is destroyed.
beforeRegionDestroy(RegionEvent<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionListener
Handles the 'before region destroyed' event of a dynamic region.
beforeRegionDestroy(RegionEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheWriterAdapter
beforeTransmit(GatewayQueueEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventFilter
It will be invoked before dispatching event to remote GatewayReceiver
This callback is asynchronous with the thread which is enqueuing the event into GatewaySender's queue.
This callback will always be called from the thread which is dispatching events to remote distributed systems
beforeUpdate(EntryEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriter
Called before an entry is updated.
beforeUpdate(EntryEvent<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheWriterAdapter
begin() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
Creates a new transaction and associates it with the current thread.
BIND_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "bind-address" property
BIND_ADDRESS_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The name of the "bindAddress" property
bindAddress - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
bindAddress - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
bindAddress - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
bindAddress - Variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
The bind address for this locator
bindToAddress(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystemFactory
blockingTimeoutSeconds - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
build() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Validates the Builder configuration settings and then constructs an instance of the LocatorLauncher class to invoke operations on a GemFire Locator.
build() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Validates the Builder configuration settings and then constructs an instance of the ServerLauncher class to invoke operations on a GemFire Server.
buildDynamicRegion(EntryEvent) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
Builder() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Default constructor used to create an instance of the Builder class for programmatical access.
Builder(String...) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Constructor used to create and configure an instance of the Builder class with the specified arguments, often passed from the command-line when launching an instance of this class from the command-line using the Java launcher.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Default constructor used to create an instance of the Builder class for programmatical access.
Builder(String...) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Constructor used to create and configure an instance of the Builder class with the specified arguments, passed in from the command-line when launching an instance of this class from the command-line using the Java launcher.
bytesThreshold - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes.AsynchronousWrites


cache - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
Cache - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Caches are obtained from the CacheFactory.create() method.
CACHE_CLOSE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A cache close.
CACHE_CONTENT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestPolicy
This subscriber is interested in data that is already in its cache.
CACHE_CREATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A cache create.
CACHE_MEMBER_DEPARTED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a member has departed from the system.
CACHE_MEMBER_JOINED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a member has been added to the system.
CACHE_MEMBER_SUSPECT - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a member is suspected.
CACHE_RECONNECT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A cache close triggered by LossAction.RECONNECT.
CACHE_SERVER - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberType
as of 5.7 use SystemMemberType.CACHE_VM instead.
CACHE_SERVER_STARTED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that cache server is started
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.server.started.
CACHE_SERVER_STOPPED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that cache server is stopped
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.server.stopped.
CACHE_SERVICE_CREATED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a cache service is created
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.service.created.
CACHE_VM - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberType
GemFire Cache VM connected to the distributed system
CACHE_XML_FILE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "cache-xml-file" property
CacheCallback - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
User-defined objects that can be plugged into caching to receive callback notifications.
CacheClosedException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Indicates that the caching system has been closed.
CacheClosedException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheClosedException
Constructs a new CacheClosedException.
CacheClosedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheClosedException
Constructs a new CacheClosedException with a message string.
CacheClosedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheClosedException
Constructs a new CacheClosedException with a message string and a cause.
CacheClosedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheClosedException
Constructs a new CacheClosedException with a cause.
CacheConfig - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
CacheConfig() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
CacheConfig(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
CacheConfig.CacheServer - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
CacheConfig.GatewayHub - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayEndpoint - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
CacheConfig.GatewaySender - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
CacheDoesNotExistException - Exception in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
CacheDoesNotExistException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.CacheDoesNotExistException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
CacheDoesNotExistException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.CacheDoesNotExistException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
CacheDoesNotExistException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.CacheDoesNotExistException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
CacheDoesNotExistException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.CacheDoesNotExistException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
CacheElement - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
CacheElement() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheElement
cacheElements - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
CacheEvent<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
A region- or entry-related event affecting the cache.
CacheException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
A generic exception, which indicates a cache error has occurred.
CacheException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheException
Constructs a new CacheException.
CacheException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheException
Constructs a new CacheException with a message string.
CacheException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheException
Constructs a CacheException with a message string and a base exception
CacheException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheException
Constructs a CacheException with a cause
CacheExistsException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Thrown when attempting to create a Cache if one already exists.
CacheExistsException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheExistsException
CacheExistsException(Cache, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheExistsException
Constructs an instance of CacheExistsException with the specified detail message.
CacheExistsException(Cache, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheExistsException
Constructs an instance of CacheExistsException with the specified detail message and cause.
CacheFactory - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
Factory class used to create the singleton cache and connect to the GemFire singleton distributed system.
CacheFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Creates a default cache factory.
CacheFactory(Properties) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Create a CacheFactory initialized with the given gemfire properties.
CacheHealthConfig - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
CacheListener<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
A listener to handle region or entry related events.
CacheListenerAdapter<K,V> - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.util
Utility class that implements all methods in CacheListener with empty implementations.
CacheListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheListenerAdapter
cacheListeners - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
CacheLoader<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Allows data from outside of the VM to be placed into a region.
cacheLoader - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
CacheLoaderException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Thrown from the CacheLoader.load(org.apache.geode.cache.LoaderHelper<K, V>) method indicating that an error occurred when a CacheLoader was attempting to load a value.
CacheLoaderException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheLoaderException
Creates a new instance of CacheLoaderException.
CacheLoaderException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheLoaderException
Constructs an instance of CacheLoaderException with the specified detail message.
CacheLoaderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheLoaderException
Constructs an instance of CacheLoaderException with the specified detail message and cause.
CacheLoaderException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheLoaderException
Constructs an instance of CacheLoaderException with the specified cause.
CacheRuntimeException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
A generic runtime exception that indicates a cache error has occurred.
CacheRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheRuntimeException
Creates a new instance of CacheRuntimeException without detail message.
CacheRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheRuntimeException
Constructs an instance of CacheRuntimeException with the specified detail message.
CacheRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheRuntimeException
Constructs an instance of CacheRuntimeException with the specified detail message and cause.
CacheRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheRuntimeException
Constructs an instance of CacheRuntimeException with the specified cause.
CacheServer - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 5.7 use CacheVm instead.
CacheServer() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.CacheServer
CacheServer - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.server
A cache server that serves the contents of a Cache to client VMs in another distributed system via a socket.
CacheServerConfig - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 5.7 use CacheVmConfig instead.
CacheServerMXBean - Interface in
MBean that provides access to information and management functionality for a CacheServer.
cacheServers - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
CacheSnapshotService - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot
Allows a snapshot of cache data to be imported and exported.
CacheStatistics - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Defines common statistics information for both region and entries.
CacheTransactionManager - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
The CacheTransactionManager interface allows applications to manage transactions on a per Cache basis.
cacheTransactionManager - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
CacheTransactionManagerType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
A "cache-transaction-manager" element allows insertion of cache-level transaction listeners.
CacheTransactionManagerType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheTransactionManagerType
CacheVm - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
CacheVmConfig - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
CacheWriter<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
A user-defined object defined in the RegionAttributes that is called synchronously before a region or entry in the cache is modified.
cacheWriter - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
CacheWriterAdapter<K,V> - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.util
Utility class that implements all methods in CacheWriter with empty implementations.
CacheWriterAdapter() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheWriterAdapter
CacheWriterException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
An exception thrown by a CacheWriter method.
CacheWriterException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriterException
Creates a new instance of CacheWriterException.
CacheWriterException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriterException
Constructs an instance of CacheWriterException with the specified detail message.
CacheWriterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriterException
Constructs an instance of CacheWriterException with the specified detail message and cause.
CacheWriterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriterException
Constructs an instance of CacheWriterException with the specified cause.
CacheXmlException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Thrown when a problem is encountered while parsing a declarative caching XML file.
CacheXmlException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheXmlException
Creates a new CacheXmlException with the given description and cause.
CacheXmlException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheXmlException
Creates a new CacheXmlException with the given description.
cancel() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceOperation
Cancels this rebalance operation.
CancelCriterion - Class in org.apache.geode
Abstract cancellation proxy for cancelling an operation, esp.
CancelCriterion() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.CancelCriterion
CancelException - Exception in org.apache.geode
Abstract root class of all GemFire exceptions representing system cancellation
CancelException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.CancelException
for serialization
CancelException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.CancelException
Create instance with given message
CancelException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.CancelException
Create instance with given message and cause
CancelException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.CancelException
Create instance with empty message and given cause
cancelInProgress() - Method in class org.apache.geode.CancelCriterion
Indicate if the service is in the progress of being cancelled.
CanonicalInstantiator - Class in org.apache.geode
CanonicalInstantiator is much like its parent Instantiator except that instead of needing to implement newInstance() you now must implement newInstance(DataInput).
CanonicalInstantiator(Class<? extends DataSerializable>, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.CanonicalInstantiator
Creates a new CanonicalInstantiator that instantiates a given class.
capacity - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType.ClientSubscription
changeAlertLevel(String) - Method in interface
Sets the minimum level for alerts to be delivered to listeners.
changeEventValue(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.GatewayConflictHelper
modify the value stored in the cache
checkCancelInProgress(Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.geode.CancelCriterion
See if the current operation is being cancelled.
checkCancelInProgress() - Method in class org.apache.geode.CancelCriterion
checkFailure() - Method in class org.apache.geode.CancelCriterion
Use this utility function in your implementation of cancelInProgress() and cancelled() to indicate a system failure
checkFailure() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
Utility function to check for failures.
checkForRequiredRoles(Region<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RequiredRoles
Returns a set of any currently missing required roles for the specified region.
className - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ClassNameType
className - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType.Instantiator
className - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType.Serializer
className - Variable in class
ClassNameType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ClassNameType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ClassNameType
ClassNameType(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ClassNameType
clear() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Removes all entries from this region.
clear() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
clearDefinedIndexes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Clears all the indexes that were defined using QueryService.defineIndex(String, String, String)
clearResults() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.ResultCollector
GemFire will invoke this method before re-executing function (in case of Function Execution HA).
CLIENT_CRASHED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a client has crashed
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.cacheserver.client.crashed.
CLIENT_JOINED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a client has joined
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.cacheserver.client.joined.
CLIENT_LEFT - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a client has left
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.cacheserver.client.left.
ClientCache - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.client
A ClientCache instance controls the life cycle of the local singleton cache in a client.
ClientCacheFactory - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.client
Factory class used to create the singleton client cache and connect to one or more GemFire Cache Servers.
ClientCacheFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Creates a new client cache factory.
ClientCacheFactory(Properties) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Create a new client cache factory given the initial gemfire properties.
ClientHealthStatus - Class in
Composite data type used to distribute statistics which can be used to determine the health of a cache client.
ClientHealthStatus() - Constructor for class
ClientMembership - Class in
Provides utility methods for registering and unregistering ClientMembershipListeners in this process.
ClientMembershipEvent - Interface in
An event delivered to a ClientMembershipListener when this process detects connection changes to ClientServers or clients.
ClientMembershipListener - Interface in
A listener whose callback methods are invoked when this process detects connection changes to CacheServers or clients.
ClientMembershipListenerAdapter - Class in
Utility class that implements all methods in ClientMembershipListener with empty implementations.
ClientMembershipListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class
ClientNotReadyException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.client
as of 6.5 this exception is no longer thrown by GemFire so any code that catches it should be removed.
ClientNotReadyException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientNotReadyException
Constructs an instance of ClientNotReadyException with the specified detail message.
ClientNotReadyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientNotReadyException
Constructs an instance of ClientNotReadyException with the specified detail message and cause.
ClientQueueDetail - Class in
ClientQueueDetail() - Constructor for class
ClientRegionFactory<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.client
A factory for constructing client cache regions.
ClientRegionShortcut - Enum in org.apache.geode.cache.client
Each enum represents a predefined RegionAttributes in a ClientCache.
ClientSession - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Class ClientSession represents a client connection on the server.
ClientSocketFactory - Interface in org.apache.geode.distributed
Interface ClientSocketFactory is used to create non-default client sockets.
clientSubscription - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
ClientSubscription() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType.ClientSubscription
ClientSubscriptionConfig - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.server
Used to configure queuing on a cache server for client subscriptions.
clone() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns a copy of this DistributedSystemConfig object whose configuration can be modified.
clone() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns an AgentConfig with the same configuration as this AgentConfig.
clone() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntityConfig
Returns a new ManagedEntityConfig with the same configuration as this ManagedEntityConfig.
cloningEnabled - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
close() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth
Closes this health monitor and releases all resources associated with it.
close(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
as of 6.5 use ClientCache.close(boolean) instead.
close() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheCallback
Called when the region containing this callback is closed or destroyed, when the cache is closed, or when a callback is removed from a region using an AttributesMutator.
close(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCache
Terminates this object cache and releases all the resources.
close(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolManager
Unconditionally destroys all created pools that are in this manager.
close() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolManager
Unconditionally destroys all created pools that are in this manager.
close() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqQuery
Close the CQ and stop execution.
close() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Does a localDestroyRegion, but leaves behind the disk files if this is a region with persistBackup set to true.
close() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionService
Terminates this region service and releases all its resources.
close() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoadProbe
Signals that a cache server using this load probe has been closed.
close() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoadProbeAdapter
Does nothing.
close() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.SnapshotIterator
Closes the iterator and its underlying resources.
close() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheListenerAdapter
close() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CacheWriterAdapter
close() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CqListenerAdapter
Called when the CQ is closed, the base region is destroyed, when the cache is closed, or when this listener is removed from a CqQuery using a CqAttributesMutator.
close() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.StringPrefixPartitionResolver
close() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.TransactionListenerAdapter
close() - Method in class org.apache.geode.examples.SimpleSecurityManager
close() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.ra.GFConnection
close() - Method in interface
Give the implementation a chance to close the resources used.
close() - Method in interface
Close any resources used by the SecurityManager, called when a cache is closed.
close() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Closes these statistics.
closeAllContinuousQuery(String) - Method in interface
This method is dangerous because it only modifies the target cache server - other copies of the CQ on other servers are not affected. Using the client side CQ methods to modify a CQ.
closeContinuousQuery(String) - Method in interface
This method is dangerous because it only modifies the target cache server - other copies of the CQ on other servers are not affected. Using the client side CQ methods to modify a CQ.
CloseCQOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
CloseCQOperationContext(String, String, Set) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.CloseCQOperationContext
Constructor for the CLOSE_CQ operation.
closeCqs() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Unregister all Continuous Queries.
CLUSTER - Static variable in interface
This determines that the inter-server (or server-to-server) communication will be secured.
CLUSTER_CONFIG - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationPersistenceService
CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION_DIR - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "cluster-configuration-dir" property
CLUSTER_SSL_CIPHERS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
CLUSTER_SSL_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
CLUSTER_SSL_KEYSTORE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
CLUSTER_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
CLUSTER_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
CLUSTER_SSL_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
Since Geode1.0, use ssl-* properties and ssl-enabled-components
CLUSTER_SSL_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
CLUSTER_SSL_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
CLUSTER_SSL_TRUSTSTORE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
CLUSTER_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
CollectionType - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query.types
Represents the type of a collection, an object that can contain element objects.
colocatedWith - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
combine(RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType, RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType
combine(RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes, RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
commit() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
Commit the transaction associated with the current thread.
CommitConflictException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Thrown when a commit fails due to a write conflict.
CommitConflictException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CommitConflictException
Constructs an instance of CommitConflictException with the specified detail message.
CommitConflictException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CommitConflictException
Constructs an instance of CommitConflictException with the specified detail message and cause.
CommitConflictException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CommitConflictException
Constructs an instance of CommitConflictException with the specified cause.
CommitDistributionException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Indicates that an attempt to notify required participants of a transaction involving one or more regions that are configured with MembershipAttributes may have failed.
CommitDistributionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CommitDistributionException
Constructs a CommitDistributionException with a message.
CommitDistributionException(String, Set) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CommitDistributionException
Constructs a CommitDistributionException with a message and a cause.
CommitIncompleteException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Thrown when a commit fails to complete due to errors
CommitIncompleteException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.CommitIncompleteException
compactAllDiskStores() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Compact the persistent files for all of the members of the distributed system that the admin member connected to.
compactAllDiskStores() - Method in interface
Performs compaction on all of the member's disk stores.
compactionThreshold - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
compile() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Query
as of 6.5
compress(byte[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.compression.Compressor
Compresses the input byte array.
compress(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.geode.compression.SnappyCompressor
CompressionException - Exception in org.apache.geode.compression
Wraps specific compression errors for compressors.
CompressionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.compression.CompressionException
CompressionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.compression.CompressionException
CompressionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.compression.CompressionException
compressor - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Compressor - Interface in org.apache.geode.compression
Interface for a compression codec.
concurrencyChecksEnabled - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
concurrencyLevel - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
concurrencyLevel - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Config() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory.Config
Creates a configuration with the default attributes.
Config(File, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory.Config
Creates a configuration with defaults and the given diskDir and poolName.
Config(File, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory.Config
Creates a configuration with the given attributes
config(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes an exception to this writer.
config(StringId, Object[], Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
config(StringId, Object, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
config(StringId, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
config(StringId, Object[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
config(StringId, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
config(StringId) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
config(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
config(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes a message to this writer.
config(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes an exception to this writer.
configChanged(DistributedSystemConfig) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig.ConfigListener
Invoked when this configurated is changed.
configEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
configEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Returns true if "config" log messages are enabled.
configProperties - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
ConfigProperty() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding.ConfigProperty
ConfigProperty(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding.ConfigProperty
ConfigProperty(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding.ConfigProperty
configPropertyName - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding.ConfigProperty
configPropertyType - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding.ConfigProperty
configPropertyValue - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding.ConfigProperty
ConfigurationParameter - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
ConfigurationPersistenceService - Interface in org.apache.geode.distributed
ConfigurationProperties - Interface in org.apache.geode.distributed
This interface defines all the configuration properties that can be used.
CONFLATE_EVENTS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "conflate-events" property
ConflictingPersistentDataException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.persistence
Thrown when a member with persistence is recovering, and it discovers that the data it has on disk was never part of the same distributed system as the members that are currently online.
ConflictingPersistentDataException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.ConflictingPersistentDataException
ConflictingPersistentDataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.ConflictingPersistentDataException
ConflictingPersistentDataException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.ConflictingPersistentDataException
ConflictingPersistentDataException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.ConflictingPersistentDataException
connect() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Connects to the distributed system.
connect(Properties) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
connectForAdmin(Properties) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Returns a connection to the distributed system that is appropriate for administration.
CONNECTION_RETRY_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Retry a connection from sender to receiver after specified time interval (in milliseconds) in case receiver is not up and running.
connectionUrl - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
connectToSystem() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.Agent
Connects to the distributed system described by this Agent's configuration.
connPooledDatasourceClass - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
CONSERVE_SOCKETS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "conserve-sockets" property
CONTAINS_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A 'check for existence of key' operation.
CONTAINS_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A 'check for existence of value' operation.
CONTAINS_VALUE_FOR_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A 'check for existence of value for given key' operation.
containsKey(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns whether the specified key currently exists in this region.
containsKeyOnServer(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns whether the specified key currently exists in this region on the server.
containsValue(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns true if this region maps one or more keys to the specified value.
containsValueForKey(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns whether there is a valid (non-null) value present for the specified key.
content - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskDirType
convertToConfigEvictionAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
convertToConfigPartitionAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes
convertToLogWriter() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
A mechanism for accessing the abstraction layer used for a plain logger.
convertToLogWriterI18n() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
A mechanism for accessing the abstraction layer used for internationalization.
copy(T) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.CopyHelper
Makes a copy of the specified object.
CopyException - Exception in org.apache.geode
Indicates a failure to copy an object.
CopyException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.CopyException
Constructs a new CopyException.
CopyException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.CopyException
Constructs a new CopyException with a message string.
CopyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.CopyException
Constructs a new CopyException with a message string and a cause.
CopyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.CopyException
Constructs a new CopyException with a cause.
CopyHelper - Class in org.apache.geode
A static helper for optimally creating copies.
copyOnRead - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
CqAttributes - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
This interface holds all attribute values for a CQ and provides methods for retrieving all attribute settings.
CqAttributesFactory - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.query
The factory class for the CqAttributes instance.
CqAttributesFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqAttributesFactory
Creates a new instance of AttributesFactory ready to create a CqAttributes with default settings.
CqAttributesFactory(CqAttributes) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqAttributesFactory
Creates a new instance of CqAttributesFactory ready to create a CqAttributes with the same settings as those in the specified CqAttributes.
CqAttributesMutator - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
This interface is used to modify the listeners that are associated with a CQ.
CqClosedException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown if the CqQuery on which the operation performed is closed.
CqClosedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqClosedException
Constructor used by concrete subclasses
CqClosedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqClosedException
Constructor used by concrete subclasses
CqClosedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqClosedException
Constructor used by concrete subclasses
CqEvent - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
This interface provides methods to get all the information sent from the server about the CQ event.
CqException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown during continuous query creation, execution time.
CqException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqException
Constructor used by concrete subclasses
CqException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqException
Constructor used by concrete subclasses
CqException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqException
Constructor used by concrete subclasses
CqExistsException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown if a CQ by this name already exists on this client
CqExistsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqExistsException
Constructor used by concrete subclasses
CqExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqExistsException
Constructor used by concrete subclasses
CqExistsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqExistsException
Constructor used by concrete subclasses
CqListener - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Application plug-in interface for handling continuous query events after they occur.
CqListenerAdapter - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.util
CqListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CqListenerAdapter
CqQuery - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Interface for continuous query.
CqResults<E> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Represents the results of a CQ query that is executed using CqQuery.executeWithInitialResults() The result will contain the instances of Struct having key and value of the region entry that satisfy the CQ query condition.
CqServiceStatistics - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
This class provides methods to get aggregate statistical information about the CQs of a client.
CqState - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
This interface gives information on the state of a CqQuery.
CqStatistics - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
This class provides methods to get statistical information about a registered Continuous Query (CQ) represented by the CqQuery object.
CqStatusListener - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Extension of CqListener.
create(String, AsyncEventListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Creates the AsyncEventQueue.
create() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Creates a RegionAttributes with the current settings.
create() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Creates a new cache that uses the configured distributed system.
create(DistributedSystem) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
as of 6.5 use CacheFactory(Properties) instead.
create() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Create a singleton client cache.
create(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Creates a region in the ClientCache using the configuration contained in this ClientRegionFactory.
create(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Create a new Pool for connecting a client to a set of GemFire Cache Servers.
create(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
Create a new disk store or find an existing one.
create() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributesFactory
CREATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry creation.
CREATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutOperationContext
Indicates that the operation results in a create of the key.
create() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
Creates a PartitionAttributes with the current settings.
create() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqAttributesFactory
Creates a CqAttributes with the current settings.
create(K, V) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Creates a new entry in this region with the specified key and value if and only if an entry does not already exist for the specified key.
create(K, V, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Creates a new entry in this region with the specified key and value, providing a user-defined parameter object to any CacheWriter invoked in the process.
create(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Creates a region with the given name in this factory's Cache using the configuration contained in this factory.
create() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiverFactory
Creates and returns an instance of GatewayReceiver
create(String, int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Creates a GatewaySender to communicate with remote distributed system
create(String, DistributedSystem) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
Create a DistributedLockService with the given serviceName for the given DistributedSystem.
create() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Create a PdxInstance.
createAsyncEventQueueFactory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Creates AsyncEventQueueFactory for creating a AsyncEventQueue
createAtomicStatistics(StatisticsType) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsFactory
Creates and returns a Statistics instance of the given type with default ids.
createAtomicStatistics(StatisticsType, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsFactory
Creates and returns a Statistics instance of the given type, textId, and with a default numeric id.
createAtomicStatistics(StatisticsType, String, long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsFactory
Creates and returns a Statistics instance of the given type, textId, and numericId.
createAuthenticatedView(Properties) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCache
Creates an authenticated cache view using the given user security properties on the client cache's default pool.
createAuthenticatedView(Properties, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCache
Creates an authenticated cache view using the given user security properties using the given pool to connect to servers.
createCache(Properties, ServerLauncher) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherCacheProvider
createCacheServerConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
createCacheVmConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Creates the configuration for a CacheVm.
createClientRegionFactory(ClientRegionShortcut) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCache
Create and return a client region factory that is initialized to create a region using the given predefined region attributes.
createClientRegionFactory(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCache
Create and return a client region factory that is initialized to create a region using the given named region attributes.
createConnectionConfig() - Method in class
createDataSource(Properties, Properties) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.datasource.PooledDataSourceFactory
Create and return a data source configured with the given properties.
createDefinedIndexes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Creates all the indexes that were defined using QueryService.defineIndex(String, String, String)
createDiskStoreFactory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
create diskstore factory
createDistributionLocatorConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Creates a new DistributionLocatorConfig for a distribution locator that is managed in this distributed system.
createDoubleCounter(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
Creates and returns a double counter StatisticDescriptor with the given name, description, units, and with larger values indicating better performance.
createDoubleCounter(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
Creates and returns a double counter StatisticDescriptor with the given name, description, largerBetter, and units.
createDoubleGauge(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
Creates and returns a double gauge StatisticDescriptor with the given name, description, units, and with smaller values indicating better performance.
createDoubleGauge(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
Creates and returns a double gauge StatisticDescriptor with the given name, description, largerBetter, and units.
createDynamicRegion(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
Creates the dynamic Region in the local cache and distributes the creation to other caches.
createFactory() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolManager
Creates a new pool factory, which is used to configure and create new Pools.
createFixedPartition(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.FixedPartitionAttributes
Creates an instance of FixedPartitionAttributes.
createFixedPartition(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.FixedPartitionAttributes
Creates an instance of FixedPartitionAttributes.
createFixedPartition(String, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.FixedPartitionAttributes
Creates an instance of FixedPartitionAttributes.
createFixedPartition(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.FixedPartitionAttributes
Creates an instance of FixedPartitionAttributes.
createFromData(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAttributes
createGatewayReceiverFactory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Creates GatewayReceiverFactory for creating a GatewayReceiver
createGatewaySenderFactory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Creates GatewaySenderFactory for creating a SerialGatewaySender
createGatewaySenderFactory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
createHashIndex(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Due to the overhead caused by rehashing while expanding the backing array, hash index has been deprecated since Apache Geode 1.4.0. Use method QueryService.createIndex(String, String, String) instead.
createHashIndex(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Due to the overhead caused by rehashing while expanding the backing array, hash index has been deprecated since Apache Geode 1.4.0. Use method QueryService.createIndex(String, String, String, String) instead
createIndex(String, IndexType, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
As of 6.6.2, use QueryService.createIndex(String, String, String) and QueryService.createKeyIndex(String, String, String) instead. Create an index that can be used when executing queries.
createIndex(String, IndexType, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
As of 6.6.2, use QueryService.createIndex(String, String, String, String) and QueryService.createKeyIndex(String, String, String) instead. Create an index that can be used when executing queries.
createIndex(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Create an index that can be used when executing queries.
createIndex(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Create an index that can be used when executing queries.
createIntCounter(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
createIntCounter(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
createIntGauge(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
createIntGauge(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
createKeyIndex(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Create a key index that can be used when executing queries.
createLIFOEntryAttributes(int, EvictionAction) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
For internal use only.
createLIFOMemoryAttributes(int, EvictionAction) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
For internal use only.
createLongCounter(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
Creates and returns a long counter StatisticDescriptor with the given name, description, units, and with larger values indicating better performance.
createLongCounter(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
Creates and returns a long counter StatisticDescriptor with the given name, description, largerBetter, and units.
createLongGauge(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
Creates and returns a long gauge StatisticDescriptor with the given name, description, units, and with smaller values indicating better performance.
createLongGauge(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
Creates and returns a long gauge StatisticDescriptor with the given name, description, largerBetter, and units.
createLRUEntryAttributes() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
Creates and returns entry LRU eviction attributes with default action and default maximum.
createLRUEntryAttributes(int) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
Creates and returns entry LRU eviction attributes with default action and given maximumEntries.
createLRUEntryAttributes(EvictionAction) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
Creates and returns entry LRU eviction attributes with default maximum and given evictionAction.
createLRUEntryAttributes(int, EvictionAction) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
Creates and returns entry LRU eviction attributes with given evictionAction and given maximumEntries.
createLRUHeapAttributes() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
Creates and returns heap LRU eviction attributes with default action and default sizer.
createLRUHeapAttributes(ObjectSizer) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
Creates and returns heap LRU eviction attributes with default action and the given sizer.
createLRUHeapAttributes(ObjectSizer, EvictionAction) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
Creates and returns heap LRU eviction attributes with the given evictionAction and given sizer.
createLRUMemoryAttributes() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
Creates and returns memory LRU eviction attributes with default action, default sizer, and default maximum.
createLRUMemoryAttributes(int) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
Creates and returns memory LRU eviction attributes with default action, default sizer, and given maximumMegabytes.
createLRUMemoryAttributes(int, ObjectSizer) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
Creates and returns memory LRU eviction attributes with default action, given sizer, and given maximumMegabytes.
createLRUMemoryAttributes(int, ObjectSizer, EvictionAction) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
Creates and returns memory LRU eviction attributes with the given evictionAction, given sizer, and given maximumMegabytes.
createLRUMemoryAttributes(ObjectSizer) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
Creates and returns memory LRU eviction attributes with default action, given sizer, and default maximum.
createLRUMemoryAttributes(ObjectSizer, EvictionAction) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
Creates and returns memory LRU eviction attributes with given evictionAction, given sizer, and default maximum.
createManager() - Method in interface
Creates a Manager MBean on this member.
createOptions() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.CacheSnapshotService
Creates a SnapshotOptions object configured with default settings.
createOptions() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.RegionSnapshotService
Creates a SnapshotOptions object configured with default settings.
createPdxEnum(String, String, int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionService
Creates and returns a PdxInstance that represents an enum value.
createPdxInstanceFactory(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionService
Returns a factory that can create a PdxInstance.
createRebalanceFactory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager
Creates a factory for defining and starting RebalanceOperations.
createRegion(String, RegionAttributes) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Creates a root Region in this cache.
createRegion(String, RegionAttributes<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
createRegionAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
as of GemFire 5.0, use AttributesFactory.create() instead
createRegionFactory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Creates a RegionFactory which can be used to specify additional attributes for Region creation.
createRegionFactory(RegionShortcut) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Creates a RegionFactory for the most commonly used Region types defined by RegionShortcut
createRegionFactory(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Creates a RegionFactory for creating a Region from RegionAttributes mapped to this regionAttributesId
createRegionFactory(RegionAttributes<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Creates a RegionFactory for creating a Region from the given regionAttributes
createRestoreRedundancyOperation() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager
Creates a RestoreRedundancyOperation class for defining and starting restore redundancy operations and for determining the redundancy status of regions.
createSocket() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.proxy.SniProxySocketFactory
createSocket() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.SocketFactory
Create an unconnected tcp socket for establishing a client.
createSocket(InetAddress, int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ClientSocketFactory
Creates a Socket for the input address and port
createStatistics(StatisticsType) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsFactory
Creates and returns a Statistics instance of the given type with default ids.
createStatistics(StatisticsType, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsFactory
Creates and returns a Statistics instance of the given type, textId, and with a default numeric id.
createStatistics(StatisticsType, String, long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsFactory
Creates and returns a Statistics instance of the given type, textId, and numericId.
createSubregion(String, RegionAttributes) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Creates a subregion of this region.
createSubregion(Region<?, ?>, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Creates a sub-region in the ClientCache using the configuration contained in this ClientRegionFactory.
createSubregion(String, RegionAttributes<SK, SV>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
createSubregion(Region<?, ?>, String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Creates a sub-region in the Cache using the configuration contained in this RegionFactory.
createType(String, String, StatisticDescriptor[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
Creates or finds and returns a StatisticsType with the given name, description, and statistic descriptions.
createTypesFromXml(Reader) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
Creates one or more StatisticsType from the contents of the given reader.
createVMRegion(String, RegionAttributes) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
createVMRegion(String, RegionAttributes<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
createWriter() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstance
Creates and returns a WritablePdxInstance whose initial values are those of this PdxInstance.
criticalHeapPercentage - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ResourceManagerType
criticalOffHeapPercentage - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ResourceManagerType
customExpiry - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesDetail
CustomExpiry<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
This is the contract that a custom-expiry element must honor.
customLoadProbe - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType


dataPolicy - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
DataPolicy - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
Enumerated type for region data policy.
DataSerializable - Interface in org.apache.geode
An interface for objects whose state can be written/read as primitive types and strings ("data").
DataSerializable.Replaceable - Interface in org.apache.geode
Replaceable allows an object to write an alternative version of itself to a DataOutput.
DataSerializer - Class in org.apache.geode
Provides static helper methods for reading and writing non-primitive data when working with a DataSerializable.
DataSerializer() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Creates a new DataSerializer.
debug(String, Object...) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Prints the specified debug message to standard err, replacing any placeholder values with the specified arguments on output, if debugging has been enabled.
debug(Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Prints the stack trace of the given Throwable to standard err if debugging has been enabled.
declarable - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ObjectType
Declarable - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
An object that can be described in a declarative caching XML file.
DeclarableType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
A "declarable" element specifies a Declarable object to be placed in a Region entry.
DeclarableType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DeclarableType
DeclarableType(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DeclarableType
DeclarableType(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DeclarableType
DeclarableType(String, Properties) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DeclarableType
decompress(byte[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.compression.Compressor
Decompresses a compressed byte array.
decompress(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.geode.compression.SnappyCompressor
deepCopy(T) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.CopyHelper
Makes a deep copy of the specified object o using serialization, so the object has to be serializable by GemFire.
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.SocketFactory
The default socket factory
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
The data policy used by default; it is DataPolicy.NORMAL.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAttributes
convenience constant for a default instance
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestPolicy
The interest policy used by default; it is InterestPolicy.CACHE_CONTENT.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestResultPolicy
The InterestResultPolicy used by default; it is InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES.
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.ObjectSizer
The default object sizer, currently ObjectSizer.SIZE_CLASS_ONCE
DEFAULT_ACK_SEVERE_ALERT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default ackSevereAlertThreshold.
DEFAULT_ACK_WAIT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default AckWaitThreshold.
DEFAULT_AGENT_SSL_CIPHERS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "agent-ssl-ciphers" property
DEFAULT_AGENT_SSL_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "agent-ssl-enabled" property
DEFAULT_AGENT_SSL_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "agent-ssl-protocols" property
DEFAULT_AGENT_SSL_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "agent-ssl-require-authentication" property
DEFAULT_ALERT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
The default alert threshold in milliseconds
DEFAULT_ALLOW_FORCE_COMPACTION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
The default value of the allow force compaction attribute.
DEFAULT_AUTO_COMPACT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
The default setting for auto compaction.
DEFAULT_AUTO_CONNECT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "auto-connect" property
DEFAULT_BATCH_CONFLATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
The default batch conflation
DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
The default batch size
DEFAULT_BATCH_TIME_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
The default batch time interval in milliseconds
DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default value of the "bindAddress" property
DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
The default ip address or host name that the cache server's socket will listen on for client connections.
DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
The default ip address or host name that the receiver's socket will listen on for client connections.
DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ClientSubscriptionConfig
The default limit that is assigned to client subscription.
DEFAULT_COMMAND - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
DEFAULT_COMMAND - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
DEFAULT_COMPACTION_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
The default compaction threshold.
DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
The default concurrency level for updates to region values
DEFAULT_CRITICAL_PERCENTAGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager
The default percent of heap memory at which the VM is considered in a critical state.
DEFAULT_DELIMITER - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.StringPrefixPartitionResolver
The default delimiter is "|".
DEFAULT_DISABLE_AUTO_RECONNECT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default disable-auto-reconnect setting (false)
DEFAULT_DISABLE_JMX - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default disable-jmx value (false)
DEFAULT_DISABLE_TCP - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default disable-tcp value (false)
DEFAULT_DISK_DIR_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
The default disk directory size in megabytes.
DEFAULT_DISK_DIR_SIZES - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
The default disk directory sizes.
DEFAULT_DISK_DIRS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
The default disk directories.
DEFAULT_DISK_STORE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
The name of the default disk store is "DEFAULT".
DEFAULT_DISK_SYNCHRONOUS - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
The default disk synchronous write setting
DEFAULT_DISK_SYNCHRONOUS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
The default value ( true) for writing to disk synchronously in case of persistence.
DEFAULT_DISK_USAGE_CRITICAL_PERCENTAGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
The default disk usage critical percentage.
DEFAULT_DISK_USAGE_WARNING_PERCENTAGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
The default disk usage warning percentage.
DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_THREADS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
DEFAULT_DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM_ID - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
DEFAULT_EMAIL_FROM - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "email-notification-from" property
DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "email-notification-host" property
DEFAULT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "email-notification-enabled" property
DEFAULT_EMAIL_TO_LIST - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "email-notification-to" property
DEFAULT_ENABLE_NETWORK_PARTITION_DETECTION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default enable-network-partition-detection setting (false)
DEFAULT_END_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Default end value of the port range from which the GatewayReceiver's port will be chosen
DEFAULT_ENTITY_CONFIG_XML_FILE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default value of the "entity-config-xml-file" property ("distributed-system.xml").
DEFAULT_ENTRIES_MAXIMUM - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
The default maximum for entry LRU.
DEFAULT_EVICTION_ACTION - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAction
The default eviction action is to locally destroy an Entry.
DEFAULT_EVICTION_PERCENTAGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager
The default percent of heap memory at which the VM should begin evicting data.
DEFAULT_EVICTION_POLICY - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ClientSubscriptionConfig
The default eviction policy that is assigned to client subscription.
DEFAULT_FORCE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
DEFAULT_FORWARD_EXPIRATION_DESTROY - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
DEFAULT_FREE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default amount of time, in milliseconds, which we will wait for a free connection if max connections is set and all of the connections are in use.
DEFAULT_GROUPS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
as of 7.0 use the groups gemfire property
DEFAULT_HEALTH_EVALUATION_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealthConfig
The default number of seconds between assessments of the health of the GemFire components.
DEFAULT_HISTORY_SIZE - Static variable in class
Default number of historical events to track in order to avoid duplicate events for members that are both clients and peer members; value is 100.
DEFAULT_HOSTNAME_FOR_CLIENTS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
The default ip address or host name that will be given to clients as the host this cache server is listening on.
DEFAULT_HOSTNAME_FOR_SENDERS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
DEFAULT_HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "http-authentication-enabled" property
DEFAULT_HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "http-authentication-password" property
DEFAULT_HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_USER - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "http-authentication-user" property
DEFAULT_HTTP_BIND_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "httpBindAddress" property
DEFAULT_HTTP_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "httpEnabled" property
DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "httpPort" property (8080)
DEFAULT_HTTP_SSL_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "http-ssl-require-authentication" property
DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default amount of time in milliseconds, to wait for a connection to become idle
DEFAULT_IS_FOR_INTERNAL_USE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
DEFAULT_IS_PARALLEL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
DEFAULT_JSON_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_LOAD_CONDITIONING_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default interval in which the pool will check to see if a connection to a given server should be moved to a different server to improve the load balance.
DEFAULT_LOAD_POLL_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
The default frequency at which to poll the load probe for the load on this cache server.
DEFAULT_LOAD_PROBE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
The default load balancing probe.
DEFAULT_LOCATORS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default value of the "locators" property ("")
DEFAULT_LOG_DISK_SPACE_LIMIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default log disk space limit in megabytes (0)
DEFAULT_LOG_FILE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default log-file value ("" which directs logging to standard output)
DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default log file size limit in megabytes (0)
DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default log level ("config")
DEFAULT_MANUAL_START - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
The default value for manually starting a GatewayReceiver.
DEFAULT_MANUAL_START - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
- Manual start of senders is deprecated and will be removed in a later release.
DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default maximum number of connections to create
DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
The default number of sockets accepted by a CacheServer.
DEFAULT_MAX_DEPARTED_APPLICATIONS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemHealthConfig
The default maximum number of application members that can unexceptedly leave a healthy the distributed system.
DEFAULT_MAX_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheHealthConfig
The default maximum number of entries in the event delivery queue of a healthy cache member.
DEFAULT_MAX_LOAD_TIME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheHealthConfig
The default maximum mumber of milliseconds a cache load operation can take before the cache member is considered to be unhealthy.
DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.MemberHealthConfig
The default maximum number of enqueued incoming or outgoing messages that a healthy member of a distributed system can have.
DEFAULT_MAX_NET_SEARCH_TIME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheHealthConfig
The default maximum number of milliseconds a netSearch operation can take before the cache member is considered to be unhealthy.
DEFAULT_MAX_OPLOG_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
The default maximum oplog file size in megabytes.
DEFAULT_MAX_REPLY_TIMEOUTS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.MemberHealthConfig
The default maximum number of message reply timeouts that can occur in a given health monitoring interval.
DEFAULT_MAX_RETRANSMISSION_RATIO - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.MemberHealthConfig
The default maximum multicast retransmission ratio.
DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
The default limit to the maximum number of cache server threads that can be created to service client requests.
DEFAULT_MAX_VM_PROCESS_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.MemberHealthConfig
The default maximum VM process size (in megabytes) of a health member of the distributed system.
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_COUNT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
The default maximum number of messages that can be enqueued in a client-queue.
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_QUEUE_MEMORY - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
The default maximum amount of memory (MB) to allow in the queue before overflowing entries to disk
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_TIME_BETWEEN_PINGS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
The default maximum amount of time between client pings.
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_TIME_BETWEEN_PINGS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
The default maximum amount of time between client pings.
DEFAULT_MCAST_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default value of the "mcastAddress" property (
DEFAULT_MCAST_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default value of the "mcastPort" property (10334)
DEFAULT_MEMBER_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default failure-detection timeout period for member heart-beat responses
DEFAULT_MEMBERSHIP_PORT_RANGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default membership-port-range.
DEFAULT_MEMORY_MAXIMUM - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
The default maximum for memory LRU.
DEFAULT_MESSAGE_TIME_TO_LIVE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
The default time (in seconds ) after which a message in the client queue will expire.
DEFAULT_MIN_CONNECTIONS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default number of connections to initially create
DEFAULT_MIN_HIT_RATIO - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheHealthConfig
The default minimum hit ratio of a healthy cache member.
DEFAULT_MULTIUSER_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default value for whether to use multiuser mode.
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default value of the "name" property ("").
DEFAULT_NOTIFY_BY_SUBSCRIPTION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
The default notify-by-subscription value which tells the CacheServer whether or not to notify clients based on key subscription.
DEFAULT_ORDER_POLICY - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
DEFAULT_OVERFLOW_DIRECTORY - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ClientSubscriptionConfig
The default overflow directory that is assigned to client subscription.
DEFAULT_PARALLELISM_REPLICATED_REGION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
The default value (false)of whether to persist queue data to disk or not.
DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default frequency, in milliseconds, to ping servers.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
The default port on which a CacheServer is configured to serve.
DEFAULT_PR_SINGLE_HOP_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default value for whether to have single hop optimisations enabled.
DEFAULT_PROPERTY_FILE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default "propertyFile" value
DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
The default maximum number of operations that can be asynchronously queued.
DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for a response from a server
DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default "refreshInterval" in seconds which will apply to REFRESH_INTERVAL_NAME property.
DEFAULT_REMOTE_COMMAND - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default value of the remote-command property
DEFAULT_RETRY_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default number of times to retry an operation after a timeout or exception.
DEFAULT_RMI_BIND_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the rmi-bind-address property
DEFAULT_RMI_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the rmi-enabled property
DEFAULT_RMI_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the rmi-port property (1099)
DEFAULT_RMI_REGISTRY_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the rmi-registry-enabled property
DEFAULT_RMI_SERVER_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the rmi-server-port property (0)
DEFAULT_SERVER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default amount of time, in milliseconds, which we will wait for a server connection if max connections is set and there is no free connections towards designated server.
DEFAULT_SERVER_GROUP - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default server group.
DEFAULT_SNMP_BIND_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "snmpBindAddress" property
DEFAULT_SNMP_DIRECTORY - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "snmpDirectory" property
DEFAULT_SNMP_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default value of the "snmpEnabled" property
DEFAULT_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Default size in bytes of the socket buffer on each connection established.
DEFAULT_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
The default socket buffer size for socket buffers from the cache server to the client.
DEFAULT_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
The default buffer size for socket buffers for the GatewayReceiver.
DEFAULT_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
The default buffer size for socket buffers from a sending GatewaySender to its receiving GatewayReceiver.
DEFAULT_SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default amount of time, in milliseconds, socket timeout when the client connects to the servers/locators.
DEFAULT_SOCKET_FACTORY - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default value for the socket factory Current value SocketFactory.DEFAULT
DEFAULT_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
The default amount of time in milliseconds that a socket read between a sending Gateway and its receiving Gateway will block.
DEFAULT_START_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Default start value of the port range from which the GatewayReceiver's port will be chosen
DEFAULT_STATE_SAVE_FILE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The default name for file that has "agent state saved serialized"
DEFAULT_STATISTIC_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default frequency, in milliseconds, that client statistics will be sent to the server.
DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_ACK_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before sending an acknowledgement to the server about events received from the subscriptions.
DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default value for whether to establish a server to client subscription.
DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE_TRACKING_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default amount of time, in milliseconds, that messages sent from a server to a client will be tracked.
DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_REDUNDANCY - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default redundancy for servers holding subscriptions established by this client
DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
The default number of server "ping" intervals that can elapse with no activity before a subscription connection is deemed dead and failover is initiated.
DEFAULT_SYSTEM_ID - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default value of the "system-id" property ("")
DEFAULT_TCP_NO_DELAY - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
The default setting for outgoing tcp/ip connections.
DEFAULT_TCP_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The default value of the "tcpPort" property.
DEFAULT_THREAD_LOCAL_CONNECTIONS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Since Geode 1.10.0. Thread local connections are ignored. Will be removed in future major release.
DEFAULT_TIME_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
The default time interval in milliseconds.
DEFAULT_WORKING_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
DEFAULT_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
The default write buffer size.
defineAgent() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentFactory
Defines a "default" GemFire JMX administration agent configuration.
defineDistributedSystem() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystemFactory
Defines a "default" distributed system configuration based on VM system properties and the content of
defineDistributedSystem(DistributedSystem, String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystemFactory
Defines a distributed system configuration for administering the distributed system to which this VM is currently connected.
defineHashIndex(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Due to the overhead caused by rehashing while expanding the backing array, hash index has been deprecated since Apache Geode 1.4.0. Use method QueryService.defineIndex(String, String, String) instead.
defineHashIndex(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Due to the overhead caused by rehashing while expanding the backing array, hash index has been deprecated since Apache Geode 1.4.0. Use method QueryService.defineIndex(String, String, String, String) instead.
defineIndex(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Defines an index that can be used when executing queries.
defineIndex(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Defines an index that can be used when executing queries.
defineKeyIndex(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Defines a key index that can be used when executing queries.
Delta - Interface in org.apache.geode
This interface defines a contract between the application and GemFire that allows GemFire to determine whether an application object contains a delta, allows GemFire to extract the delta from an application object, and generate a new application object by applying a delta to an existing application object.
DELTA_PROPAGATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "delta-propagation" property delta-propagation Description: "true" indicates that server propagates delta generated from Delta type of objects.
DeltaSerializationException - Exception in org.apache.geode
This exception wraps any checked exception encountered during invocation of Delta.fromDelta( or Delta.toDelta( in GemFire.
DeltaSerializationException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.DeltaSerializationException
Default constructor
DeltaSerializationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.DeltaSerializationException
DeltaSerializationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.DeltaSerializationException
DeltaSerializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.DeltaSerializationException
DependenciesNotFoundException - Exception in
Indicates that required dependencies were not found in the ClassPath.
DependenciesNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new DependenciesNotFoundException with the specified detail message and cause.
DependenciesNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new DependenciesNotFoundException with the specified detail message.
DEPLOY_WORKING_DIR - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "deploy-working-dir" property
destroy(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Destroys this pool closing any connections it produced.
destroy() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Destroys this pool closing any connections it produced.
destroy() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Destroys this disk store.
DESTROY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction
When the region or cached object expires, it is destroyed.
DESTROY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry distributed destroy.
destroy(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Destroys the entry with the specified key.
destroy(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Destroys the entry with the specified key, and provides a user-defined parameter object to any CacheWriter invoked in the process.
destroy() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Destroys this GatewayReceiverand removes the GatewayReceiverMBean associated with this GatewayReceiver.
destroy() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Destroys the GatewaySender.
destroy(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
Destroy a previously created DistributedLockService with the given serviceName.
destroyDynamicRegion(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
Destroys the dynamic Region in the local cache and distributes the destruction to other caches.
DestroyOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
DestroyOperationContext(Object) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.DestroyOperationContext
Constructor for the operation.
DestroyOperationContext(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.DestroyOperationContext
Constructor for the operation to use for post-operation in updates.
destroyRegion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Destroys the whole region.
destroyRegion(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Destroys the whole region and provides a user-defined parameter object to any CacheWriter invoked in the process.
dirSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskDirType
DISABLE_AUTO_RECONNECT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "disable-auto-reconnect" property
DISABLE_JMX - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "disable-jmx" property
DISABLE_TCP - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "disable-tcp" property
disablePersistBackup - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DynamicRegionFactoryType
disableRegisterInterest - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DynamicRegionFactoryType
DISALLOW_JAVA_SERIALIZATION - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
disallowEvent() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.GatewayConflictHelper
disallow the event
disconnect() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Disconnects from the distributed system.
disconnect() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
disconnectFromSystem() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.Agent
Disconnects this agent from the distributed system and unregisters the management beans that provided information about it.
DISK_STORE_CLOSED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a disk store has been closed.
DISK_STORE_CREATED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a disk store has been created
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.disk.created.
DiskAccessException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Indicates that an IOException during a disk region operation.
DiskAccessException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.DiskAccessException
Constructs a new DiskAccessException.
DiskAccessException(String, Region) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.DiskAccessException
Constructs a new DiskAccessException with a message string.
DiskAccessException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.DiskAccessException
Constructs a new DiskAccessException with a message string.
DiskAccessException(String, DiskStore) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.DiskAccessException
Constructs a new DiskAccessException with a message string.
DiskAccessException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.DiskAccessException
Constructs a new DiskAccessException with a message string and a cause.
DiskAccessException(String, Throwable, DiskStore) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.DiskAccessException
Constructs a new DiskAccessException with a message string and a cause.
DiskAccessException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.DiskAccessException
Constructs a new DiskAccessException with a cause.
DiskAccessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.DiskAccessException
Constructs a new DiskAccessException with a message string and a cause.
DiskAccessException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.DiskAccessException
Constructs a new DiskAccessException with a message string.
DiskBackupResult - Class in
Composite data type used to distribute the results of a disk backup operation.
DiskBackupResult(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
This constructor is to be used by internal JMX framework only.
DiskBackupStatus - Interface in
Composite data type used to distribute the status of disk backup operations.
diskDir - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DynamicRegionFactoryType
diskDir - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory.Config
The directory where the factory's DynamicRegionFactory.Config.persistBackup files are placed
diskDirs - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskDirsType
diskDirs - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
diskDirs - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
DiskDirsType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
A "disk-dirs" element specifies the region's disk directories.
DiskDirsType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskDirsType
DiskDirType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
A "disk-dir" element specifies one of a region or diskstore's disk directories.
DiskDirType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskDirType
DiskMetrics - Class in
Composite data type used to distribute metrics for a DiskStore.
DiskMetrics() - Constructor for class
DiskStore - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Provides disk storage for one or more regions.
DiskStoreFactory - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Factory for creating instances of DiskStore.
DiskStoreMXBean - Interface in
MBean that provides access to information and management functionality for a DiskStore.
diskStoreName - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
diskStoreName - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
diskStoreName - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
diskStoreName - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
diskStoreName - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
diskStoreName - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType.ClientSubscription
diskStores - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
DiskStoreType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
A "disk-store" element specifies a DiskStore for persistence.
DiskStoreType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
diskSynchronous - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
diskSynchronous - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
diskSynchronous - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
diskUsageCriticalPercentage - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
diskUsageWarningPercentage - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
diskWriteAttributes - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
DiskWriteAttributes() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes
DiskWriteAttributes - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
as of 6.5 use DiskStore instead
DiskWriteAttributesFactory - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
as of 6.5 use DiskStoreFactory instead
DiskWriteAttributesFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributesFactory
Creates a new instance of DiskWriteAttributesFactory ready to create a DiskWriteAttributes with default settings.
DiskWriteAttributesFactory(DiskWriteAttributes) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributesFactory
Creates a new instance of DiskWriteAttributesFactory Factory ready to create a DiskWriteAttributes with the same settings as those in the specified DiskWriteAttributes.
dispatcherThreads - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
dispatcherThreads - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
displayMergedLogs() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Merges and returns all system logs as a single formatted log.
DISTRIBUTED_ACK - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Scope
The region or cached object with this attribute is scoped to the distributed cached system; any distributed operation will not return until all the remote acknowledgments come back.
DISTRIBUTED_NO_ACK - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Scope
The region or cached object with this attribute is scoped to the distributed cached system; any distributed operation will return without waiting for the remote acknowledgment.
DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM_ID - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "distributed-system-id" property
DISTRIBUTED_TRANSACTIONS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "distributed-transactions" property Since: Geode 1.0
DistributedLockService - Class in org.apache.geode.distributed
A named instance of DistributedLockService defines a space for locking arbitrary names across the distributed system defined by a specified distribution manager.
DistributedLockService() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
Public instance creation is prohibited - use DistributedLockService.create(String, DistributedSystem)
DistributedLockServiceMXBean - Interface in
MBean that provides access to information for a named instance of DistributedLockService.
DistributedMember - Interface in org.apache.geode.distributed
This is the fundamental representation of a member in a GemFire distributed system.
DistributedRegionMXBean - Interface in
MBean that provides access to information and management functionality for a Region.
DistributedSystem - Class in org.apache.geode.distributed
A "connection" to a GemFire distributed system.
DistributedSystem() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Creates a new instance of DistributedSystem.
DistributedSystemConfig - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
DistributedSystemConfig.ConfigListener - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
A listener whose callback methods are invoked when this config changes.
DistributedSystemDisconnectedException - Exception in org.apache.geode.distributed
Thrown when a GemFire distributed system has been terminated.
DistributedSystemDisconnectedException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystemDisconnectedException
DistributedSystemDisconnectedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystemDisconnectedException
DistributedSystemDisconnectedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystemDisconnectedException
DistributedSystemDisconnectedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystemDisconnectedException
DistributedSystemHealthConfig - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
DistributedSystemMXBean - Interface in
MBean that provides access to information and management operations for a DistributedSystem.
DistributionLocator - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
DistributionLocatorConfig - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
doClose() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
Closes the dynamic region factory, disabling any further creation or destruction of dynamic regions in this cache.
doInternalInit(InternalCache) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
The method is for internal use only.
DuplicatePrimaryPartitionException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
This exception is thrown when two nodes are defined with same primary partitions
DuplicatePrimaryPartitionException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.DuplicatePrimaryPartitionException
Creates a new DuplicatePrimaryPartitionException with no detailed message.
DuplicatePrimaryPartitionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.DuplicatePrimaryPartitionException
Creates a new DuplicatePrimaryPartitionException with the given detail message.
DuplicatePrimaryPartitionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.DuplicatePrimaryPartitionException
Creates a new DuplicatePrimaryPartitionException with the given cause and no detail message
DuplicatePrimaryPartitionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.DuplicatePrimaryPartitionException
Creates a new DuplicatePrimaryPartitionException with the given detail message and cause.
DURABLE_CLIENT_ID - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "durable-client-id" property
DURABLE_CLIENT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "durable-client-timeout" property
DurableClientAttributes - Class in org.apache.geode.distributed
Class DurableClientAttributes represents durable member attributes.
DurableClientAttributes() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.DurableClientAttributes
DurableClientAttributes(String, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.DurableClientAttributes
DYNAMIC_REGION_LIST_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
dynamicRegionFactory - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
DynamicRegionFactory - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
This class is deprecated. Use FunctionService to create regions on other members instead.
DynamicRegionFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
DynamicRegionFactory.Config - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
Configuration for dynamic region factory.
DynamicRegionFactoryType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
dynamic-region-factory is deprecated.
DynamicRegionFactoryType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DynamicRegionFactoryType
DynamicRegionListener - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
DynamicRegionListener is an interface that can be implemented to handle dynamic region-related events.


EARLY_ACK - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
earlyAck - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
earlyAck - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
ELEMENT_ID - Static variable in class
EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "email-notification-enabled" property
EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS_FROM_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "email-notification-from" property
EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS_HOST_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "email-notification-host" property
EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS_TO_LIST_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "email-notification-to" property
emergencyClose() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
Attempt to close any and all GemFire resources.
EMPTY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DeclarableType
EMPTY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
Data is never stored in local memory.
EmptyRegionFunctionException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.execute
Exception to indicate that Region is empty for data aware functions.
EmptyRegionFunctionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.execute.EmptyRegionFunctionException
Construct an instance of EmtpyRegionFunctionException
EmptyRegionFunctionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.execute.EmptyRegionFunctionException
Construct an instance of EmtpyRegionFunctionException
EmptyRegionFunctionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.execute.EmptyRegionFunctionException
Construct an instance of EmtpyRegionFunctionException
ENABLE_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "enable-cluster-configuration" property
ENABLE_MANAGEMENT_REST_SERVICE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "enable-management-rest-service" property
ENABLE_NETWORK_PARTITION_DETECTION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "enable-network-partition-detection" property
ENABLE_TIME_STATISTICS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "enable-time-statistics" property
enableAsyncConflation - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
enableBatchConflation - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
enableBatchConflation - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
enableGateway - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
enablePersistence - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
enablePersistence - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
enableSubscriptionConflation - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
endPort - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
endResults() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.ResultCollector
GemFire will invoke this method when function execution has completed and all results for the execution have been obtained and added to the ResultCollector Unless the ResultCollector has received last result from all the executing nodes, it keeps waiting for more results to come.
ENFORCE_UNIQUE_HOST - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "enforce-unique-host" property
entering(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Log a method entry.
entering(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Log a method entry.
ENTITY_CONFIG_XML_FILE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The name of an XML file that specifies the configuration for the managed entities administered by the DistributedSystem.
entries - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
Entry(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminConfig.Entry
Entry(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminConfig.Entry
Entry() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Entry
Entry(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Entry
Entry(ObjectType, ObjectType) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Entry
entryCount - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
EntryDestroyedException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Indicates that a method was invoked on an entry that has been destroyed.
EntryDestroyedException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.EntryDestroyedException
Constructs a new EntryDestroyedException.
EntryDestroyedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.EntryDestroyedException
Constructs a new EntryDestroyedException with the message.
EntryDestroyedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.EntryDestroyedException
Constructs a new EntryDestroyedException with a detailed message and a causal exception.
EntryDestroyedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.EntryDestroyedException
Construct a EntryDestroyedException with a cause.
EntryEvent<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Contains information about an event affecting an entry, including its identity and the the circumstances of the event.
EntryExistsException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Thrown when attempting to create a Region.Entry that already exists in the Region.
EntryExistsException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.EntryExistsException
Constructs an instance of EntryExistsException with the specified detail message.
entryIdleTime - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
EntryNotFoundException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Thrown when an operation is invoked on Region for an entry that doesn't exist in the Region.
EntryNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.EntryNotFoundException
Constructs an instance of EntryNotFoundException with the specified detail message.
EntryNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.EntryNotFoundException
Constructs an instance of EntryNotFoundException with the specified detail message and cause.
EntryOperation<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Gemfire Context passed to PartitionResolver to compute the data location
entrySet(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the Set of Region.Entry objects in this region.
entrySet() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the Set of Region.Entry objects in this region.
entryTimeToLive - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
EnumActionDestroyOverflow - Enum in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for enum-action-destroy-overflow.
EnumReadableWritable - Enum in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for enum-readable-writable.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AlertLevel
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberType
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ClassNameType
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DeclarableType
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ObjectType
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ParameterType
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributes
Two DiskWriteAttributes are equal if the both specify the synchronous writes, or they both specify asynchronous writes with the same time interval, bytes threshold, maxOplogSize and compaction values
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory.Config
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAttributes
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Compares the specified object with this region for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoad
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.SubscriptionAttributes
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.StringPrefixPartitionResolver
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.wan.EventSequenceID
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.compression.SnappyCompressor
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Two DataSerializers are consider to be equal if they have the same id and the same class
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DurableClientAttributes
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstance
Returns true if the given object is equals to this instance.
ERROR - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.AlertLevel
error(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes an exception to this writer.
error(StringId, Object[], Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
error(StringId, Object, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
error(StringId, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
error(StringId, Object[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
error(StringId, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
error(StringId) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
error(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
error(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes a message to this writer.
error(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes an exception to this writer.
errorEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
errorEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Returns true if "error" log messages are enabled.
EventSequenceID - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.wan
This class wraps 1) DistributedMembershipID 2) ThreadID 3) SequenceID attributes which are used to uniquely identify any Region Operation like create, update, destroy etc.
EventSequenceID(byte[], long, long) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.wan.EventSequenceID
EVICT_DESTROY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry local destroy caused by an eviction.
EvictionAction - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
The action that an EvictionAlgorithm takes.
EvictionAlgorithm - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
The algorithm used to determine when to perform an EvictionAction
evictionAttributes - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
EvictionAttributes() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes
EvictionAttributes - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
Attributes that describe how a Region's size is managed through an eviction controller.
EvictionAttributes() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
EvictionAttributesData - Class in
Composite data type used to distribute the eviction attributes for a Region.
EvictionAttributesData(String, Integer, String) - Constructor for class
This constructor is to be used by internal JMX framework only.
EvictionAttributesMutator - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
The EvictionAttributesMutator allows changes to be made to a EvictionAttributes.
evictionHeapPercentage - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ResourceManagerType
evictionOffHeapPercentage - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ResourceManagerType
evictionPolicy - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType.ClientSubscription
ExampleAnnotationBasedMethodInvocationAuthorizer - Class in
ExampleAnnotationBasedMethodInvocationAuthorizer() - Constructor for class
ExamplePostProcessor - Class in
This is example that implements PostProcessor
ExamplePostProcessor() - Constructor for class
ExampleSecurityManager - Class in
This class provides a sample implementation of SecurityManager for authentication and authorization initialized from data provided as JSON.
ExampleSecurityManager() - Constructor for class
ExampleSecurityManager.Role - Class in
ExampleSecurityManager.User - Class in
excludeRegions(Set<String>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceFactory
Exclude specific regions from the rebalancing operation.
excludeRegions(Set<String>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RestoreRedundancyOperation
Exclude specific regions from the restore redundancy operation.
execute(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Execution
Executes the function using its id.
execute(String, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Execution
Executes the function using its id with the specified timeout.
execute(Function) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Execution
Executes the function instance provided.
execute(Function, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Execution
Executes the function instance provided.
execute(FunctionContext<T>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Function
The method which contains the logic to be executed.
execute() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqQuery
Start executing the CQ or if this CQ is stopped earlier, resumes execution of the CQ.
execute() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Query
Executes this query and returns an object that represent its result.
execute(Object...) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Query
Executes this query with the given parameters and returns an object that represent its result.
execute(RegionFunctionContext) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Query
Executes this query on the partitioned data-store associated with the given RegionFunctionContext and returns an object that represents its result.
execute(RegionFunctionContext, Object[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Query
Executes this query on the partitioned data-store associated with the given RegionFunctionContext and parameters and returns an object that represents its result.
executeContinuousQuery(String) - Method in interface
This method is dangerous because it only modifies the target cache server - other copies of the CQ on other servers are not affected. Using the client side CQ methods to modify a CQ.
ExecuteCQOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
ExecuteCQOperationContext(String, String, Set, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteCQOperationContext
Constructor for the EXECUTE_CQ operation.
executeCqs() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Starts execution of all the registered continuous queries for this client.
executeCqs(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Starts execution of all the continuous queries registered on the specified region for this client.
ExecuteFunctionOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
ExecuteFunctionOperationContext(String, String, Set, Object, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteFunctionOperationContext
executeWithInitialResults() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqQuery
Starts executing the CQ or, if the CQ is in a stopped state, resumes execution.
Execution<IN,OUT,AGG> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.execute
Provides methods to build the context for the execution of a Function .
existingSystems - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
The instances of DistributedSystem created in this VM.
existingSystemsLock - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
This lock must be changed to add or remove a system.
exists(TransactionId) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
Reports the existence of a transaction for the given transactionId.
exists() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
Reports the existence of a Transaction for this thread
existsValue(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Determines whether there is a value in this Region that matches the given queryPredicate.
exiting(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Log a method return.
exiting(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Log a method return.
ExpirationAction - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
Enumerated type for expiration actions.
expirationAttributes - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType
ExpirationAttributes - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
Immutable parameter object for accessing and setting the attributes associated with timeToLive and idleTimeout.
ExpirationAttributes() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAttributes
Constructs a default ExpirationAttributes, which indicates no expiration will take place.
ExpirationAttributes(int) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAttributes
Constructs an ExpirationAttributes with the specified expiration time and the default expiration action ExpirationAction.INVALIDATE.
ExpirationAttributes(int, ExpirationAction) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAttributes
Constructs an ExpirationAttributes with the specified expiration time and expiration action.
ExpirationAttributesDetail() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesDetail
ExpirationAttributesType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType
ExpirationAttributesType(Integer, String, String, Properties) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType
EXPIRE_DESTROY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry distributed destroy triggered by expiration
EXPIRE_INVALIDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry distributed invalidate triggered by expiration
EXPIRE_LOCAL_DESTROY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry local destroy triggered by expiration
EXPIRE_LOCAL_INVALIDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry local invalidate triggered by expiration
expression - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index


FailedSynchronizationException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Thrown when a cache transaction fails to register with the UserTransaction (aka JTA transaction), most likely the cause of the UserTransaction's javax.transaction.Status#STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK status.
FailedSynchronizationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.FailedSynchronizationException
Constructs an instance of FailedSynchronizationException with the specified detail message.
FailedSynchronizationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.FailedSynchronizationException
Constructs an instance of FailedSynchronizationException with the specified detail message and cause.
failure - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
the underlying failure This is usually an instance of VirtualMachineError, but it is not required to be such.
federate(ObjectName, Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a bean to the list of those being federated, meaning that it's state will be periodically pushed to managing members.
fetchCacheServerObjectName(String, int) - Method in interface
Returns the object name for a CacheServerMXBean used to access a cache server.
fetchDiskStoreObjectName(String, String) - Method in interface
Returns object name of a DiskStoreMXBean for a given name and member
fetchDistributedLockServiceObjectName(String) - Method in interface
Returns the object name for a DistributedLockServiceMXBean used to access a distributed lock service.
fetchDistributedRegionObjectName(String) - Method in interface
Returns the object name for a DistributedRegionMXBean used to access a distributed region.
fetchGatewayReceiverObjectName(String) - Method in interface
Returns the object name for a GatewayReceiverMXBean used to access a gateway receiver.
fetchGatewaySenderObjectName(String, String) - Method in interface
Returns the object name for a GatewaySenderMXBean used to access a gateway sender.
fetchGrantorMember() - Method in interface
Returns of the name of the member which grants the lock.
fetchGrantorMember() - Method in interface
Returns of the name of the member which grants the lock.
fetchJvmThreads() - Method in interface
Returns the current threads.
fetchLoadProbe() - Method in interface
Returns the load probe for this CacheServer.
fetchLockServiceObjectName(String, String) - Method in interface
Returns the object name for a LockServiceMXBean used to access a lock service.
fetchMemberConfiguration(String) - Method in interface
Returns the configuration information for a distributed member.
fetchMemberObjectName(String) - Method in interface
Returns the object name for a MemberMXBean used to access a distributed member..
fetchMemberUpTime(String) - Method in interface
Returns the total time (in seconds) since a distributed member was started.
fetchRegionObjectName(String, String) - Method in interface
Returns the object name for a RegionMXBean used to access a region.
fetchRegionObjectNames(ObjectName) - Method in interface
Returns a list of object names for the RegionMXBeans used to access all regions on a distributed member.
FieldType - Enum in org.apache.geode.pdx
Every field of a pdx must have one of these types.
find(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolManager
Find by name an existing connection pool returning the existing pool or null if it does not exist.
find(Region<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolManager
Find the pool used by the given region.
findCustomCacheElement(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
findCustomCacheElements(Class<T>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
findCustomRegionElement(String, String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
findCustomRegionElements(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
findDiskStore(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Returns the DiskStore by name or null if no disk store is found.
findDistributedMember(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Find the distributed member with the given name
findDistributedMembers(InetAddress) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Find the set of distributed members running on a given address
findRegionConfiguration(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
findStatisticsByNumericId(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsFactory
Returns an array of all the existing statistics with the given numericId.
findStatisticsByTextId(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsFactory
Returns an array of all the existing statistics with the given textId.
findStatisticsByType(StatisticsType) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsFactory
Returns an array of all the existing statistics of the given type.
findType(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
Finds and returns an already created StatisticsType with the given name.
fine(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
fine(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
fine(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes an exception to this writer.
fine(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
fine(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes a message to this writer.
fine(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes an exception to this writer.
fineEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
fineEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Returns true if "fine" log messages are enabled.
finer(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
finer(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
finer(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes an exception to this writer.
finer(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
finer(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes a message to this writer.
finer(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes an exception to this writer.
finerEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
finerEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Returns true if "finer" log messages are enabled.
finest(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
finest(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
finest(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes an exception to this writer.
finest(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
finest(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes a message to this writer.
finest(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes an exception to this writer.
finestEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
finestEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Returns true if "finest" log messages are enabled.
fixedPartitionAttributes - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
FixedPartitionAttributes() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes.FixedPartitionAttributes
FixedPartitionAttributes - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
Composite date type used to distribute the attributes for a fixed partition.
FixedPartitionAttributes() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.FixedPartitionAttributes
FixedPartitionAttributesData - Class in
Composite date type used to distribute the fixed partition attributes for a Region.
FixedPartitionAttributesData(String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class
This constructor is to be used by internal JMX framework only.
FixedPartitionResolver<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Implementers of interface FixedPartitionResolver helps to achieve explicit mapping of a "user defined" partition to a data member node.
flush() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Causes any data that is currently in the asynchronous queue to be written to disk.
flush() - Method in interface
Causes any data that is currently in the asynchronous queue to be written to disk.
forceCompaction() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Allows a disk compaction to be forced on this disk store.
forceCompaction() - Method in interface
Requests the DiskStore to start compacting.
FORCED_DISCONNECT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A cache close due to being forced out of the distributed system by other members.
ForcedDisconnectException - Exception in org.apache.geode
An ForcedDisconnectException is thrown when a GemFire application is removed from the distributed system due to membership constraints such as network partition detection.
ForcedDisconnectException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.ForcedDisconnectException
Creates a new SystemConnectException.
ForcedDisconnectException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.ForcedDisconnectException
forceRoll() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Asks the disk store to start writing to a new oplog.
forceRoll() - Method in interface
Requests the DiskStore to start writing to a new op-log.
forceRolling() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
format(Date) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
forName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AlertLevel
Returns the AlertLevel with the given name
forSeverity(int) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AlertLevel
Returns the AlertLevel for the given severity
forwardExpirationDestroy - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
freeConnectionTimeout - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
freeResources(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
Free internal resources associated with the given name.
fromClause - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
fromData(DataInput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
fromData(DataInput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAttributes
fromData(DataInput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes
fromData(DataInput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoad
fromData(DataInput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.SubscriptionAttributes
fromData(DataInput) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.DataSerializable
Reads the state of this object as primitive data from the given DataInput.
fromData(DataInput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an object from a DataInput.
fromData(PdxReader) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxSerializable
Deserializes the PDX fields using the given reader.
fromData(Class<?>, PdxReader) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxSerializer
This method is given an class that should be instantiated and deserialized using the given reader.
fromData(Class<?>, PdxReader) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Method implemented from PdxSerializer which performs object de-serialization.
fromDelta(DataInput) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Delta
This method is invoked on an existing application object when an update is received as a delta.
fromDirectory(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.LocatorState
fromDirectory(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.ServerState
fromJson(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.LocatorState
Unmarshals a LocatorState instance from the JSON String.
fromJson(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.ServerState
Unmarshals a ServerState instance from the JSON String.
fromJSON(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter
Converts a String JSON document into a PdxInstance
fromJSON(String, String...) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter
Converts a String JSON document into a PdxInstance
fromJSON(byte[]) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter
Converts a Byte Array JSON document into a PdxInstance
fromJSON(byte[], String...) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter
Converts a Byte Array JSON document into a PdxInstance
fromName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.LossAction
Return the LossAction specified by name
fromName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ResumptionAction
Return the ResumptionAction specified by name
fromOrdinal(int) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AlertLevel
Return the AlertLevel represented by specified ordinal
fromOrdinal(int) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberType
Return the SystemMemberType represented by specified ordinal
fromOrdinal(byte) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
Return the DataPolicy represented by specified ordinal
fromOrdinal(int) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction
Return the ExpirationAction represented by specified ordinal
fromOrdinal(byte) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestPolicy
Return the InterestPolicy represented by specified ordinal
fromOrdinal(byte) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestResultPolicy
Returns the InterestResultPolicy represented by specified ordinal
fromOrdinal(byte) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.LossAction
Return the LossAction represented by specified ordinal
fromOrdinal(int) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MirrorType
Return the MirrorType represented by specified ordinal
fromOrdinal(byte) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Return the Operation represented by specified ordinal
fromOrdinal(byte) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestType
Returns the InterestType represented by specified ordinal.
fromOrdinal(byte) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ResumptionAction
Return the ResumptionAction represented by specified ordinal
fromOrdinal(int) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Scope
Return the Scope represented by specified ordinal
fromPdxInstance(PdxInstance) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter
Converts a PdxInstance into a JSON document
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Scope
Parse the given string into a Scope
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.EnumActionDestroyOverflow
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.EnumReadableWritable
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesIndexUpdateType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesMirrorType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesScope
fromXmlString(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction
converts allowed values in cache.xml into ExpirationAction
FULL_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.LossAction
Access to the region is unaffected when required roles are missing.
Function<T> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.execute
Defines the interface a user defined function implements.
FUNCTION_EXECUTION - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A 'function execution' operation.
FunctionAdapter - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.execute
Use Function instead. Function has default methods that now mimic the behavior of FunctionAdapter.
FunctionAdapter() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionAdapter
FunctionContext<T1> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.execute
Defines the execution context of a Function.
FunctionDomainException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown if the domain of a function is not legal.
FunctionDomainException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.FunctionDomainException
Constructs and instance of FunctionDomainException.
FunctionException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.execute
Thrown to indicate an error or exceptional condition during the execution of Functions in GemFire.
FunctionException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionException
Creates new function exception with given error message.
FunctionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionException
Creates new function exception with given error message.
FunctionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionException
Creates new function exception with given error message and optional nested exception.
FunctionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionException
Creates new function exception given throwable as a cause and source of error message.
FunctionInvocationTargetException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.execute
Thrown if one of the function execution nodes goes away or cache is closed.
FunctionInvocationTargetException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionInvocationTargetException
Construct an instance of FunctionInvocationTargetException
FunctionInvocationTargetException(String, DistributedMember) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionInvocationTargetException
Construct an instance of FunctionInvocationTargetException
FunctionInvocationTargetException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionInvocationTargetException
Construct an instance of FunctionInvocationTargetException
FunctionInvocationTargetException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionInvocationTargetException
Construct an instance of FunctionInvocationTargetException
functions - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.FunctionServiceType
functionService - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
FunctionService - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.execute
Provides the entry point into execution of user defined Functions.
FunctionService(FunctionExecutionService) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService
Protected visibility to allow InternalFunctionService to extend FunctionService.
FunctionServiceType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
The "function service" element configures the behavior of the function service.
FunctionServiceType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.FunctionServiceType
FutureCancelledException - Exception in org.apache.geode.distributed
Thrown when a Future has been cancelled.
FutureCancelledException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.FutureCancelledException
FutureCancelledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.FutureCancelledException
FutureCancelledException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.FutureCancelledException
FutureCancelledException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.FutureCancelledException


Gateway() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Gateway - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.util
From 9.0 old wan support is removed.
Gateway() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.util.Gateway
GATEWAY - Static variable in interface
This determines that the gateway communication will be secured.
Gateway.OrderPolicy - Enum in org.apache.geode.cache.util
The order policy.
GATEWAY_CONNECTION_IDLE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
GATEWAY_CONNECTION_READ_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
The obsolete socket read timeout java system property.
GATEWAY_RECEIVER_CREATED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a gateway receiver is created
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.gateway.receiver.created.
GATEWAY_RECEIVER_DESTROYED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a gateway receiver is destroyed
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.gateway.receiver.destroyed.
GATEWAY_RECEIVER_STARTED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a gateway receiver is started
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.gateway.receiver.started.
GATEWAY_RECEIVER_STOPPED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a gateway receiver is stopped
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.gateway.receiver.stopped.
GATEWAY_SENDER_CREATED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a gateway sender is created
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.gateway.sender.created.
GATEWAY_SENDER_PAUSED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a gateway sender is paused
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.gateway.sender.paused.
GATEWAY_SENDER_REMOVED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a gateway sender is removed
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.gateway.sender.removed.
GATEWAY_SENDER_RESUMED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a gateway sender is resumed
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.gateway.sender.resumed.
GATEWAY_SENDER_STARTED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a gateway sender is started
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.gateway.sender.started.
GATEWAY_SENDER_STOPPED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a gateway sender is stopped
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.gateway.sender.stopped.
GATEWAY_SENDER_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Time, in seconds, that we allow before a GatewaySender is considered dead and should be aborted
GATEWAY_SSL_CIPHERS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
GATEWAY_SSL_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
GATEWAY_SSL_KEYSTORE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
GATEWAY_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
GATEWAY_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
GATEWAY_SSL_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
GATEWAY_SSL_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
GATEWAY_SSL_TRUSTSTORE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
GATEWAY_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
GatewayCancelledException - Exception in org.apache.geode.distributed
Thrown when a GemFire WAN gateway has been terminated.
GatewayCancelledException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.GatewayCancelledException
GatewayCancelledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.GatewayCancelledException
GatewayCancelledException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.GatewayCancelledException
GatewayCancelledException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.GatewayCancelledException
GatewayConfigurationException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
An exception indicating that a gateway configuration will not work with the remote side of the gateway's configuration.
GatewayConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.GatewayConfigurationException
GatewayConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.GatewayConfigurationException
GatewayConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.GatewayConfigurationException
GatewayConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.GatewayConfigurationException
GatewayConflictHelper - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.util
GatewayConflictHelper is used by an GatewayConflictResolver to decide what to do with an event received from another distributed system that is going to overwrite the current cache state.
gatewayConflictResolver - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
GatewayConflictResolver - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.util
GatewayConflictResolver is a Cache-level plugin that is called upon to decide what to do with events that originate in other systems and arrive through the WAN Gateway.
GatewayEndpoint() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayEndpoint
gatewayEndpoints - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
GatewayEvent - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.util
as of GemFire 8.0. Use GatewayQueueEvent instead
GatewayEventFilter - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.wan
Callback for users to filter out events before dispatching to remote distributed system
gatewayEventFilters - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
gatewayEventFilters - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
gatewayEventSubstitutionFilter - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
gatewayEventSubstitutionFilter - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.wan
Interface GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter provides a way to specify a substitute value to be stored in the GatewayQueueEvent and enqueued in the RegionQueue.
GatewayException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
An exception thrown by a Gateway.
GatewayException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.GatewayException
GatewayException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.GatewayException
GatewayException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.GatewayException
GatewayException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.GatewayException
GatewayHub() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
gatewayHubs - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
gatewayListeners - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
gatewayQueue - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
GatewayQueue() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
GatewayQueueEvent<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.wan
Represents Cache events going through GatewaySenders.
gatewayReceiver - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
GatewayReceiver - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.wan
A GatewayReceiver that receives the events from a GatewaySender.
GatewayReceiverConfig - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
GatewayReceiverConfig() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
GatewayReceiverFactory - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.wan
GatewayReceiverMXBean - Interface in
MBean that provides access to information and management functionality for a GatewayReceiver.
gateways - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
GatewaySender() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
GatewaySender - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.wan
GatewaySender.OrderPolicy - Enum in org.apache.geode.cache.wan
The order policy.
GatewaySenderFactory - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.wan
Factory to create SerialGatewaySender
gatewaySenderIds - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
GatewaySenderMXBean - Interface in
MBean that provides access to information and management functionality for a GatewaySender.
gatewaySenders - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
GatewayTransportFilter - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.wan
gatewayTransportFilters - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
gatewayTransportFilters - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
GemFireCache - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
GemFireCache represents the singleton cache that must be created in order to use GemFire in a Java virtual machine.
GemFireCacheException - Exception in org.apache.geode
An GemFireCacheException is used to wrap a CacheException.
GemFireCacheException(String, CacheException) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.GemFireCacheException
Creates a new GemFireCacheException.
GemFireCacheException(CacheException) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.GemFireCacheException
Creates a new GemFireCacheException.
GemFireCheckedException - Exception in org.apache.geode
This is the abstract superclass of exceptions that are thrown and declared.
GemFireCheckedException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.GemFireCheckedException
Creates a new GemFireException with no detailed message.
GemFireCheckedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.GemFireCheckedException
Creates a new GemFireCheckedException with the given detail message.
GemFireCheckedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.GemFireCheckedException
Creates a new GemFireException with the given detail message and cause.
GemFireCheckedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.GemFireCheckedException
Creates a new GemFireCheckedException with the given cause and no detail message
GemFireConfigException - Exception in org.apache.geode
A GemFireConfigException is used for failures while processing a GemFire configuration XML file.
GemFireConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.GemFireConfigException
Creates a new GemFireConfigException.
GemFireConfigException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.GemFireConfigException
Creates a new GemFireConfigException.
GemFireException - Exception in org.apache.geode
This is the abstract superclass of exceptions that are thrown to indicate incorrect usage of GemFire.
GemFireException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.GemFireException
Creates a new GemFireException with no detailed message.
GemFireException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.GemFireException
Creates a new GemFireException with the given detail message.
GemFireException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.GemFireException
Creates a new GemFireException with the given detail message and cause.
GemFireException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.GemFireException
Creates a new GemFireException with the given cause and no detail message
GemFireHealth - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
GemFireHealth.Health - Class in org.apache.geode.admin
An enumerated type for the health of GemFire.
GemFireHealthConfig - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
GemFireIOException - Exception in org.apache.geode
A GemFireIOException is thrown when a GemFire operation failure is caused by an IOException.
GemFireIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.GemFireIOException
Creates a new GemFireIOException.
GemFireIOException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.GemFireIOException
GemFireMemberStatus - Class in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
GemFireMemberStatus() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
GemFireMemberStatus(Cache) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
GemFireProperties - Class in
Composite Data type to be used by member to depict gemfire properties in key value manner
GemFireProperties() - Constructor for class
This constructor is to be used by internal JMX framework only.
GemFireRethrowable - Error in org.apache.geode
This error is used by GemFire for internal purposes.
GemFireRethrowable() - Constructor for error org.apache.geode.GemFireRethrowable
Create a GemFireRethrowable.
GemFireRethrowable(String) - Constructor for error org.apache.geode.GemFireRethrowable
Create a GemFireRethrowable with the specified message.
GemFireSecurityException - Exception in
The base class for all package related exceptions.
GemFireSecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
GemFireSecurityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
GemFireSecurityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
generate(String, Integer, Integer, ClassName) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes
generate(String, Integer, Integer, String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes
generate(Integer, String, ClassName) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType
generate(String, List<String>, Integer, Long, Integer, Long, Long, Integer, String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
generateCancelledException(Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.geode.CancelCriterion
Template factory method for generating the exception to be thrown by CancelCriterion.checkCancelInProgress(Throwable).
GeodeClusterManagementServiceBuilder - Class in
GeodeClusterManagementServiceBuilder() - Constructor for class
get() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
Returns the DynamicRegionFactory singleton instance.
GET - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A 'value for key' operation.
get(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Struct
Return the value associated with the given field name
get(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the value associated with the specified key.
get(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the value associated with the specified key, passing the callback argument to any cache loaders or cache writers that are invoked in the operation.
get(Class<?>) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.pdx.FieldType
Given a Class return the corresponding FieldType.
get(StatisticDescriptor) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Returns the value of the identified statistic.
get(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Returns the value of the named statistic.
GET_ENTRY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A 'entry for key' operation.
GET_FOR_REGISTER_INTEREST - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A 'get for register interest' operation.
getAckSevereAlertThreshold() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the ack-severe-alert-threshold for the system
getAckSevereAlertThreshold() - Method in class
getAckWaitThreshold() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the ack-wait-threshold for the system
getAckWaitThreshold() - Method in class
getAction() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruEntryCount
Gets the value of the action property.
getAction() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruHeapPercentage
Gets the value of the action property.
getAction() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesDetail
Gets the value of the action property.
getAction() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType
Gets the value of the action property.
getAction() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
getAction() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAttributes
Returns the action that should take place when this value or region expires.
getAction() - Method in class
Returns the action that will be taken on entries that are evicted.
getActiveCQCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of active (currently executing) CQs.
getActiveCQCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of active (currently executing) CQs for all cache servers.
getActualRedundancy() - Method in interface
Returns the actual number of redundant copies available for buckets in this partitioned region.
getActualRedundantCopies() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionInfo
Returns the lowest number of redundant copies for any bucket holding data for the partitioned region.
getAdminMembers() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Returns a set of the administrative members in the distributed system.
getAgent(AgentConfig) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentFactory
Creates an unstarted GemFire JMX administration agent with the given configuration.
getAgentSSLCiphers() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns the SSL ciphers used when connecting to the JMX agent.
getAgentSSLProtocols() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns the SSL protocols used when connecting to the JMX agent.
getAlertLevel() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Returns the lowest level of alerts that should be delivered to the AlertListeners registered on this AdminDistributedSystem.
getAlertLevel() - Method in interface
Returns the minimum level set for alerts to be delivered to listeners.
getAlertLevelAsString() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Returns the lowest level of alerts that should be delivered to the AlertListeners registered on this AdminDistributedSystem.
getAlertThreshold() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Gets the value of the alertThreshold property.
getAlertThreshold() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the alertThreshold property.
getAlertThreshold() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns the alert threshold in milliseconds for entries in a GatewaySender's queue.
getAlertThreshold() - Method in interface
Returns the alert threshold for entries in a GatewaySender's queue.The default value is 0 milliseconds in which case no alert will be logged if events are delayed in Queue.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
The algorithm is used to identify entries that will be evicted.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class
Returns the algorithm (policy) used to determine which entries will be evicted.
getAll() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolManager
Returns a map containing all the pools in this manager.
getAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Gets values for all the keys in the input Collection.
getAll(Collection<T>, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Gets and returns values for all the keys in the input Collection.
getAllClientSessions() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Returns a set of all ClientSessions
getAllDurableCqsFromServer() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Retrieves all the durable CQs registered by the client calling this method.
getAllMembersForKey(Region<K, V>, K) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionHelper
Get all potential owners for a key.
getAllOtherMembers() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Returns a set of all the other members in this distributed system.
getAllowedPackages() - Method in class
Returns an unmodifiable view of the allowed packages for this authorizer.
getAllowedPatterns() - Method in class
Returns an unmodifiable view of the regular expressions used to configure this authorizer.
getAllowForceCompaction() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Returns true if manual compaction of disk files is allowed on this region.
getAnyInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Gets an arbitrary open instance of Cache produced by an earlier call to CacheFactory.create().
getAnyInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Gets an arbitrary open instance of ClientCache produced by an earlier call to ClientCacheFactory.create().
getArch() - Method in class
Returns the hardware architecture.
getArchiveDiskSpaceLimit() - Method in class
getArchiveFileSizeLimit() - Method in class
getArgument() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.LoaderHelper
Return the argument object for the load method that was passed in from application code.
getArguments() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionContext
Returns the arguments provided to this function execution.
getArguments() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteFunctionOperationContext
getAssignBuckets() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Determines whether buckets should be assigned to partitioned regions in the cache upon Server start.
getAsyncDistributionTimeout() - Method in class
getAsyncEventListener() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
The AsyncEventListener that is attached to the queue.
getAsyncEventListener() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of the asyncEventListener property.
getAsyncEventListener() - Method in interface
Returns the class name of the AsyncEventListener that is attached to the queue.
getAsyncEventQueue(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Returns the AsyncEventQueue with the given id added to this Cache.
getAsyncEventQueueIds() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the asyncEventQueueIds property.
getAsyncEventQueueIds() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns a set of AsyncEventQueueIds added to the region
getAsyncEventQueueIds() - Method in class
Returns the set of async event queue IDs.
getAsyncEventQueueIdsAsSet() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
turn the comma separated id into a set of ids
getAsyncEventQueueMBeanName(DistributedMember, String) - Method in class
Returns the object name of the AsyncEventQueueMBean representing a asynchronous queue.
getAsyncEventQueueMBeanNames(DistributedMember) - Method in class
Returns the ids of the async event queues on this member
getAsyncEventQueues() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Returns all AsyncEventQueues for this Cache
getAsyncEventQueues() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the asyncEventQueues property.
getAsynchronousWrites() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes
Gets the value of the asynchronousWrites property.
getAsyncMaxQueueSize() - Method in class
getAsyncQueueTimeout() - Method in class
getAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the RegionAttributes for this region.
getAttributesMutator() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns a mutator object used for modifying this region's attributes after region creation.
getAutoCompact() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Returns true if the disk files are to be automatically compacted.
getAutoConnect() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns whether or not the JMX agent will automatically connect to the distributed system it administers.
getAvailableProcessors() - Method in class
Returns the number of available processors.
getAverageBatchProcessingTime() - Method in interface
Returns the average batch processing time (in milliseconds).
getAverageDistributionTimePerBatch() - Method in interface
Returns the average time taken to send a batch of events.
getAverageReads() - Method in interface
Returns the average number of read requests per second.
getAverageReads() - Method in interface
Returns the average number of reads per second for all members.
getAverageReads() - Method in interface
Returns the average number of reads per second.
getAverageReads() - Method in interface
Returns the average number of read requests per second.
getAverageWrites() - Method in interface
Returns the average number of write requests per second.
getAverageWrites() - Method in interface
Returns the average writes per second, including both put and putAll operations, for all members.
getAverageWrites() - Method in interface
Returns the average writes per second, including both put and putAll operations.
getAverageWrites() - Method in interface
Returns the average number of write requests per second.
getAvgBucketSize() - Method in interface
Returns the average number of entries in bucket.
getAvgBucketSize() - Method in interface
This attribute is removed from 8.0 for being incorrect and impacting performance.
getBackedUpDiskStores() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.BackupStatus
Returns a map of disk stores that were successfully backed up.
getBackedUpDiskStores() - Method in interface
Returns a map of member names/IDs and the PersistentID of the disk stores that were backed up.
getBackups() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the backup property.
getBaseOperation() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqEvent
Get the operation on the base region that triggered this event.
getBatchesDispatchedRate() - Method in interface
Returns the average number of batches sent per second.
getBatchSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
Represents the size of a batch that gets delivered over the AsyncEventQueue.
getBatchSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of the batchSize property.
getBatchSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Gets the value of the batchSize property.
getBatchSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the batchSize property.
getBatchSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns the batch size for this GatewaySender.
getBatchSize() - Method in interface
Returns the size of a batch that gets delivered over the AsyncEventQueue.
getBatchSize() - Method in interface
Returns the size of a batch that gets delivered by the GatewaySender.
getBatchTimeInterval() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
Represents the maximum time interval that can elapse before a batch is sent from AsyncEventQueue.
getBatchTimeInterval() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of the batchTimeInterval property.
getBatchTimeInterval() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Gets the value of the batchTimeInterval property.
getBatchTimeInterval() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the batchTimeInterval property.
getBatchTimeInterval() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns the batch time interval for this GatewaySender.
getBatchTimeInterval() - Method in interface
Returns the interval between transmissions by the AsyncEventQueue.
getBatchTimeInterval() - Method in interface
Returns the interval between transmissions by the GatewaySender.
getBindAddress() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the IP address to which the distributed system's server sockets are bound.
getBindAddress() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributionLocatorConfig
Returns the address to which the distribution locator's port is (or will be) bound.
getBindAddress() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getBindAddress() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Returns a string representing the ip address or host name that this server will listen on.
getBindAddress() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Returns a string representing the ip address or host name that this server will listen on.
getBindAddress() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Gets the value of the bindAddress property.
getBindAddress() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
Gets the value of the bindAddress property.
getBindAddress() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Gets the value of the bindAddress property.
getBindAddress() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Returns a string representing the ip address or host name that this cache server will listen on.
getBindAddress() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Returns a string representing the ip address or host name that this server will listen on.
getBindAddress() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
Returns the IP address to which this locator's listening socket is bound.
getBindAddress() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Gets the IP address to which the Locator has bound itself listening for client requests.
getBindAddress() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets the IP address of the NIC to which the Locator has bound itself listening for client requests.
getBindAddress() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
getBindAddress() - Method in interface
Returns a string representing the IP address or host name that this CacheServer will listen on.
getBindAddress() - Method in interface
Returns the bind address on the host.
getBindAddress() - Method in class
getBindAddress() - Method in interface
Returns a string representing the IP address or host name that this Locator will listen on.
getBindAddressAsString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets the host, as either hostname or IP address, on which the Locator was bound and running.
getBlockingTimeoutSeconds() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the blockingTimeoutSeconds property.
getBucketCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionMemberInfo
Returns the number of buckets hosted within the member's partition space for the partitioned region.
getBucketCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of buckets on this member.
getBucketCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of buckets on this member.
getBucketCreateBytes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns the size, in bytes, of all of the buckets that were created as part of the rebalance operation.
getBucketCreatesCompleted() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns the number of buckets created during the rebalance operation.
getBucketCreateTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns the time, in milliseconds, taken to create buckets for this region.
getBucketRemoveBytes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns the size, in bytes, of all of the buckets that were removed as part of the rebalance operation.
getBucketRemovesCompleted() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns the number of buckets removed during the rebalance operation.
getBucketRemoveTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns the time, in milliseconds, taken to remove buckets for this region.
getBucketTransferBytes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns the size, in bytes, of buckets that were transferred for this region.
getBucketTransfersCompleted() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns the number of buckets transferred for this region.
getBucketTransferTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns the amount of time, in milliseconds, it took to transfer buckets for this region.
getBytesOverflowedToDisk() - Method in interface
Returns the number of bytes overflowed to disk for this Sender.
getBytesOverflowedToDisk() - Method in interface
Returns the number of bytes overflowed to disk for this Sender.
getBytesReceivedRate() - Method in interface
Returns the average number of bytes per second received.
getBytesReceivedRate() - Method in class
Returns the average number of bytes per second received.
getBytesSentRate() - Method in interface
Returns the average number of bytes per second sent.
getBytesSentRate() - Method in class
Returns the average number of bytes per second sent.
getBytesThreshold() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes.AsynchronousWrites
Gets the value of the bytesThreshold property.
getBytesThreshold() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributes
as of 6.5 use DiskStore.getQueueSize() instead.
getCache() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Returns an object that provides admin access to this member's cache.
getCache() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheExistsException
Returns the Cache that already exists.
getCache() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionContext
getCache() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
as of 6.5 use Region.getRegionService() instead.
getCache() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Returns the cache used by this factory.
getCache() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionEvent
Gets the Cache for this transaction event
getCache() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets a reference to the Cache that was created by this LocatorLauncher.
getCache() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets a reference to the Cache that was created by this ServerLauncher.
getCache() - Method in class
getCacheConfig(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationPersistenceService
retrieves the configuration object of a member group
getCacheConfig(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationPersistenceService
getCacheConfig() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets the CacheConfig object used to configure additional GemFire Cache components and features (e.g.
getCacheException() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.GemFireCacheException
Gets the wrapped CacheException
getCacheListener() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
as of 6.0 use getCacheListeners() instead
getCacheListener() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
as of GemFire 5.0, use RegionAttributes.getCacheListeners() instead
getCacheListenerCallsAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average latency of a call to a CacheListener.
getCacheListenerCallsAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average latency of a call to a CacheListener.
getCacheListenerCallsAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average latency of a call to a CacheListener in nanoseconds.
getCacheListeners() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
This method will return an empty array if there are no CacheListeners defined on the region.
getCacheListeners() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the cacheListener property.
getCacheListeners() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns an array of all the cache listeners on this attributes.
getCacheListeners() - Method in class
Returns a list of CacheListeners for the Region.
getCacheLoader() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns a description of any CacheLoader associated with this region.
getCacheLoader() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the cacheLoader property.
getCacheLoader() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns the cache loader associated with this region.
getCacheLoaderClassName() - Method in class
Returns the Class of cache loader associated with this region.
getCacheServerConfigs() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
getCacheServerMBeanName(int, DistributedMember) - Method in class
Returns the object name of the CacheServerMBean representing a cache server.
getCacheServers() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
getCacheServers(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Returns all the cache server members of the distributed system which are hosting a client queue for the particular durable-client having the given durableClientId
getCacheServers() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Returns the cache servers that run in this member's VM.
getCacheServers() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Returns a collection of all of the CacheServers that can serve the contents of this Cache to clients.
getCacheServers() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the cacheServers property.
getCacheTransactionManager() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the cacheTransactionManager property.
getCacheTransactionManager() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Get the CacheTransactionManager instance for this Cache.
getCacheVmConfigs() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns an array of configurations for statically known CacheVms.
getCacheVms() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Returns all of the dedicated cache server vm members of the distributed system.
getCacheWriter() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns a description of any CacheWriter associated with this region.
getCacheWriter() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the cacheWriter property.
getCacheWriter() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns the cache writer associated with this region.
getCacheWriterCallsAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average latency of a call to a CacheWriter.
getCacheWriterCallsAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average latency of a call to a CacheWriter.
getCacheWriterCallsAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average latency of a call to a CacheWriter in nanoseconds.
getCacheWriterClassName() - Method in class
Returns the Class of the cache writer associated with this region.
getCacheXMLFile() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheServerConfig
Returns the cache.xml declarative caching initialization file used to configure this cache server VM.
getCacheXMLFile() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheVmConfig
Returns the cache.xml declarative caching initialization file used to configure this cache server VM.
getCacheXMLFile() - Method in class
getCallbackArg() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyOperationContext
Get the callback argument object for this operation.
getCallbackArg() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutAllOperationContext
Get the callback argument object for this operation.
getCallbackArg() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegionOperationContext
Get the callback argument object for this operation.
getCallbackArg() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RemoveAllOperationContext
Get the callback argument object for this operation.
getCallbackArgument() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheEvent
Returns the callbackArgument passed to the method that generated this event.
getCallbackArgument() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.EntryOperation
Returns the callbackArgument passed to the method that generated this event.
getCallbackArgument() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.GatewayEvent
Returns the callbackArgument associated with this event.
getCallbackArgument() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayQueueEvent
Returns the callbackArgument associated with this event.
getCancelCriterion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionService
the cancellation criterion for this service
getCancelCriterion() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
getCanonicalizedFromClause() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Index
Get the canonicalized fromClause for this index.
getCanonicalizedIndexedExpression() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Index
Get the canonicalized indexedExpression for this index.
getCanonicalizedProjectionAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Index
Get the canonicalized projectionAttributes for this expression.
getCapacity() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType.ClientSubscription
Gets the value of the capacity property.
getCapacity() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ClientSubscriptionConfig
Returns the capacity of the client queue.
getCapacity() - Method in interface
Returns the capacity (in megabytes) of the client queue.
getCause() - Method in exception
getClassName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ClassNameType
Gets the value of the className property.
getClassName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType.Instantiator
Gets the value of the className property.
getClassName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType.Serializer
Gets the value of the className property.
getClassName() - Method in class
Gets the value of the className property.
getClassName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstance
Return the full name of the class that this pdx instance represents.
getClassPath() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheServerConfig
Returns the location(s) of user classes (such as cache loaders) required by the cache server VM.
getClassPath() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheVmConfig
Returns the location(s) of user classes (such as cache loaders) required by the cache server VM.
getClasspath() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets the Java classpath used when launching the GemFire service.
getClassPath() - Method in interface
Returns the ClassPath.
getClientConflation() - Method in class
getClientConnectionCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of sockets accepted and used for client to server messaging.
getClientConnectionCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of sockets accepted and used for client to server messaging.
getClientCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerMetrics
Get the number of clients connected to this cache server.
getClientCQCount() - Method in class
getClientHealthStats() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getClientHealthStats(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
For internal use only
getClientHostName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getClientId() - Method in class
Returns the ID of the client.
getClientId() - Method in class
getClientIds() - Method in interface
Returns a list of IDs for all connected clients.
getClientMembershipListeners() - Static method in class
Returns an array of all the currently registered ClientMembershipListeners.
getClientNotificationAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average latency for processing client notifications.
getClientNotificationRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of client notifications.
getClientQueueSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getClientQueueSizes() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getClientSession() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.InterestRegistrationEvent
Returns the ClientSession that initiated this event
getClientSession(DistributedMember) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Returns the ClientSession associated with the DistributedMember
getClientSession(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Returns the ClientSession associated with the durable client id
getClientSubscription() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Gets the value of the clientSubscription property.
getClientSubscriptionConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Get the ClientSubscriptionConfig for this cache server.
getCloningEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Returns whether or not cloning is enabled on region
getCloningEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns whether or not cloning is enabled on region.
getClusterSSLAlias() - Method in class
getClusterSSLCiphers() - Method in class
getClusterSSLKeyStore() - Method in class
getClusterSSLKeyStorePassword() - Method in class
getClusterSSLKeyStoreType() - Method in class
getClusterSSLProtocols() - Method in class
getClusterSSLTrustStore() - Method in class
getClusterSSLTrustStorePassword() - Method in class
getCollectionType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults
Return the ObjectType for the type of collection this represents.
getColocatedRegions(Region<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionHelper
Given a partitioned Region, return a map of colocated Regions.
getColocatedWith() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Gets the value of the colocatedWith property.
getColocatedWith() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionInfo
Returns the full path of the partitioned region that this region has been configured to be colocated with or null if it is not colocated.
getColocatedWith() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes
Returns name of the colocated PartitionedRegion's name
getColocatedWith() - Method in class
Returns the name of the PartitionedRegion that this PartitionedRegion is colocated with.
getCommand() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Gets the Locator launcher command used during the invocation of the LocatorLauncher.
getCommand() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Get the Locator launcher command used to invoke the Locator.
getCommand() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Gets the Server launcher command used during the invocation of the ServerLauncher.
getCommand() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Get the Server launcher command used to invoke the Server.
getCommittedMemory() - Method in class
Returns the current number of megabytes of memory allocated.
getCommittedVirtualMemorySize() - Method in class
Returns the current number of megabytes of memory allocated.
getCompactionThreshold() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Gets the value of the compactionThreshold property.
getCompactionThreshold() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Returns the threshold at which an oplog will become compactable.
getCompactionThreshold() - Method in interface
Returns the threshold at which an op-log may be compacted.
getCompressor() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the compressor property.
getCompressor() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns the compressor used by this region's entry values.
getCompressorClassName() - Method in class
Returns the compressor class name used by the region.
getConcurrencyChecksEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns whether or not conflicting concurrent operations on this region are prevented
getConcurrencyChecksEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns true if concurrent update checks are turned on for this region.
getConcurrencyLevel() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the ConcurrencyLevel in this region's attributes.
getConcurrencyLevel() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Gets the value of the concurrencyLevel property.
getConcurrencyLevel() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the concurrencyLevel property.
getConcurrencyLevel() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns the concurrencyLevel of the entries map.
getConcurrencyLevel() - Method in class
Returns the concurrency level for entries in the Region.
getConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Returns this system's configuration .
getConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheServer
as of 5.7 use CacheVm.getVmConfig() instead.
getConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributionLocator
Returns the configuration object for this distribution locator.
getConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.Agent
Returns the configuration object for this JMX Agent.
getConfig() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
Returns the configuration for this factory.
getConfig() - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Return a Properties object with a representation of the current config.
getConfigFile() - Method in class
getConfigProperties() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the configProperties property.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Gets the configuration parameters for this member.
getConfiguredBucketCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionInfo
Returns the configured number of buckets for the partitioned region.
getConfiguredMaxMemory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionMemberInfo
Returns the max memory in bytes that the member was configured to provide for storage of data for the partitioned region.
getConfiguredRedundancy() - Method in interface
Returns the number of redundant copies configured for this partitioned region.Only applicable for partitioned regions.
getConfiguredRedundantCopies() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionInfo
Returns the number of redundant copies the partitioned region was configured for.
getConnectedClients() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getConnectedGatewaySenders() - Method in interface
Returns a list of the host and port information for gateway senders connected to this gateway receiver.
getConnectedIncomingGateways() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getConnectedPeers() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getConnectedServers() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getConnection(Properties) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Returns an existing connection to the distributed system described by the given properties.
getConnection() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.ra.GFConnectionFactory
getConnectionCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerMetrics
Get the number of open connections for this cache server.
getConnectionLoad() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoad
Get the load on the server due to client to server connections.
getConnectionLoad() - Method in interface
Returns the load from client to server connections as reported by the load probe installed in this server.
getConnectionLoad() - Method in interface
Returns the load from client to server connections as reported by the load probe installed in this server.
getConnectionLoad() - Method in class
Returns the load on the server due to client to server connections.
getConnectionName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.Alert
The name of the distributed system) through which the alert was issued.
getConnectionThreads() - Method in interface
Returns the current number of threads handling a client connection.
getConnectionThreads() - Method in interface
Returns the current number of threads handling a client connection.
getConnectionUrl() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the connectionUrl property.
getConnPooledDatasourceClass() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the connPooledDatasourceClass property.
getContent() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskDirType
A "disk-dir" element specifies one of a region or diskstore's disk directories.
getContext() - Method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
For internal use only.
getContext() - Method in class org.apache.geode.Instantiator
Returns the context of this Instantiator.
getContinuousQueryList() - Method in interface
Returns a list of names for all registered CQs.
getCopyOnRead() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Indicates whether the "copy on read" is enabled for this cache.
getCorrespondingCreateOp() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns the create operation that corresponds to this operation.
getCorrespondingUpdateOp() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns the update operation that corresponds to this operation.
getCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.Role
Returns the count of members currently filling this role.
getCpus() - Method in class
Returns the number of CPUs available to the client.
getCpuUsage() - Method in interface
Returns the time (as a percentage) that this member's process time with respect to Statistics sample time interval.
getCq() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqEvent
Get the CqQuery object of this event.
getCq(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Retrieves the Continuous Query specified by the name.
getCqAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqQuery
Get CqAttributes for this CQ.
getCqAttributesMutator() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqQuery
Get CqAttributesMutator for this CQ.
getCqListener() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqAttributes
Get the CqListener set with the CQ.
getCqListeners() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqAttributes
Get the CqListeners set with the CQ.
getCqs() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Retrieve all registered Continuous Queries.
getCqs(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Retrieves all the registered Continuous Queries for a given region.
getCqStatistics() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Returns CqServiceStatistics object, which provides helper methods to get CQ service related statistics for this client.
getCreatedBucketCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionInfo
Returns the number of actual buckets that have been created to hold data for the partitioned region.
getCreateRequestsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of create requests received.
getCreatesRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of creates per second.
getCreatesRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of creates per second.
getCreatesRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of creates per second.
getCreationTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.GatewayEvent
Returns the creation timestamp in milliseconds.
getCredentials(Properties, DistributedMember, boolean) - Method in interface
Initialize with the given set of security properties and return the credentials for the peer/client as properties.
getCredentials(Properties) - Method in interface
getCriticalHeapPercentage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ResourceManagerType
Gets the value of the criticalHeapPercentage property.
getCriticalHeapPercentage() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager
Get the percentage of heap at or above which the cache is considered in danger of becoming inoperable.
getCriticalHeapPercentage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
getCriticalHeapPercentage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
getCriticalMembers() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.LowMemoryException
Get a read-only set of members in a critical state at the time this exception was constructed.
getCriticalOffHeapPercentage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ResourceManagerType
Gets the value of the criticalOffHeapPercentage property.
getCriticalOffHeapPercentage() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager
Get the percentage of off-heap at or above which the cache is considered in danger of becoming inoperable.
getCriticalOffHeapPercentage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
getCriticalOffHeapPercentage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
getCurrentClients() - Method in interface
Returns the number of client virtual machines connected.
getCurrentHeapSize() - Method in interface
Please use MemberMXBean.getUsedMemory() instead.
getCurrentServers() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCache
Returns a set of the servers to which this client is currently connected.
getCurrentTime() - Method in interface
Returns the current time on the member's host.
getCustomCacheElements() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the any property.
getCustomEntryIdleTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
string describing the CustomExpiry for entry-idle-timeout
getCustomEntryIdleTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Gets the idleTimeout CustomExpiry, if any for entries in this region
getCustomEntryIdleTimeout() - Method in class
Returns the custom idle timeout expiration for entries in the Region, if one exists.
getCustomEntryTimeToLive() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
string describing the CustomExpiry for entry-time-to-live
getCustomEntryTimeToLive() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Gets the entryTimeToLive CustomExpiry, if any for entries in this region
getCustomEntryTimeToLive() - Method in class
Returns the custom time to live expiration for entries in the Region, if one exists.
getCustomExpiry() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesDetail
Gets the value of the customExpiry property.
getCustomExpiry() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType
getCustomLoadProbe() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Gets the value of the customLoadProbe property.
getCustomRegionElements() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
Gets the list of custom region elements Currently, users can not create regions with custom region elements using management v2 api.
getDataPolicy() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the DataPolicy in this region's attributes.
getDataPolicy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the dataPolicy property.
getDataPolicy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MirrorType
Returns the DataPolicy that corresponds to this mirror type.
getDataPolicy() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns the data policy for this region.
getDataPolicy() - Method in class
Returns the data policy.
getDataSet() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.RegionFunctionContext
Returns the reference to the Region on which the function is executed
getDate() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.Alert
The time at which the alert was issued
getDebug() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Determines whether the new instance of the LocatorLauncher will be set to debug mode.
getDebug() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Determines whether the new instance of the ServerLauncher will be set to debug mode.
getDeclarable() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ObjectType
Gets the value of the declarable property.
getDefaultBytes() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.pdx.FieldType
Returns a ByteBuffer that contains the serialized encoding of this type's default value.
getDefaultGemFireHealthConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth
Returns the GemFireHealthConfig for GemFire components whose configurations are not overridden on a per-host basis.
getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.compression.SnappyCompressor
As of Geode 1.0, getDefaultInstance is deprecated. Use constructor instead.
getDefaultPool() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCache
Returns the default server pool.
getDefaultValue() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.pdx.FieldType
getDeletePidFileOnStop() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Determines whether the Geode Locator should delete the pid file when its service stops or when the JVM exits.
getDeletePidFileOnStop() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Determines whether the Geode Server should delete the pid file when its service stops or when the JVM exits.
getDeltaValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqEvent
Get the delta modification.
getDepartureCorrelationWindow() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ConfigurationParameter
Gets the full description of this configuration parameter
getDescription() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.Statistic
Gets the full description of this statistic.
getDescription() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.StatisticResource
Gets the full description of this resource.
getDescription() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.Status
Gets the description of the Status enum type.
getDescription() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticDescriptor
Returns a description of this statistic
getDescription() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsType
Returns a description of this statistics type
getDeserializationAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average time (in nanoseconds) spent deserializing objects.
getDeserializationLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average latency (in nanoseconds) spent deserializing objects.
getDeserializationRate() - Method in interface
Returns the instantaneous rate of deserializing objects.
getDeserializedValue() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyValueOperationContext
Get the deserialized value for this operation.
getDeserializedValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.SerializedCacheValue
Returns the deserialized object for this cache value.
getDeserializedValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.GatewayEvent
Returns the deserialized value associated with this event.
getDeserializedValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayQueueEvent
Returns the deserialized value associated with this event.
getDestroyRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of destroys per second.
getDestroyRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of destroys per second.
getDestroyRequestsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of destroy requests received.
getDestroysRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of destroys per second.
getDiagnosis() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth
Returns a message that provides a description of the cause of a component's ill health.
getDirectory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.PersistentID
The directory which the persistent data was last residing in.
getDirectory() - Method in class
Returns the directory in which the DiskStore is saved.
getDirSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskDirType
Gets the value of the dirSize property.
getDisableAutoReconnect() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns true if auto reconnect is disabled
getDisableDefaultServer() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Determines whether a default cache server will be added when the Geode Server comes online.
getDisableJmx() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the disable-jmx property for the process.
getDisableTcp() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the disable-tcp property for the system.
getDiskDir() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DynamicRegionFactoryType
Gets the value of the diskDir property.
getDiskDir() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory.Config
Returns the disk directory that the dynamic region factory data will be written to.
getDiskDirectories() - Method in interface
Returns the path of the directories to which the region's data will be written.
getDiskDirectory() - Method in class
Returns the name of the directory where the files for this backup were written.
getDiskDirs() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the directories to which the region's data are written.
getDiskDirs() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskDirsType
Gets the value of the diskDir property.
getDiskDirs() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
getDiskDirs() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the diskDirs property.
getDiskDirs() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Returns the directories to which the region's data are written.
getDiskDirs() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
as of 6.5 use DiskStore.getDiskDirs() instead.
getDiskDirSizes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Returns the sizes of the disk directories in megabytes
getDiskDirSizes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
as of 6.5 use DiskStore.getDiskDirSizes() instead.
getDiskFlushAvgLatency() - Method in class
Returns the flush time average latency.
getDiskFlushAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average disk flush latency time.
getDiskFlushAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average disk flush latency time in nanoseconds.
getDiskFreePercentage() - Method in interface
Returns the free percentage of this disk storage if directories where created with max size.
getDiskReadsAverageLatency() - Method in interface
See corresponding DiskStores latency to get the latency.
getDiskReadsAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the disk reads average latency in nanoseconds.
getDiskReadsRate() - Method in class
Returns the average number of disk reads per second.
getDiskReadsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the average latency of disk reads in nanoseconds Its the average latency required to read a byte from disk.
getDiskReadsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of entries per second for all disks.
getDiskReadsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the average number of disk reads per second across all distributed members.
getDiskReadsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of bytes reads per second from all the disks of the member.
getDiskReadsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of entries reads per second from disk.
getDiskStoreId() - Method in class
Returns the ID of the DiskStore.
getDiskStoreMBeanName(DistributedMember, String) - Method in class
Returns the object name of the DiskStoreMBean representing a disk store.
getDiskStoreName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
The Disk store that is required for overflow and persistence
getDiskStoreName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of the diskStoreName property.
getDiskStoreName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Gets the value of the diskStoreName property.
getDiskStoreName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the diskStoreName property.
getDiskStoreName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
Gets the value of the diskStoreName property.
getDiskStoreName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the diskStoreName property.
getDiskStoreName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType.ClientSubscription
Gets the value of the diskStoreName property.
getDiskStoreName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns the name of the DiskStore that this region belongs to, if any.
getDiskStoreName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ClientSubscriptionConfig
get the diskStoreName for overflow
getDiskStoreName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Gets the disk store name for overflow or persistence.
getDiskStoreName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the disk store that is used for persistence.
getDiskStoreName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the DiskStore associated with the Region.
getDiskStores() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the diskStore property.
getDiskStores() - Method in interface
Returns a list of all disk stores, including those owned by a Region.
getDiskStoreUUID() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Returns the universally unique identifier for the Disk Store across the GemFire distributed system.
getDiskTaskWaiting() - Method in interface
getDiskTaskWaiting() - Method in interface
getDiskUsage() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of bytes used by all disks.
getDiskUsage() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of bytes stored in disk for this region.
getDiskUsageCriticalPercentage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Gets the value of the diskUsageCriticalPercentage property.
getDiskUsageCriticalPercentage() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Returns the critical threshold for disk usage as a percentage of the total disk volume.
getDiskUsageCriticalPercentage() - Method in interface
Returns the critical threshold for disk usage as a percentage of the total disk volume.
getDiskUsagePercentage() - Method in interface
Returns the usage percentage of this disk storage if directories where created with max size.
getDiskUsageWarningPercentage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Gets the value of the diskUsageWarningPercentage property.
getDiskUsageWarningPercentage() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Returns the warning threshold for disk usage as a percentage of the total disk volume.
getDiskUsageWarningPercentage() - Method in interface
Returns the warning threshold for disk usage as a percentage of the total disk volume.
getDiskWriteAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the DiskWriteAttributes that configure how the region is written to disk.
getDiskWriteAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the diskWriteAttributes property.
getDiskWriteAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
getDiskWritesAverageLatency() - Method in interface
See corresponding DiskStores latency to get the latency.
getDiskWritesAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the disk writes average latency in nanoseconds.
getDiskWritesRate() - Method in class
Returns the average number of disk writes per second.
getDiskWritesRate() - Method in interface
Returns the average latency of disk writes in nanoseconds.
getDiskWritesRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of entries per second for all disks.
getDiskWritesRate() - Method in interface
Returns the average number of disk writes per second across all distributed members.
getDiskWritesRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of bytes written per second to disk to all the disks of the member.
getDiskWritesRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of entries written per second to disk.
getDispatcherThreads() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
Returns the number of dispatcher threads working for this AsyncEventQueue.
getDispatcherThreads() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of the dispatcherThreads property.
getDispatcherThreads() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the dispatcherThreads property.
getDispatcherThreads() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns the number of dispatcher threads working for this GatewaySender.
getDispatcherThreads() - Method in interface
Returns the number of dispatcher threads working for this AsyncEventQueue.
getDispatcherThreads() - Method in interface
Returns the number of dispatcher threads working for this GatewaySender.
getDistributedLock(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
For Scope.GLOBAL regions, gets a distributed lock on the entry with the specified key.
getDistributedLockServiceMBeanName(String) - Method in class
Returns the object name of the DistributedLockServiceMBean representing a lock service.
getDistributedLockServiceMXBean(String) - Method in class
Returns a LockServiceMXBean for managing and monitoring a lock service from a system wide perspective.
getDistributedMember() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Returns the DistributedMember that represents this system member.
getDistributedMember() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMembershipEvent
Returns the DistributedMember that this event originated in.
getDistributedMember() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheEvent
Returns the DistributedMember that this event originated in.
getDistributedMember() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionMemberInfo
Identifies the member for which these details pertain to.
getDistributedMember() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Returns the DistributedMember that identifies this connection to the distributed system.
getDistributedMember() - Method in interface
Returns the DistributedMember that this event originated in.
getDistributedMember() - Method in class
getDistributedRegionMBeanName(String) - Method in class
Returns the object name of the DistributedRegionMBean representing a region.
getDistributedRegionMXBean(String) - Method in class
Returns a DistributedRegionMXBean for managing and monitoring a region from a system wide perspective.
getDistributedSystem(DistributedSystemConfig) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystemFactory
Returns the distributed system for administrative monitoring and managing.
getDistributedSystem() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.Agent
Returns the AdminDistributedSystem that underlies this JMX Agent or null is this agent is not connected.
getDistributedSystem() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Gets the AdminDistributedSystem this member belongs to.
getDistributedSystem() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Returns the distributed system used by this cache.
getDistributedSystem() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
Returns the distributed system started by this locator, if any
getDistributedSystemHealthConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth
Returns the configuration for determining the health of the distributed system itself.
getDistributedSystemId() - Method in interface
Returns the ID of the DistributedSystem.
getDistributedSystemMBeanName() - Method in class
Returns the object name of the getDistributedSystemMBeanName representing a distributed system.
getDistributedSystemMXBean() - Method in class
Returns the DistributedSystemMXBean for managing and monitoring the distributed system as a whole.
getDistributedSystemProperties() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributionLocatorConfig
Retrieves the properties used to configure the locator's DistributedSystem.
getDistributedSystemProperties() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Creates a Properties object with configuration settings that the launcher has that should take precedence over anything the user has defined in their gemfire properties file.
getDistributedSystemProperties(Properties) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Creates a Properties object with configuration settings that the launcher has that should take precedence over anything the user has defined in their gemfire properties file.
getDistributedSystemProperties() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Gets the GemFire Distributed System (cluster) Properties configuration.
getDistributedSystemProperties() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
getDistributedSystemProperties() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Gets the GemFire Distributed System (cluster) Properties configuration.
getDistributedTransactions() - Method in class
getDistributionLocatorConfigs() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns configuration information about DistributionLocators that are managed by an AdminDistributedSystem.
getDistributionLocators() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Returns array of DistributionLocators administered by this AdminDistributedSystem.
getDouble(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Returns the value of the identified statistic of type double.
getDouble(StatisticDescriptor) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Returns the value of the described statistic of type double.
getDouble(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Returns the value of the statistic of type double at the given name.
getDuplicateBatchesReceived() - Method in interface
Returns the number of duplicate batches which have been received.
getDurableClientAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember
Returns the durable attributes for this client.
getDurableClientId() - Method in class
getDurableClientTimeout() - Method in class
GetDurableCQsOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
GetDurableCQsOperationContext() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.GetDurableCQsOperationContext
Constructor for the GET_DURABLE_CQS operation.
getDynamicRegionFactory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the dynamicRegionFactory property.
getEarlyAck() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns whether or not acks are sent after an update is processed.
getEarlyAck() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Setting early ack no longer has any effect.
getElementType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.CollectionType
Return the type of the elements of this collection type.
getEmailNotificationFrom() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns the EmailID from whom notification emails are sent.
getEmailNotificationHost() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns the Host Name using which notification emails are sent.
getEmailNotificationToList() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns the comma separated EmailID list to whom notification emails are sent.
getEmptyNodes() - Method in interface
Returns the number of members whose entry count is 0.
getEnableAsyncConflation() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns whether or not async conflation is enabled for sending messages to async peers.
getEnableBridgeConflation() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
getEnableConflation() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
getEnableNetworkPartitionDetection() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns true if network partition detection is enabled.
getEnableSubscriptionConflation() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns whether or not conflation is enabled for sending messages from a cache server to its clients.
getEndPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
Gets the value of the endPort property.
getEndPort() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Returns end value of the port range from which the GatewayReceiver's port will be chosen.
getEndPort() - Method in interface
Returns the configured end port.
getEntityConfigXMLFile() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the name of the XML file that specifies the configuration of the managed entities administered by the DistributedSystem.
getEntries() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
Gets the value of the entry property.
getEntriesOverflowedToDisk() - Method in interface
Returns the number of entries overflowed to disk for this Sender.
getEntriesOverflowedToDisk() - Method in interface
Returns the number of entries overflowed to disk for this Sender.
getEntry(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the Region.Entry for the specified key, or null if it doesn't exist.
getEntryCount() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
getEntryCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the number of entries currently in this region.
getEntryCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of entries in the Region within this member.
getEntryIdleTime() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the entryIdleTime property.
getEntryIdleTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Gets the idleTimeout expiration attributes for entries in this region.
getEntryIdleTimeout() - Method in class
Returns the idle timeout expiration for entries in the Region.
getEntryIdleTimeoutAction() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the EntryIdleTimeout action in this region's attributes.
getEntryIdleTimeoutTimeLimit() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the EntryIdleTimeout time limit in this region's attributes.
getEntrySize() - Method in interface
Returns the aggregate entry size (in megabytes) of all entries.
getEntrySize() - Method in interface
Returns the aggregate entry size (in bytes) of all entries.
getEntryTimeToLive() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the entryTimeToLive property.
getEntryTimeToLive() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Gets the timeToLive expiration attributes for entries in this region.
getEntryTimeToLive() - Method in class
Returns the time to live expiration for entries in the Region.
getEntryTimeToLiveAction() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the EntryTimeToLive action in this region's attributes.
getEntryTimeToLiveTimeLimit() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the EntryTimeToLive time limit in this region's attributes.
getEntryType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.MapType
Return the type of the entries in this map.
getEnumValueTable() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAction
getEnumValueTable() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
getEventId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
For internal use only.
getEventId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.Instantiator
Returns the unique eventId of this Instantiator.
getEventQueueSize() - Method in interface
Returns the Size of the event queue
getEventQueueSize() - Method in interface
Returns the current size of the event queue.
getEvents() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionEvent
Returns an ordered list of every CacheEvent for this transaction.
getEventsConflated() - Method in class
getEventsEnqued() - Method in class
getEventSequenceID() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEvent
Returns the wrapper over the DistributedMembershipID, ThreadID, SequenceID which are used to uniquely identify any region operation like create, update etc.
getEventsExceedingAlertThreshold() - Method in interface
Returns number of events which have exceeded the configured alert threshold.
getEventsExpired() - Method in class
getEventsQueuedRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of events being queued.
getEventsReceivedRate() - Method in interface
Returns the instantaneous rate of events received.
getEventsReceivedRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of events received per second by this Sender.
getEventsRemoved() - Method in class
getEventsRemovedByQrm() - Method in class
getEventsTaken() - Method in class
getEvictionAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the EvictionAttributes that configure how entries in the the region are evicted
getEvictionAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the evictionAttributes property.
getEvictionAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Attributes that control the size of the Region using an EvictionAlgorithm and a EvictionAction.
getEvictionAttributesMutator() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Allows changing the eviction controller attributes for the region.
getEvictionHeapPercentage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ResourceManagerType
Gets the value of the evictionHeapPercentage property.
getEvictionHeapPercentage() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager
Get the percentage of heap at or above which the eviction should begin on Regions configured for HeapLRU eviction.
getEvictionHeapPercentage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
getEvictionHeapPercentage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
getEvictionOffHeapPercentage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ResourceManagerType
Gets the value of the evictionOffHeapPercentage property.
getEvictionOffHeapPercentage() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager
Get the percentage of off-heap at or above which the eviction should begin on Regions configured for HeapLRU eviction.
getEvictionOffHeapPercentage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
getEvictionOffHeapPercentage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
getEvictionPolicy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType.ClientSubscription
Gets the value of the evictionPolicy property.
getEvictionPolicy() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ClientSubscriptionConfig
Returns the eviction policy that is executed when capacity of the client queue is reached.
getEvictionPolicy() - Method in interface
Returns the eviction policy that is executed when the capacity of the client queue is reached.
getExceptions() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionException
Returns the list of exceptions thrown from different nodes
getExceptionsMap() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.MultiIndexCreationException
Returns a map of index names and Exceptions
getExistingManagementService(Cache) - Static method in class
Returns the existing instance of the management service for a cache.
getExpiry(Region.Entry<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CustomExpiry
Calculate the expiration for a given entry.
getExpression() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
Gets the value of the expression property.
getFailedIndexNames() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.MultiIndexCreationException
Returns a set of names for the indexes that failed to create
getFailedRoles() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionDistributionException
Returns the required roles that caused this exception.
getFailure() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
Returns the catastrophic system failure, if any.
getField(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstance
Reads the named field and returns its value.
getFieldIndex(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.StructType
Returns the index of the field with the given name in this StructType.
getFieldName(Field, Class<?>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Controls the field name that will be used in pdx for a field being auto serialized.
getFieldNames() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.StructType
Get the names of the fields for this struct
getFieldNames() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstance
Return an unmodifiable list of the field names on this PdxInstance.
getFieldType(Field, Class<?>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Controls what pdx field type will be used when auto serializing.
getFieldTypes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.StructType
The the types of the fields for this struct
getFieldValues() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Struct
Get the values in this struct
getFileDescriptorLimit() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum number of open file descriptors allowed for the member's host operating system.
getFilter() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.RegionFunctionContext
Returns subset of keys (filter) provided by the invoking thread (aka routing objects).
getFilter() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.SnapshotOptions
Returns the filter to be applied to snapshot entries.
getFixedPartitionAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Gets the value of the fixedPartitionAttributes property.
getFixedPartitionAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes
Returns FixedPartitionAttributes's list of local partitions defined on this Partitioned Region
getFlushTimeAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the flush time average latency.
getForce() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Gets the boolean value used by the Locator to determine if it should overwrite the PID file if it already exists.
getForce() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Gets the boolean value used by the Server to determine if it should overwrite the PID file if it already exists.
getFreeConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns the connection timeout of this pool.
getFreeConnectionTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the freeConnectionTimeout property.
getFreeHeapSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getFreeHeapSize() - Method in interface
Please use MemberMXBean.getFreeMemory() instead.
getFreeMemory() - Method in interface
Returns the free heap size in megabytes.
getFreePhysicalMemorySize() - Method in class
Returns the number of megabytes of free memory available to the operating system.
getFreeSwapSpaceSize() - Method in class
Returns the number of megabytes of free swap space.
getFromClause() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
Gets the value of the fromClause property.
getFromClause() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Index
Get the original fromClause for this index.
getFullPath() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
getFullPath() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the full path name that identifies this region in its cache.
getFullPath() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the full path of this region starting with a forward slash, followed by the root, including every subregion in the path to this region.
getFullPath() - Method in interface
Returns the full path of the Region.
getFullPath() - Method in interface
Returns the full path of the Region.
getFunction(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService
Returns the Function defined by the functionId, returns null if no function is found for the specified functionId
getFunctionExecutionRate() - Method in interface
Returns the average function execution rate.
getFunctionId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionContext
Returns the identifier of the function.
getFunctionId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteFunctionOperationContext
getFunctions() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.FunctionServiceType
Gets the value of the function property.
getFunctionService() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the functionService property.
getGarbageCollectionCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of garbage collection operations for all members.
getGarbageCollectionCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of times garbage collection has occurred.
getGarbageCollectionTime() - Method in interface
Returns the amount of time (in milliseconds) spent on garbage collection.
getGateway() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Gets the value of the gateway property.
getGatewayConflictResolver() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Returns the current gateway event conflict resolver
getGatewayConflictResolver() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the gatewayConflictResolver property.
getGatewayEndpoints() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Gets the value of the gatewayEndpoints property.
getGatewayEventFilters() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
Returns the GatewayEventFilters for this AsyncEventQueue
getGatewayEventFilters() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of the gatewayEventFilters property.
getGatewayEventFilters() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the gatewayEventFilters property.
getGatewayEventFilters() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns the list of GatewayEventFilter added to this GatewaySender.
getGatewayEventFilters() - Method in interface
Returns a list of GatewayEventFilters added to this GatewaySender.
getGatewayEventSubstitutionFilter() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
Returns the GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter for this AsyncEventQueue
getGatewayEventSubstitutionFilter() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of the gatewayEventSubstitutionFilter property.
getGatewayEventSubstitutionFilter() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the gatewayEventSubstitutionFilter property.
getGatewayEventSubstitutionFilter() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns this GatewaySender's GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter.
getGatewayHubs() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the gatewayHubs property.
getGatewayHubStatus() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
For internal use only
getGatewayListeners() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Gets the value of the gatewayListeners property.
getGatewayQueue() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Gets the value of the gatewayQueue property.
getGatewayReceiver() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the gatewayReceiver property.
getGatewayReceiver() - Method in interface
Returns the host and port information of GatewayReceiver to which this gateway sender is connected.
getGatewayReceiverMBeanName(DistributedMember) - Method in class
Returns the object name of the GatewayReciverMBean representing a gateway receiver.
getGatewayReceivers() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Returns all GatewayReceivers for this Cache
getGatewaySender(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Returns the GatewaySender with the given id added to this Cache.
getGatewaySenderIds() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the gatewaySenderIds property.
getGatewaySenderIds() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns a set of gatewaysenderIds
getGatewaySenderIds() - Method in class
Returns the set of gateway sender IDs.
getGatewaySenderIdsAsSet() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
turn the comma separated ids into a set of id
getGatewaySenderMBeanName(DistributedMember, String) - Method in class
Returns the object name of the GatewaySenderMBean representing a gateway sender.
getGatewaySenders() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Returns all GatewaySenders for this Cache.
getGatewaySenders() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the gatewaySenders property.
getGatewaySSLAlias() - Method in class
getGatewaySSLCiphers() - Method in class
getGatewaySSLKeyStore() - Method in class
getGatewaySSLKeyStorePassword() - Method in class
getGatewaySSLKeyStoreType() - Method in class
getGatewaySSLProtocols() - Method in class
getGatewaySSLTrustStore() - Method in class
getGatewaySSLTrustStorePassword() - Method in class
getGatewayTransportFilters() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the gatewayTransportFilters property.
getGatewayTransportFilters() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
Gets the value of the gatewayTransportFilters property.
getGatewayTransportFilters() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Returns the list of GatewayTransportFilter added to this GatewayReceiver.
getGatewayTransportFilters() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns the list of GatewayTransportFilter added to this GatewaySender.
getGatewayTransportFilters() - Method in interface
Returns a list of names for the transport filters in use.
getGatewayTransportFilters() - Method in interface
Returns a list of GatewayTransportFilters added to this GatewaySender.
getGcCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of times garbage collection has occurred.
getGcTimeMillis() - Method in class
Returns the amount of time (in milliseconds) spent on garbage collection.
getGemFireHealth() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Returns an object for monitoring the health of GemFire.
getGemFireHealthConfig(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth
Returns the GemFireHealthConfig for GemFire components that reside on a given host.
getGemFireVersion() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets the version of GemFire used to launch and run the GemFire service.
getGeodeReleaseVersion() - Method in interface
returns only the Geode version string
getGetRequestAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average get request latency.
getGetRequestAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average get request latency.
getGetRequestRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of get requests.
getGetRequestRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of get requests.
getGetsAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the cache get average latency.
getGetsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of gets per second.
getGetsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of gets per second.
getGetsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of gets per second.
getGlobalProperties() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes
getGroupMembers(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Returns a set of all the members in the given group.
getGroups() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Returns the list of server groups that this cache server belongs to.
getGroups() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Returns the list of server groups that this cache server belongs to.
getGroups() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Gets the value of the group property.
getGroups() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
as of 7.0 use the groups gemfire property
getGroups() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationPersistenceService
retrieves all the group names in the cluster
getGroups() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember
Returns the groups this member belongs to.
getGroups() - Method in interface
Returns the names of the groups this member belongs to.
getHandler() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Returns a 1.4 logging handler that can be used to direct application output to this GemFire logger using the standard JDK logger APIs.
getHandler() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Returns a 1.4 logging handler that can be used to direct application output to this GemFire logger using the standard JDK logger APIs.
getHealth() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth
Returns an indicator of the overall health of the GemFire components.
getHealthEvaluationInterval() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealthConfig
Returns the number of seconds between assessments of the health of the GemFire components.
getHelp() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Determines whether the new instance of LocatorLauncher will be used to output help information for either a specific command, or for using LocatorLauncher in general.
getHelp() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Determines whether the new instance of the ServerLauncher will be used to output help information for either a specific command, or for using ServerLauncher in general.
getHitCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the HitCount obtained from this region's statistics.
getHitCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheStatistics
Returns the number of hits for this region or entry.
getHitCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of times that a hit occurred.
getHitCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of times that a hit occurred.
getHitRatio() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the HitRatio obtained from this region's statistics.
getHitRatio() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheStatistics
Return the hit ratio, a convenience method defined as the ratio of hits to the number of calls to Region.get.
getHitRatio() - Method in interface
Returns the hit to miss ratio.
getHitRatio() - Method in interface
Returns the hit to miss ratio.
getHost() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntityConfig
Returns the name of the host on which the managed entity runs or will run.
getHost() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Gets host name of the machine this member resides on.
getHost() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayEndpoint
Gets the value of the host property.
getHost() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType.Locator
Gets the value of the host property.
getHost() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType.Server
Gets the value of the host property.
getHost() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.PersistentID
The host on which the persistent data was last residing
getHost() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Returns a string representing the ip address or host name that server locators will tell clients (GatewaySenders in this case) that this receiver is listening on.
getHost() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets the host or IP address for the process and its service.
getHost() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember
Returns the canonical name of the host machine for this member.
getHost() - Method in interface
Returns the name or IP address of the host on which this member is running.
getHost() - Method in class
Returns the name or IP address of the host on which the member is running.
getHostAddress() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getHostAddress() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Gets the host of this member as an
getHostCpuUsage() - Method in interface
Returns the underlying host's current cpuActive percentage
getHostName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealthConfig
Returns the name of the host to which this configuration applies.
getHostname() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.proxy.SniProxySocketFactory
getHostName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the host on which the client is running.
getHostnameForClients() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Returns a string representing the ip address or host name that server locators will tell clients that this server is listening on.
getHostnameForClients() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Returns a string representing the ip address or host name that server locators will tell clients that this server is listening on.
getHostnameForClients() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Gets the value of the hostnameForClients property.
getHostnameForClients() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Returns a string representing the ip address or host name that server locators will tell clients that this cache server is listening on.
getHostnameForClients() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
Returns the hostname that will be given to clients so that they can connect to this locator.
getHostnameForClients() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Gets the hostname used by clients to lookup the Locator.
getHostnameForClients() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets the hostname that clients will use to lookup the running Locator.
getHostNameForClients() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
getHostNameForClients() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
getHostnameForClients() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
getHostNameForClients() - Method in interface
Returns the name or IP address to pass to the client as the location where the server is listening.
getHostnameForClients() - Method in interface
Returns the name or IP address to pass to the client as the location where the Locator is listening.
getHostnameForSenders() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
Gets the value of the hostnameForSenders property.
getHostnameForSenders() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Returns the hostname configured by GatewayReceiverFactory.setHostnameForSenders(String)
getHttpAuthPassword() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns the password for HTTP adapter authentication.
getHttpAuthUser() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns the user name for HTTP adapter authentication.
getHttpBindAddress() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns the bind address to which the HTTP adapter's listening socket is bound.
getHttpPort() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns the port of the HTTP adapter.
getHttpServiceBindAddress() - Method in class
getHttpServicePort() - Method in class
getHttpServiceSSLAlias() - Method in class
getHttpServiceSSLCiphers() - Method in class
getHttpServiceSSLKeyStore() - Method in class
getHttpServiceSSLKeyStorePassword() - Method in class
getHttpServiceSSLKeyStoreType() - Method in class
getHttpServiceSSLProtocols() - Method in class
getHttpServiceSSLTrustStore() - Method in class
getHttpServiceSSLTrustStorePassword() - Method in class
getHubId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the hubId property.
getId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Retrieves the unique id for this system.
getId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributionLocator
Returns the identity name for this locator.
getId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Gets identifying name of this member.
getId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Value that uniquely identifies an instance of a cache for a given member.
getId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayEndpoint
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding.ConfigProperty
Get the id of the element.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType.Instantiator
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Function
Return a unique function identifier, used to register the function with FunctionService
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns the id of this GatewaySender.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Returns the id of this DataSerializer.
getId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember
Returns a unique identifier for this member.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
DistributedSystem.getDistributedMember() provides an identity for this connection that is unique across the entire distributed system.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DurableClientAttributes
Returns the durable client's id.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets an identifier that uniquely identifies and represents the Locator associated with this launcher.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets an identifier that uniquely identifies and represents the Server associated with this launcher.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.Instantiator
Returns the unique id of this Instantiator.
getId() - Method in interface
Returns the ID of the AsyncEventQueue.
getId() - Method in interface
Returns the ID of this member.
getId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticDescriptor
Returns the id of this statistic in a statistics type.
getIdleTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Get the maximum connections for this pool.
getIdleTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the idleTimeout property.
getIdleTimeoutSeconds() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the idleTimeoutSeconds property.
getIgnoreJTA() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Gets the flag telling a region to ignore JTA transactions.
getImports() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
Gets the value of the imports property.
getIncludeFile() - Method in class
getIndex(Region<?, ?>, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Get the Index from the specified Region with the specified name.
getIndexCount() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of indexes in use by the member.
getIndexedExpression() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Index
Get the original indexedExpression for this index.
getIndexes() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
Gets the value of the index property.
getIndexes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Get a collection of all the indexes in the Cache.
getIndexes(Region<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Get a collection of all the indexes on the specified Region
getIndexes(Region<?, ?>, IndexType) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
As of 6.6.2, use QueryService.getIndexes(Region) only. Get a collection of all the indexes on the specified Region of the specified index type.
getIndexList() - Method in interface
Returns a list of names for all indexes.
getIndexMaintenanceSynchronous() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns the value of IndexMaintenanceSynchronous which specifies whether the region indexes are updated synchronously when a region is modified or asynchronously in a background thread.
getIndexUpdateType() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the indexUpdateType property.
getInitialCapacity() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the InitialCapacity in this region's attributes.
getInitialCapacity() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the initialCapacity property.
getInitialCapacity() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns the initial capacity of the entries map.
getInitialCapacity() - Method in class
Returns the initial capacity of entries in the Region.
getInitialImageKeysReceived() - Method in interface
Return the number of keys received while performing a "get initial image" operation when creating a region.
getInitialImagesInProgres() - Method in interface
as typo in name has been corrected: use MemberMXBean.getInitialImagesInProgress() instead.
getInitialImagesInProgress() - Method in interface
Returns the number of initial images in progress.
getInitialImageTime() - Method in interface
Returns the total amount of time spent performing a "get initial image" operation when creating a region.
getInitializer() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the initializer property.
getInitializer() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Returns the Declarable used to initialize this cache or null if it does not have an initializer.
getInitializerProps() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Returns the Properties used to initialize the cache initializer or null if no initializer properties exist.
getInitMemory() - Method in class
Returns the initial number of megabytes of memory requested from the operating system.
getInitPoolSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the initPoolSize property.
getInputStream(InputStream) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayTransportFilter
getInstance(DistributedSystem) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Gets the instance of Cache produced by an earlier call to CacheFactory.create().
getInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets the instance of the LocatorLauncher used to launch the GemFire Locator, or null if this VM does not have an instance of LocatorLauncher indicating no GemFire Locator is running.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets the instance of the ServerLauncher used to launch the GemFire Cache Server, or null if this VM does not have an instance of ServerLauncher indicating no GemFire Cache Server is running.
getInstanceCloseOk(DistributedSystem) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Gets the instance of Cache produced by an earlier call to CacheFactory.create() even if it has been closed.
getInstantiatedClass() - Method in class org.apache.geode.Instantiator
Returns the DataSerializable class that is instantiated by this Instantiator.
getInstantiators() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType
Gets the value of the instantiator property.
getInt(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
as of Geode 1.10, use Statistics.getLong(int) instead
getInt(StatisticDescriptor) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
as of Geode 1.10, use Statistics.getLong(StatisticDescriptor) instead
getInt(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
as of Geode 1.10, use Statistics.getLong(String) instead
getInterestList() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the list of keys on which this client is interested and will be notified of changes.
getInterestListRegex() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the list of regular expresssions on which this client is interested and will be notified of changes.
getInterestPolicy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.SubscriptionAttributes
Gets the value of the interestPolicy property.
getInterestPolicy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.SubscriptionAttributes
Returns the interest policy of this subscriber.
getInterestPolicy() - Method in class
Returns the subscriber's interest policy.
getInterestRegistrationListeners() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Returns a read-only set of InterestRegistrationListeners registered with this notifier.
getInterestResultPolicy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegisterInterestOperationContext
Get the InterestResultPolicy of this register/unregister operation.
getInterestType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.InterestRegistrationEvent
Returns this event's interest type.
getInterestType() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestOperationContext
Get the InterestType of this register/unregister operation.
getIsClient() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
Returns whether this member is a client to a cache server
getIsConnected() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getIsGatewayHub() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
Returns whether this member is a hub for WAN gateways
getIsLocator() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getIsPrimaryGatewayHub() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getIsSecondaryGatewayHub() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getIsServer() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
Returns whether this member is a cache server
getJavaVersion() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets the version of Java used to launch and run the GemFire service.
getJdbcDriverClass() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the jdbcDriverClass property.
getJmxManagerAccessFile() - Method in class
getJmxManagerBindAddress() - Method in class
getJmxManagerHostnameForClients() - Method in class
getJmxManagerHttpPort() - Method in class
getJmxManagerPasswordFile() - Method in class
getJmxManagerPort() - Method in class
getJmxManagerSSLCiphers() - Method in class
getJmxManagerSSLKeyStore() - Method in class
getJmxManagerSSLKeyStorePassword() - Method in class
getJmxManagerSSLKeyStoreType() - Method in class
getJmxManagerSSLProtocols() - Method in class
getJmxManagerSSLTrustStore() - Method in class
getJmxManagerSSLTrustStorePassword() - Method in class
getJmxManagerUpdateRate() - Method in class
getJmxSSLAlias() - Method in class
getJndiBindings() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the jndiBindings property.
getJndiBindings() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType
Gets the value of the jndiBindings property.
getJNDIContext() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Returns the JNDI context associated with the Cache.
getJndiName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the jndiName property.
getJsonFormatter() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionService
Returns the JSONFormatter.
getJvmArguments() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets the arguments passed to the JVM process that is running the GemFire service.
getJVMPauses() - Method in interface
Returns the number JVM pauses (which may or may not include full garbage collection pauses) detected by GemFire.
getJVMPauses() - Method in interface
Returns the number JVM pauses (which may or may not include full garbage collection pauses) detected by GemFire.
getKey() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Entry
Gets the value of the key property.
getKey() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.EntryEvent
Returns the key.
getKey() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.EntryOperation
Returns the key.
getKey() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.LoaderHelper
Returns the key for the value being loaded.
getKey() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestOperationContext
Get the key for this register/unregister interest operation.
getKey() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyOperationContext
Get the key object for this operation.
getKey() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqEvent
Get the key relating to the event.
getKey() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region.Entry
Returns the key for this entry.
getKey() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.GatewayEvent
Returns the key associated with this event.
getKey() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayQueueEvent
Returns the key associated with this event.
getKey() - Method in class
returns the key, could be "*" meaning all keys.
getKeyConstraint() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the KeyConstraint in this region's attributes.
getKeyConstraint() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the keyConstraint property.
getKeyConstraint() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns the class that the keys in this region are constrained to.
getKeyConstraintClassName() - Method in class
Returns the Class that the keys in this region are constrained to (must be an instance of).
getKeys() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RemoveAllOperationContext
Returns the keys for this removeAll in an unmodifiable collection.
getKeySet() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteFunctionOperationContext
getKeySet() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeySetOperationContext
Get the set of keys returned as a result of Region.keySet() operation.
getKeysOfInterest() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.InterestRegistrationEvent
Returns a Set of keys of interest.
getKeyType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.MapType
Return the type of the keys in this type of map.
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the LastAccessedTime obtained from this region's statistics.
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheStatistics
For an entry, returns the last time it was accessed via Region.get; for a region, the last time any of its entries or the entries of its subregions were accessed with Region.get.
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in interface
Returns the time of the most recent access.
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in interface
Returns the time of the most recent access.
getLastModifiedTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the LastModifiedTime obtained from this region's statistics.
getLastModifiedTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheStatistics
For an entry, returns the time that the entry's value was last modified; for a region, the last time any of the region's entries' values or the values in subregions' entries were modified.
getLastModifiedTime() - Method in interface
Returns the time of the most recent modification.
getLastModifiedTime() - Method in interface
Returns the time of the most recent modification.
getLastUpdateTime(ObjectName) - Method in class
Returns the last updated time of the remote MBean as reported by Sysem.currentTimeMillis().
getLatestAlert() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Display in readable format the latest Alert in this distributed system.
getLevel() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.Alert
The level at which this alert is issued
getLicense() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Removed licensing in 8.0.
getLicense() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Removed licensing in 8.0.
getListener() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
as of GemFire 5.0, use CacheTransactionManager.getListeners() instead
getListeners() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
Returns an array of all the transaction listeners on this cache.
getLoad(ServerMetrics) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoadProbe
Get the load on this server.
getLoadAverage() - Method in interface
Returns the system load average for the last minute.
getLoadConditioningInterval() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns the load conditioning interval of this pool.
getLoadConditioningInterval() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the loadConditioningInterval property.
getLoadFactor() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the LoadFactor in this region's attributes.
getLoadFactor() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the loadFactor property.
getLoadFactor() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns the load factor of the entries map.
getLoadFactor() - Method in class
Returns the load factor of entries in the Region.
getLoadPerConnection() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoad
Get an estimate of the how much load each new connection will add to this server.
getLoadPerConnection() - Method in interface
Returns the estimate of how much load is added for each new connection as reported by the load probe installed in this server.
getLoadPerConnection() - Method in interface
Returns the estimate of how much load is added for each new connection as reported by the load probe installed in this server.
getLoadPerConnection() - Method in class
Returns an estimate of how much load each new connection will add to this server.
getLoadPerQueue() - Method in interface
Returns the estimate of how much load is added for each new queue as reported by the load probe installed in this server.
getLoadPerQueue() - Method in interface
Returns the estimate of how much load is added for each new queue as reported by the load probe installed in this server.
getLoadPerSubscriber() - Method in class
Returns an estimate of the much load each new subscriber will add to this server.
getLoadPerSubscriptionConnection() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoad
Get an estimate of the how much load each new subscriber will add to this server.
getLoadPollInterval() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Get the frequency in milliseconds to poll the load probe on this cache server.
getLoadPollInterval() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Get the frequency in milliseconds to poll the load probe on this cache server.
getLoadPollInterval() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Gets the value of the loadPollInterval property.
getLoadPollInterval() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Get the frequency in milliseconds to poll the load probe on this cache server.
getLoadPollInterval() - Method in interface
Returns the frequency (in milliseconds) to poll the load probe on this CacheServer.
getLoadProbe() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Get a description of the load probe for this cache server.
getLoadProbe() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Get a description of the load probe for this cache server.
getLoadProbe() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Get the load probe for this cache server.
getLoadsAverageLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average latency of a load.
getLocalAsyncEventQueueMXBean(String) - Method in class
Returns a AsyncEventQueueMXBean for managing and monitoring an asynchronous queue.
getLocalCacheServerMXBean(int) - Method in class
Returns a CacheServerMXBean for managing and monitoring a cache server.
getLocalColocatedRegions(RegionFunctionContext) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionHelper
Given a RegionFunctionContext for a partitioned Region, return a map of colocated Regions with read access limited to the context of the function.
getLocalData(Region<K, V>) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionHelper
Given a partitioned Region return a Region providing read access limited to the local heap, writes using this Region have no constraints and behave the same as a partitioned Region.
getLocalDataForContext(RegionFunctionContext) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionHelper
Given a RegionFunctionContext for a partitioned Region, return a Region providing read access limited to the function context.
Returned Region provides only one copy of the data although redundantCopies configured is more than 0.
getLocalDiskStoreMBean(String) - Method in class
Returns a DiskStoreMXBean for managing and monitoring a disk store.
getLocalGatewayReceiverMXBean() - Method in class
Returns the GatewayReceiverMXBean for managing and monitoring the gateway receiver.
getLocalGatewaySenderMXBean(String) - Method in class
Returns a GatewaySenderMXBean for managing and monitoring a gateway sender.
getLocalLocatorMXBean() - Method in class
Returns the LocatorMXBean for managing and monitoring the locator.
getLocalLockServiceMBean(String) - Method in class
Returns a LockServiceMXBean for managing and monitoring a lock service.
getLocalMaxMemory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Gets the value of the localMaxMemory property.
getLocalMaxMemory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes
This method returns the maximum amount of local memory that can be used by the Region.
getLocalMaxMemory() - Method in class
Returns the maximum amount of local memory that can be used by the region.
getLocalMaxMemory() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum amount of local memory that can be used by the region.
getLocalPrimaryData(Region<K, V>) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionHelper
Given a partitioned Region return a Region providing read access to primary copy of the data which is limited to the local heap, writes using this Region have no constraints and behave the same as a partitioned Region.
getLocalProperties() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes
use PartitionAttributes.getLocalMaxMemory() in GemFire 5.1 and later releases
getLocalQueryService() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCache
Return a QueryService that queries the local state in the client cache.
getLocalRegionMBean(String) - Method in class
Returns a RegionMXBbean for managing and monitoring a Region.
getLocator() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
Returns the locator if it exists in this JVM.
getLocator() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets a reference to the Locator that was created by this LocatorLauncher.
getLocatorCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of locators in the distributed system.
getLocatorMBeanName(DistributedMember) - Method in class
Returns the object name of the LocatorMBean representing a locator.
getLocatorPidFile() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets a File reference with the path to the PID file for the Locator.
getLocators() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Retrieves comma-delimited list locators to be used if multi-cast port is zero.
getLocators() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns a comma-delimited list of locators for the system
getLocators() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getLocators() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns an unmodifiable list of InetSocketAddress of the locators this pool is using.
getLocators() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the locator property.
getLocators() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
as of 7.0 use Locator.getLocator() instead
getLocators() - Method in class
getLocatorSSLAlias() - Method in class
getLocatorState() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets the LocatorState for this process or null if this process was not launched using this VM's LocatorLauncher reference.
getLockLease() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Gets the length, in seconds, of distributed lock leases obtained by this cache.
getLockLease() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Gets the length, in seconds, of distributed lock leases obtained by this cache.
getLockLease() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the lockLease property.
getLockLease() - Method in interface
Returns the number of second that this member will lease a distributed lock.
getLockRequestQueues() - Method in interface
Returns the number of lock request queues in use by this member.
getLockServiceMBeanName(DistributedMember, String) - Method in class
Returns the object name of the LockServiceMBean representing a lock service.
getLockTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Gets the number of seconds a cache operation will wait to obtain a distributed lock lease.
getLockTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Gets the number of seconds a cache operation will wait to obtain a distributed lock lease.
getLockTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the lockTimeout property.
getLockTimeout() - Method in interface
Returns the number of seconds that this member will wait for a distributed lock.
getLockWaitsInProgress() - Method in interface
Returns the number of threads waiting for a lock.
getLog() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntity
Returns the tail of this manage entity's log file.
getLog() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Retrieves the log for this member.
getLogDiskSpaceLimit() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the log disk space limit in megabytes
getLogDiskSpaceLimit() - Method in class
getLogFile() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the name of the log file to which informational messages are written.
getLogFile() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Gets a File reference with the path to the log file for the process.
getLogFile() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets the path of the log file for the process.
getLogFile() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
Returns the log file to which this locator's output is written
getLogFile() - Method in class
getLogFileCanonicalPath() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Gets the fully qualified canonical path of the log file for the process.
getLogFileName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Gets the name of the log file used to log information about this GemFire service.
getLogFileName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets the name of the log file used to log information about this Locator.
getLogFileName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets the name of the log file used to log information about this Server.
getLogFileSizeLimit() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the log file size limit in megabytes
getLogFileSizeLimit() - Method in class
getLogger() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Gets the logging object for GemFire.
getLoggerI18n() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
as of 6.5 use getLogger().convertToLogWriterI18n() instead
getLoginTimeoutSeconds() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the loginTimeoutSeconds property.
getLogLevel() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the level at which informational messages are logged.
getLogLevel() - Method in class
getLogWriter() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystemFactory
Returns a default GemFire LogWriterI18n for logging.
getLogWriter() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.Agent
Returns the LogWriter used for logging information.
getLogWriter() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
getLong(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Returns the value of the identified statistic of type long.
getLong(StatisticDescriptor) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Returns the value of the described statistic of type long.
getLong(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Returns the value of the statistic of type long at the given name.
getLossAction() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes
Gets the value of the lossAction property.
getLossAction() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes
Returns the reliability policy that describes behavior if any required roles are missing.
getLossAction() - Method in class
Returns the policy that describes the action to take if any required roles are missing.
getLowRedundancyBucketCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionInfo
Returns the number of created buckets that have fewer than the configured redundant copies for this partitioned region.
getLruDestroyRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of entries destroyed either by destroy cache operations or eviction.
getLruDestroyRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of entries destroyed either by destroy cache operations or eviction.
getLruDestroyRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of entries destroyed either by destroy cache operations or eviction.
getLruEntryCount() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes
Gets the value of the lruEntryCount property.
getLruEvictionRate() - Method in interface
Returns the entry eviction rate as triggered by the LRU policy.
getLruEvictionRate() - Method in interface
Returns the entry eviction rate as triggered by the LRU policy.
getLruEvictionRate() - Method in interface
Returns the entry eviction rate as triggered by the LRU policy.
getLRUEvictionsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of LRU evictions per second by this Sender.
getLRUEvictionsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of LRU evictions per second by this Sender.
getLruHeapPercentage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes
Gets the value of the lruHeapPercentage property.
getLruMemorySize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes
Gets the value of the lruMemorySize property.
getManagedConnFactoryClass() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the managedConnFactoryClass property.
getManagementService(Cache) - Static method in class
Returns a newly created or the existing instance of the management service for a cache.
getManager() - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
For internal use only.
getManagerMBeanName() - Method in class
Returns the object name of the ManagerMBean representing a manager.
getManagerMXBean() - Method in class
Returns the ManagerMXBean for the management service.
getManagerObjectName() - Method in interface
Returns the object name for a ManagerMXBean used to access the management service running on this distributed member.
getMap() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutAllOperationContext
Returns the map whose keys and values will be put.
getMarkerEventsConflated() - Method in class
getMaxConnections() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Returns the maximum allowed client connections
getMaxConnections() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Returns the maximum allowed client connections
getMaxConnections() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Get the maximum connections for this pool.
getMaxConnections() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Gets the value of the maxConnections property.
getMaxConnections() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the maxConnections property.
getMaxConnections() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Gets the value of the maxConnections property.
getMaxConnections() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Returns the maximum allowed client connections
getMaxConnections() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerMetrics
Get the max connections for this cache server.
getMaxConnections() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
getMaxConnections() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
getMaxConnections() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
getMaxConnections() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum allowed client connections.
getMaxDepartedApplications() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemHealthConfig
Returns the maximum number of application members that can unexceptedly leave a healthy the distributed system.
getMaxEventQueueSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheHealthConfig
Returns the maximum number of entries in the event delivery queue of a healthy cache member.
getMaxFileDescriptorCount() - Method in class
Returns the maximum number of open file descriptors allowed by the operating system.
getMaximum() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruEntryCount
Gets the value of the maximum property.
getMaximum() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruMemorySize
Gets the value of the maximum property.
getMaximum() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
The unit of this value is determined by the definition of the EvictionAlgorithm set by one of the creation methods e.g.
getMaximum() - Method in class
The unit of this value is determined by the definition of the EvictionAlgorithm set by one of the creation methods e.g.
getMaximumHeapSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getMaximumHeapSize() - Method in interface
Please use MemberMXBean.getMaxMemory() instead.
getMaximumMessageCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Returns the maximum number of messages that can be enqueued in a client-queue.
getMaximumMessageCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Returns the maximum number of messages that can be enqueued in a client-queue.
getMaximumMessageCount() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Gets the value of the maximumMessageCount property.
getMaximumMessageCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Returns the maximum number of messages that can be enqueued in a client-queue.
getMaximumMessageCount() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum number of messages that can be enqueued in a client-queue.
getMaximumQueueMemory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
The maximum memory after which the data needs to be overflowed to disk.
getMaximumQueueMemory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of the maximumQueueMemory property.
getMaximumQueueMemory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Gets the value of the maximumQueueMemory property.
getMaximumQueueMemory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the maximumQueueMemory property.
getMaximumQueueMemory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns the maximum amount of memory (in MB) for a GatewaySender's queue.
getMaximumQueueMemory() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum memory after which the data needs to be overflowed to disk.
getMaximumQueueMemory() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum memory after which the data needs to be overflowed to disk.
getMaximumTimeBetweenPings() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Returns the maximum amount of time between client pings.
getMaximumTimeBetweenPings() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Returns the maximum amount of time between client pings.
getMaximumTimeBetweenPings() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Gets the value of the maximumTimeBetweenPings property.
getMaximumTimeBetweenPings() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
Gets the value of the maximumTimeBetweenPings property.
getMaximumTimeBetweenPings() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Gets the value of the maximumTimeBetweenPings property.
getMaximumTimeBetweenPings() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Returns the maximum amount of time between client pings.
getMaximumTimeBetweenPings() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Returns the maximum amount of time between client pings.
getMaximumTimeBetweenPings() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum amount of time between client pings.
getMaximumTimeBetweenPings() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum amount of time between client pings.
getMaxLoadTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheHealthConfig
Returns the maximum mumber of milliseconds a cache load operation can take before the cache member is considered to be unhealthy.
getMaxMemory() - Method in class
Returns the maximum number of megabytes of memory available from the operating system.
getMaxMemory() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum size of the heap in megabytes.
getMaxMessageCount() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
getMaxMessageCount() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
getMaxMessageCount() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
getMaxMessageQueueSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.MemberHealthConfig
Returns the maximum number of enqueued incoming or outgoing messages that a healthy member of a distributed system can have.
getMaxNetSearchTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheHealthConfig
Returns the maximum number of milliseconds a netSearch operation can take before the cache member is considered to be unhealthy.
getMaxNumReconnectTries() - Method in class
getMaxOplogSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Gets the value of the maxOplogSize property.
getMaxOplogSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes
Gets the value of the maxOplogSize property.
getMaxOplogSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Get the maximum size in megabytes a single oplog (operation log) file should be
getMaxOplogSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributes
as of 6.5 use DiskStore.getMaxOplogSize() instead.
getMaxOpLogSize() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum size (in megabytes) that a single op-log can grow to.
getMaxParallelismForReplicatedRegion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
getMaxPoolSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the maxPoolSize property.
getMaxReplyTimeouts() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.MemberHealthConfig
Returns the maximum number message replies that can timeout in a healthy member.
getMaxRetransmissionRatio() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.MemberHealthConfig
Returns the maximum ratio of multicast retransmissions / total multicast messages.
getMaxThreads() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Returns the maximum number of threads allowed in this server to service client requests.
getMaxThreads() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Returns the maximum number of threads allowed in this server to service client requests.
getMaxThreads() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Gets the value of the maxThreads property.
getMaxThreads() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Returns the maximum number of threads allowed in this cache server to service client requests.
getMaxThreads() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
getMaxThreads() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
getMaxThreads() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
getMaxThreads() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum number of threads allowed in this CacheServer to service client requests.
getMaxVMProcessSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.MemberHealthConfig
Returns the maximum VM process size (in megabytes) of a healthy member of the distributed system.
getMaxWaitTimeForReconnect() - Method in class
getMBeanInstance(ObjectName, Class<T>) - Method in class
Returns an instance of an MBean.
getMBeanServer() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.Agent
Returns the JMX MBeanServer with which GemFire MBeans are registered or null if this Agent is not started.
getMcastAddress() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Retrieves the multicast address in use by this system.
getMcastAddress() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the multicast address for the system
getMcastAddress() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getMcastAddress() - Method in class
getMcastByteAllowance() - Method in class
getMcastPort() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Retrieves the multicast port in use by this system.
getMcastPort() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the multicast port for the system
getMcastPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getMcastPort() - Method in class
getMcastRechargeBlockMs() - Method in class
getMcastRechargeThreshold() - Method in class
getMcastRecvBufferSize() - Method in class
getMcastSendBufferSize() - Method in class
getMcastTTL() - Method in class
getMember() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Gets the name or ID of the member in the GemFire distributed system.
getMember() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the member if it's been set, otherwise the ID.
getMember() - Method in interface
Returns the the member that connected or disconnected.
getMember() - Method in interface
Returns the name/ID of the member hosting this Region.
getMemberCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of members using this LockService.
getMemberCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of members hosting/using the Region.
getMemberCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of members in the distributed system.
getMemberCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of members using this LockService.
getMemberGroups() - Method in class
getMemberId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getMemberId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMembershipEvent
Returns the distributed member as a String.
getMemberId() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionInvocationTargetException
Method to get the member id of the Exception
getMemberId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionId
getMemberId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Gets the ID of the member in the GemFire distributed system as determined and assigned by GemFire when the member process joins the distributed system.
getMemberId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
as of GemFire 5.0, use DistributedSystem.getDistributedMember() instead
getMemberId() - Method in interface
Returns the id of the member that connected or disconnected.
getMemberId() - Method in interface
Returns the distributed member as a String.
getMemberId() - Method in class
getMemberMBeanName(DistributedMember) - Method in class
Returns the object name of the MemberMBean representing a distributed member.
getMemberMXBean() - Method in class
Returns the MemberMXBean for managing and monitoring the local member.
getMemberName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getMemberName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionContext
a convenience method to get the name of the member this function executes on.
getMemberName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Gets the name of the member in the GemFire distributed system as determined by the 'name' GemFire property.
getMemberName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets GemFire member's name for the process.
getMemberName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Gets the member name of this Locator in GemFire.
getMemberName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets the name of this member (this Locator) in the GemFire distributed system and determined by the 'name' GemFire property.
getMemberName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Gets the member name of this Server in GemFire.
getMemberName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets the name of this member (this Server) in the GemFire distributed system as determined by the 'name' GemFire property.
getMemberName() - Method in class
getMemberNames() - Method in interface
Returns a list of names of the members using this LockService.
getMemberNames() - Method in interface
Returns a list of names of the members using this LockService.
getMemberObjectName() - Method in interface
Returns the object name for a MemberMXBean used to access this distributed member.
getMembers() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Returns a set of the other non-administrative members in the distributed system.
getMembers(Region) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Returns a set of the members in the distributed system that have the given region.
getMembers() - Method in interface
Returns a list of names/IDs of the members hosting the Region.
getMembershipAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
this API is scheduled to be removed
getMembershipAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the membershipAttributes property.
getMembershipAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
this API is scheduled to be removed
getMembershipID() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.wan.EventSequenceID
getMembershipPortRange() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the membership-port-range property of the Distributed System.
getMembershipPortRange() - Method in class
getMemberTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the member-timeout millisecond value used in failure-detection protocols
getMemberTimeout() - Method in class
getMemberUpTime() - Method in interface
Returns the number of seconds that this member has been running.
getMessage() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.Alert
The alert's message
getMessageSyncInterval() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Gets the frequency (in seconds) at which a message will be sent by the primary cache-server to all the secondary cache-server nodes to remove the events which have already been dispatched from the queue.
getMessageSyncInterval() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the messageSyncInterval property.
getMessageTimeToLive() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Returns the time (in seconds ) after which a message in the client queue will expire.
getMessageTimeToLive() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Returns the time (in seconds ) after which a message in the client queue will expire.
getMessageTimeToLive() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Gets the value of the messageTimeToLive property.
getMessageTimeToLive() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Returns the time (in seconds ) after which a message in the client queue will expire.
getMessageTimeToLive() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
getMessageTimeToLive() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
getMessageTimeToLive() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
getMessageTimeToLive() - Method in interface
Returns the time (in seconds) after which a message in the client queue will expire.
getMethodAuthorizer() - Method in class
Gets the value of the methodAuthorizer property.
getMinConnections() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Get the minimum connections for this pool.
getMinConnections() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the minConnections property.
getMinHitRatio() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheHealthConfig
Returns the minimum hit ratio of a healthy cache member.
getMirrorType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
as of 5.0, you should use getDataPolicy instead
getMirrorType() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the mirrorType property.
getMirrorType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
as of GemFire 5.0, use RegionAttributes.getDataPolicy() instead.
getMissCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the MissCount obtained from this region's statistics.
getMissCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheStatistics
Returns the number of times that Region.get on the region or the entry was called and there was no value found locally.
getMissCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of times that a cache miss occurred.
getMissCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of times that a cache miss occurred.
getMissingPersistentMembers() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Retrieve the set of persistent files that the existing members are waiting for.
getMissingRoles() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAccessException
Returns the missing required roles that caused this exception.
getMulticastEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns true if multicast communications are enabled for this region.
getMultiuserAuthentication() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns true if multiuser mode is enabled on this pool.
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Retrieves display friendly name for this system.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AlertLevel
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ConfigurationParameter
Gets the identifying name of this configuration parameter.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.Statistic
Gets the identifying name of this statistic.
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.StatisticResource
Gets the identifying name of this resource.
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Retrieves display friendly name for this member.
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
The name of the cache.
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the name that identifies this region in its cache.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberType
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Get the name of the connection pool
getName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding.ConfigProperty
Gets the value of the configPropertyName property.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ParameterType
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes.RequiredRole
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Get the name of the DiskStore
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Returns the name of this cache.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteCQOperationContext
Return the name of the continuous query.
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionResolver
Returns the name of the PartitionResolver
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqQuery
Get the name of the CQ.
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Index
Returns the unique name of this index
getName() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexType
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the name of this region.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.StringPrefixPartitionResolver
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember
Returns this member's name.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Returns the name of this connection to the distributed system.
getName() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Command
Gets the name of the Locator launcher command.
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.Role
Returns the name of this role.
getName() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Command
Gets the name of the Server launcher command.
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the client.
getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the DiskStore.
getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the LockService.
getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the Region.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the partition.
getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the lock service.
getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of this member.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the operating system.
getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the Region.
getName() - Method in enum
getName() - Method in enum
getName() - Method in enum
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticDescriptor
Returns the name of this statistic
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsType
Returns the name of this statistics type
getNetLoadsAverageLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the net load average latency.
getNetSearchAverageLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the net search average latency.
getNewDistributedSystemID() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.TimestampedEntryEvent
getNewTimestamp() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.TimestampedEntryEvent
getNewValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.EntryEvent
Returns the value in the cache after this event.
getNewValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.EntryOperation
getNewValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqEvent
Get the new value of the modification.
getNotifyBySubscription() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Answers whether or not this cache server should notify clients based on key subscription.
getNotifyBySubscription() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Answers whether or not this cache server should notify clients based on key subscription.
getNotifyBySubscription() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
as of 6.0.1. This method is no more in use, by default notifyBySubscription attribute is set to true.
getNumberOfBucketIndexes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexStatistics
Returns the number of bucket indexes created in the Partitioned Region
getNumberOfKeys() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexStatistics
Returns the number of keys in this index.
getNumberOfMapIndexKeys() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexStatistics
Returns the number of keys in this index at the highest level
getNumberOfMembersExecutedOn() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns the total number of members on which command is executed.
getNumberOfValues() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexStatistics
Returns the number of values in this index.
getNumberOfValues(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexStatistics
Return the number of values for the specified key in this index.
getNumBucket() - Method in class
Returns the number of buckets allowed for the partition.
getNumBuckets() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes.FixedPartitionAttributes
Gets the value of the numBuckets property.
getNumBuckets() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.FixedPartitionAttributes
Returns the number of buckets allowed for the partition.
getNumBucketsWithoutRedundancy() - Method in interface
Returns the number of buckets without full redundancy.
getNumBucketsWithoutRedundancy() - Method in interface
Returns the number of buckets without full redundancy.
getNumClientNotificationRequests() - Method in interface
Returns the number of cache client notification requests.
getNumClients() - Method in interface
Returns the number of connected clients.
getNumericId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Gets the number associated with this instance that helps identify it.
getNumExecutions() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryStatistics
Returns the total number of times the query has been executed.
getNumGateways() - Method in interface
Returns the number of client virtual machines connected and acting as a gateway.
getNumInitialImagesInProgress() - Method in interface
Returns the number of initial images in progress.
getNumOfCacheListenerCalls() - Method in class
Returns the number of times a cache listener call has completed.
getNumOfGets() - Method in class
Returns the number of times a successful get operation has occurred.
getNumOfMisses() - Method in class
Returns the number of times a cache miss has occurred.
getNumOfPuts() - Method in class
Returns the number of times an entry was added or replaced in this cache as a result of a local operation.
getNumOfThreads() - Method in class
Returns the number of threads currently in use.
getNumRunningFunctions() - Method in interface
Returns the number of map-reduce jobs currently running on all members in the distributed system.
getNumRunningFunctions() - Method in interface
Returns the number of currently executing functions.
getNumRunningFunctionsHavingResults() - Method in interface
Returns the number of currently executing functions that will return results.
getNumSubscriptions() - Method in interface
Returns the number of clients who have existing subscriptions.
getNumSubscriptions() - Method in interface
Returns the number of subscriptions for all members.
getNumThreads() - Method in interface
Returns the number of threads in use.
getNumUpdates() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexStatistics
Return the total number of times this index has been updated
getNumVoidRemovals() - Method in class
getObject() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.GetOperationContext
Get the value of this get operation.
getObject() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstance
Deserializes and returns the domain object that this instance represents.
getObjectName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.Agent
Returns the ObjectName of the JMX management bean that represents this agent or null if this Agent has not been started.
getObjectSizer() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
An ObjectSizer is used by the EvictionAlgorithm.LRU_MEMORY algorithm to measure the size of each Entry as it is entered into a Region.
getOffHeap() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns whether or not this region uses off-heap memory.
getOffHeap() - Method in class
Returns true if the region uses off-heap memory.
getOffHeapCompactionTime() - Method in interface
Returns the total time spent compacting in milliseconds.
getOffHeapFragmentation() - Method in interface
Returns the percentage of off-heap memory fragmentation.
getOffHeapFreeMemory() - Method in interface
Returns the size of available (or unallocated) off-heap memory in bytes.
getOffHeapMaxMemory() - Method in interface
Returns the size of the maximum configured off-heap memory in bytes.
getOffHeapObjects() - Method in interface
Returns the number of off heap objects.
getOffHeapUsedMemory() - Method in interface
Returns the size of utilized off-heap memory in bytes.
getOfflineDiskStores() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.BackupStatus
Returns the set of disk stores that were known to be offline at the time of the backup.
getOfflineDiskStores() - Method in interface
Returns a list of directories for the disk stores that were off-line at the time the backup occurred.
getOfflineMembers() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.PartitionOfflineException
Retrieve the set of disk directories which are known to hold data for the missing buckets, but are not online.
getOldDistributedSystemID() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.TimestampedEntryEvent
getOldTimestamp() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.TimestampedEntryEvent
getOldValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.EntryEvent
Returns the value in the cache prior to this event.
getOldValue() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.EntryExistsException
Returns the old existing value that caused this exception.
getOnlineLocators() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns an unmodifiable list of InetSocketAddress of the locators this pool is using.
getOpenFileDescriptorCount() - Method in class
Returns the current number of open file descriptors..
getOperation() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheEvent
Returns the actual operation that caused this event.
getOperation() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheEvent
Return a description of the operation that triggered this event.
getOperation() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.EntryOperation
getOperation() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.GatewayEvent
Returns the Operation that triggered this event.
getOperation() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayQueueEvent
Returns the Operation that triggered this event.
getOperation() - Method in class
Returns the operation, could be either ALL, NULL, MANAGE, WRITE or READ
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.CloseCQOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.DestroyOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteCQOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteFunctionOperationContext
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.GetDurableCQsOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.GetOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InvalidateOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeySetOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext
Return the operation code associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutAllOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.QueryOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegionClearOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegionCreateOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegionDestroyOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegionOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegisterInterestOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RemoveAllOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.StopCQOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
getOperationCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.UnregisterInterestOperationContext
Return the operation associated with the OperationContext object.
GetOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
GetOperationContext(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.GetOperationContext
Constructor for the operation.
getOperationString() - Method in class
Returns the operation, could be either "*", "NULL", "MANAGE", "WRITE" or "READ"
getOptions() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Command
Gets a set of valid options that can be used with the Locator launcher command when used from the command-line.
getOptions() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Command
Gets a set of valid options that can be used with the Server launcher command when used from the command-line.
getOpType() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutOperationContext
Return whether the operation is a create or update or unknown.
getOrderPolicy() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
Returns the order policy followed while dispatching the events to AsyncEventListener.
getOrderPolicy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of the orderPolicy property.
getOrderPolicy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Gets the value of the orderPolicy property.
getOrderPolicy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the orderPolicy property.
getOrderPolicy() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns the order policy followed while dispatching the events to remote ds.
getOrderPolicy() - Method in interface
Returns the order policy followed while dispatching the events to remote distributed system.
getOrderPolicy() - Method in interface
Returns the order policy followed while dispatching the events to remote distributed system.
getOrdinal() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestResultPolicy
Returns the ordinal value.
getOutgoingGateways() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getOutoforderBatchesReceived() - Method in interface
Returns the number of batches which have been received out of order.
getOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayTransportFilter
getOverflowDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Gets the value of the overflowDirectory property.
getOverflowDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType.ClientSubscription
Gets the value of the overflowDirectory property.
getOverflowDirectory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ClientSubscriptionConfig
getOverflowDiskStoreName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the disk store that is used for persistence.
getOverflowDiskStoreName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the disk store that is used for persistence.
getOwner() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.StatisticResource
Returns a display string of the SystemMember owning this resource.
getParameters() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DeclarableType
Gets the value of the parameter property.
getParameters() - Method in class
Gets the value of the parameter property.
getParameterValue() - Method in class
Gets the value of the parameter-value property.
getParent() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
getParentRegion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Gets the parent region of this region.
getParentRegion() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the parent Region.
getParentRegion() - Method in interface
The name of the parent Region or null if the Region has no parent.
getPartitionAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the PartitionAttributes for the region.
getPartitionAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the partitionAttributes property.
getPartitionAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns the PartitionAttributes that configure how the region is partitioned.
getPartitionListeners() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Gets the value of the partitionListener property.
getPartitionListeners() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes
Returns array of PartitionListener{s} configured on this partitioned region
getPartitionListeners() - Method in class
Returns a list of Classes that are configured as listeners for the Region.
getPartitionMemberDetailsAfter() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns a Set of detailed information about each member that had rebalancable resources at the time that the rebalance completed.
getPartitionMemberDetailsBefore() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns a Set of detailed information about each member that had rebalancable resources at the time that the rebalance started.
getPartitionMemberInfo() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionInfo
Returns an immutable set of PartitionMemberInfo representing every member that is configured to provide storage space to the partitioned region.
getPartitionName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes.FixedPartitionAttributes
Gets the value of the partitionName property.
getPartitionName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.FixedPartitionAttributes
Returns the name of the fixed partition.
getPartitionName(EntryOperation<K, V>, Set<String>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.FixedPartitionResolver
This method is used to get the name of the partition for the given entry operation.
getPartitionRebalanceDetails() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceResults
Returns a Set of detailed information about each partitioned region that was rebalanced.
getPartitionRegionCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of Partition Regions present in the Cache.
getPartitionRegionInfo(Cache) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionHelper
Gathers a set of details about all partitioned regions in the local Cache.
getPartitionRegionInfo(Region<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionHelper
Gathers details about the specified partitioned region.
getPartitionResolver() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Gets the value of the partitionResolver property.
getPartitionResolver() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes
Returns the PartitionResolver set for custom partitioning
getPartitionResolver() - Method in class
Returns a list of Classes that are configured as resolvers for the Region.
getPassword() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the password property.
getPassword() - Method in class
getPdx() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the pdx property.
getPDXDeserializationAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average time, in seconds, spent deserializing PDX instanced.
getPDXDeserializationRate() - Method in interface
Returns the instantaneous rate of PDX instance deserialization.
getPdxDiskStore() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Returns the disk store used for PDX meta data
getPdxIgnoreUnreadFields() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Returns true if fields that are not read during PDX deserialization should be ignored during the PDX serialization.
getPdxPersistent() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Returns true if the PDX metadata for this cache is persistent
getPdxReadSerialized() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Returns whether { @link PdxInstance} is preferred for PDX types instead of Java object.
getPdxSerializer() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
Gets the value of the pdxSerializer property.
getPdxSerializer() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Returns the PdxSerializer used by this cache, or null if no PDX serializer is defined.
getPendingEventCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns the approximate number of pending subscription events maintained at server for this durable client pool at the time it (re)connected to the server.
getPermissions() - Method in class
getPersistBackup() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns whether or not a persistent backup should be made of the region (as opposed to just writing the overflow data to disk).
getPersistBackup() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory.Config
Returns true if the factory is persisted to disk; false if not.
getPersistBackup() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
as of GemFire 5.0, use DataPolicy.PERSISTENT_REPLICATE instead
getPid() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Gets the user-specified process ID (PID) of the running GemFire service that AbstractLauncher implementations can use to determine status, or stop the service.
getPid() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets the process ID of the running GemFire service if known, otherwise returns null.
getPid() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Gets the process ID (PID) of the running Locator indicated by the user as an argument to the LocatorLauncher.
getPid() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets the user-specified process ID (PID) of the running Locator that LocatorLauncher uses to issue status and stop commands to the Locator.
getPid() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Gets the process ID (PID) of the running Server indicated by the user as an argument to the ServerLauncher.
getPid() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets the user-specified process ID (PID) of the running Server that ServerLauncher uses to issue status and stop commands to the Server.
getPingInterval() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Get the ping interval for this pool.
getPingInterval() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the pingInterval property.
getPoolName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DynamicRegionFactoryType
Gets the value of the poolName property.
getPoolName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the poolName property.
getPoolName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory.Config
Returns the name of the Pool associated with the dynamic region factory.
getPoolName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns the name of the Pool that this region will use to communicate with servers, if any.
getPoolName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DurableClientAttributes
getPoolName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the Pool that this Region will use to communicate with servers, if any.
getPools() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the pool property.
getPoolStats() - Method in class
getPort() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributionLocatorConfig
Returns the port on which ths distribution locator listens for members to connect.
getPort() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Returns the port on which this cache server listens for bridge clients to connect.
getPort() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Returns the port on which this cache server listens for clients to connect.
getPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.proxy.SniProxySocketFactory
getPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayEndpoint
Gets the value of the port property.
getPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Gets the value of the port property.
getPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType.Locator
Gets the value of the port property.
getPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType.Server
Gets the value of the port property.
getPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Gets the value of the port property.
getPort() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Returns the port on which this cache server listens for clients.
getPort() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Returns the port on which this GatewayReceiver listens for clients.
getPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets the port for the process and its service.
getPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
Returns the port on which this locator runs
getPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Gets the port number used by the Locator to listen for client requests.
getPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets the port number on which the Locator listens for client requests.
getPort() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
getPort() - Method in interface
Returns the port on which this CacheServer listens for clients.
getPort() - Method in interface
Returns the port the receiver is listening on.
getPort() - Method in interface
Returns the port on which this Locator listens for connections.
getPortAsString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets the port number represented as a String value.
getPossibleDuplicate() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEvent
Returns whether possibleDuplicate is set for this event.
getPossibleDuplicate() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.GatewayEvent
Returns whether this event is a possible duplicate.
getPrimaryBucketCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of primary buckets on this member.
getPrimaryBucketCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of primary buckets on this member.
getPrimaryCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionMemberInfo
The number of hosted buckets for which the member is hosting the primary copy.
getPrimaryMemberForKey(Region<K, V>, K) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionHelper
Get the current primary owner for a key.
getPrimaryTransfersCompleted() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns the number of primaries that were transferred for this region.
getPrimaryTransferTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns the time, in milliseconds, spent transferring primaries for this region.
getPrincipal() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionContext
If available, returns the principal that has been authenticated to execute this function.
getPrincipal() - Method in exception
Returns the principal for which authorization failed.
getProcessCpuTime() - Method in class
Returns the amount of time (in nanoseconds) used by the client process.
getProcessCpuTime() - Method in class
Returns the amount of time (in nanoseconds) used by the member's process.
getProcessId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember
Returns the process id for this member.
getProcessId() - Method in interface
Returns the operating system process ID.
getProductDirectory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntityConfig
Returns the name of the GemFire product directory to use when administering the managed entity.
getProjectionAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Index
Get the original projectionAttributes for this expression.
getProperties() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Returns the configuration properties.
getProperties() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets the GemFire Distributed System (cluster) Properties.
getProperties() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets the GemFire Distributed System (cluster) Properties.
getPropertiesFile() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Returns the current value of DistributedSystem.PROPERTIES_FILE_PROPERTY system property if set or the default value DistributedSystem.PROPERTIES_FILE_DEFAULT.
getPropertiesFileURL() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Gets an URL for the properties file, if one can be found, that the connect method will use as its properties file.
getPropertyFileURL() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
getPRSingleHopEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns true if single-hop optimisation is enabled on this pool.
getPublisher() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
as of 6.5
getPulseURL() - Method in interface
Returns the URL for connecting to the Pulse application.
getPutAllAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the cache putAll average latency.
getPutAllRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of putAlls per second.
getPutAllRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of putAlls per second.
getPutAllRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of putAlls per second.
getPutLocalRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of local puts per second.
getPutLocalRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of local puts per second.Only applicable for partitioned regions.
getPutRemoteAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average latency for remote puts.
getPutRemoteAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average latency for remote puts in nanoseconds.Only applicable for partitioned regions.
getPutRemoteLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the latency for the most recent remote put.
getPutRemoteLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the latency for the most recent remote put in nanoseconds.Only applicable for partitioned regions.
getPutRemoteRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of remote puts per second.
getPutRemoteRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of remote puts per second.Only applicable for partitioned regions.
getPutRequestAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average put request latency.
getPutRequestAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average put request latency.
getPutRequestRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of put requests.
getPutRequestRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of put requests.
getPutsAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the cache put average latency.
getPutsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of puts per second.
getPutsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of puts per second.
getPutsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the number of puts per second.
getQuery() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.QueryOperationContext
Return the query string of this query operation.
getQuery() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqQuery
Get the query object generated for this CQs query.
getQueryCollectionsDepth() - Method in interface
Number of elements in a collection to be shown in queryData operation if query results contain collections like Map, List etc.
getQueryOperation() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqEvent
Get the operation on the query results.
getQueryParams() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.QueryOperationContext
Get the bind parameters for the query
getQueryRequestRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of queries.
getQueryRequestRate() - Method in interface
Returns the average number of queries per second across all distributed members.
getQueryResult() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.QueryOperationContext
Get the result of the query execution.
getQueryResultSetLimit() - Method in interface
Number of rows DistributedSystemMXBean.queryData() operation will return.
getQueryService(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCache
Return the QueryService for the named pool.
getQueryService() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns the QueryService for this Pool.
getQueryService() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionService
Return the QueryService for this region service.
getQueryString() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqQuery
Get the original query string that was specified with CQ.
getQueryString() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Query
Return the original query string that was specified in the constructor.
getQueueLoad() - Method in interface
Returns the load from queues as reported by the load probe installed in this server.
getQueueLoad() - Method in interface
Returns the load from queues as reported by the load probe installed in this server.
getQueueSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Gets the value of the queueSize property.
getQueueSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Returns the maximum number of operations that can be asynchronously queued to be written to disk.
getQueueSize() - Method in class
Returns the client queue size.
getQueueSize() - Method in class
getQueueSize() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum number of operations that can be asynchronously queued for saving to disk.
getRawBits(StatisticDescriptor) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Returns the bits that represent the raw value of the described statistic.
getRawBits(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Returns the bits that represent the raw value of the named statistic.
getRawText() - Method in class org.apache.geode.i18n.StringId
Accessor for the raw (unformatted) text of this StringId
getReadLockCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexStatistics
Return number of read locks taken on this index
getReadTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns the read timeout of this pool.
getReadTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the readTimeout property.
getRebalance() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Determines whether a rebalance operation on the cache will occur upon starting the GemFire server.
getRebalanceOperations() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager
Returns a set of all active RebalanceOperations that were started locally on this member.
getRebalancesInProgress() - Method in interface
Returns current number of cache rebalance operations being directed by this process.
getReconnectedCache() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Returns the new Cache if there was an auto-reconnect and the cache was recreated.
getReconnectedSystem() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Returns the new DistributedSystem if there was an auto-reconnect
getRecoveryDelay() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Gets the value of the recoveryDelay property.
getRecoveryDelay() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes
Returns the delay in milliseconds that existing members will wait before satisfying redundancy after another member crashes.
getRecoveryDelay() - Method in class
Returns the delay (in milliseconds) that a member will wait while trying to satisfy the redundancy of data hosted on other members.
getRedirectOutput() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Determines whether the new instance of LocatorLauncher will redirect output to system logs when starting a Locator.
getRedirectOutput() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Determines whether the new instance of ServerLauncher will redirect output to system logs when starting a Server.
getRedundancyZone() - Method in class
getRedundancyZone() - Method in interface
Returns the redundancy-zone of the member;
getRedundantCopies() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Gets the value of the redundantCopies property.
getRedundantCopies() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes
The number of Backups for an entry in PartitionedRegion.
getRedundantCopies() - Method in class
Returns the number of redundant copies for this PartitionedRegion.
getRedundantMembersForKey(Region<K, V>, K) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionHelper
Get all potential redundant owners for a key.
getRefid() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the refid property.
getRefreshInterval() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the refreshInterval in seconds used for auto-polling and updating AdminDistributedSystem constituents including SystemMember, CacheServer, SystemMemberCache and StatisticResource
getRegion(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Return the existing region (or subregion) with the specified path that already exists in the cache.
getRegion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Returns the Region whose attributes this mutator affects.
getRegion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheEvent
Returns the region to which this cached object belongs or the region that raised this event for RegionEvents.
getRegion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.EntryOperation
Returns the region to which this cached object belongs or the region that raised this event for RegionEvents.
getRegion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.InterestRegistrationEvent
Returns the region to which this interest belongs.
getRegion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.LoaderHelper
Returns the region to which the entry belongs.
getRegion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Index
The Region this index is on
getRegion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region.Entry
Returns the region that contains this entry.
getRegion() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionExistsException
Return the Region that already exists which prevented region creation.
getRegion(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionService
Return the existing region (or subregion) with the specified path.
getRegion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.GatewayEvent
Returns the Region associated with this GatewayEvent.
getRegion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayQueueEvent
Returns the Region associated with this AsyncEvent
getRegionAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the regionAttributes property.
getRegionAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
getRegionAttributes(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Returns the RegionAttributes with the given id or null if no RegionAttributes with that id exists.
getRegionAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Returns the attributes used by this factory to create a region.
getRegionDistributedLock() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
For Scope.GLOBAL regions, gets a distributed lock on this whole region.
getRegionDistributionExceptions() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.CommitDistributionException
Returns set of RegionDistributionExceptions for each region that had a reliability failure during distribution of the operation.
getRegionFullPath() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionDestroyedException
getRegionFullPath() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionRoleException
Returns the full path of the region for which access was attempted.
getRegionIdleTime() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the regionIdleTime property.
getRegionIdleTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Gets the idleTimeout expiration attributes for the region as a whole.
getRegionIdleTimeout() - Method in class
Returns the idle timeout expiration for the Region.
getRegionIdleTimeoutAction() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the RegionIdleTimeout action in this region's attributes.
getRegionIdleTimeoutTimeLimit() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the RegionIdleTimeout time limit in this region's attributes.
getRegionMBeanName(DistributedMember, String) - Method in class
Returns the object name of the RegionMBean representing a region.
getRegionName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.InterestRegistrationEvent
Returns the name of the region to which this interest event belongs.
getRegionName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteFunctionOperationContext
getRegionName() - Method in class
use getTarget()
getRegionNames() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.QueryOperationContext
Get the names of regions that are part of the query string.
getRegionPath() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegionEvent
Returns the full path of the region the event was done on.
getRegionPath() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns the full path of the partitioned region that these details describe.
getRegionPath() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionInfo
Returns the full path of the partitioned region that this object describes.
getRegions() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the region property.
getRegions() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
Gets the list of the sub regions Currently, users can not create regions with sub regions using management v2 api.
getRegionService() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the cache associated with this region.
getRegionService() - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter
getRegionService() - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Returns the cache that this serializer is installed on.
getRegionStatus(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
For internal use only
getRegionStatuses() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getRegionTimeToLive() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the regionTimeToLive property.
getRegionTimeToLive() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Gets the timeToLive expiration attributes for the region as a whole.
getRegionTimeToLive() - Method in class
Returns the time to live expiration for the Region.
getRegionTimeToLiveAction() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the RegionTimeToLive action in this region's attributes.
getRegionTimeToLiveTimeLimit() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the RegionTimeToLive time limit in this region's attributes.
getRegionType() - Method in interface
Returns the type (data policy) of the Region.
getRegionType() - Method in interface
Returns the type (data policy) of the Region.
getRegisteredCQCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of registered CQs.
getRegisteredCQCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of CQs registers on all members.
getRegisteredFunctions() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService
Returns all locally registered functions
getRegisterInterest() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory.Config
Returns true if the region will register interest in all keys of a corresponding server cache region
getReleaseVersion() - Method in interface
returns only the version string
getRemoteCommand() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Retrieves the remote command and formatting this system should use to access and/or manipulate resources on remote machines.
getRemoteCommand() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the remote command setting to use for remote administration
getRemoteCommand() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntityConfig
Returns the command prefix used to administer a managed entity that is hosted on a remote machine.
getRemoteDistributedSystemId() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the remoteDistributedSystemId property.
getRemoteDSId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns the id of the remote GatewayReceiver's DistributedSystem.
getRemoteDSId() - Method in interface
Returns the id of the remote GatewayReceiver's DistributedSystem.
getReplyWaitsCompleted() - Method in interface
Returns total number of times waits for a reply have completed.
getReplyWaitsInProgress() - Method in interface
Returns current number of threads waiting for a reply.
getRequiredPermissions(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Function
Returns the list of ResourcePermission this function requires.
getRequiredPermissions(String, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Function
Returns the list of ResourcePermission this function requires.
getRequiredRoles() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes
Gets the value of the requiredRole property.
getRequiredRoles() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes
Returns the set of Roles that are required for the reliability of this region.
getRequiredRoles() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RoleEvent
Returns the required roles that were lost or gained because of this event.
getRequiredRoles() - Method in class
Returns the set of Roles that are required for the reliability of this region.
getResolvedObj() - Method in exception
Returns NamingException.getResolvedObj() if the cause is a NamingException.
getResource() - Method in class
Returns the resource, could be either ALL, NULL, DATA or CLUSTER
getResourceManager() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the resourceManager property.
getResourceManager() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Returns the ResourceManager for managing this cache's resources.
getResourceString() - Method in class
could be either "*", "NULL", "DATA", "CLUSTER"
getRestoreRedundancyFutures() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager
Returns a set of all active restore redundancy futures that were started locally on this member.
getResult() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.ResultCollector
Method used to pull results from the ResultCollector.
getResult(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.ResultCollector
Method used to pull results from the ResultCollector.
getResult() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteFunctionOperationContext
getResults() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceOperation
Wait for this operation to complete and return the results.
getResults(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceOperation
Wait for this operation to complete and return the results.
getResultSender() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionContext
Returns the ResultSender which is used to add the ability for an execute method to send a single result back, or break its result into multiple pieces and send each piece back to the calling thread's ResultCollector.
getResumptionAction() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes
Gets the value of the resumptionAction property.
getResumptionAction() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes
Returns the resumption action that describes behavior when
getResumptionAction() - Method in class
Returns the policy that describes the action to take when resuming from missing roles.
getRetryAttempts() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Get the retry attempts for this pool.
getRetryAttempts() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the retryAttempts property.
getRmiBindAddress() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns the bind address to which the RMI adapter's listening sockets are bound.
getRmiPort() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns the port of the RMI adapter.
getRmiServerPort() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns the port of the RMI Connector Server.
getRoles() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Returns the names of the membership roles filled by this member.
getRoles() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember
Roles is scheduled to be removed
getRoles() - Method in class
getRoles() - Method in class
getRollOplogs() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes
Gets the value of the rollOplogs property.
getRootCause() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.GemFireCheckedException
Returns the root cause of this GemFireCheckedException or null if the cause is nonexistent or unknown.
getRootCause() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.GemFireException
Returns the root cause of this GemFireException or null if the cause is nonexistent or unknown.
getRootRegionNames() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Returns the names of all the root regions currently in this cache.
getRootRegionNames() - Method in interface
Returns a list of all root Region names.
getRoutingObject(EntryOperation<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionResolver
getRoutingObject(EntryOperation<String, Object>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.StringPrefixPartitionResolver
Returns the prefix of the String key that precedes the first "|" in the key.
getScope() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
/** Returns the Scope in this region's attributes.
getScope() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the scope property.
getScope() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns the scope of the region.
getScope() - Method in class
Returns the scope.
getSearchTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Gets the number of seconds a cache get operation can spend searching for a value before it times out.
getSearchTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Gets the number of seconds a cache get operation can spend searching for a value before it times out.
getSearchTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the searchTimeout property.
getSecurableCommunicationChannel() - Method in class
getSecurityClientAccessor() - Method in class
getSecurityClientAccessorPP() - Method in class
getSecurityClientAuthenticator() - Method in class
getSecurityClientAuthInit() - Method in class
getSecurityClientDHAlgo() - Method in class
getSecurityLogFile() - Method in class
getSecurityLogger() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Gets the security logging object for GemFire.
getSecurityLoggerI18n() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
as of 6.5 use getSecurityLogger().convertToLogWriterI18n() instead
getSecurityLogLevel() - Method in class
getSecurityLogWriter() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
getSecurityPeerAuthenticator() - Method in class
getSecurityPeerAuthInit() - Method in class
getSecurityPeerMembershipTimeout() - Method in class
getSecurityProperties() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Returns the security specific configuration properties.
getSecurityPropertiesFile() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Returns the current value of DistributedSystem.SECURITY_PROPERTIES_FILE_PROPERTY system property if set or the default value DistributedSystem.SECURITY_PROPERTIES_FILE_DEFAULT.
getSecurityPropertiesFileURL() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Gets an URL for the security properties file, if one can be found, that the connect method will use as its properties file.
getSenderId() - Method in interface
Returns the ID of the GatewaySender.
getSequenceID() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.wan.EventSequenceID
getSerializationAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average time (in nanoseconds) spent serializing objects.
getSerializationLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average latency (in nanoseconds) spent serializing objects.
getSerializationRate() - Method in interface
Returns the instantaneous rate of serializing objects.
getSerializationRegistration() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the serializationRegistration property.
getSerializedNewValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.EntryEvent
Returns the serialized form of the value in the cache after this event.
getSerializedOldValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.EntryEvent
Returns the serialized form of the value in the cache before this event.
getSerializedValue() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyValueOperationContext
Get the serialized value for this operation.
getSerializedValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.SerializedCacheValue
Returns the raw byte[] that represents this cache value.
getSerializedValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.GatewayEvent
Returns the serialized form of the value associated with this event.
getSerializedValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayQueueEvent
Returns the serialized form of the value associated with this event.
getSerializers() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType
Gets the value of the serializer property.
getServer() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Return the underlying Cacheserver
getServerBindAddress() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the IP address to which client/server server sockets are bound
getServerBindAddress() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Gets the IP address to which the Server will be bound listening for and accepting cache client connections in a client/server topology.
getServerBindAddress() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets the IP address to which the Server is bound listening for and accepting cache client connections.
getServerBindAddress() - Method in class
getServerBindAddressAsString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets the host, as either hostname or IP address, on which the Server was bound and running.
getServerConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns the server connection timeout of this pool.
getServerConnectionTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the serverConnectionTimeout property.
getServerGroup() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns the server group of this pool.
getServerGroup() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the serverGroup property.
getServerGroup() - Method in class
getServerPidFile() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets a File reference with the path to the PID file for the Server.
getServerPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getServerPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Gets the port on which the Server will listen for and accept cache client connections in a client/server topology.
getServerPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets the port on which the Server is listening for cache client connections.
getServerPortAsString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets the server port on which the Server is listening for client requests represented as a String value.
getServers() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns an unmodifiable list of InetSocketAddress of the servers this pool is using.
getServers() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the server property.
getServerSSLAlias() - Method in class
getServerSSLCiphers() - Method in class
getServerSSLKeyStore() - Method in class
getServerSSLKeyStorePassword() - Method in class
getServerSSLKeyStoreType() - Method in class
getServerSSLProtocols() - Method in class
getServerSSLTrustStore() - Method in class
getServerSSLTrustStorePassword() - Method in class
getServerState() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets the ServerState for this process or null if this process was not launched using this VM's ServerLauncher reference .
getServiceLocation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets the location of the GemFire service (usually the host in combination with the port).
getServiceName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Gets the name of the GemFire service.
getServiceName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets the name of the GemFire service.
getServiceName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets the name for a GemFire Locator.
getServiceName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.LocatorState
getServiceName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets the name for a GemFire Server.
getServiceName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.ServerState
getServiceNamed(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
Look up and return the DistributedLockService with the given name, if it has been created in this VM.
getSeverity() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AlertLevel
getSimpleClassName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.ObjectType
getSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionMemberInfo
The total size in bytes of memory being used by the member for storage of actual data in the partitioned region.
getSnapshotService() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Obtains the snapshot service to allow the cache data to be imported or exported.
getSnapshotService() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Obtains the snapshot service to allow the cache data to be imported or exported.
getSnmpBindAddress() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns the bind address used with the SNMP adapter.
getSnmpDirectory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns the directory for the SNMP adapater.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Returns the configured buffer size of the socket connection for this BridgeServer.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Returns the configured buffer size of the socket connection for this CacheServer.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns the socket buffer size of this pool.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Gets the value of the socketBufferSize property.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Gets the value of the socketBufferSize property.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the socketBufferSize property.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
Gets the value of the socketBufferSize property.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the socketBufferSize property.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Gets the value of the socketBufferSize property.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Returns the configured buffer size of the socket connection for this CacheServer.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Returns the configured buffer size of the socket connection for this GatewayReceiver.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns the configured buffer size of the socket connection between this GatewaySender and its receiving GatewayReceiver.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in interface
Returns the configured buffer size of the socket connection for this CacheServer.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in interface
Returns the configured buffer size of the socket connection.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in interface
Returns the configured buffer size of the socket connection between this GatewaySender and its receiving GatewayReceiver.
getSocketBufferSize() - Method in class
getSocketConnectTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns the socket connect timeout of this pool.
getSocketConnectTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the socketConnectTimeout property.
getSocketFactory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
The socket factory used by this pool to create socket connections to servers and locators.
getSocketLeaseTime() - Method in class
getSocketReadTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Gets the value of the socketReadTimeout property.
getSocketReadTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the socketReadTimeout property.
getSocketReadTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns the amount of time in milliseconds that a socket read between a sending GatewaySender and its receiving GatewayReceiver will block.
getSocketReadTimeout() - Method in interface
Returns the amount of time (in milliseconds) that a socket read between a sending GatewaySender and its receiving GatewayReceiver is allowed to block.
getSourceId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.Alert
The id of the source of the alert (such as a thread in a VM)
getSpringXmlLocation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Gets the location of the Spring XML configuration meta-data file used to bootstrap, configure and initialize the GemFire Server on start.
getSpringXmlLocation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets the location of the Spring XML configuration meta-data file used to bootstrap, configure and initialize the GemFire Server on start.
getSSLCiphers() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the value of the "ssl-ciphers" property.
getSSLCiphers() - Method in class
getSSLDefaultAlias() - Method in class
getSSLKeyStore() - Method in class
getSSLKeyStorePassword() - Method in class
getSSLKeyStoreType() - Method in class
getSSLProperties() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the provider-specific properties for SSL.
getSSLProtocols() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the value of the "ssl-protocols" property.
getSSLProtocols() - Method in class
getSSLTrustStore() - Method in class
getSSLTrustStorePassword() - Method in class
getSSLTrustStoreType() - Method in class
getSSLWebServiceRequireAuthentication() - Method in class
getStartDevRestApi() - Method in class
getStartLocator() - Method in class
getStartPort() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
Gets the value of the startPort property.
getStartPort() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Returns start value of the port range from which the GatewayReceiver's port will be chosen.
getStartPort() - Method in interface
Returns the configured start port.
getStartupPolicy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Gets the value of the startupPolicy property.
getStartupRecoveryDelay() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Gets the value of the startupRecoveryDelay property.
getStartupRecoveryDelay() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes
Returns the delay in milliseconds that a new member will wait before trying to satisfy redundancy of data hosted on other members.
getStartupRecoveryDelay() - Method in class
Returns the delay (in milliseconds) that a new member will wait while trying to satisfy the redundancy of data hosted on other members.
getStat(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Retrieves this members statistic resources.
getState() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqQuery
Get the state of the CQ in CqState object form.
getStateSaveFile() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns the name of the file to be used for saving agent state See description above.
getStatisticArchiveFile() - Method in class
getStatisticInterval() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Get the statistic interval for this pool.
getStatisticInterval() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the statisticInterval property.
getStatistics() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.StatisticResource
Returns a read-only array of every Statistic in this resource.
getStatistics() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Returns statistics related to this cache's performance.
getStatistics() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqQuery
Get statistics information for this CQ.
getStatistics() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Index
Get statistics information for this index.
getStatistics() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Query
Get statistics information for this query.
getStatistics() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region.Entry
Returns the statistics for this entry.
getStatistics() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the CacheStatistics for this region.
getStatistics() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsType
Returns descriptions of the statistics that this statistics type gathers together
getStatisticSampleRate() - Method in class
getStatisticsEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the StatisticsEnabled in this region's attributes.
getStatisticsEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns whether the statistics are enabled for this region and its entries.
getStats() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Retrieves this members statistic resources.
getStatus() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets the state of the GemFire service.
getStatusMessage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets description of the the service's current state.
getStatusMessage() - Method in interface
Returns the last set status message.
getString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ObjectType
Gets the value of the string property.
getStringTable() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAction
getStringTable() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
getStructType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Struct
Returns the StructType that describes the fields of this Struct.
getSubregion(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns a subregion with the specified name or null if doesn't exist.
getSubregionCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the number of subregions currently in this region.
getSubregionFullPaths() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the full path of each of the subregions of this region.
getSubregionNames() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the names of all the subregions of this region.
getSubRegionSnapshots() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
getSubscriberLoad() - Method in class
Returns the load on the server due to subscription connections.
getSubscriptionAckInterval() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns the subscription ack interval of this pool.
getSubscriptionAckInterval() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the subscriptionAckInterval property.
getSubscriptionAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the SubscriptionAttributes for the region.
getSubscriptionAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the subscriptionAttributes property.
getSubscriptionAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns the SubscriptionAttributes that configure how this region behaves as a subscriber to remote caches.
getSubscriptionConnectionCount() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerMetrics
Get the number of client subscription connections hosted on this cache server.
getSubscriptionConnectionLoad() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoad
Get the load on the server due to subscription connections.
getSubscriptionEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns the true if a server-to-client subscriptions are enabled on this pool.
getSubscriptionEnabled() - Method in class
getSubscriptionMessageTrackingTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns the subscription message tracking timeout of this pool.
getSubscriptionMessageTrackingTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the subscriptionMessageTrackingTimeout property.
getSubscriptionRedundancy() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Returns the subscription redundancy level of this pool.
getSubscriptionRedundancy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the subscriptionRedundancy property.
getSubscriptionTimeoutMultiplier() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
A server has an inactivity monitor that ensures a message is sent to a client at least once a minute (60,000 milliseconds).
getSubscriptionTimeoutMultiplier() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the subscriptionTimeoutMultiplier property.
getSubstituteValue(EntryEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter
Return the substitute value to be stored in the GatewayQueueEvent and enqueued in the RegionQueue
getSupportedClasses() - Method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Returns the Classes whose instances are data serialized by this DataSerializer.
getSynchronousWrites() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes
Gets the value of the synchronousWrites property.
getSystemDiskStoreCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of disks stores in the distributed system.
getSystemId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the string identity for the system
getSystemLoadAverage() - Method in class
Returns the system load average.
getSystemMember() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.Alert
The member of the distributed system that issued the alert, or null if the issuer is no longer a member of the distributed system.
getSystemMemberApplications() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Retrieves SystemMember instances for every application that is running and currently connection to this system.
getSystemName() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the optional non-unique name for the system
getSystemRegionEntryCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of entries in the Region.
getTarget() - Method in class
returns the regionName, or cluster target, could be "*", meaning all regions or all targets
getTcpNoDelay() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Get the outgoing connection tcp-no-delay setting.
getTcpPort() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the primary communication port number for the Distributed System.
getTcpPort() - Method in class
getTextId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Gets the text associated with this instance that helps identify it.
getThreadID() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.wan.EventSequenceID
getThreadLocalConnections() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Since Geode 1.10.0. Thread local connections are ignored. Will be removed in future major release. Now always returns false.
getThreadQueueSize() - Method in interface
Returns the current number of connections waiting for a thread to start processing their message.
getThreadQueueSize() - Method in interface
Returns the current number of connections waiting for a thread to start processing their message.
getThrowable() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqEvent
If an error occurred, return the Throwable, otherwise return null.
getTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRebalanceInfo
Returns the time, in milliseconds, that the rebalance operation took for this region.
getTimeInterval() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Gets the value of the timeInterval property.
getTimeInterval() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes.AsynchronousWrites
Gets the value of the timeInterval property.
getTimeInterval() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Returns the number of milliseconds that can elapse before unwritten data is written to disk.
getTimeInterval() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributes
as of 6.5 use DiskStore.getTimeInterval() instead.
getTimeInterval() - Method in interface
Returns the time (in milliseconds) that can elapse before unwritten data is saved to disk.
getTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesDetail
Gets the value of the timeout property.
getTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType
Gets the value of the timeout property.
getTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAttributes
Returns the number of seconds before a region or value expires.
getTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DurableClientAttributes
Returns the durable client's timeout.
getTimestamp() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
The date and time the GemFire service was last in this state.
getTotalBackupCompleted() - Method in class
Returns the number of backups of this DiskStore that have been completed.
getTotalBackupCompleted() - Method in interface
Returns the number of backups of this DiskStore that have been completed.
getTotalBackupCompleted() - Method in interface
Returns the number of backups that have been completed.
getTotalBackupInProgress() - Method in class
Returns the number of backups currently in progress on this DiskStore.
getTotalBackupInProgress() - Method in interface
Returns the number of backups currently in progress on this DiskStore.
getTotalBackupInProgress() - Method in interface
Returns the number of backups currently in progress for all disk stores.
getTotalBackupInProgress() - Method in interface
Returns the number of backups currently in progress for all disk stores.
getTotalBatchesRedistributed() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of batches of events that were resent.
getTotalBucketCount() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of buckets.
getTotalBucketCreateBytes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceResults
Returns the total size, in bytes, of all of the buckets that were created as part of the rebalance operation.
getTotalBucketCreatesCompleted() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceResults
Returns the total number of buckets created during the rebalance operation.
getTotalBucketCreateTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceResults
Returns the total time, in milliseconds, taken to create buckets.
getTotalBucketSize() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of entries in all buckets.
getTotalBucketSize() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of entries in all buckets.
getTotalBucketTransferBytes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceResults
Returns the total size, in bytes, of buckets that were transferred.
getTotalBucketTransfersCompleted() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceResults
Returns the total number of buckets transferred.
getTotalBucketTransferTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceResults
Returns the total amount of time, in milliseconds, it took to transfer buckets.
getTotalBytesOnDisk() - Method in class
Returns the total number of bytes of space that have been used.
getTotalBytesOnDisk() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of bytes of space this DiskStore has used.
getTotalConnectionsTimedOut() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of client connections that timed out and were closed.
getTotalConnectionsTimedOut() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of client connections that timed out and were closed.
getTotalDiskEntriesInVM() - Method in interface
Returns the current number of entries held in memory.
getTotalDiskEntriesInVM() - Method in interface
Returns the current number of entries held in memory.
getTotalDiskTasksWaiting() - Method in interface
Returns the current number of disk tasks (op-log compaction, asynchronous recovery, etc.) that are waiting for a thread to run.
getTotalDiskUsage() - Method in interface
Returns the number of bytes used on all disks.
getTotalDiskUsage() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of bytes used on all disks.
getTotalDiskWritesProgress() - Method in interface
Returns the current number of disk writes in progress.
getTotalDiskWritesProgress() - Method in interface
Returns the current number of disk writes in progress.
getTotalEntriesOnlyOnDisk() - Method in interface
Returns the current number of entries whose values are only on disk (not in memory).
getTotalEntriesOnlyOnDisk() - Method in interface
Returns the current number of entries whose values are only on disk (not in memory).
getTotalEventsConflated() - Method in interface
Returns the number of events received, but not added to the event queue, because the queue already contains an event with the same key.
getTotalExecutionTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryStatistics
Returns the total amount of time (in nanoseconds) spent executing the query.
getTotalFailedConnectionAttempts() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of client connection requests that failed.
getTotalFailedConnectionAttempts() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of client connection requests that failed.
getTotalFileDescriptorOpen() - Method in interface
Returns the current number of open file descriptors.
getTotalHeapSize() - Method in interface
Returns the total available heap (in megabytes) across all distributed members.
getTotalHitCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of times that a hit occurred for all regions.
getTotalHitCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of times that a hit occurred for all regions.
getTotalIndexMaintenanceTime() - Method in interface
Returns the total time spent updating indexes due to changes in the data.
getTotalLoadsCompleted() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of times that a load on this cache has completed, as a result of either a local get or a remote net load.
getTotalLockWaitTime() - Method in interface
Returns the amount of time (in milliseconds) spent waiting for a lock.
getTotalMaxMemory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Gets the value of the totalMaxMemory property.
getTotalMaxMemory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes
since Geode 1.3.0
getTotalMaxMemory() - Method in class
Returns the maximum total size (in megabytes) of the Region.
getTotalMembersExecutedOn() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceResults
Returns the total number of members on which command is executed.
getTotalMissCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of times that a cache miss occurred for all regions.
getTotalMissCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of times that a cache miss occurred for all regions.
getTotalNetLoadsCompleted() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of times the a network load initiated by this cache has completed.
getTotalNetSearchCompleted() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of times that a network search initiated by this cache has completed.
getTotalNumberOfGrantors() - Method in interface
Returns the number of locks for which this member is a granter.
getTotalNumberOfLockService() - Method in interface
Returns the number of lock services in use.
getTotalNumBuckets() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Gets the value of the totalNumBuckets property.
getTotalNumBuckets() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes
This method returns total number of buckets for a PartitionedRegion.
getTotalNumBuckets() - Method in class
Returns the total number of buckets for the whole region.
getTotalPhysicalMemorySize() - Method in class
Returns the number of megabytes of memory available to the operating system.
getTotalPrimaryBucketCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of buckets for which this member is the primary holder.
getTotalPrimaryTransfersCompleted() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceResults
Returns the total number of primaries that were transferred.
getTotalPrimaryTransferTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceResults
Returns the total time, in milliseconds, spent transferring primaries.
getTotalQueueSize() - Method in interface
Returns the number of entries in the asynchronous queue waiting to be written to disk.
getTotalReceivedBytes() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of bytes received from clients.
getTotalReceivedBytes() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of bytes received from clients.
getTotalRecoveriesInProgress() - Method in interface
Returns the number of persistent regions currently being recovered from disk.
getTotalRegionCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of Regions.
getTotalRegionCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of Regions present in the Cache.
getTotalRegionEntryCount() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of entries in all regions.
getTotalRegionEntryCount() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of entries in all regions.
getTotalSentBytes() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of bytes sent to clients.
getTotalSentBytes() - Method in interface
Returns the total number of bytes sent to clients.
getTotalSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributes
use getTotalMaxMemory() instead
getTotalSwapSpaceSize() - Method in class
Returns the number of megabytes of swap space allocated.
getTotalThreads() - Method in class
Returns the number of threads in use.
getTotalTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceResults
Returns the total time, in milliseconds, that the rebalance operation took.
getTotalTransactionsCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of current transactions.
getTotalUpdateTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexStatistics
Returns the total amount of time (in nanoseconds) spent updating this index.
getTotalUses() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexStatistics
Returns the total number of times this index has been accessed by a query.
getTransactionCommitsAvgLatency() - Method in interface
Returns the average commit latency in nanoseconds .
getTransactionCommitsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the average number of transactions committed per second.
getTransactionCommitted() - Method in interface
Returns the number of committed transactions across all members.
getTransactionCommittedTotalCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of committed transactions.
getTransactionId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
Returns the transaction identifier for the current thread
getTransactionId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.EntryEvent
Gets the TransactionId for this EntryEvent.
getTransactionId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionEvent
Gets the TransactionId associated this TransactionEvent.
getTransactionListeners() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheTransactionManagerType
Gets the value of the transactionListeners property.
getTransactionRolledBack() - Method in interface
Returns the number of transactions that were rolled back across all members.
getTransactionRolledBackTotalCount() - Method in interface
Returns the number of transactions that were rolled back.
getTransactionType() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the transactionType property.
getTransactionWriter() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheTransactionManagerType
Gets the value of the transactionWriter property.
getType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.StatisticResource
Gets the classification type of this resource.
getType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Gets the type of SystemMemberType this member is.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding.ConfigProperty
Gets the value of the configPropertyType property.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Index
Get the index type
getType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticDescriptor
Returns the type of this statistic
getType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Gets the StatisticsType of this instance.
getUdpFragmentSize() - Method in class
getUdpRecvBufferSize() - Method in class
getUdpSendBufferSize() - Method in class
getUnconnectedServers() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getUniqueId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.StatisticResource
Returns an ID that uniquely identifies the resource within the SystemMember it belongs to.
getUniqueId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember
Returns an immutable unique identifier for this member.
getUniqueId() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Gets a value that uniquely identifies this statistics.
getUnit() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticDescriptor
Returns the unit in which this statistic is measured
getUnits() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.Statistic
Gets the unit of measurement (if any) this statistic represents.
getUpdateRequestsRate() - Method in interface
Returns the rate of update requests received.
getUpTime() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getUpTime() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Returns number of seconds since this member's cache has been created.
getUptime() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets the amount of time in milliseconds that the JVM process with the GemFire service has been running.
getUpTime() - Method in class
Returns the amount of time (in seconds) that the client has been running.
getUsedHeapSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
getUsedHeapSize() - Method in interface
Returns the total heap used on all members.
getUsedMemory() - Method in class
Returns the current number of megabytes of memory being used.
getUsedMemory() - Method in interface
Returns the current size of the heap in megabytes.
getUser(String) - Method in class
getUserAttribute() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns a description of any user attribute associated with this region.
getUserAttribute() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region.Entry
Returns the user attribute for this entry in the local cache.
getUserAttribute() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the application-defined object associated with this region.
getUserName() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the userName property.
getUUID() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.PersistentID
The unique identifier for the persistent data.
getValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ConfigurationParameter
Gets the current value
getValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.Statistic
Gets the value of this statistic as a java.lang.Number.
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding.ConfigProperty
Gets the value of the configPropertyValue property.
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Entry
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyValueOperationContext
Get the value for this operation.
getValue() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region.Entry
Returns the value of this entry in the local cache.
getValueAsString() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ConfigurationParameter
Gets the current value as a string
getValueConstraint() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Returns the ValueConstraint in this region's attributes.
getValueConstraint() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the valueConstraint property.
getValueConstraint() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns the class that the values in this region are constrained to.
getValueConstraintClassName() - Method in class
Returns the Class that the values in this region are constrained to (must be an instance of).
getValueType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ConfigurationParameter
Gets the class type of the value
getVersion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Returns this member's GemFire version information.
getVersion() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Returns the version of the cache implementation.
getVersion() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Returns the version of the cache implementation.
getVersion() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the version property.
getVersion() - Method in interface
Returns the GemFire version, including build id, jdk version, product name and release version etc.
getVersion() - Method in class
Returns the version of the operating system.
getVisibleNodes() - Method in interface
The current number of nodes in this distributed system visible to this member.
getVmConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheVm
Returns the configuration of this cache vm
getWidth() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.pdx.FieldType
Returns the number of bytes used to serialize fixed-width fields; -1 is returned for variable-width fields.
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntityConfig
Returns the name of the working directory in which the managed entity runs or will run.
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Gets the working directory pathname in which the process will be run.
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets the directory in which the GemFire service is running.
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Gets the working directory pathname in which the Locator will be ran.
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Gets the working directory pathname in which the Locator will be run.
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Gets the working directory pathname in which the Server will be ran.
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Gets the working directory pathname in which the Server will be run.
getWriteBufferSize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Gets the value of the writeBufferSize property.
getWriteBufferSize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Returns the size of the write buffer that this disk store will use when writing data to disk.
getWriteBufferSize() - Method in interface
Returns the size of the write buffer that this DiskStore will use when writing data to disk.
getWriter() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
Returns the current TransactionWriter
getXaDatasourceClass() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Gets the value of the xaDatasourceClass property.
GFConnection - Interface in org.apache.geode.ra
GFConnectionFactory - Interface in org.apache.geode.ra
GLOBAL - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Scope
The region or cached object with this attribute is scoped to the distributed cached system; locking is used for all distributed operations on entries to guarantee consistency across the distributed caches.
GLOBAL_MAX_BUCKETS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
The default total number of buckets (113).
GLOBAL_MAX_BUCKETS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
- please use PartitionAttributesFactory.setTotalNumBuckets(int) instead.

This setting must be the same in all processes using the Region.

GLOBAL_MAX_MEMORY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
Default maximum total size of the region across all processes, in megabytes.
GLOBAL_MAX_MEMORY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
- use PartitionAttributesFactory.setTotalMaxMemory(long) instead.

The global property name that defines the total maximum size for the partitioned Region.

This setting must be the same in all processes using the Region.

GOOD_HEALTH - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth
An indicator that the GemFire components are healthy.
groups - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
GROUPS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "groups" property.
guaranteesOldValue() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation is a ConcurrentMap operation that guarantees the old value to be returned no matter what expense may be incurred in doing so.


hasCache() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Returns whether or not this system member hosts a GemFire Cache.
hasClientOrigin() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.EntryEvent
Returns true if this event originated on a client.
hasCustomExpiry() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType
hasDelta() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Delta
Returns true if this object has pending changes it can write out as a delta.
hasField(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstance
Checks if the named field exists and returns the result.
hasField(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Checks if the named field exists and returns the result.
hasGatewayReceiver() - Method in interface
Returns whether this member has at least one GatewayReceiver.
hasGatewaySender() - Method in interface
Returns whether this member has at least one GatewaySender.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AlertLevel
Returns a hash code for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberType
Returns a hash code for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ClassNameType
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DeclarableType
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ObjectType
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ParameterType
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory.Config
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAttributes
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes
Returns a hash code for the object.
hashCode() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the hash code value for this region.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoad
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.SubscriptionAttributes
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.StringPrefixPartitionResolver
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.wan.EventSequenceID
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.compression.SnappyCompressor
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DurableClientAttributes
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstance
Generates a hashCode based on the identity fields of this PdxInstance.
hasLocator() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
Returns true if a locator exists in this JVM.
hasLocators() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
as of 7.0 use Locator.hasLocator() instead.
hasManagement(String) - Static method in enum
hasNext() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.SnapshotIterator
Returns true if there are more elements in the iteration.
hasOption(String) - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Command
Determines whether this Locator launcher command has the specified command-line option.
hasOption(String) - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Command
Determines whether this Server launcher command has the specified command-line option.
hasPulse(String) - Static method in enum
hasRequiredRoles() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes
Returns true if there are one or more required roles specified.
hasResult() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Function
Specifies whether the function sends results while executing.
hasTimoutOrAction() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType
Health(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth.Health
Creates a new Health with the given string
help(LocatorLauncher.Command) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Displays help for the specified Locator launcher command to standard err.
help(ServerLauncher.Command) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Displays help for the specified Server launcher command to standard err.
host - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminConfig.Entry
host - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayEndpoint
host - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType.Locator
host - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType.Server
hostnameForClients - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
hostnameForClients - Variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
the hostname to give to clients so they can connect to this locator.
hostnameForSenders - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "http-authentication-enabled" property
HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "http-authentication-password" property
HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_USER_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "http-authentication-user" property
HTTP_BIND_ADDRESS_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "httpBindAddress" property
HTTP_ENABLED_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "httpEnabled" property
HTTP_PORT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "httpPort" property
HTTP_SERVICE_BIND_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "http-service-bind-address" property
HTTP_SERVICE_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "http-service-port" property
HTTP_SERVICE_SSL_CIPHERS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
HTTP_SERVICE_SSL_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
HTTP_SERVICE_SSL_KEYSTORE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
HTTP_SERVICE_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
HTTP_SERVICE_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
HTTP_SERVICE_SSL_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
HTTP_SERVICE_SSL_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
HTTP_SERVICE_SSL_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
HTTP_SERVICE_SSL_TRUSTSTORE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
HTTP_SERVICE_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
HTTP_SSL_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "http-ssl-require-authentication" property
hubId - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType


id - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
id - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayEndpoint
id - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
id - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
id - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
id - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
id - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType.Instantiator
id - Variable in class org.apache.geode.i18n.StringId
A unique identifier that is written when this StringId is logged to allow for reverse translation.
identifyPid() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
idleTimeout - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
idleTimeoutSeconds - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
ignoreJta - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
ignoreUnreadFields - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
imports - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
incDouble(int, double) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Increments the value of the identified statistic of type double by the given amount.
incDouble(StatisticDescriptor, double) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Increments the value of the described statistic of type double by the given amount.
incDouble(String, double) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Increments the value of the statistic of type double with the given name by a given amount.
incInt(int, int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
as of Geode 1.10, use Statistics.incLong(int, long) instead
incInt(StatisticDescriptor, int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
as of Geode 1.10, use Statistics.incLong(StatisticDescriptor, long) instead
incInt(String, int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
as of Geode 1.10, use Statistics.incLong(String, long) instead
incLong(int, long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Increments the value of the identified statistic of type long by the given amount.
incLong(StatisticDescriptor, long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Increments the value of the described statistic of type long by the given amount.
incLong(String, long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Increments the value of the statistic of type long with the given name by a given amount.
includeRegions(Set<String>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceFactory
Specify which regions to include in the rebalance operation.
includeRegions(Set<String>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RestoreRedundancyOperation
Specify which regions to include in the restore redundancy operation.
IncompatibleSystemException - Exception in org.apache.geode
An IncompatibleSystemException is thrown when a new GemFire process tries to connect to an existing distributed system and its version is not the same as that of the distributed system.
IncompatibleSystemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.IncompatibleSystemException
Creates a new IncompatibleSystemException.
IncompatibleVersionException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
An IncompatibleVersionException that the client version was not compatible with the server version.
IncompatibleVersionException(Object, Object) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.IncompatibleVersionException
Constructs a new IncompatibleVersionException.
IncompatibleVersionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.IncompatibleVersionException
Constructs a new IncompatibleVersionException.
Index() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
Index(RegionConfig.Index) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
Index - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
An index that is built over the data stored in a GemFire Region.
IndexCreationException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
This class is used to represent any partitioned index creation exceptions.
IndexCreationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexCreationException
Constructor with a string message representing the problem.
IndexCreationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexCreationException
Constructor with a string message representing the problem and also the throwable.
indexes - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
IndexExistsException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown while creating the new index if there exists an Index with the same definition as new index.
IndexExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexExistsException
Constructs instance of IndexNameConflictException with error message
IndexExistsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexExistsException
Constructs instance of IndexNameConflictException with error message and cause
IndexInvalidException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown if the index definition is not valid.
IndexInvalidException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexInvalidException
Construct an instance of IndexInvalidException
IndexInvalidException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexInvalidException
Construct an instance of IndexInvalidException
IndexInvalidException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexInvalidException
Construct an instance of IndexInvalidException
IndexMaintenanceException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown if an error occurs while updating query indexes during region modification.
IndexMaintenanceException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexMaintenanceException
Creates a new instance of IndexMaintenanceException without detail message.
IndexMaintenanceException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexMaintenanceException
Constructs an instance of IndexMaintenanceException with the specified detail message.
IndexMaintenanceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexMaintenanceException
Constructs an instance of IndexMaintenanceException with the specified detail message and cause.
IndexMaintenanceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexMaintenanceException
Constructs an instance of IndexMaintenanceException with the specified cause.
IndexNameConflictException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown while creating the new index if there exists an Index with the same name as new index.
IndexNameConflictException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexNameConflictException
Constructs instance of IndexNameConflictException with error message
IndexNameConflictException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexNameConflictException
Constructs instance of IndexNameConflictException with error message and cause
IndexStatistics - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Provides statistics about a GemFire cache Index.
IndexType - Enum in org.apache.geode.cache.query
As of 6.6.1. Check QueryService for changes. Enumerated type for types of indexes
indexUpdateType - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
info(Object, Object...) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Prints the specified informational message to standard err, replacing any placeholder values with the specified arguments on output.
info(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes an exception to this writer.
info(StringId, Object[], Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
info(StringId, Object, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
info(StringId, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
info(StringId, Object[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
info(StringId, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
info(StringId) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
info(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
info(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes a message to this writer.
info(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes an exception to this writer.
infoEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
infoEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Returns true if "info" log messages are enabled.
init(Properties) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Declarable
as of Geode 1.5 implement initialize instead.
init() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Aggregator
Initialize the Aggregator
init(Properties) - Method in class
init(Properties) - Method in class
init(Properties) - Method in class org.apache.geode.examples.SimpleSecurityManager
init(DistributionConfig) - Method in interface
Initialize the SSLParameterExtension.
init(Properties) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
as of Geode 1.5 use initialize instead
init(Principal, DistributedMember, Cache) - Method in interface
Initialize the callback for a client/peer having the given principal.
init(Principal, DistributedMember) - Method in interface
init(Principal) - Method in interface
init(Properties, LogWriter, LogWriter) - Method in interface
Initialize the callback for a client/peer.
init(Properties) - Method in interface
init(LogWriter, LogWriter) - Method in interface
Initialize the callback for a client/peer.
init() - Method in interface
in Geode 1.5. Never called by the product. Use AuthInitialize.init(LogWriter systemLogger, LogWriter securityLogger)
init(Properties) - Method in interface
Given the security props of the server, properly initialize the post processor for the server.
init(Properties) - Method in interface
Initialize the SecurityManager.
initCacheListeners(CacheListener<K, V>[]) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Removes all cache listeners and then adds each listener in the specified array.
initCacheListeners(CacheListener<K, V>[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Removes all cache listeners, calling CacheCallback.close() on each of them, and then adds each listener in the specified array.
initCacheListeners(CacheListener<K, V>[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Removes all cache listeners and then adds each listener in the specified array.
initCacheListeners(CacheListener<K, V>[]) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Removes all cache listeners and then adds each listener in the specified array.
initCqListeners(CqListener[]) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqAttributesFactory
Removes all Cq listeners and then adds each listener in the specified array.
initCqListeners(CqListener[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqAttributesMutator
Adds the given set CqListner on this CQ.
initialCapacity - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
initialize(DistributedSystem) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
initialize(Cache, Properties) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.proxy.SniProxySocketFactory
initialize(Cache, Properties) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Declarable
Initializes a user-defined object, owned by the given cache, using the given properties.
initialize(Cache, Set<String>) - Method in interface
Initializes the MethodInvocationAuthorizer using a Cache and a Set of String parameters.
initialize(Cache, Set<String>) - Method in class
initialize(Cache, Properties) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Used for declarative class initialization from cache.xml.
initializeAll(DistributedSystem) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
initializeClient() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
initializeDistributedSystem(DistributedSystem) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
initializeFromJsonResource(String) - Method in class
initializeInstanceVariables() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
initializeMemory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
initializePeers(DistributedSystem) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
initializer - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
initializeRegionSizes() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
initializeServer() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
initialMembers(Region<K, V>, DistributedMember[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionMembershipListener
Invoked when the listener is first initialized and is given the set of members that have the region created at that time.
initialMembers(Region<K, V>, DistributedMember[]) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.RegionMembershipListenerAdapter
initiateFailure(Error) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
Signals that a system failure has occurred and then throws an AssertionError.
initListeners(TransactionListener[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
Removes all transaction listeners, calling CacheCallback.close() on each of them, and then adds each listener in the specified array.
initPoolSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Instantiator() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType.Instantiator
Instantiator - Class in org.apache.geode
Instantiator allows classes that implement DataSerializable to be registered with the data serialization framework.
Instantiator(Class<? extends DataSerializable>, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.Instantiator
Creates a new Instantiator that instantiates a given class.
instantiators - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType
InterestOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
InterestOperationContext(Object, InterestType) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestOperationContext
Constructor for the register interest operation.
interestPolicy - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.SubscriptionAttributes
InterestPolicy - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
Enumerated type for region subscription interest policy.
InterestRegistrationEvent - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Interface InterestRegistrationEvent encapsulated interest event information like region and keys of interest.
InterestRegistrationListener - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Interface InterestRegisterationListener provides the ability for applications to be notified of interest registration and unregistration events.
InterestResultPolicy - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
Class InterestResultPolicy is an enumerated type for a register interest result.
InterestResultPolicy(String, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestResultPolicy
should only be called from InterestResultPolicyImpl
InterestType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
Enumeration for various interest types supported by GemFire.
InternalGemFireError - Error in org.apache.geode
Indicates that serious error has occurred within the GemFire system.
InternalGemFireError() - Constructor for error org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireError
InternalGemFireError(String) - Constructor for error org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireError
InternalGemFireError(Throwable) - Constructor for error org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireError
InternalGemFireError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireError
InternalGemFireError(Object) - Constructor for error org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireError
Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified object, which is converted to a string as defined in The Java Language Specification, Second Edition, Section
InternalGemFireError(boolean) - Constructor for error org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireError
Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified boolean, which is converted to a string as defined in The Java Language Specification, Second Edition, Section
InternalGemFireError(char) - Constructor for error org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireError
Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified char, which is converted to a string as defined in The Java Language Specification, Second Edition, Section
InternalGemFireError(int) - Constructor for error org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireError
Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified int, which is converted to a string as defined in The Java Language Specification, Second Edition, Section
InternalGemFireError(long) - Constructor for error org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireError
Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified long, which is converted to a string as defined in The Java Language Specification, Second Edition, Section
InternalGemFireError(float) - Constructor for error org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireError
Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified float, which is converted to a string as defined in The Java Language Specification, Second Edition, Section
InternalGemFireError(double) - Constructor for error org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireError
Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified double, which is converted to a string as defined in The Java Language Specification, Second Edition, Section
InternalGemFireException - Exception in org.apache.geode
An InternalGemFireException is thrown when a low level, internal, operation fails due to no fault of the user.
InternalGemFireException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireException
InternalGemFireException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireException
InternalGemFireException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireException
Creates a new InternalGemFireException.
InternalGemFireException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.InternalGemFireException
Creates a new InternalGemFireException that was caused by a given exception
INVALIDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction
When the region or cached object expires, it is invalidated.
INVALIDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry distributed invalidate.
invalidate(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Invalidates the entry with the specified key.
invalidate(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Invalidates the entry with the specified key, and provides a user-defined argument to the CacheListener.
InvalidateOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
InvalidateOperationContext(Object) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InvalidateOperationContext
Constructor for the operation.
InvalidateOperationContext(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InvalidateOperationContext
Constructor for the operation to use for post-operation in updates.
invalidateRegion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Invalidates this region.
invalidateRegion(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Invalidates this region.
InvalidDeltaException - Exception in org.apache.geode
An InvalidDeltaException is thrown when a delta cannot be successfully applied by the receiving peer/client.
InvalidDeltaException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.InvalidDeltaException
Creates a new InvalidDeltaException.
InvalidDeltaException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.InvalidDeltaException
Creates a new InvalidDeltaException.
InvalidDeltaException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.InvalidDeltaException
Creates a new InvalidDeltaException.
InvalidDeltaException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.InvalidDeltaException
Creates a new InvalidDeltaException.
InvalidValueException - Exception in org.apache.geode
An InvalidValueException is thrown when an attempt is made to set a configuration attribute to an invalid value is made.
InvalidValueException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.InvalidValueException
Creates a new InvalidValueException.
InvalidValueException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.InvalidValueException
Creates a new InvalidValueException.
InvalidVersionException - Exception in org.apache.geode
InvalidVersionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.InvalidVersionException
invokeCallbacks(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.SnapshotOptions
Sets whether to invoke callbacks when loading a snapshot.
isAck() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Scope
Returns whether acknowledgements are required for this scope.
isActive() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
Returns true if this factory is open and can produce dynamic regions.
isAgentSSLEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns whether or not SSL is required for the JMX agent.
isAgentSSLRequireAuth() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns whether SSL authentication is used when connecting to the RMI connector.
isAll() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestPolicy
Return true if this policy is InterestPolicy.ALL.
isAllAccess() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.LossAction
Returns true if this is FULL_ACCESS.
isAllowedGeodeMethod(Method, Object) - Method in class
Executes the verification logic to determine whether the target object instance belongs to Geode and whether the method on the target object instance is considered to be safe according to Geode security rules.
isAllowForceCompaction() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Gets the value of the allowForceCompaction property.
isApplication() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberType
Return whether this is APPLICATION.
isArray() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ConfigurationParameter
Returns true if this config parameter uses a string array for value.
isAssignBuckets() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Determines whether buckets should be assigned to partitioned regions in the cache upon Server start.
isAsyncConflationEnabled() - Method in class
Returns whether asynchronous conflation is enabled for sending messages to peers.
isAtomic() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Returns true if modifications are atomic.
isAutoCompact() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Gets the value of the autoCompact property.
isAutoCompact() - Method in interface
Returns whether disk files are to be automatically compacted.
isBatchConflation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Gets the value of the batchConflation property.
isBatchConflationEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
Represents whether batch conflation is enabled for batches sent from AsyncEventQueue.
isBatchConflationEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Answers whether to enable batch conflation for a GatewaySender 's queue.
isBatchConflationEnabled() - Method in interface
Returns whether batch conflation for the AsyncEventQueue is enabled
isBatchConflationEnabled() - Method in interface
Returns whether batch conflation for the GatewaySender's queue is enabled
isCacheContent() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestPolicy
Return true if this policy is InterestPolicy.CACHE_CONTENT.
isCacheServer() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberType
as of 5.7 use SystemMemberType.isCacheVm() instead.
isCacheServer() - Method in interface
Returns true if a cache server is running on this member and able server requests from GemFire clients
isCacheVm() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberType
Return whether this is CACHE_VM.
isCallbackArgumentAvailable() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheEvent
Returns true if the callback argument is "available".
isCallbackArgumentAvailable() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.EntryOperation
Returns true if the callback argument is "available".
isCancelInProgress() - Method in class org.apache.geode.CancelCriterion
Checks to see if a cancellation is in progress.
isCancelled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceOperation
Returns true if this operation was cancelled before it completed.
isClassAutoSerialized(Class<?>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Controls what classes will be auto serialized by this serializer.
isClear() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if the operation cleared the region.
isClient() - Method in interface
Returns true if the member is a client to a CacheServer hosted by this process.
isClient() - Method in class
Returns true if the member is a client to a CacheServer hosted by this process.
isClientUpdate() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext
When called post-operation, returns true if the operation was one that performed an update.
isClientUpdate(OperationContext) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext
isCloningEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the cloningEnabled property.
isCloningEnabled() - Method in class
Returns whether cloning is enabled.
isClose() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if the operation closed the cache or a region.
isCloseCQ() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == CLOSE_CQ instead
isClosed() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth
Returns whether or not this GemFireHealth is closed.
isClosed() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Indicates if this cache has been closed.
isClosed() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
Returns true if dynamic region factory is closed.
isClosed() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqQuery
This allows to check if the CQ is closed.
isClosed() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqState
Returns true if the CQ is in Closed state.
isClosed() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionService
Indicates if this region service has been closed.
isClosed() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Returns true if the instance has been closed.
isClosing() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqState
Returns true if the CQ is in Closing state.
isClusterSSLEnabled() - Method in class
isClusterSSLRequireAuthentication() - Method in class
isCollectionType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.ObjectType
Return true if this is a CollectionType.
isCommand(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Command
Determines whether the specified name refers to a valid Locator launcher command, as defined by this enumerated type.
isCommand(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Command
Determines whether the specified name refers to a valid Server launcher command, as defined by this enumerated type.
isCompiled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Query
as of 6.5
isConcurrencyChecksEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the concurrencyChecksEnabled property.
isConnected() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Returns true if this is currently connected to the system.
isConnected() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.Agent
Returns whether or not this JMX Agent is currently providing information about a distributed system.
isConnected() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Returns whether or not this DistributedSystem is connected to the distributed system.
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in interface
Returns whether this GatewaySender is connected and sending data to a GatewayReceiver.
isConserveSockets() - Method in class
isContainsKey() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation checks whether given key is present in region.
isContainsKey() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == CONTAINS_KEY instead
isContainsValue() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation checks whether given value is present in region.
isContainsValueForKey() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation checks whether value is present for the given key.
isCopyOnRead() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the copyOnRead property.
isCounter() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.Statistic
Returns true if this statistic represents a numeric value which always increases.
isCounter() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticDescriptor
Returns true if this statistic is a counter; false if its a gauge.
isCreate() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation created a new entry.
isDebugging() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Determines whether the Locator launcher is in debug mode.
isDefault() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
from version 6.5 forward please use an identity comparison instead of this method
isDefault() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAttributes
isDefault() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestPolicy
Return true if this policy is the default.
isDefault() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestResultPolicy
Returns true if this InterestResultPolicy is the default.
isDefaultServerEnabled(Cache) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Determines whether a default server (a cache server) should be created on startup as determined by the absence of specifying the --disable-default-server command-line option (switch).
isDeltaPropagation() - Method in class
isDeserializable() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstance
Returns false if this instance will never be deserialized to a domain class.
isDestroy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction
Returns whether this is the action for distributed destroy.
isDestroy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if the operation destroyed an entry.
isDestroy() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == DESTROY instead
isDestroyed() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Indicates whether this Pool has been destroyed.
isDestroyed() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region.Entry
Returns whether this entry has been destroyed.
isDestroyed() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns whether this region has been destroyed.
isDisableDefaultServer() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Determines whether a default cache server will be added when the GemFire Server comes online.
isDisableDefaultServer() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
isDisablePersistBackup() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DynamicRegionFactoryType
Gets the value of the disablePersistBackup property.
isDisableRegisterInterest() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DynamicRegionFactoryType
Gets the value of the disableRegisterInterest property.
isDisableTcp() - Method in class
isDiskSynchronous() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
Represents whether writing to disk is synchronous or not.
isDiskSynchronous() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of the diskSynchronous property.
isDiskSynchronous() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the diskSynchronous property.
isDiskSynchronous() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the diskSynchronous property.
isDiskSynchronous() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns true if configured synchronous disk writes.
isDiskSynchronous() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns isDiskSynchronous boolean property for this GatewaySender.
isDiskSynchronous() - Method in interface
Returns whether the isDiskSynchronous property is set for this AsyncEventQueue.
isDiskSynchronous() - Method in interface
Returns whether the isDiskSynchronous property is set for this GatewaySender.
isDiskSynchronous() - Method in class
Returns whether disk writes are synchronous.
isDispatchingPaused() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
Returns whether the queue is processing queued events or is paused
isDispatchingPaused() - Method in interface
Returns the state of the event dispatcher.
isDistributed() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
Returns the execution mode of transactions
isDistributed() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction
Returns whether this action is distributed.
isDistributed() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if the operation may be distributed.
isDistributed() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Scope
Returns whether this is one of the distributed scopes.
isDistributed() - Method in interface
Returns whether this is a distributed LockService.
isDistributedAck() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Scope
Returns whether this is distributed ack scope.
isDistributedNoAck() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Scope
Returns whether this is distributed no ack scope.
isDone() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceOperation
Returns true if this operation completed.
isDurable() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqQuery
This allows to check if the CQ is durable.
isEarlyAck() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Gets the value of the earlyAck property.
isEarlyAck() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the earlyAck property.
isEmailNotificationEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns whether Emails for Notifications is enabled See description above.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
from version 6.5 forward please use withStorage()
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns true if this region contains no entries.
isEmptyOnServer() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns true if this region contains no entries on the server.
isEnableAsyncConflation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the enableAsyncConflation property.
isEnableBatchConflation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of the enableBatchConflation property.
isEnableBatchConflation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the enableBatchConflation property.
isEnableGateway() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the enableGateway property.
isEnableNetworkPartitionDetection() - Method in class
isEnablePersistence() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Gets the value of the enablePersistence property.
isEnablePersistence() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the enablePersistence property.
isEnableSubscriptionConflation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the enableSubscriptionConflation property.
isEnableTimeStatistics() - Method in class
isEnforceUniqueHost() - Method in class
isEntry() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if the operation applies to a single entry.
isEnum() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstance
Returns true if this instance represents an enum.
isEviction() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Answer true if this operation resulted from eviction
isExecuteCQ() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == EXECUTE_CQ instead
isExecuteRegionFunction() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == EXECUTE_FUNCTION instead
isExpiration() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Answer true if this operation resulted from expiration.
isFieldIncluded(Field, Class<?>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Controls what fields of a class will be auto serialized by this serializer.
isFile() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ConfigurationParameter
Returns true if this config parameter represents a File value.
isFixedWidth() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.pdx.FieldType
Returns true if the type is "fixed-width"; false if it is "variable-width".
isForceCompactionAllowed() - Method in interface
Returns whether manual compaction of disk files is allowed.
isForcing() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Determines whether the PID file is allowed to be overwritten when the Locator is started and a PID file already exists in the Locator's specified working directory.
isForcing() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Determines whether the PID file is allowed to be overwritten when the Server is started and a PID file already exists in the Server's specified working directory.
isForwardExpirationDestroy() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
Represents if expiration destroy operations are forwarded (passed) to AsyncEventListener.
isForwardExpirationDestroy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of the forwardExpirationDestroy property.
isFunctionExecution() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation is function execution operation.
isGatewayEnabled() - Method in interface
Returns whether the Region sends data to a GatewaySender.
isGatewayEnabled() - Method in interface
Returns whether this region sends data using a GatewaySender.
isGatewaySSLEnabled() - Method in class
isGatewaySSLRequireAuthentication() - Method in class
isGet() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation gets the value for given key.
isGet() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == GET instead
isGetDurableCQs() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == GET_DURABLE_CQS instead
isGetEntry() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation gets the entry for given key.
isGetForRegisterInterest() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation is a get for register interest.
isGlobal() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Scope
Returns whether this is global scope.
isHA() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Function
Specifies whether the function is eligible for re-execution (in case of failure).
isHeldByCurrentThread(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
Determine whether the current thread owns the lock on the given object.
isHelping() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Determines whether this launcher will be used to display help information.
isHelping() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Determines whether help has been enabled.
isHelping() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Determines whether this launcher will be used to display help information.
isHttpAuthEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns whether or not the HTTP adapter authenticates connections.
isHttpEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns whether or not the HTTP adapter is enabled.
isHttpServiceSSLEnabled() - Method in class
isHttpServiceSSLRequireAuthentication() - Method in class
isHttpSSLRequireAuth() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns whether SSL authentication is used when connecting to the HTTP connector.
isIdentityField(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstance
Checks if the named field was marked as an identity field.
isIdentityField(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Checks if the named field was marked as an identity field.
isIdentityField(Field, Class<?>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Controls what fields of a class that is auto serialized will be marked as pdx identity fields.
isIgnoreJta() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the ignoreJta property.
isIgnoreJTA() - Method in class
Returns whether JTA transactions are being ignored.
isIgnoreUnreadFields() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
Gets the value of the ignoreUnreadFields property.
isIndexMaintenanceSynchronous() - Method in class
Returns whether query service index maintenance will be done synchronously.
isInetAddress() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ConfigurationParameter
Returns true if this config parameter represents an InetAddress value.
isInvalidate() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction
Returns whether this is the action for distributed invalidate.
isInvalidate() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if the operation invalidated an entry.
isInvalidate() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == INVALIDATE instead
isIsLockGrantor() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the isLockGrantor property.
isIsPrimary() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes.FixedPartitionAttributes
Gets the value of the isPrimary property.
isIsServer() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Gets the value of the isServer property.
isJmxManager() - Method in class
isJmxManagerSSL() - Method in class
isJmxManagerSSLEnabled() - Method in class
isJmxManagerSSLRequireAuthentication() - Method in class
isJmxManagerStart() - Method in class
isJVMFailureError(Error) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
Returns true if the given Error is a fatal to the JVM and it should be shut down.
isKey() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.InterestRegistrationEvent
Returns whether this event's interest type is InterestType.KEY.
isKey() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestType
Returns true if this is a key interest type.
isKeyIndex() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
Gets the value of the keyIndex property.
isKeys() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestResultPolicy
Returns true if this InterestResultPolicy is InterestResultPolicy.KEYS.
isKeys() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MirrorType
Return whether this is KEYS.
isKeySet() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == KEY_SET instead
isKeysValues() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestResultPolicy
Returns true if this InterestResultPolicy is InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES.
isKeysValues() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MirrorType
Return whether this is KEYS_VALUES.
isLargerBetter() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticDescriptor
Returns true if a larger statistic value indicates better performance.
isLIFO() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
For internal use only.
isLimitedAccess() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.LossAction
Returns true if this is LIMITED_ACCESS.
isList() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestType
Returns true if this is a key list interest type.
isLoad() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation included running a loader.
isLocal() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction
Returns whether this action is local.
isLocal() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if the operation is limited to the local cache.
isLocal() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region.Entry
This method checks to see if the entry is in the in-process cache, or is in another process.
isLocal() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.RegionShortcut
isLocal() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Scope
Returns whether this is local scope.
isLocalDestroy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAction
isLocalDestroy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction
Returns whether this is the action for local destroy.
isLocalInvalidate() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction
Returns whether this is the action for local invalidate.
isLocalLoad() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation included a loader running in this cache.
isLocator() - Method in interface
Returns whether this member is attached to at least one Locator.
isLockGrantor - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
isLockGrantor() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes
Returns true if this member is configured to be lock grantor for the region.
isLockGrantor() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
Returns true if this member is currently the lock authority responsible for granting locks for this service.
isLockGrantor(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
Returns true if this member is the grantor for the named service.
isLockGrantor() - Method in interface
Returns whether this member is the granter.
isLockGrantor() - Method in class
Returns whether this member is configured to become the lock granter when the Region is created.
isLockingSuspendedByCurrentThread() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
Determine whether the current thread has suspended locking in this DistributedLockService.
isLRU() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
returns true if this object uses a least-recently-used algorithm
isLRUEntry() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
isLRUHeap() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
isLRUMemory() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
isManager() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberType
Return whether this is MANAGER.
isManager() - Method in class
Returns whether this member is running the management service.
isManager() - Method in interface
Returns whether this member is running the Manager service.
isManagerCreated() - Method in interface
Returns whether this member has created the Manager service (it may be created, but not running).
isManualStart() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Gets the value of the manualStart property.
isManualStart() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the manualStart property.
isManualStart() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
Gets the value of the manualStart property.
isManualStart() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Returns the manual start boolean property for this GatewayReceiver.
isManualStart() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
- Manual start of senders is deprecated and will be removed in a later release.
isManualStart() - Method in interface
Returns whether the GatewaySender is configured for manual start.
isMapType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.ObjectType
Return true if this is a MapType
isMcastEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Returns true if this system has enabled the use of multicast for communications
isMirrored() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MirrorType
Return whether this indicates a mirrored type.
isModifiable() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ConfigurationParameter
True if this is modifiable; false if read-only
isModifiable() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults
Return whether this collection is modifiable.
isMulticastEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the multicastEnabled property.
isMulticastEnabled() - Method in class
Returns whether multicast communication is enabled for the Region.
isMultiuserAuthentication() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the multiuserAuthentication property.
isNetLoad() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation included a loader running that was remote from the cache that requested it, i.e., a netLoad.
isNetSearch() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation included a netSearch.
isNoAccess() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.LossAction
Returns true if this is NO_ACCESS.
isNoEviction() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
isNone() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAction
isNone() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
isNone() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestResultPolicy
Returns true if this InterestResultPolicy is InterestResultPolicy.NONE.
isNone() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MirrorType
Return whether this is NONE.
isNone() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ResumptionAction
Returns true if this is NONE.
isNormal() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
from version 6.5 forward please use an identity comparison instead of this method
isNotifyBySubscription() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Gets the value of the notifyBySubscription property.
isObject() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyValueOperationContext
Return true when the value is an object and not a raw byte array.
isOctal() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ConfigurationParameter
Returns true if this config parameter represents an octal value.
isOffHeap() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the offHeap property.
isOffilne() - Method in class
Returns whether the backup was successful.
isOldValueAvailable() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.EntryEvent
Returns true if the old value is "available".
isOpen() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
Returns true if dynamic region factory is open; false if closed.
isOptimizeForWrite() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteFunctionOperationContext
isOrdered() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.CollectionType
Return whether this collection type has ordered elements.
isOriginRemote() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheEvent
Answer true if this event originated in a cache other than this one.
isOverflow() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.RegionShortcut
isOverflowToDisk() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAction
isParallel() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
Represents whether this queue is parallel (higher throughput) or serial.
isParallel() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of the parallel property.
isParallel() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Gets the value of the parallel property.
isParallel() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns isParallel boolean property for this GatewaySender.
isParallel() - Method in interface
Returns whether the isParallel property is set for this AsyncEventQueue.
isParallel() - Method in interface
Returns whether the isParallel property is set for this GatewaySender.
isParallelMode() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.SnapshotOptions
Returns true if the snapshot operation will proceed in parallel.
isPartition() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesDataPolicy
isPartition() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
from version 6.5 forward please use withPartitioning()
isPartition() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.RegionShortcut
isPartitionedRegion(Region<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionHelper
Test a Region to see if it is a partitioned Region
isPaused() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns whether or not this GatewaySender is paused.
isPaused() - Method in interface
Returns whether or not this GatewaySender is paused.
isPauseEventProcessing() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of whether the queue was created with paused processing of the events queued
isPeerLocator() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
Indicates whether the locator provides peer location services to members
isPeerLocator() - Method in interface
Returns whether the Locator provides peer location services to members.
isPermanentlyForbiddenMethod(Method, Object) - Method in class
Executes the verification logic to determine whether the method on the target object instance is considered to be non safe according to Geode security rules.
isPersistBackup() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the persistBackup property.
isPersistenceEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns true if persistence is enabled for this GatewaySender, otherwise returns false.
isPersistenceEnabled() - Method in interface
Returns whether the GatewaySender is configured to be persistent or non-persistent.
isPersistent() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
Represents whether the AsyncEventQueue is configured to be persistent or non-persistent.
isPersistent() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Gets the value of the persistent property.
isPersistent() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
Gets the value of the persistent property.
isPersistent() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesDataPolicy
isPersistent() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.RegionShortcut
isPersistent() - Method in interface
Returns whether the AsyncEventQueue is configured to be persistent or non-persistent.
isPersistentEnabled() - Method in interface
Returns whether persistence is enabled.
isPersistentEnabled() - Method in interface
Returns whether persistence is enabled.
isPersistentReplicate() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
from version 6.5 forward please use withPersistence() and withReplication()
isPossibleDuplicate() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionContext
Returns a boolean to identify whether this is a re-execute.
isPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.CloseCQOperationContext
True if the context is for post-operation.
isPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteFunctionOperationContext
isPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.GetDurableCQsOperationContext
True if the context is for post-operation.
isPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestOperationContext
True if the context is for post-operation.
isPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyOperationContext
True if the context is for post-operation.
isPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeySetOperationContext
True if the context is for post-operation.
isPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext
True if the context is for post-operation.
isPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutAllOperationContext
True if the context is for post-operation.
isPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.QueryOperationContext
True if the context is for post-operation.
isPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegionCreateOperationContext
True if the context is for post-operation.
isPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegionOperationContext
True if the context is for post-operation.
isPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RemoveAllOperationContext
True if the context is for post-operation.
isPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.StopCQOperationContext
True if the context is for post-operation.
isPreloaded() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
from version 6.5 forward please use withPreloaded()
isPresent() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.Role
Returns true if this role is currently present in distributed system.
isPrimary() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
Represents whether the queue is primary or secondary.
isPrimary() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.ClientSession
Returns whether this server is the primary for this client
isPrimary - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes.FixedPartitionAttributes
isPrimary() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.FixedPartitionAttributes
Returns whether this member is the primary for the partition.
isPrimary() - Method in interface
Returns whether the queue is primary or secondary.
isPrimary() - Method in class
Returns whether this member is the primary for the partition.
isPrimary() - Method in interface
Returns whether this GatewaySender is primary or secondary.
isPrimaryForDurableClient(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheServer
Find whether this server is primary for given client (durableClientId)
isProxy() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.RegionShortcut
isPrSingleHopEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the prSingleHopEnabled property.
isPublisher() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the publisher property.
isPut() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == PUT instead
isPutAll() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation was initiated by a putAll.
isPutAll() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == PUTALL instead
isQuery() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == QUERY instead
isReadSerialized() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
Gets the value of the readSerialized property.
isRebalancing() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Determines whether a rebalance operation on the cache will occur upon starting the GemFire server using this launcher.
isReconnect() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.LossAction
Returns true if this is RECONNECT.
isReconnecting() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Test to see whether the Cache is in the process of reconnecting and recreating a new cache after it has been removed from the system by other members or has shut down due to missing Roles and is reconnecting.
isReconnecting() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Test to see whether the DistributedSystem is in the process of reconnecting and recreating the cache after it has been removed from the system by other members or has shut down due to missing Roles and is reconnecting.
isRedirectingOutput() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Determines whether this launcher will redirect output to system logs when starting a new Locator process.
isRedirectingOutput() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Determines whether this launcher will redirect output to system logs when starting a new Server process.
isRegion() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if the operation applies to the entire region.
isRegionClear() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == REGION_CLEAR instead
isRegionCreate() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == REGION_CREATE instead
isRegionDestroy() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if the operation destroyed a region.
isRegionDestroy() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == REGION_DESTROY instead
isRegionInvalidate() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if the operation invalidated a region.
isRegister() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.InterestRegistrationEvent
Returns whether this event represents a register interest.
isRegistered(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService
Returns true if the function is registered to FunctionService
isRegisterInterest() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == REGISTER_INTEREST instead
isRegularExpression() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.InterestRegistrationEvent
Returns whether this event's interest type is InterestType.REGULAR_EXPRESSION.
isRegularExpression() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestType
Returns true if this is a regular expression interest type.
isReinitialize() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ResumptionAction
Returns true if this is REINITIALIZE.
isReinitializing() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionEvent
Return true if this region was destroyed but is being reinitialized, for example if a snapshot was just loaded.
isRemote() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.DiskAccessException
Returns true if this exception originated from a remote node.
isRemoveAll() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation was initiated by a removeAll.
isRemoveAll() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == REMOVEALL instead
isRemoveUnresponsiveClient() - Method in class
isReplicate() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
from version 6.5 forward please use withReplication()
isReplicate() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.RegionShortcut
isRmiEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns whether or not the RMI adapter is enabled.
isRmiRegistryEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns whether or not the agent hosts an RMI registry.
isRoleInRegionMembership(Region<?, ?>, Role) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RequiredRoles
Returns true if the Role is currently present in the Region membership.
isRollOplogs() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Gets the value of the rollOplogs property.
isRollOplogs() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributes
Returns true if the oplogs is to be rolled to a more condensed format (on disk)
isRunning() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Returns true if any members of this system are currently running.
isRunning() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntity
Returns whether or not this managed entity is running.
isRunning() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Returns whether or not this cache server is running
isRunning() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Returns whether or not this cache server is running
isRunning() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqQuery
This allows to check if the CQ is in running or active.
isRunning() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqState
Returns true if the CQ is in Running state.
isRunning() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Returns whether or not this cache server is running
isRunning() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Returns whether or not this receiver is running
isRunning() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Returns whether or not this GatewaySender is running.
isRunning() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Determines whether the Locator referenced by this launcher is running.
isRunning() - Method in interface
Returns whether or not this CacheServer is running.
isRunning() - Method in interface
Returns whether the receiver is in running state.
isRunning() - Method in interface
Returns whether or not this GatewaySender is running.
isRunning() - Method in interface
Returns whether the manager service is running on this member.
isSearchOrLoad() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation was a net search or a load.
isSerializable(Object) - Method in exception
Returns true if the provided object implements Serializable.
isServer() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Returns whether or not this cache acts as a server.
isServer() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Returns whether or not this cache resides in a "cache server" VM.
isServer - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
isServer() - Method in interface
Any long-running GemFire process that was started with "start server" command from GFSH.
isServerLocator() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
Indicates whether the locator provides server location services to clients
isServerLocator() - Method in interface
Returns whether the Locator provides server location services To clients.
isServerSSLEnabled() - Method in class
isServerSSLRequireAuthentication() - Method in class
isServing(Cache) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Determines whether the specified Cache has any CacheServers.
isSet(Properties, String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Determines whether the specified property with name is set to a value in the referenced Properties.
isSnmpEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Returns whether or not the SNMP adapter is enabled.
isSpringXmlLocationSpecified() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Determines whether this GemFire Server was configured and initialized with Spring configuration meta-data.
isSSLAuthenticationRequired() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the value of the "ssl-require-authentication" property.
isSSLEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Returns the value of the "ssl-enabled" property.
isSSLRequireAuthentication() - Method in class
isStartingNotRespondingOrNull(AbstractLauncher.ServiceState) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
isStartingOrNotResponding() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
isStartingOrRunning() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Determines whether the Server is the process of starting or is already running.
isStatisticSamplingEnabled() - Method in class
isStatisticsEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Gets the value of the statisticsEnabled property.
isStatisticsEnabled() - Method in class
Returns whether statistic collection is enabled for the Region and its entries.
isStopCQ() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == STOP_CQ instead
isStoppable() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Determines whether the Locator can be stopped in-process, such as when a Locator is embedded in an application and the LocatorLauncher API is being used.
isStopped() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqQuery
This allows to check if the CQ is in stopped.
isStopped() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqState
Returns true if the CQ is in Stopped state.
isString() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ConfigurationParameter
Returns true if this config parameter represents a string value.
isStructType() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.ObjectType
Return true if this is a StructType
isSubscriptionConflationEnabled() - Method in class
Returns whether conflation is enabled for sending messages from a cache server to its clients.
isSubscriptionEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Gets the value of the subscriptionEnabled property.
isSuspended(TransactionId) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
This method can be used to determine if a transaction with the given transaction identifier is currently suspended locally.
isSynchronous() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributes
isTcpNoDelay() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.CacheServer
Gets the value of the tcpNoDelay property.
isThreadLocalConnections() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Since Geode 1.10.0. Thread local connections are ignored. Will be removed in future major release.
isUnregisterInterest() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Use getOperationCode() == UNREGISTER_INTEREST instead
isUnspecified(LocatorLauncher.Command) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Command
Determines whether the given Locator launcher command has been properly specified.
isUnspecified() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Command
Convenience method for determining whether this is the UNSPECIFIED Locator launcher command.
isUnspecified(ServerLauncher.Command) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Command
Determines whether the given Server launcher command has been properly specified.
isUnspecified() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Command
Convenience method for determining whether this is the UNSPECIFIED Server launcher command.
isUpdate() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns true if this operation updated an existing entry.
isValid() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Index
Get whether index is valid to be used in queries.
isVmWithProcessIdRunning() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
isWellKnownImmutableInstance(Object) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.CopyHelper
Return true if the given object is an instance of a well known immutable class.


JavaBeanAccessorMethodAuthorizer - Class in
An immutable and thread-safe MethodInvocationAuthorizer that allows any method execution that follows the design patterns for accessor methods described in the JavaBean specification 1.01; that is, any method whose name begins with 'get' or 'is'.
JavaBeanAccessorMethodAuthorizer(Cache, Set<String>) - Constructor for class
Creates a JavaBeanAccessorMethodAuthorizer object and initializes it so it can be safely used in a multi-threaded environment.
JavaBeanAccessorMethodAuthorizer(RestrictedMethodAuthorizer, Set<String>) - Constructor for class
Creates a JavaBeanAccessorMethodAuthorizer object and initializes it so it can be safely used in a multi-threaded environment.
jdbcDriverClass - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
JMX - Static variable in interface
This determines that test jmx communication will be secured.
JMX_MANAGER - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "jmx-manager" property
JMX_MANAGER_ACCESS_FILE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "jmx-manager-access-file" property
JMX_MANAGER_BIND_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "jmx-manager-bind-address" property
JMX_MANAGER_HOSTNAME_FOR_CLIENTS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "jmx-manager-hostname-for-clients" property
JMX_MANAGER_HTTP_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
as of GemFire 8.0 use ConfigurationProperties.HTTP_SERVICE_PORT instead.
JMX_MANAGER_PASSWORD_FILE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "jmx-manager-password-file" property
JMX_MANAGER_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "jmx-manager-port" property
JMX_MANAGER_SSL_CIPHERS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
JMX_MANAGER_SSL_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
JMX_MANAGER_SSL_KEYSTORE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
JMX_MANAGER_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
JMX_MANAGER_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
JMX_MANAGER_SSL_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
Since Geode1.0, use ssl-* properties and ssl-enabled-components
JMX_MANAGER_SSL_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
JMX_MANAGER_SSL_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
JMX_MANAGER_SSL_TRUSTSTORE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
JMX_MANAGER_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
JMX_MANAGER_START - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "jmx-manager-start" property
JMX_MANAGER_UPDATE_RATE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "jmx-manager-update-rate" property
JMXNotificationType - Interface in
Enumerated type for JMX notification types emitted by GemFire management system.
JMXNotificationUserData - Interface in
This interface acts as UserData section of JMX notifications of type "system.alert".
JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.Agent
Lookup name for RMIConnector when rmi-registry-enabled is true
JndiBinding() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
jndiBindings - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
jndiBindings - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType
JndiBindingsType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
A jndi-bindings element will contain the jndi-binding for each of the datasources which are to be bound with the JNDI Context.
JndiBindingsType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType
JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding.ConfigProperty - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
jndiName - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
JSON_CLASSNAME - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter
JSON_CLASSPATH - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
JSON_GEMFIREVERSION - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
JSON_HOST - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
JSON_JAVAVERSION - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
JSON_JVMARGUMENTS - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
JSON_LOCATION - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
JSON_LOGFILE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
JSON_MEMBERNAME - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
JSON_PID - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
JSON_PORT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
JSON_STATUS - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
JSON_STATUSMESSAGE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
JSON_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
JSON_UPTIME - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
JSON_WORKINGDIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
JSONFormatter - Class in org.apache.geode.pdx
JSONFormatter has a static method JSONFormatter.fromJSON(String, String...) to convert a JSON document into a PdxInstance and a static method JSONFormatter.toJSON(PdxInstance) to convert a PdxInstance into a JSON Document.
JSONFormatter() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter
JSONFormatter(RegionService) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter
JSONFormatterException - Exception in org.apache.geode.pdx
This exception will be thrown, when {link @JSONFormatter} is unable to parse the JSON document or {link @PdxInstance}.
JSONFormatterException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatterException
Create the exception with the given message.
JSONFormatterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatterException
Create the exception with the given message and cause.
JVMMetrics - Class in
Composite data type used to distribute metrics for the JVM running a GemFire member.
JVMMetrics(long, long, long, long, long, long, int) - Constructor for class
This constructor is to be used by internal JMX framework only.


key - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Entry
KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestType
For registering interest in a specific key.
keyConstraint - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
keyIndex - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
KeyOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
KeyOperationContext(Object) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyOperationContext
Constructor for the operation.
KeyOperationContext(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyOperationContext
Constructor for the operation.
KEYS - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestResultPolicy
KEYS - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.MirrorType
as of GemFire 5.0, use DataPolicy.REPLICATE instead.
KEYS_VALUES - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestResultPolicy
KEYS_VALUES - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.MirrorType
as of GemFire 5.0, use DataPolicy.REPLICATE instead.
keySet() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns a set of keys in the region.
keySetOnServer() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns a set of keys in the region on the server.
KeySetOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
KeySetOperationContext(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeySetOperationContext
Constructor for the operation.
KeyValueOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
KeyValueOperationContext(Object, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyValueOperationContext
Constructor for the operation.
KeyValueOperationContext(Object, Object, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyValueOperationContext
Constructor for the operation.


lastResult(T) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.ResultSender
Sends a result back to the FunctionService calling thread and invokes ResultCollector.addResult(org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember, Object) and then ResultCollector.endResults() if it is the last instance of the Function to report results.
LeaseExpiredException - Exception in org.apache.geode.distributed
A LeaseExpiredException is thrown when GemFire detects that a distributed lock obtained by the current thread with a limited lease (see @link DistributedLockService} has expired before it was explicitly released.
LeaseExpiredException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.LeaseExpiredException
Creates a new LeaseExpiredException
LIFO_ENTRY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
For internal use only.
LIFO_MEMORY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
For internal use only.
LIMITED_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.LossAction
Only local access to the region is allowed when required roles are missing.
LIST - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestType
For registering interest in a list of keys.
listAllRegionPaths() - Method in interface
Returns a list of full paths for all regions.
listCacheServerObjectNames() - Method in interface
Returns a list of object names for the CacheServerMXBeans used to access all cache servers.
listCacheServers() - Method in interface
Returns a list of names for all cache servers which are able to serve requests from GemFire clients.
listConnectedGatewayReceivers() - Method in interface
Returns a list of IDs for all connected gateway receivers.
listConnectedGatewaySenders() - Method in interface
Returns a list of IDs for all gateway senders.
listDiskStores(boolean) - Method in interface
Returns the name of all disk stores in use by this member.
listDistributedRegionObjectNames() - Method in interface
Returns a list of object names for the DistributedRegionMXBeans used to access all distributed regions.
listEvictionAttributes() - Method in interface
Returns the eviction attributes of the Region.
listEvictionAttributes() - Method in interface
Returns the eviction attributes of the Region.
listFixedPartitionAttributes() - Method in interface
Returns the fixed partition attributes of the Region.
listFixedPartitionAttributesData() - Method in interface
Returns the fixed partition attributes of the Region.
listGatewayReceiverObjectNames() - Method in interface
Returns a list of object names for the GatewayReceiverMXBeans used to access all gateway senders.
listGatewayReceivers() - Method in interface
Returns a list of IDs for all gateway receivers.
listGatewaySenderObjectNames() - Method in interface
Returns a list of object names for the GatewaySenderMXBeans used to access all gateway senders.
listGatewaySenderObjectNames(String) - Method in interface
Returns a list of object names for the GatewaySenderMXBeans used to access all gateway senders on a member.
listGatewaySenders() - Method in interface
Returns a list of IDs for all gateway senders.
listGemFireProperties() - Method in interface
Returns the GemFire specific properties for this member.
listGroups() - Method in interface
Returns a list of names for all groups.
listHeldLocks() - Method in interface
Returns a list of names of the locks held by this member's threads.
listHeldLocks() - Method in interface
Returns a list of names of the locks held by this member's threads.
listLocatorMembers(boolean) - Method in interface
Returns a list of names for locator members.
listLocators() - Method in interface
Returns a list of IDs for all locators.
listManagers() - Method in interface
Returns the list of current managers.
listMemberDiskstore() - Method in interface
Returns a map of all DistributedMembers and their DiskStores.
listMemberObjectNames() - Method in interface
Returns a list of object names for the MemberMXBeans used to access all distributed members.
listMembers() - Method in interface
Returns a list of names for all members.
listMembershipAttributes() - Method in interface
this API is scheduled to be removed
listMembershipAttributes() - Method in interface
this API is scheduled to be removed
listMissingDiskStores() - Method in interface
Returns a list of details for disk stores which have been determined to be unavailable during the recovery of region.
listPartitionAttributes() - Method in interface
Returns the partition attributes of the Region.
listPartitionAttributes() - Method in interface
Returns the partition attributes of the Region.
listPotentialManagers() - Method in interface
Returns a list of servers on which the manager service may be started either by a Locator or users.
listRegionAttributes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Returns an unmodifiable mapping of ids to region attributes.
listRegionAttributes() - Method in interface
Returns the attributes of the Region.
listRegionAttributes() - Method in interface
Returns the attributes of the Region.
listRegions() - Method in interface
Returns a list of names for all regions.
listRegions() - Method in interface
Returns a list of all Region names.
listServers() - Method in interface
Returns a list of names for all servers where server means any long-running GemFire process that was started with "start server" command from GFSH.
listSubRegionPaths(boolean) - Method in interface
Returns a list of the names of the subregions.
listSubregionPaths(boolean) - Method in interface
Returns a list of the names of the sub regions.
listThreadsHoldingLock() - Method in interface
Returns a map of the names of the objects being locked on and the names of the threads holding the locks.
listThreadsHoldingLock() - Method in interface
Returns a map of the names of the objects being locked on and the names of the threads holding the locks.
LITERAL - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.i18n.StringId
A StringId to allow users to log a literal String using the LogWriter
load(LoaderHelper<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheLoader
Loads a value.
load(File, SnapshotOptions.SnapshotFormat) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.CacheSnapshotService
Imports all snapshot files (*.gfd) in the specified directory into the cache.
load(File[], SnapshotOptions.SnapshotFormat, SnapshotOptions<Object, Object>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.CacheSnapshotService
Imports the specified snapshot files into the cache by applying user-configured options.
load(File, SnapshotOptions.SnapshotFormat) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.RegionSnapshotService
Imports the snapshot file into the specified region.
load(File, SnapshotOptions.SnapshotFormat, SnapshotOptions<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.RegionSnapshotService
Imports the snapshot file into the specified region by applying user-configured options.
LOAD_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION_FROM_DIR - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "load-cluster-configuration-from-dir" property
loadCacheXml(InputStream) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Loads the cache configuration described in a declarative caching XML file into this cache.
loadConditioningInterval - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
loadConfig(File) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminConfig
loadEmergencyClasses() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
Since it requires object memory to unpack a jar file, make sure this JVM has loaded the classes necessary for closure before it becomes necessary to use them.
LoaderHelper<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Provides a set of APIs to help the implementation of the CacheLoader load method.
loadFactor - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
loadGemFireProperties(URL) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Loads the GemFire properties at the specified URL.
loadPollInterval - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
loadSnapshot(InputStream) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
LOCAL - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Scope
The region with this attribute is scoped to this JVM only.
LOCAL_DESTROY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAction
Perform a localDestory on the least recently used region entry.
LOCAL_DESTROY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction
When expired, destroyed locally only.
LOCAL_DESTROY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry local destroy.
LOCAL_INVALIDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction
When expired, invalidated locally only.
LOCAL_INVALIDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry local invalidate.
LOCAL_LOAD_CREATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry creation caused by a local loader
LOCAL_LOAD_UPDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry update caused by a local load.
LOCAL_MAX_MEMORY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
Use PartitionAttributesImpl.getLocalMaxMemoryDefault() instead.
LOCAL_MAX_MEMORY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
- please use the PartitionAttributesFactory.setLocalMaxMemory(int) method instead.

The local property name that sets the maximum heap storage a VM contributes to a partitioned Region. When set to zero, the resulting Region reference allows access to the partitioned Region without any consuming any heap storage.

localClear() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Removes all local entries from this region.
localDestroy(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Destroys the value with the specified key in the local cache only, No CacheWriter is invoked.
localDestroy(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Destroys the value with the specified key in the local cache only, and provides a user-defined parameter object to the CacheListener, if any.
localDestroyRegion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Destroys the whole region in the local cache only.
localDestroyRegion(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Destroys the whole region in the local cache only, and provides a user-defined argument to a CacheListener if any.
localInvalidate(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Invalidates the value with the specified key in the local cache only.
localInvalidate(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Invalidates the value with the specified key in the local cache only, and provides a user-defined argument to the CacheListener.
localInvalidateRegion() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Invalidates this region in the local cache only.
localInvalidateRegion(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Invalidates this region in the local cache only, and provides a user-defined argument to the CacheListener.
localMaxMemory - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Locator() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType.Locator
Locator - Class in org.apache.geode.distributed
Represents a distribution locator server that provides discovery information to members and clients of a GemFire distributed system.
Locator() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
LOCATOR - Static variable in interface
This determines that the locator communication will be secured.
LOCATOR_STARTED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that locator is started
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.locator.started.
LOCATOR_WAIT_TIME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "locator-wait-time" property
LocatorLauncher - Class in org.apache.geode.distributed
The LocatorLauncher class is a launcher for a GemFire Locator.
LocatorLauncher.Builder - Class in org.apache.geode.distributed
Following the Builder design pattern, the LocatorLauncher Builder is used to configure and create a properly initialized instance of the LocatorLauncher class for running the Locator and performing other Locator operations.
LocatorLauncher.Command - Enum in org.apache.geode.distributed
An enumerated type representing valid commands to the Locator launcher.
LocatorLauncher.LocatorState - Class in org.apache.geode.distributed
The LocatorState is an immutable type representing the state of the specified Locator at any given moment in time.
LocatorMXBean - Interface in
MBean that provides access to information and management functionality for a Locator.
locators - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
LOCATORS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "locators" property
LOCATORS_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The name of the "locators" property (comma-delimited host[port] list)
LocatorState(LocatorLauncher, AbstractLauncher.Status) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.LocatorState
LocatorState(LocatorLauncher, AbstractLauncher.Status, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.LocatorState
LocatorState(AbstractLauncher.Status, String, long, String, Integer, Long, String, List<String>, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.LocatorState
lock(Object, long, long) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
Attempts to acquire a lock named name.
LOCK_MEMORY - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "lock-memory" property
LOCK_SERVICE_CLOSED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a lock service has been closed.
LOCK_SERVICE_CREATED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a lock service has been created.
lockInterruptibly(Object, long, long) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
as of GemFire 5.1, use DistributedLockService.lock(Object, long, long) with waitTimeMillis instead
lockLease - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
LockNotHeldException - Exception in org.apache.geode.distributed
A LockNotHeldException is thrown when attempting unlock a lock that is not held by the thread performing the unlock.
LockNotHeldException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.LockNotHeldException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
LockNotHeldException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.LockNotHeldException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
LockServiceDestroyedException - Exception in org.apache.geode.distributed
A LockServiceDestroyedException is thrown when attempting use a distributed lock service that has been destroyed.
LockServiceDestroyedException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.LockServiceDestroyedException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
LockServiceDestroyedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.LockServiceDestroyedException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
LockServiceMXBean - Interface in
MBean that provides access to information and management functionality for a DLockService.
lockTimeout - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
LOG_DISK_SPACE_LIMIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "log-disk-space-limit" property
LOG_DISK_SPACE_LIMIT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The name of the "LogDiskSpaceLimit" property
LOG_FILE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "log-file" property
LOG_FILE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The name of the "logFile" property
LOG_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "log-file-size-limit" property
LOG_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The name of the "LogFileSizeLimit" property
LOG_LEVEL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "log-level" property
LOG_LEVEL_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The name of the "logLevel" property
logFile - Variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
The file to which this locator logs
logFine(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
Logging can require allocation of objects, so we wrap the logger so that failures are silently ignored.
logger - Variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Please use Log4J 2 instead.
logInfo(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
Logging can require allocation of objects, so we wrap the logger so that failures are silently ignored.
loginTimeoutSeconds - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
logWarning(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
Logging can require allocation of objects, so we wrap the logger so that failures are silently ignored.
LogWriter - Interface in org.apache.geode
Please use Log4J2 instead.
LogWriterI18n - Interface in org.apache.geode.i18n
Please use Log4J2 instead.
lookupSystemMember(DistributedMember) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Returns the administrative SystemMember specified by the DistributedMember.
lossAction - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes
LossAction - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
this feature is scheduled to be removed
LowMemoryException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Indicates a low memory condition either on the local or a remote Cache.
LowMemoryException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.LowMemoryException
Creates a new instance of LowMemoryException.
LowMemoryException(String, Set<DistributedMember>) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.LowMemoryException
Constructs an instance of LowMemoryException with the specified detail message.
LRU_ENTRY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
An algorithm that considers the number of Entries in the Region before invoking its EvictionAction
LRU_HEAP - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
An algorithm that considers the JVM heap size before invoking its EvictionAction
LRU_MEMORY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
An algorithm that considers the amount of bytes consumed by the Region before invoking its EvictionAction
lruEntryCount - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes
LruEntryCount() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruEntryCount
lruHeapPercentage - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes
LruHeapPercentage() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruHeapPercentage
lruMemorySize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes
LruMemorySize() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruMemorySize


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
main(String...) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Launches a GemFire Locator from the command-line configured with the given arguments.
main(String...) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Launches a GemFire Server from the command-line configured with the given arguments.
managedConnFactoryClass - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
ManagedEntity - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
ManagedEntityConfig - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
manageDistributedSystem() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.Agent
Returns the object name of the JMX MBean that represents the distributed system administered by this Agent or null if this Agent has not connected to the distributed system.
ManagementException - Exception in
A ManagementException is a general exception that may be thrown when any administration or monitoring operation on a GemFire component fails.
ManagementException() - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with a null detail message.
ManagementException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
ManagementException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new ManagementException with the specified detail message and cause.
ManagementException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new ManagementException by wrapping the specified cause.
ManagementService - Class in
Interface to the GemFire management service for a single Cache.
ManagementService() - Constructor for class
MANAGER - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberType
GemFire shared-memory manager connected to the distributed system
MANAGER_STARTED - Static variable in interface
ManagerMXBean - Interface in
MBean that provides access to information and management functionality for a Manager.
manualStart - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
manualStart - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
manualStart - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
MapType - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query.types
Represents the type of a Map, a collection that contains keys as well as values and maintains an association between key-value pairs.
MARKER - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A marker operation.
markIdentityField(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Indicate that the named field should be included in hashCode and equals checks of this object on a server that is accessing PdxInstance or when a client executes a query on a server.
markIdentityField(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Indicate that the named field should be included in hashCode and equals checks of this object on a server that is accessing PdxInstance or when a client executes a query on a server.
MAX_ACK_SEVERE_ALERT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The maximum ackSevereAlertThreshold.
MAX_ACK_WAIT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The maximum AckWaitThreshold.
MAX_DESCRIPTORS_PER_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsTypeFactory
The maximum number of descriptors a single statistics type can have.
MAX_HTTP_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The maximum httpPort (65535)
MAX_LOG_DISK_SPACE_LIMIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The minimum log disk space limit in megabytes (1000000)
MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The minimum log file size limit in megabytes (1000000)
MAX_MCAST_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The maximum mcastPort (65535)
MAX_NUM_RECONNECT_TRIES - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "max-num-reconnect-tries" property
MAX_RMI_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The maximum value for rmi-port or rmi-server-port (65535)
MAX_WAIT_TIME_RECONNECT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "max-wait-time-reconnect" property
maxConnections - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
maxConnections - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
maxConnections - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
maximum - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruEntryCount
maximum - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruMemorySize
maximumMessageCount - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
maximumQueueMemory - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
maximumQueueMemory - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
maximumQueueMemory - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
maximumTimeBetweenPings - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
maximumTimeBetweenPings - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
maximumTimeBetweenPings - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
maxOplogSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
maxOplogSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes
maxPoolSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
maxThreads - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
MCAST_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "mcast-address" property
MCAST_ADDRESS_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The name of the "mcastAddress" property
MCAST_FLOW_CONTROL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "mcast-flow-control" property
MCAST_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "mcast-port" property
MCAST_PORT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The name of the "mcastPort" property
MCAST_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "mcast-recv-buffer-size" property
MCAST_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "mcast-send-buffer-size" property
MCAST_TTL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "mcast-ttl" property
MEMBER - Static variable in interface
The member of the distributed system that issued the alert, or null if the issuer is no longer a member of the distributed system.
MEMBER_NAME_ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
MEMBER_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "member-timeout" property
memberCrashed(SystemMembershipEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMembershipListener
Invoked when a member has unexpectedly left the distributed system.
memberCrashed(ClientMembershipEvent) - Method in interface
Invoked when a client has unexpectedly disconnected from this process or when this process has unexpectedly disconnected from a CacheServer.
memberCrashed(ClientMembershipEvent) - Method in class
Invoked when a client has unexpectedly disconnected from this process or when this process has unexpectedly disconnected from a CacheServer.
memberCrashed(MembershipEvent) - Method in interface
Invoked when a member has unexpectedly left the distributed system.
memberCrashed(MembershipEvent) - Method in class
Invoked when a member has unexpectedly left the distributed system.
MemberHealthConfig - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
memberJoined(SystemMembershipEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMembershipListener
Invoked when a member has joined the distributed system
memberJoined(ClientMembershipEvent) - Method in interface
Invoked when a client has connected to this process or when this process has connected to a CacheServer.
memberJoined(ClientMembershipEvent) - Method in class
Invoked when a client has connected to this process or when this process has connected to a CacheServer.
memberJoined(MembershipEvent) - Method in interface
Invoked when a member has joined the distributed system
memberJoined(MembershipEvent) - Method in class
Invoked when a member has joined the distributed system.
memberLeft(SystemMembershipEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMembershipListener
Invoked when a member has gracefully left the distributed system.
memberLeft(ClientMembershipEvent) - Method in interface
Invoked when a client has gracefully disconnected from this process or when this process has gracefully disconnected from a CacheServer.
memberLeft(ClientMembershipEvent) - Method in class
Invoked when a client has gracefully disconnected from this process or when this process has gracefully disconnected from a CacheServer.
memberLeft(MembershipEvent) - Method in interface
Invoked when a member has gracefully left the distributed system.
memberLeft(MembershipEvent) - Method in class
Invoked when a member has gracefully left the distributed system.
MemberMXBean - Interface in
MBean that provides access to information and management functionality for a DistributedMember of the GemFire distributed system.
MEMBERSHIP_PORT_RANGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "membership-port-range" property
MEMBERSHIP_PORT_RANGE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The name of the "membership-port-range" property
membershipAttributes - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
MembershipAttributes() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes
MembershipAttributes - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
this feature is scheduled to be removed
MembershipAttributes() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes
Creates a new MembershipAttributes with the default configuration of no required roles.
MembershipAttributes(String[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes
Creates a new MembershipAttributes with the specified required role names.
MembershipAttributes(String[], LossAction, ResumptionAction) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes
Creates a new MembershipAttributes with the specified required role names, reliability policy, and resumption action.
MembershipAttributesData - Class in
this API is scheduled to be removed
MembershipAttributesData(Set<String>, String, String) - Constructor for class
This constructor is to be used by internal JMX framework only.
MembershipEvent - Interface in
An event that describes the member that originated this event.
MembershipListener - Interface in
A listener whose callback methods are invoked when members join or leave the GemFire distributed system.
membershipListener - Variable in class
MEMCACHED_BIND_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "memcached-bind-address" property
MEMCACHED_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "memcached-port" property
MEMCACHED_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "memcached-protocol" property
MEMORY_MAX_WAIT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
This is the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that the proctor thread will tolerate seeing free memory stay below SystemFailure.setFailureMemoryThreshold(long), after which point it will declare a system failure.
messageSyncInterval - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
messageTimeToLive - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
methodAuthorizer - Variable in class
MethodAuthorizer() - Constructor for class
MethodInvocationAuthorizer - Interface in
The root interface that should be implemented by method invocation authorizer instances.
MetricsPublishingService - Interface in org.apache.geode.metrics
Publishes metrics managed by a MetricsSession.
MetricsSession - Interface in org.apache.geode.metrics
A session that manages Geode metrics.
MIN_ACK_SEVERE_ALERT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The minimum ackSevereAlertThreshold.
MIN_ACK_WAIT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The minimum AckWaitThreshold.
MIN_HTTP_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The minimum httpPort (0)
MIN_LOG_DISK_SPACE_LIMIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The minimum log disk space limit in megabytes (0)
MIN_LOG_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The minimum log file size limit in megabytes (0)
MIN_MCAST_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The minimum mcastPort (0)
MIN_RMI_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The minimum value for rmi-port or rmi-server-port (0)
minConnections - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
MINIMUM_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
The default minimum socket read timeout.
mirrorType - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
MirrorType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
as of GemFire 5.0, use DataPolicy instead.
modifyQuery(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.QueryOperationContext
Modify the query string.
modifySSLClientSocketParameters(SSLParameters) - Method in interface
modifySSLServerSocketParameters(SSLParameters) - Method in interface
moveBucketByKey(Region<K, ?>, DistributedMember, DistributedMember, K) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionHelper
Moves the bucket which contains the given key from the source member to the destination member.
moveData(Region<?, ?>, DistributedMember, DistributedMember, float) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionRegionHelper
Moves data from the source member to the destination member, up to the given percentage of data (measured in bytes).
multicastEnabled - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
MultiIndexCreationException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Consists a map of index names and Exceptions thrown during index creation using QueryService.createDefinedIndexes().
MultiIndexCreationException(HashMap<String, Exception>) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.MultiIndexCreationException


name - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminConfig.Entry
name - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
name - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
name - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ParameterType
name - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
name - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes.RequiredRole
name - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
name - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static string definition of the "name" property
NAME_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The name of the "name" property.
NameNotFoundException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown when an attribute or method name could not be resolved during query execution because no matching method or field could be found.
NameNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.NameNotFoundException
Constructs instance of ObjectNameNotFoundException with error message
NameNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.NameNotFoundException
Constructs instance of ObjectNameNotFoundException with error message and cause
NameResolutionException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown if an attribute or method name in a query cannot be resolved.
NameResolutionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.NameResolutionException
Constructs a NameResolutionException
NameResolutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.NameResolutionException
Constructs a NameResolutionException
nameToDescriptor(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Returns the descriptor of the statistic with the given name in this statistics instance.
nameToDescriptor(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsType
Returns the descriptor of the statistic with the given name in this statistics instance.
nameToId(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Returns the id of the statistic with the given name in this statistics instance.
nameToId(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.StatisticsType
Returns the id of the statistic with the given name in this statistics instance.
NET_LOAD_CREATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry creation caused by a net loader
NET_LOAD_UPDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry update caused by a net load.
netSearch(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.LoaderHelper
Searches other caches for the value to be loaded.
NetworkMetrics - Class in
Composite data type used to distribute network related metrics for a member.
NetworkMetrics() - Constructor for class
neverDeserialize() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
The instance created by this factory will be one that is never deserialized to a domain class.
newCq(String, CqAttributes) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Constructs a new continuous query, represented by an instance of CqQuery.
newCq(String, CqAttributes, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Constructs a new continuous query, represented by an instance of CqQuery.
newCq(String, String, CqAttributes) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Constructs a new named continuous query, represented by an instance of CqQuery.
newCq(String, String, CqAttributes, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Constructs a new named continuous query, represented by an instance of CqQuery.
newInstance() - Method in class org.apache.geode.CanonicalInstantiator
This method is not supported and if called will throw UnsupportedOperationException.
newInstance(DataInput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.CanonicalInstantiator
Creates a new "empty" instance of a DataSerializable class whose state will be filled in by invoking its fromData method.
newInstance() - Method in class org.apache.geode.Instantiator
Creates a new "empty" instance of a DataSerializable class whose state will be filled in by invoking its fromData method.
newQuery(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Constructs a new Query object.
next() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.SnapshotIterator
Returns the next element in the iteration.
NO_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.LossAction
The region is unavailable when required roles are missing.
NoAvailableLocatorsException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.client
An exception indicating that there are no active locators available to connect to.
NoAvailableLocatorsException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.NoAvailableLocatorsException
Create a new instance of NoAvailableLocatorsException without a detail message or cause.
NoAvailableLocatorsException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.NoAvailableLocatorsException
Create a new instance of NoAvailableServersException with a detail message
NoAvailableLocatorsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.NoAvailableLocatorsException
Create a new instance of NoAvailableLocatorsException with a detail message and cause
NoAvailableLocatorsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.NoAvailableLocatorsException
Create a new instance of NoAvailableLocatorsException with a and cause
NoAvailableServersException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.client
An exception indicating that there are no active servers available to connect to.
NoAvailableServersException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.NoAvailableServersException
Create a new instance of NoAvailableServersException without a detail message or cause.
NoAvailableServersException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.NoAvailableServersException
Create a new instance of NoAvailableServersException with a detail message
NoAvailableServersException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.NoAvailableServersException
Create a new instance of NoAvailableServersException with a detail message and cause
NoAvailableServersException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.NoAvailableServersException
Create a new instance of NoAvailableServersException with a and cause
NONE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAction
Canonical EvictionAction that represents no eviction
NONE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
The canonical EvictionAction that represents no eviction action
NONE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestResultPolicy
NONE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.MirrorType
as of GemFire 5.0, use DataPolicy.NORMAL instead.
NONE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.ResumptionAction
No special action takes place when reliability resumes.
NonPortableClassException - Exception in org.apache.geode.pdx
Thrown if "check-portability" is enabled and an attempt is made to pdx serialize a class that is not portable to non-java platforms.
NonPortableClassException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.pdx.NonPortableClassException
NoQueueServersAvailableException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Indicates that this client cannot contact any queue servers and therefore cannot perform operations that require a queue, such as registering interest.
NoQueueServersAvailableException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.NoQueueServersAvailableException
Create a new instance of NoPrimaryAvailableException without a detail message or cause.
NoQueueServersAvailableException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.NoQueueServersAvailableException
Create a new instance of NoPrimaryAvailableException with a detail message
NoQueueServersAvailableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.NoQueueServersAvailableException
Create a new instance of NoPrimaryAvailableException with a detail message and cause
NoQueueServersAvailableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.NoQueueServersAvailableException
Create a new instance of NoPrimaryAvailableException with a cause
NORMAL - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
Allows the contents in this cache to differ from other caches.
NoSubscriptionServersAvailableException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Indicates that this client cannot contact any servers and therefore cannot perform operations that require subscriptions, such as registering interest.
NoSubscriptionServersAvailableException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.NoSubscriptionServersAvailableException
Create a new instance of NoSubscriptionServersAvailableException without a detail message or cause.
NoSubscriptionServersAvailableException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.NoSubscriptionServersAvailableException
Create a new instance of NoSubscriptionServersAvailableException with a detail message
NoSubscriptionServersAvailableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.NoSubscriptionServersAvailableException
Create a new instance of NoSubscriptionServersAvailableException with a detail message and cause
NoSubscriptionServersAvailableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.NoSubscriptionServersAvailableException
Create a new instance of NoSubscriptionServersAvailableException with a cause
NoSystemException - Exception in org.apache.geode
A NoSystemException is thrown when a locator can not be found or connected to.
NoSystemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.NoSystemException
Creates a new NoSystemException.
NoSystemException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.NoSystemException
Creates a new NoSystemException with the given message and cause.
NotAuthorizedException - Exception in
Thrown when a client/peer is unauthorized to perform a requested operation.
NotAuthorizedException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and principal.
NotAuthorizedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
NotAuthorizedException(String, Principal) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and principal.
NotAuthorizedException(String, Throwable, Principal) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause and principal.
notifyBySubscription - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
NULL - Static variable in class
numBuckets - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes.FixedPartitionAttributes
numCqsActive() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqServiceStatistics
Get the number of CQs currently active.
numCqsClosed() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqServiceStatistics
Get the total number of closed CQs.
numCqsCreated() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqServiceStatistics
Get the total number of CQs created.
numCqsOnClient() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqServiceStatistics
Get number of CQs that are currently active or stopped.
numCqsOnRegion(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqServiceStatistics
Get number of CQs on the given region.
numCqsStopped() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqServiceStatistics
Get the number of stopped CQs currently.
numDeletes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqStatistics
Get number of Delete events qualified by this CQ.
numEvents() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqStatistics
Get total of all the events qualified by this CQ.
numInserts() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqStatistics
Get number of Insert events qualified by this CQ.
numUpdates() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqStatistics
Get number of Update events qualified by this CQ.


ObjectSizer - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.util
The sizer interface defines a method that when called returns the size of the object passed in.
ObjectType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ObjectType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ObjectType
ObjectType(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ObjectType
ObjectType(DeclarableType) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ObjectType
ObjectType - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query.types
An ObjectType represents the type of an object in a query.
occurrences(E) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults
Return the number of times element occurs in this collection, that is the number of duplicates element has in this collection as defined by the equals> method.
OFF - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.AlertLevel
OFF_HEAP_MEMORY_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "off-heap-memory-size" property
offHeap - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
OKAY_HEALTH - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth
An indicator that one or more GemFire components is slightly unhealthy.
onCqConnected() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqStatusListener
Called when the cq establishes a connection with a server
onCqDisconnected() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqStatusListener
Called when the cq loses connection with all servers
onError(CqEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqListener
This method is invoked when there is an error during CQ processing.
onError(CqEvent) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CqListenerAdapter
An error occurred in the processing of a CQ.
onEvent(CqEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqListener
This method is invoked when an event is occurred on the region that satisfied the query condition of this CQ.
onEvent(CqEvent) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.util.CqListenerAdapter
An event occurred that modifies the results of the query.
onEvent(TimestampedEntryEvent, GatewayConflictHelper) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.GatewayConflictResolver
This method is invoked when a change is received from another distributed system and the last modification to the affected cache entry did not also come from the same system.
onMember(DistributedMember) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService
Returns an Execution object that can be used to execute a data independent function on a DistributedMember.
onMember(String...) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService
Returns an Execution object that can be used to execute a data independent function on one member of each group provided.
onMembers(String...) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService
Returns an Execution object that can be used to execute a data independent function on all peer members.
onMembers(Set<DistributedMember>) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService
Returns an Execution object that can be used to execute a data independent function on the set of DistributedMembers.
onRegion(Region) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService
Returns an Execution object that can be used to execute a data dependent function on the specified Region.
When invoked from a GemFire client, the method returns an Execution instance that sends a message to one of the connected servers as specified by the Pool for the region.
onServer(Pool) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService
Returns an Execution object that can be used to execute a data independent function on a server in the provided Pool.
onServer(RegionService) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService
Returns an Execution object that can be used to execute a data independent function on a server that the given cache is connected to.
onServers(Pool) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService
Returns an Execution object that can be used to execute a data independent function on all the servers in the provided Pool.
onServers(RegionService) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService
Returns an Execution object that can be used to execute a data independent function on all the servers that the given cache is connected to.
open() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
Opens the DynamicRegionFactory with default settings.
open(DynamicRegionFactory.Config) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
Opens the factory with the given settings.
open() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoadProbe
Signals that a cache server using this load probe has been started.
open() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoadProbeAdapter
Does nothing.
Operation - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
Enumerated type for an event operation.
OperationAbortedException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Indicates that the operation that would have otherwise affected the cache has been aborted.
OperationAbortedException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.OperationAbortedException
Creates a new instance of OperationAbortedException without detail message.
OperationAbortedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.OperationAbortedException
Constructs an instance of OperationAbortedException with the specified detail message.
OperationAbortedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.OperationAbortedException
Constructs an instance of OperationAbortedException with the specified detail message and cause.
OperationAbortedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.OperationAbortedException
Constructs an instance of OperationAbortedException with the specified cause.
OperationCancelledException - Exception in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
OperationCancelledException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.OperationCancelledException
OperationCancelledException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.OperationCancelledException
OperationCancelledException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.OperationCancelledException
OperationCancelledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.OperationCancelledException
OperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
OperationContext() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext
OperationContext.OperationCode - Enum in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
OplogCancelledException - Exception in org.apache.geode.distributed
Thrown when a GemFire operation log has been terminated.
OplogCancelledException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.OplogCancelledException
OplogCancelledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.OplogCancelledException
OplogCancelledException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.OplogCancelledException
OplogCancelledException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.OplogCancelledException
optimizeForWrite() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Function
Return true to indicate to GemFire the method requires optimization for writing the targeted FunctionService.onRegion(org.apache.geode.cache.Region) and any associated routing objects.
OPTION_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
orderPolicy - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
orderPolicy - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
orderPolicy - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
ordinal - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.AlertLevel
ordinal - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberType
int used as ordinal to represent this Scope
ordinal - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
used as ordinal to represent this DataPolicy
ordinal - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction
ordinal - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestPolicy
used as ordinal to represent this InterestPolicy
ordinal - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestResultPolicy
The ordinal representing this InterestResultPolicy.
ordinal - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.LossAction
byte used as ordinal to represent this Scope
ordinal - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.MirrorType
int used as ordinal to represent this Scope
ordinal - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
byte used as ordinal to represent this Operation
ordinal - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.ResumptionAction
byte used as ordinal to represent this Scope
ordinal - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Scope
org.apache.geode - package org.apache.geode
The base package of the GemFire Java product, featuring highly concurrent distributed caching with cache event delivery, OQL querying, and remote cache administration, built using a DistributedSystem which includes a DistributedLockService.
org.apache.geode.admin - package org.apache.geode.admin
Provides an API for administering various GemFire components such as a GemFire distributed system, and processes that host GemFire Caches.
org.apache.geode.admin.jmx - package org.apache.geode.admin.jmx
Provides administrative access to a GemFire distributed system via the Java Management Extensions (JMX).
org.apache.geode.cache - package org.apache.geode.cache
Provides an implementation of distributed object caching that can leverage GemFire's distribution capabilities.
org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue - package org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue
org.apache.geode.cache.client - package org.apache.geode.cache.client
The org.apache.geode.cache.client package provides APIs used for client connectivity and caching.
org.apache.geode.cache.client.proxy - package org.apache.geode.cache.client.proxy
org.apache.geode.cache.configuration - package org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
org.apache.geode.cache.control - package org.apache.geode.cache.control
Controls the resources used by the local GemFire Cache.
org.apache.geode.cache.execute - package org.apache.geode.cache.execute
The org.apache.geode.cache.execute package provides APIs used for function execution on gemfire system members.
org.apache.geode.cache.operations - package org.apache.geode.cache.operations
Contains the OperationContext interface that encapsulates an operation and the data associated with it for both the pre-operation and post-operation cases.
org.apache.geode.cache.partition - package org.apache.geode.cache.partition
Provides classes which operate on partitioned regions.
org.apache.geode.cache.persistence - package org.apache.geode.cache.persistence
org.apache.geode.cache.query - package org.apache.geode.cache.query
GemFire's query service, an implementation of an OQL/SQL-style query processor with supporting indexes. - package - package
org.apache.geode.cache.query.types - package org.apache.geode.cache.query.types
org.apache.geode.cache.server - package org.apache.geode.cache.server
The org.apache.geode.cache.server package provides APIs used for the server side of client/server caching.
org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot - package org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot
Provides API's for importing and exporting cached data into snapshot files.
org.apache.geode.cache.util - package org.apache.geode.cache.util
Provides utilities for use with the Caching API in the org.apache.geode.cache.util package.
org.apache.geode.cache.wan - package org.apache.geode.cache.wan
org.apache.geode.compression - package org.apache.geode.compression
org.apache.geode.datasource - package org.apache.geode.datasource
org.apache.geode.distributed - package org.apache.geode.distributed
Provides information about, access to, and common tools for GemFire distributed systems.
org.apache.geode.examples - package org.apache.geode.examples - package
org.apache.geode.i18n - package org.apache.geode.i18n
org.apache.geode.lang - package org.apache.geode.lang - package
A set of APIs for retrieving information and statistics for GemFire components as well as controlling the startup, shutdown and runtime of those components. - package - package
org.apache.geode.metrics - package org.apache.geode.metrics
Geode uses Micrometer for its metrics. - package
org.apache.geode.pdx - package org.apache.geode.pdx
The org.apache.geode.pdx package provides APIs used for object serialization.
org.apache.geode.ra - package org.apache.geode.ra - package
Provides an API for plugging in authentication and authorization for members of a distributed system and clients.
OSMetrics - Class in
Composite data type used to distribute metrics for the operating system hosting a member of the distributed system.
OSMetrics(long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, String, String, String, int, double) - Constructor for class
This constructor is to be used by internal JMX framework only.
OutOfOffHeapMemoryException - Exception in org.apache.geode
Indicates that attempts to allocate more objects in off-heap memory has failed and the Cache will be closed to prevent it from losing distributed consistency.
OutOfOffHeapMemoryException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.OutOfOffHeapMemoryException
Constructs an OutOfOffHeapMemoryError with no detail message.
OutOfOffHeapMemoryException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.OutOfOffHeapMemoryException
Constructs an OutOfOffHeapMemoryError with the specified detail message.
OVERFLOW_TO_DISK - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAction
Write the value of the least recently used region entry to disk and null-out its value in the VM to free up heap space.
overflowDirectory - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
overflowDirectory - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType.ClientSubscription


parallel - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
parallel - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
parameter - Variable in class
Parameter() - Constructor for class
ParameterCountInvalidException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown when the number of bound paramters for a query does not match the number of placeholders.
ParameterCountInvalidException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.ParameterCountInvalidException
Creates a new instance of QueryParameterCountInvalidException
parameters - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DeclarableType
ParameterType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
A "parameter" element describes a parameter used to initialize a Declarable object.
ParameterType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ParameterType
ParameterType(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ParameterType
ParameterType(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ParameterType
ParameterType(String, DeclarableType) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ParameterType
parameterValue - Variable in class
parent - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
parseAction(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAction
parseAction(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
parseArguments(String...) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Parses an array of arguments to configure this Builder with the intent of constructing a Locator launcher to invoke a Locator.
parseCommand(String...) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Iterates the list of arguments in search of the target Locator launcher command.
parseCommand(String...) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Iterates the list of arguments in search of the target Server launcher command.
parseMemberName(String...) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Iterates the list of arguments in search of the Locator's GemFire member name.
parseMemberName(String...) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Iterates the list of arguments in search of the Server's GemFire member name.
parseValue(int) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAction
Returns the eviction action the corresponds to the given parameter.
parseValue(int) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAlgorithm
Returns the eviction action the corresponds to the given parameter.
PARTITION - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
Data in this region may be spread across a number of processes.
partitionAttributes - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
PartitionAttributes() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
PartitionAttributes<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Attributes that define the partitioned character of a Partitioned Region.
PartitionAttributesData - Class in
Composite date type used to distribute attributes for a PartitionedRegion.
PartitionAttributesData(int, long, int, int, String, String, long, long, String[]) - Constructor for class
This constructor is to be used by internal JMX framework only.
PartitionAttributesFactory<K,V> - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
A factory that creates instances of PartitionAttributes which are used to create a partitioned Region.
PartitionAttributesFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
Creates a new instance of PartitionAttributesFactory ready to create a PartitionAttributes with default settings.
PartitionAttributesFactory(PartitionAttributes) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
Creates a new instance of PartitionAttributesFactory ready to create a PartitionAttributes with the same settings as those in the specified PartitionAttributes
PartitionedRegionDistributionException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Indicates a failure to perform a distributed operation on a Partitioned Region after multiple attempts.
PartitionedRegionDistributionException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionedRegionDistributionException
PartitionedRegionDistributionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionedRegionDistributionException
PartitionedRegionDistributionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionedRegionDistributionException
PartitionedRegionDistributionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionedRegionDistributionException
PartitionedRegionStorageException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Description of the conditions under which this exception is thrown
PartitionedRegionStorageException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionedRegionStorageException
Creates a new instance of PartitionedRegionStorageException
PartitionedRegionStorageException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionedRegionStorageException
Creates a new PartitionedRegionStorageException with a message.
PartitionedRegionStorageException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionedRegionStorageException
Creates a new PartitionedRegionStorageException with a message and Throwable cause.
PartitionListener - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.partition
A callback for partitioned regions, invoked when a partition region is created or any bucket is created/deleted or any bucket in a partitioned region becomes primary.

It is highly recommended that implementations of this listener should be quick and not try to manipulate regions and data because the the callbacks are invoked while holding locks that may block region operations.
PartitionListenerAdapter - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.partition
Utility class that implements all methods in PartitionListener with empty implementations.
PartitionListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionListenerAdapter
partitionListeners - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
PartitionMemberInfo - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.partition
Describes a member that has been configured to provide storage space for a partitioned region.
partitionName - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes.FixedPartitionAttributes
PartitionNotAvailableException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.partition
This exception is thrown when for the given fixed partition, datastore (local-max-memory > 0) is not available.
PartitionNotAvailableException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionNotAvailableException
Creates a new PartitionNotAvailableException with no detailed message.
PartitionNotAvailableException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionNotAvailableException
Creates a new PartitionNotAvailableException with the given detail message.
PartitionNotAvailableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionNotAvailableException
Creates a new PartitionNotAvailableException with the given cause and no detail message
PartitionNotAvailableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionNotAvailableException
Creates a new PartitionNotAvailableException with the given detail message and cause.
PartitionOfflineException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.persistence
Thrown when a paritioned region is configured for disk persistence, and part of the data is stored on members that are known to be offline.
PartitionOfflineException(Set<PersistentID>) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.PartitionOfflineException
PartitionOfflineException(Set<PersistentID>, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.PartitionOfflineException
PartitionOfflineException(Set<PersistentID>, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.PartitionOfflineException
PartitionOfflineException(Set<PersistentID>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.PartitionOfflineException
PartitionRebalanceInfo - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.partition
The detailed results of rebalancing a partitioned region.
PartitionRegionHelper - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.partition
Utility methods for handling partitioned Regions, for example during execution of Functions on a Partitioned Region.
PartitionRegionInfo - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.partition
Information describing the data storage and distribution of a partitioned region.
partitionResolver - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
PartitionResolver<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Implementers of interface PartitionResolver enable custom standard partitioning on the PartitionedRegion.
See FixedPartitionResolver to enable custom fixed partitioning.
password - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
PASSWORD - Static variable in interface
property name of the password passed in the Properties in authenticate method
pause() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Pauses the dispatching of the events from the underlying queue.
pause() - Method in interface
Pauses this GatewaySender.
pauseEventDispatching() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Pauses the dispatching of the queued events to the listener.
pauseEventProcessing - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
pdx - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
PdxConfigurationException - Exception in org.apache.geode.pdx
Thrown when a configuration that is now allowed by PDX is detected.
PdxConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxConfigurationException
Constructs a new exception with the given message
PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException - Exception in org.apache.geode.pdx
Thrown when writing a field if the named field already exists.
PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new exception with the given message.
PdxFieldDoesNotExistException - Exception in org.apache.geode.pdx
Thrown when a PDX field does not exist and the current operation requires its existence.
PdxFieldDoesNotExistException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxFieldDoesNotExistException
Constructs a new exception with the given message
PdxFieldTypeMismatchException - Exception in org.apache.geode.pdx
Thrown if the type of a PDX field was changed or the wrong type was used.
PdxFieldTypeMismatchException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxFieldTypeMismatchException
Constructs a new exception with the given message
PdxInitializationException - Exception in org.apache.geode.pdx
Thrown if the PDX system could not be successfully initialized.
PdxInitializationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInitializationException
Construct a new exception with the given message
PdxInitializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInitializationException
Construct a new exception with the given message and cause
PdxInstance - Interface in org.apache.geode.pdx
PdxInstance provides run time access to the fields of a PDX without deserializing the PDX.
PdxInstanceFactory - Interface in org.apache.geode.pdx
PdxInstanceFactory gives you a way to create PdxInstances.
PdxReader - Interface in org.apache.geode.pdx
A PdxReader will be passed to fromData or PdxSerializer fromData by GemFire during deserialization of a PDX.
PdxRegistryMismatchException - Exception in org.apache.geode.pdx
Thrown when an attempt is made to reuse a PDX Type.
PdxRegistryMismatchException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxRegistryMismatchException
Constructs a new exception with the given message
PdxSerializable - Interface in org.apache.geode.pdx
When a domain class implements PdxSerializable it marks itself as a PDX.
PdxSerializationException - Exception in org.apache.geode.pdx
Thrown if a problem occurred during serialization or deserialization of a PDX.
PdxSerializationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxSerializationException
Create the exception with the given message.
PdxSerializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxSerializationException
Create the exception with the given message and cause.
pdxSerializer - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
PdxSerializer - Interface in org.apache.geode.pdx
The PdxSerializer interface allows domain classes to be serialized and deserialized as PDXs without modification of the domain class.
PdxType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
A "pdx" element specifies the configuration for the portable data exchange (PDX) method of serialization.
PdxType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
PdxUnreadFields - Interface in org.apache.geode.pdx
Marker interface for an object that GemFire creates and returns from readUnreadFields.
PdxWriter - Interface in org.apache.geode.pdx
A PdxWriter will be passed to toData or PdxSerializer toData by GemFire when it is serializing the domain class.
persistBackup - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
persistBackup - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory.Config
Causes the factory to be persisted on disk.
persistent - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
persistent - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
PERSISTENT_PARTITION - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
In addition to PARTITION also causes data to be stored to disk.
PERSISTENT_REPLICATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
In addition to REPLICATE also causes data to be stored to disk.
PersistentID - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.persistence
A pattern describing a single member's a set of persistent files for a region.
PersistentMemberDetails - Class in
Composite data type used to distribute attributes for the missing disk store of a persistent member.
PersistentMemberDetails(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
This constructor is to be used by internal JMX framework only.
PersistentReplicatesOfflineException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.persistence
Thrown when a replicated region is configured for persistence on some members but none of those members are currently online.
PersistentReplicatesOfflineException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.PersistentReplicatesOfflineException
PersistentReplicatesOfflineException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.PersistentReplicatesOfflineException
PersistentReplicatesOfflineException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.PersistentReplicatesOfflineException
pingInterval - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Pool - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.client
A pool for connections from a client to a set of GemFire Cache Servers.
PoolCancelledException - Exception in org.apache.geode.distributed
Thrown when a GemFire connection pool has been terminated.
PoolCancelledException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.PoolCancelledException
PoolCancelledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.PoolCancelledException
PoolCancelledException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.PoolCancelledException
PoolCancelledException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.PoolCancelledException
PooledDataSourceFactory - Interface in org.apache.geode.datasource
Classes that implement this interface can be used as the class name specified in the "gfsh create data-source --pooled-data-source-factory-class" parameter.
PoolFactory - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.client
This interface provides for the configuration and creation of instances of Pool.
PoolManager - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.client
Manages creation and access to connection pools for clients.
poolName - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DynamicRegionFactoryType
poolName - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
poolName - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory.Config
The ${link Pool} to be used by a client factory to communicate with the server-side factory.
pools - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
PoolType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
A "pool" element specifies a client to server connection pool.
PoolType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
PoolType.Locator - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
PoolType.Server - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
POOR_HEALTH - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth
An indicator that one or more GemFire components is unhealthy.
port - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminConfig.Entry
port - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayEndpoint
port - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
port - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType.Locator
port - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType.Server
port - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
PostProcessor - Interface in
PostProcessor allows the customer to massage the values seen by a particular user.
PRELOADED - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
In addition to NORMAL, contents inside of this cache are (partially) initialized with data from other caches, if available.
processCommand(String) - Method in interface
Executes a command on the member.
processCommand(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface
Executes a command on the member.
processCommand(String, Map<String, String>, List<String>) - Method in interface
Executes a command on the member.
processCommand(String, Map<String, String>, Byte[][]) - Method in interface
since 1.4 use processCommand(String commandString, Map env, List stagedFilePaths) instead
processEvents(List<AsyncEvent>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventListener
Process the list of AsyncEvents.
processRegionValue(Object, String, Object, Object) - Method in class
This simply modifies the value with all the parameter values
processRegionValue(Object, String, Object, Object) - Method in interface
Process the value before sending it to the requester
PROPERTIES_FILE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
The default value of PROPERTIES_FILE_PROPERTY is "".
PROPERTIES_FILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
The PROPERTIES_FILE_PROPERTY is the system property that can be used to specify the name of the properties file that the connect method will check for when it looks for a properties file.
PROPERTY_FILE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
As of 9.0, please use DistributedSystem.getPropertiesFile() instead.
ProxySocketFactories - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.client.proxy
ProxySocketFactories() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.client.proxy.ProxySocketFactories
prSingleHopEnabled - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
publisher - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
put(K, V) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Places a new value into an entry in this region with the specified key.
put(K, V, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Places a new value into an entry in this region with the specified key, providing a user-defined parameter object to any CacheWriter invoked in the process.
PUT_IF_ABSENT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An atomic entry creation operation
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Copies all of the entries from the specified map to this region.
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Copies all of the entries from the specified map to this region.
PUTALL_CREATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry creation caused by a putAll invocation
PUTALL_UPDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry update caused by a putAll invocation.
PutAllOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
PutAllOperationContext(Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutAllOperationContext
Constructor for the operation.
putClientHostName(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
putClientQueueSize(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associate it with the given value.
PutOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
PutOperationContext(Object, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutOperationContext
Constructor for the operation.
PutOperationContext(Object, Object, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutOperationContext
Constructor for the operation.
PutOperationContext(Object, Object, boolean, byte, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutOperationContext
Constructor for the operation.
putRegionStatus(String, RegionStatus) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus


Query - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Interface for query objects.
query(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Filters the values of this region using the queryPredicate.
QueryConfigService - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
QueryConfigService() - Constructor for class
QueryConfigService.MethodAuthorizer - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
QueryConfigService.MethodAuthorizer.Parameter - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
queryData(String, String, int) - Method in interface
This API is used to query data from GemFire system.
queryDataForCompressedResult(String, String, int) - Method in interface
Functionality is same as queryData() method.
QueryException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown during by the query engine during parsing or execution.
QueryException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryException
Required for serialization
QueryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryException
Constructor used by concrete subclasses
QueryException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryException
Constructor used by concrete subclasses
QueryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryException
Constructor used by concrete subclasses
QueryExecutionLowMemoryException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown when the query is executing and the critical heap percentage is met.
QueryExecutionLowMemoryException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryExecutionLowMemoryException
Creates a new instance of QueryExecutionLowMemoryException without detail message.
QueryExecutionLowMemoryException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryExecutionLowMemoryException
Constructs an instance of QueryExecutionLowMemoryException with the specified detail message.
QueryExecutionLowMemoryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryExecutionLowMemoryException
Constructs an instance of QueryExecutionLowMemoryException with the specified detail message and cause.
QueryExecutionLowMemoryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryExecutionLowMemoryException
Constructs an instance of QueryExecutionLowMemoryException with the specified cause.
QueryExecutionTimeoutException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown when the query execution takes more than the specified max time.
QueryExecutionTimeoutException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryExecutionTimeoutException
Creates a new instance of QueryExecutionTimeoutException without detail message.
QueryExecutionTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryExecutionTimeoutException
Constructs an instance of QueryExecutionTimeoutException with the specified detail message.
QueryExecutionTimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryExecutionTimeoutException
Constructs an instance of QueryExecutionTimeoutException with the specified detail message and cause.
QueryExecutionTimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryExecutionTimeoutException
Constructs an instance of QueryExecutionTimeoutException with the specified cause.
QueryInvalidException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown if the query language syntax is not valid.
QueryInvalidException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryInvalidException
Construct an instance of QueryInvalidException
QueryInvalidException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryInvalidException
Construct an instance of QueryInvalidException
QueryInvocationTargetException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown if an exception is thrown when a method is invoked during query execution.
QueryInvocationTargetException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryInvocationTargetException
Construct an instance of QueryInvalidException
QueryInvocationTargetException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryInvocationTargetException
Construct an instance of QueryInvalidException
QueryInvocationTargetException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryInvocationTargetException
Construct an instance of QueryInvalidException
queryMBeanNames(DistributedMember) - Method in class
Returns the object names for all MBeans associated with a member.
QueryOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
QueryOperationContext(String, Set, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.QueryOperationContext
Constructor for the query operation.
QueryOperationContext(String, Set, boolean, Object[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.QueryOperationContext
Constructor for the query operation.
QueryService - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Interface for the query service, which is used for instantiating queries, creating and destroying indexes, creating CQs and operating on CQs.
QueryStatistics - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Provides statistical information about a query performed on a GemFire Region.
QUEUE_OPLOG_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Size of the oplog file used for the persistent queue in bytes
queueSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType


razeDynamicRegion(EntryEvent) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
read(File) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.SnapshotReader
Reads a snapshot file and passes the entries to the application.
READ_PID_FILE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
This timeout is no longer needed.
readArrayList(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an ArrayList from a DataInput.
readArrayOfByteArrays(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an array of byte[]s from a DataInput.
readArrayOfByteArrays(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readBoolean(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an instance of Boolean from a DataInput.
readBoolean(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readBooleanArray(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an array of booleans from a DataInput.
readBooleanArray(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readByte(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an instance of Byte from a DataInput.
readByte(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readByteArray(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an array of bytes from a DataInput.
readByteArray(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readChar(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readCharacter(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an instance of Character from a DataInput.
readCharArray(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an array of chars from a DataInput.
readCharArray(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readClass(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an instance of Class from a DataInput.
readConcurrentHashMap(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a ConcurrentHashMap from a DataInput.
readDate(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an instance of Date from a DataInput.
readDate(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readDouble(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an instance of Double from a DataInput.
readDouble(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readDoubleArray(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an array of doubles from a DataInput.
readDoubleArray(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readEnum(Class<E>, DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a Enum constant from DataInput.
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.SubscriptionAttributes
readField(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readFile(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an instance of File from a DataInput.
readFloat(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an instance of Float from a DataInput.
readFloat(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readFloatArray(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an array of floats from a DataInput.
readFloatArray(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readHashMap(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a HashMap from a DataInput.
readHashSet(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a HashSet from a DataInput.
readHashtable(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a Hashtable from a DataInput.
readIdentityHashMap(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a IdentityHashMap from a DataInput.
readInetAddress(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an instance of InetAddress from a DataInput.
readInt(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readIntArray(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an int array from a DataInput.
readIntArray(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readInteger(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an instance of Integer from a DataInput.
readLinkedHashMap(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a LinkedHashMap from a DataInput.
readLinkedHashSet(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a LinkedHashSet from a DataInput.
readLinkedList(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an LinkedList from a DataInput.
readLong(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an instance of Long from a DataInput.
readLong(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readLongArray(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an array of longs from a DataInput.
readLongArray(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readNonPrimitiveClassName(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads name of an instance of Class from a DataInput.
readObject(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an arbitrary object from a DataInput.
readObject(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readObjectArray(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an array of Objects from a DataInput.
readObjectArray(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readPrimitiveBoolean(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a primitive boolean from a DataInput.
readPrimitiveByte(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a primitive byte from a DataInput.
readPrimitiveChar(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a primitive char from a DataInput.
readPrimitiveDouble(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a primitive double from a DataInput.
readPrimitiveFloat(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a primitive float from a DataInput.
readPrimitiveInt(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a primitive int from a DataInput.
readPrimitiveLong(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a primitive long from a DataInput.
readPrimitiveShort(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a primitive short from a DataInput.
readProperties(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a Properties from a DataInput.
readRegion(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an instance of Region.
readResolve() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth.Health
Returns the appropriate canonical instance of Health.
readResolve() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestResultPolicy
readSerialized - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
readShort(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an instance of Short from a DataInput.
readShort(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readShortArray(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an array of shorts from a DataInput.
readShortArray(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readStack(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an Stack from a DataInput.
readString(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an instance of String from a DataInput.
readString(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readStringArray(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an array of Strings from a DataInput.
readStringArray(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
Reads the named field and returns its value.
readTimeout - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
readTransform(Field, Class<?>, Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Controls what field value is read during auto deserialization.
readTreeMap(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a TreeMap from a DataInput.
readTreeSet(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a TreeSet from a DataInput.
readUnreadFields() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxReader
This method returns an object that represents all the unread fields which must be passed to writeUnreadFields in the toData code.
readUnsignedByte(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a primitive int as an unsigned byte from a DataInput using DataInput.readUnsignedByte().
readUnsignedShort(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads a primitive int as an unsigned short from a DataInput using DataInput.readUnsignedShort().
readVector(DataInput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Reads an Vector from a DataInput.
readyForEvents() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
as of 6.5 use ClientCache.readyForEvents() instead.
readyForEvents() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCache
Notifies the server that this durable client is ready to receive updates.
rebalance() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Rebalances this GatewaySender.
rebalance() - Method in interface
Rebalances this GatewaySender.
RebalanceFactory - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.control
Factory for defining and starting a RebalanceOperation.
RebalanceOperation - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.control
Operation for rebalancing resources used by the Cache.
RebalanceResults - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.control
The results of rebalancing Cache resources.
RECEIVER_GROUP - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
reconfigure(String...) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Method to reconfigure this serializer.
reconfigure(boolean, String...) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Method to reconfigure this serializer.
RECONNECT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.LossAction
Loss of required roles causes the entire cache to be closed.
RECOVERY_DELAY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
recoveryDelay - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
redirectOutput(DistributedSystem) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Redirects the standard out and standard err to the configured log file as specified in the GemFire distributed system properties.
REDIS_BIND_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "redis-bind-address" property
REDIS_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "redis-password" property
REDIS_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "redis-port" property
REDUNDANCY_ZONE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "redundancy-zone" property
redundancyStatus() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RestoreRedundancyOperation
Determines the current redundancy status for the partitioned regions associated with this operation.
redundantCopies - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
refid - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
REFLECTION_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.ObjectSizer
An implementation of ObjectSizer that calculates an accurate size for each object that it sizes.
ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer - Class in org.apache.geode.pdx
This class uses Java reflection in conjunction with PdxSerialzer to perform automatic serialization of domain objects.
ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Default constructor primarily used during declarative configuration via the cache.xml file.
ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer(List<String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
as of 6.6.2 use ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer(String...) instead.
ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer(String...) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Constructor which takes a list of class name patterns which are to be auto-serialized.
ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer(boolean, String...) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Constructor which takes a list of class name patterns which are to be auto-serialized.
refresh() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.StatisticResource
Refreshes the values of every Statistic in this resource by retrieving them from the member's VM.
refresh() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Updates the information about this cache server.
refresh() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Updates the state of this cache instance.
refresh() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Updates the information about this cache server.
refresh() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberRegion
Updates the state of this region instance.
REFRESH_INTERVAL_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The name of the "refreshInterval" property which will apply to SystemMember, SystemMemberCache and StatisticResource refresh.
refreshConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Refreshes this member's configuration from the member or it's properties
RegExMethodAuthorizer - Class in
An immutable and thread-safe MethodInvocationAuthorizer that only allows the execution of those methods matching the configured regular expression.
RegExMethodAuthorizer(Cache, Set<String>) - Constructor for class
Creates a RegExMethodAuthorizer object and initializes it so it can be safely used in a multi-threaded environment.
RegExMethodAuthorizer(RestrictedMethodAuthorizer, Set<String>) - Constructor for class
Creates a RegExMethodAuthorizer object and initializes it so it can be safely used in a multi-threaded environment.
Region<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Manages subregions and cached data.
Region.Entry<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
A key-value pair containing the cached data in a region.
REGION_CLEAR - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A region clear.
REGION_CLOSE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A region close
REGION_CLOSED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a region has been closed/destroyed in the cache
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.region.closed.
REGION_CREATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A region create.
REGION_CREATED - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates that a region has been created in the cache
The value of this type string is gemfire.distributedsystem.cache.region.created.
REGION_DESTROY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A region distributed destroy.
REGION_EXPIRE_DESTROY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A region distributed destroy triggered by expiration
REGION_EXPIRE_INVALIDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A region distributed invalidate triggered by expiration
REGION_EXPIRE_LOCAL_DESTROY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A region local destroy triggered by expiration
REGION_EXPIRE_LOCAL_INVALIDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A region local invalidate triggered by expiration
REGION_INVALIDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A region distributed invalidate.
REGION_LOAD_SNAPSHOT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A region load snapshot.
REGION_LOCAL_CLEAR - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A region local clear.
REGION_LOCAL_DESTROY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A region local destroy.
REGION_LOCAL_INVALIDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A region local invalidate.
REGION_REINITIALIZE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
A region destroy triggered by ResumptionAction.REINITIALIZE.
RegionAccessException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
the MembershipAttributes API is scheduled to be removed
RegionAccessException(String, String, Set) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAccessException
Constructs a RegionAccessException with a message.
RegionAccessException(String, String, Set, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAccessException
Constructs a RegionAccessException with a message and a cause.
regionAttributes - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
regionAttributes - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
RegionAttributes<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Defines attributes for configuring a region.
RegionAttributesData - Class in
Composite data type used to distribute attributes for a Region.
RegionAttributesData(String, String, String, String, int, int, int, int, String, String, boolean, String, String, int, float, boolean, boolean, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, boolean, String, String, boolean, String[], String, boolean, Set<String>, Set<String>) - Constructor for class
This constructor is to be used by internal JMX framework only.
RegionAttributesDataPolicy - Enum in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for region-attributesData-policy.
RegionAttributesIndexUpdateType - Enum in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for region-attributesIndex-update-type.
RegionAttributesMirrorType - Enum in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for region-attributesMirror-type.
RegionAttributesScope - Enum in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for region-attributesScope.
RegionAttributesType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for region-attributes-type complex type.
RegionAttributesType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes.AsynchronousWrites - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruEntryCount - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruHeapPercentage - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruMemorySize - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesDetail - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes.RequiredRole - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes.FixedPartitionAttributes - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
RegionAttributesType.SubscriptionAttributes - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
RegionClearOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
RegionClearOperationContext(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegionClearOperationContext
Default constructor for the region operation.
RegionConfig - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
A "region" element describes a region (and its entries) in Geode distributed cache.
RegionConfig() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
RegionConfig(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
RegionConfig.Entry - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
RegionConfig.Index - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
RegionCreateOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
RegionCreateOperationContext(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegionCreateOperationContext
Constructor for the region creation operation.
RegionDestroyedException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Indicates that the region has been destroyed.
RegionDestroyedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionDestroyedException
Constructs a RegionDestroyedException with a message.
RegionDestroyedException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionDestroyedException
Constructs a RegionDestroyedException with a message and a cause.
RegionDestroyOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
RegionDestroyOperationContext(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegionDestroyOperationContext
Constructor for the region destroy operation.
RegionDistributionException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
the MembershipAttributes API is scheduled to be removed
RegionDistributionException(String, String, Set) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionDistributionException
Constructs a RegionDistributionException with a message.
RegionDistributionException(String, String, Set, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionDistributionException
Constructs a RegionDistributionException with a message and a cause.
regionElements - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
RegionEvent<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Contains information about an event affecting a region, including its identity and the circumstances of the event.
RegionExistsException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Indicates that the requested region already exists when a region is being created.
RegionExistsException(Region) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionExistsException
Constructs an instance of RegionExistsException with the specified Region.
RegionExistsException(Region, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionExistsException
Constructs an instance of RegionExistsException with the specified detail message and cause.
RegionFactory<K,V> - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
RegionFactory is used to create regions in a cache.
RegionFactory(InternalCache) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
For internal use only.
RegionFactory(InternalCache, RegionShortcut) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
For internal use only.
RegionFactory(InternalCache, RegionAttributes) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
For internal use only.
RegionFactory(RegionFactory<K, V>) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Constructs a RegionFactory that is a copy of an existing RegionFactory
RegionFactory(InternalCache, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
For internal use only.
RegionFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
as of 6.5 use Cache.createRegionFactory() instead.
RegionFactory(RegionAttributes<K, V>) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
RegionFactory(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
as of 6.5 use Cache.createRegionFactory(String) instead.
RegionFactory(Properties) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
RegionFactory(Properties, RegionAttributes<K, V>) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
RegionFactory(Properties, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
RegionFunctionContext - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.execute
Defines the execution context of a data dependent Function.
regionIdleTime - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
regionIsDynamicRegionList(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
RegionMembershipListener<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
A listener that can be implemented to handle region membership events.
RegionMembershipListenerAdapter<K,V> - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.util
Utility class that implements all methods in RegionMembershipListener with empty implementations.
RegionMembershipListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.util.RegionMembershipListenerAdapter
RegionMXBean - Interface in
MBean that provides access to information and management functionality for a local Region.
RegionNotFoundException - Exception in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
RegionNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.RegionNotFoundException
RegionNotFoundException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown if a region referenced by name in a query cannot be found.
RegionNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.RegionNotFoundException
Construct an instance of RegionNotFoundException
RegionNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.RegionNotFoundException
Constructs an instance of RegionNotFoundException
RegionOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
RegionOperationContext(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegionOperationContext
Constructor for a region operation.
RegionReinitializedException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Indicates that the region has been reinitialized.
RegionReinitializedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionReinitializedException
Constructs a RegionReinitializedException with a message.
RegionReinitializedException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionReinitializedException
Constructs a RegionDestroyedException with a message and a cause.
RegionRoleException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
this feature is scheduled to be removed
RegionRoleException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionRoleException
Constructs a RegionRoleException with a message.
RegionRoleException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RegionRoleException
Constructs a RegionRoleException with a message and a cause.
RegionRoleListener<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
this feature is scheduled to be removed
RegionRoleListenerAdapter<K,V> - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.util
this feature is scheduled to be removed
RegionRoleListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.util.RegionRoleListenerAdapter
regions - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
regions - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
RegionService - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
A RegionService provides access to existing regions that exist in a GemFire cache.
RegionShortcut - Enum in org.apache.geode.cache
Each enum represents a predefined RegionAttributes in a Cache.
RegionSnapshotService<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot
Allows a snapshot of region data to be imported and exported.
RegionSubRegionSnapshot - Class in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
RegionSubRegionSnapshot() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
RegionSubRegionSnapshot(Region) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
regionTimeToLive - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
register(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Registers a DataSerializer class with the data serialization framework.
register(Instantiator) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.Instantiator
Registers a DataSerializable class with the data serialization framework.
register(Instantiator, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.Instantiator
registerClientMembershipListener(ClientMembershipListener) - Static method in class
Registers a ClientMembershipListener for notification of connection changes for CacheServer and clients.
registerClientMembershipListener() - Method in class
Registers this adapter as a ClientMembershipListener.
registerDynamicRegionListener(DynamicRegionListener) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
Registers a DynamicRegionListener for callbacks.
registerFunction(Function) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService
Registers the given Function with the FunctionService using Function.getId().
registerInterest(String, Object, InterestResultPolicy, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.ClientSession
Registers interest in a particular region and key
registerInterest(String, Object, InterestResultPolicy, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.ClientSession
Registers interest in a particular region and key
registerInterest - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory.Config
Causes regions created by the factory to register interest in all keys in a corresponding server cache region
registerInterest(K) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a key for this client.
registerInterest(K, InterestResultPolicy) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a key for this client.
registerInterest(K, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a key for this client.
registerInterest(K, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a key for this client.
registerInterest(K, InterestResultPolicy, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a key for this client.
registerInterest(K, InterestResultPolicy, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a key for this client.
registerInterestForAllKeys() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in all keys for this client.
registerInterestForAllKeys(InterestResultPolicy) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in for all keys for this client.
registerInterestForAllKeys(InterestResultPolicy, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in all keys for this client.
registerInterestForAllKeys(InterestResultPolicy, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in all keys for this client.
registerInterestForKeys(Iterable<K>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest for all key in the iterable for this client.
registerInterestForKeys(Iterable<K>, InterestResultPolicy) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest for all key in the iterable for this client.
registerInterestForKeys(Iterable<K>, InterestResultPolicy, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest for all key in the iterable for this client.
registerInterestForKeys(Iterable<K>, InterestResultPolicy, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest for all key in the iterable for this client.
RegisterInterestOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
RegisterInterestOperationContext(Object, InterestType, InterestResultPolicy) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegisterInterestOperationContext
Constructor for the register interest operation.
registerInterestRegex(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.ClientSession
Registers interest in a particular region and regular expression
registerInterestRegex(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.ClientSession
Registers interest in a particular region and regular expression
registerInterestRegex(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a regular expression pattern for this client.
registerInterestRegex(String, InterestResultPolicy) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a regular expression pattern for this client.
registerInterestRegex(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a regular expression pattern for this client.
registerInterestRegex(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a regular expression pattern for this client.
registerInterestRegex(String, InterestResultPolicy, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a regular expression pattern for this client.
registerInterestRegex(String, InterestResultPolicy, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to register interest in a regular expression pattern for this client.
registerInterestRegistrationListener(InterestRegistrationListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Registers a new InterestRegistrationListener with the set of InterestRegistrationListeners.
registerMBean(Object, ObjectName) - Method in class
Registers an MBean in the GemFire domain.
registerMembershipListener(ManagementService) - Method in class
Registers this adapter with the ManagementService.
registerPdxMetaData(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Registers PDX meta-data given an instance of a domain class that will be serialized with PDX.
REGULAR_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestType
For registering interest in all keys matching a regular expression.
REINITIALIZE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.ResumptionAction
Resumption of reliability causes the region to be cleared of all data and replicated regions will do a new getInitialImage operation to repopulate the region.
releaseThreadLocalConnection() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool
Since Geode 1.10.0. Thread local connections are ignored. Will be removed in future major release.
releaseThreadsSockets() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Frees up any socket resources owned by the calling thread.
REMOTE_COMMAND_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The name of the remote-command property
REMOTE_LOCATORS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "remote-locators" property
remoteDistributedSystemId - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
REMOVE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An atomic destroy destroy operation
remove(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Removes the entry with the specified key.
remove(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Removes the entry for a key only if currently mapped to a given value.
REMOVE_FROM_QUEUE_ON_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
If the System property is set, use it.
REMOVE_UNRESPONSIVE_CLIENT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "remove-unresponsive-client" property
removeAlertListener(AlertListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Unregisters an AlertListener
removeAll(Collection<? extends K>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Removes all of the entries for the specified keys from this region.
removeAll(Collection<? extends K>, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Removes all of the entries for the specified keys from this region.
REMOVEALL_DESTROY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry distributed destroy caused by a removeAll.
RemoveAllOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
RemoveAllOperationContext(Collection<?>) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RemoveAllOperationContext
Constructor for the operation.
removeAsyncEventQueueId(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Removes AsyncEventQueueId from the list of AsyncEventQueuesId of the region.
removeCacheListener(SystemMemberCacheListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Unregisters a cache listener.
removeCacheListener(CacheListener<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Removes a cache listener from the list of cache listeners on this region.
removeCacheServerConfig(CacheServerConfig) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
removeCacheVmConfig(CacheVmConfig) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Removes the configuration for a CacheVm
removeCqListener(CqListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqAttributesMutator
Removes given CQ listener from the list of CQ listeners on this CqQuery.
removeDistributionLocatorConfig(DistributionLocatorConfig) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Removes a DistributionLocatorConfig from the distributed system.
removeGatewayEventFilter(GatewayEventFilter) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Removes the provided GatewayEventFilter from the attributes of AsyncEventQueue being created by factory.
removeGatewayEventFilter(GatewayEventFilter) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Removes the provided GatewayEventFilter from this GatewaySender.
removeGatewayEventFilter(GatewayEventFilter) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Removes the provided GatewayEventFilter from this GatewaySender.
removeGatewaySenderId(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Removes GatewaySenderId from the list of GatewaySenderIds of the region.
removeGatewayTransportFilter(GatewayTransportFilter) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiverFactory
Removes a GatewayTransportFilter
removeGatewayTransportFilter(GatewayTransportFilter) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Removes the provided GatewayTransportFilter from this GatewaySender.
removeIndex(Index) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Remove the specified index.
removeIndex(String) - Method in interface
Remove an index.
removeIndexes() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Remove all the indexes from this cache.
removeIndexes(Region<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Remove all the indexes on the specified Region
removeListener(DistributedSystemConfig.ConfigListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Removes previously registered listener of this config.
removeListener(TransactionListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
Removes a transaction listener from the list of transaction listeners on this cache.
removeMembershipListener(SystemMembershipListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Unregisters a membership listener
removeMembershipListener(MembershipListener) - Method in class
Unregisters a membership listener
removeSSLProperty(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Removes an SSL property
removeSubregistry(MeterRegistry) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.metrics.MetricsSession
Removes the given registry from this metrics session.
removeSystem(InternalDistributedSystem) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
REPLACE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An atomic update operation
replace(K, V, V) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Replaces the entry for a key only if currently mapped to a given value.
replace(K, V) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Replaces the entry for a key only if currently mapped to some value.
replace() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.DataSerializable.Replaceable
Replaces this object with another in the "output stream" written by DataSerializer.writeObject(Object, DataOutput).
REPLICATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
The region will be initialized with the data from other caches and accepts any new entries created in other caches.
RequiredRole() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes.RequiredRole
requiredRoles - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes
RequiredRoles - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
this feature is scheduled to be removed
RequiredRoles() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.RequiredRoles
reset() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Resets the configuration of this factory to its defaults.
resetCounts() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheStatistics
Reset the missCount and hitCount to zero for this entry.
resetHealth() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth
Resets the overall health of the GemFire components to GemFireHealth.GOOD_HEALTH.
resolveClass() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.ObjectType
ResourceException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
A Generic exception to indicate that a resource exception has occurred.
ResourceException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.ResourceException
Creates a new instance of ResourceException without detail message.
ResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.ResourceException
Constructs an instance of ResourceException with the specified detail message.
ResourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.ResourceException
Constructs an instance of ResourceException with the specified detail message and cause.
ResourceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.ResourceException
Constructs an instance of ResourceException with the specified cause.
resourceManager - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
ResourceManager - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.control
Provides support for managing resources used by the local Cache.
ResourceManagerType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
The "resource manager" element configures the behavior of the resource manager.
ResourceManagerType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ResourceManagerType
ResourcePermission - Class in
ResourcePermission defines the resource, the operation, the region and the key involved in the action to be authorized.
ResourcePermission() - Constructor for class
ResourcePermission(ResourcePermission.Resource, ResourcePermission.Operation) - Constructor for class
ResourcePermission(ResourcePermission.Resource, ResourcePermission.Operation, String) - Constructor for class
ResourcePermission(ResourcePermission.Resource, ResourcePermission.Operation, ResourcePermission.Target) - Constructor for class
ResourcePermission(ResourcePermission.Resource, ResourcePermission.Operation, ResourcePermission.Target, String) - Constructor for class
ResourcePermission(ResourcePermission.Resource, ResourcePermission.Operation, String, String) - Constructor for class
ResourcePermission(String, String) - Constructor for class
ResourcePermission(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ResourcePermission(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ResourcePermission.Operation - Enum in
ResourcePermission.Resource - Enum in
ResourcePermission.Target - Enum in
RestoreRedundancyOperation - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.control
Class for defining and starting a CompletableFuture that returns RestoreRedundancyResults.
RestrictedMethodAuthorizer - Class in
The default, immutable and thread-safe MethodInvocationAuthorizer used by Geode to determine whether a Method is allowed to be executed on a specific Object instance.
RestrictedMethodAuthorizer(Cache) - Constructor for class
Creates a RestrictedMethodAuthorizer object and initializes it so it can be safely used in a multi-threaded environment.
ResultCollector<T,S> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.execute
Defines the interface for a container that gathers results from function execution.
GemFire provides a default implementation for ResultCollector.
ResultSender<T> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.execute
Provides methods to send results back to the ResultCollector.
resume(TransactionId) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
On the current thread, resumes a transaction that was previously suspended using CacheTransactionManager.suspend()
resume() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Resumes this paused GatewaySender.
resume() - Method in interface
Resumes this paused GatewaySender.
resumeEventDispatching() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
Resumes the dispatching of then events queued to the listener.
resumeLocking() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
Allow locking to resume in this DistributedLockService instance.
resumptionAction - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes
ResumptionAction - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
this API is scheduled to be removed
retryAttempts - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
RevokedPersistentDataException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.persistence
Thrown when a member with persistence is recovering, and it discovers that other members in the system have revoked the persistent data stored on this member.
RevokedPersistentDataException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.RevokedPersistentDataException
RevokedPersistentDataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.RevokedPersistentDataException
RevokedPersistentDataException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.RevokedPersistentDataException
RevokedPersistentDataException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.RevokedPersistentDataException
RevokeFailedException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.persistence
Thrown when a member tries to revoke a persistent ID, but the member with that persistent ID is currently running.
RevokeFailedException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.RevokeFailedException
RevokeFailedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.RevokeFailedException
RevokeFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.RevokeFailedException
RevokeFailedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.RevokeFailedException
revokeMissingDiskStores(String) - Method in interface
Removes a disk store from the distributed system.
revokePersistentMember(InetAddress, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
revokePersistentMember(UUID) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Indicate to the distributed system that persistent files have been lost.
RMI_BIND_ADDRESS_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "rmiBindAddress" property
RMI_ENABLED_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "rmiEnabled" property
RMI_PORT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "rmiPort" property
RMI_REGISTRY_ENABLED_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "rmi-registry-enabled" property
RMI_SERVER_PORT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "rmi-server-port" property
Role - Interface in org.apache.geode.distributed
this feature is scheduled to be removed
Role() - Constructor for class
RoleEvent<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
this feature is scheduled to be removed
RoleException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
this feature is scheduled to be removed
RoleException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RoleException
Creates a new instance of RoleException without detail message.
RoleException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RoleException
Constructs an instance of RoleException with the specified detail message.
RoleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RoleException
Constructs an instance of RoleException with the specified detail message and cause.
RoleException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.RoleException
Constructs an instance of RoleException with the specified cause.
ROLES - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
: This feature is scheduled to be removed.
rollback() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
Roll back the transaction associated with the current thread.
rollOplogs - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
rollOplogs - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes
rootRegions() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.RegionService
Returns unmodifiable set of the root regions that are in the region service.
run() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
The Runnable method used to launch the Locator with the specified command.
run() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
A Runnable method used to invoke the GemFire server (cache server) with the specified command.
running - Variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
RuntimeAdminException - Exception in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
RuntimeAdminException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.RuntimeAdminException
RuntimeAdminException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.RuntimeAdminException
RuntimeAdminException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.RuntimeAdminException
RuntimeAdminException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.RuntimeAdminException


save(File, SnapshotOptions.SnapshotFormat) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.CacheSnapshotService
Exports all regions in the cache to the specified directory.
save(File, SnapshotOptions.SnapshotFormat, SnapshotOptions<Object, Object>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.CacheSnapshotService
Exports all regions in the cache to the specified directory by applying user-configured options.
save(File, SnapshotOptions.SnapshotFormat) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.RegionSnapshotService
Exports the region data into the snapshot file.
save(File, SnapshotOptions.SnapshotFormat, SnapshotOptions<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.RegionSnapshotService
Exports the region data into the snapshot file by applying user-configured options.
saveProperties() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.Agent
Saves the configuration for this Agent to the file specified by @link AgentConfig#getPropertyFile.
saveSnapshot(OutputStream) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
scope - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Scope - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
Enumerated type for region distribution scope.
SEARCH_CREATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry creation caused by a netsearch
SEARCH_UPDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry update caused by a net search.
searchTimeout - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
SecurableCommunicationChannels - Interface in
This class defines all the static definitions for the ConfigurationProperties.SSL_ENABLED_COMPONENTS Since: Geode 1.0
SECURITY_AUTH_TOKEN_ENABLED_COMPONENTS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "security-auth-token-enabled-components" property
SECURITY_CLIENT_ACCESSOR - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
since Geode 1.0, use security-manager
SECURITY_CLIENT_ACCESSOR_PP - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
since Geode 1.0, use security-post-processor
SECURITY_CLIENT_AUTH_INIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "security-client-auth-init" property
SECURITY_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATOR - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
since Geode 1.0, use security-manager
SECURITY_CLIENT_DHALGO - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
since Geode 1.5. Use SSL instead. See {ConfigurationProperties.SSL_ENABLED_COMPONENTS}
SECURITY_JSON - Static variable in class
SECURITY_LOG_FILE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "security-log-file" property
SECURITY_LOG_LEVEL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "security-log-level" property
SECURITY_MANAGER - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "security-manager" property
SECURITY_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface
SECURITY_PEER_AUTH_INIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "security-peer-auth-init" property
SECURITY_PEER_AUTHENTICATOR - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
since Geode 1.0, use security-manager
SECURITY_PEER_VERIFY_MEMBER_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "security-peer-verifymember-timeout" property
SECURITY_POST_PROCESSOR - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "security-post-processor" property
SECURITY_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the security prefix "security-" used in conjunction with other security-* properties property
SECURITY_PROPERTIES_FILE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
SECURITY_PROPERTIES_FILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
The SECURITY_PROPERTIES_FILE_PROPERTY is the system property that can be used to specify the name of the property file that the connect method will check for when it looks for a property file.
SECURITY_PROPERTY_FILE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
As of 9.0, please use DistributedSystem.getSecurityPropertiesFile() instead.
SECURITY_SHIRO_INIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "shiro-init" property Since: Geode 1.0
SECURITY_UDP_DHALGO - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "security-udp-dhalgo" property.
SECURITY_USERNAME - Static variable in interface
SecurityManager - Interface in
User implementation of a authentication/authorization logic for Integrated Security.
SelectResults<E> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Contains the results of a executing a SELECT expression within a query.
selectValue(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Selects the single value in this Region that matches the given query predicate.
sendException(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.ResultSender
Sends an Exception back to the FunctionService calling thread.
sendResult(T) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.ResultSender
Sends a result back to the FunctionService calling thread and invokes ResultCollector.addResult(org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember, Object).
SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
The region name separator character, represented as a string for convenience.
SEPARATOR_CHAR - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
The region name separator character.
SERIALIZABLE_OBJECT_FILTER - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "serializable-object-filter" property DescriptionA user provided acceptlist of objects that the system will allow to serialize.
SerializationException - Exception in org.apache.geode
An exception indicating that a serialization or deserialization failed.
SerializationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.SerializationException
Create a new instance of SerializationException with a detail message
SerializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.SerializationException
Create a new instance of SerializationException with a detail message and cause
serializationRegistration - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
SerializationRegistrationType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
A serialization-registration contains a set of serializer or instantiator tags to register customer DataSerializer extensions or DataSerializable implementations respectively.
SerializationRegistrationType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType
SerializationRegistrationType.Instantiator - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
SerializationRegistrationType.Serializer - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
SerializedCacheValue<V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
Class SerializedCacheValue represents a serialized cache value.
Serializer() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType.Serializer
serializers - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception org.apache.geode.CancelException
Server() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType.Server
SERVER - Static variable in interface
This determines that the client-server communication will be secured.
SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "server-bind-address" property
SERVER_SSL_CIPHERS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
SERVER_SSL_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
SERVER_SSL_KEYSTORE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
SERVER_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
SERVER_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
SERVER_SSL_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
SERVER_SSL_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
SERVER_SSL_TRUSTSTORE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
SERVER_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
serverConnectionTimeout - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
ServerConnectivityException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.client
A generic exception indicating that a failure has happened while communicating with a gemfire server.
ServerConnectivityException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.ServerConnectivityException
Create a new instance of ServerConnectivityException without a detail message or cause.
ServerConnectivityException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.ServerConnectivityException
Create a new instance of ServerConnectivityException with a detail message
ServerConnectivityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.ServerConnectivityException
Create a new instance of ServerConnectivityException with a detail message and cause
ServerConnectivityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.ServerConnectivityException
Create a new instance of ServerConnectivityException with a cause
serverGroup - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
ServerLauncher - Class in org.apache.geode.distributed
The ServerLauncher class is a launcher class with main method to start a GemFire Server (implying a GemFire Cache Server process).
ServerLauncher.Builder - Class in org.apache.geode.distributed
The Builder class, modeled after the Builder creational design pattern, is used to construct a properly configured and initialized instance of the ServerLauncher to control and run GemFire servers (in particular, cache servers).
ServerLauncher.Command - Enum in org.apache.geode.distributed
An enumerated type representing valid commands to the Server launcher.
ServerLauncher.ServerState - Class in org.apache.geode.distributed
The ServerState is an immutable type representing the state of the specified Server at any given moment in time.
ServerLauncherCacheProvider - Interface in org.apache.geode.distributed
ServerLauncherCacheProvider is an extension point for overriding the behavior of a server started with ServerLauncher or the gfsh start server command.
ServerLauncherParameters - Enum in org.apache.geode.distributed
GEODE-5256: Parameters containing startup options specified by the user.
ServerLoad - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.server
A data object containing the load information for a cache server.
ServerLoad(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoad
ServerLoad() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoad
ServerLoadData - Class in
Composite data type used to distribute server load information.
ServerLoadData(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class
This constructor is to be used by internal JMX framework only.
ServerLoadProbe - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.server
A load probe is installed in a cache server to measure the load on the cache server for balancing load between multiple cache servers.
ServerLoadProbeAdapter - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.server
Utility class that implements all methods in ServerLoadProbe with empty implementations for open and close.
ServerLoadProbeAdapter() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoadProbeAdapter
ServerMetrics - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.server
Metrics about the resource usage for a cache server.
ServerOperationException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.client
An exception indicating that a failure has happened on the server while processing an operation that was sent to it by a client.
ServerOperationException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.ServerOperationException
Create a new instance of ServerOperationException without a detail message or cause.
ServerOperationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.ServerOperationException
Create a new instance of ServerOperationException with a detail message
ServerOperationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.ServerOperationException
Create a new instance of ServerOperationException with a detail message and cause
ServerOperationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.ServerOperationException
Create a new instance of ServerOperationException with a cause
ServerRefusedConnectionException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.client
A ServerRefusedConnectionException indicates a client attempted to connect to a server, but the handshake was rejected.
ServerRefusedConnectionException(DistributedMember, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.ServerRefusedConnectionException
Constructs an instance of ServerRefusedConnectionException with the specified detail message.
servers - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
ServerState(ServerLauncher, AbstractLauncher.Status) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.ServerState
ServerState(ServerLauncher, AbstractLauncher.Status, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.ServerState
ServerState(AbstractLauncher.Status, String, long, String, Integer, Long, String, List<String>, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.ServerState
ServerType - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for server-type complex type.
ServerType() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
ServerType.ClientSubscription - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ServiceState(AbstractLauncher.Status, String, long, String, Integer, Long, String, List<String>, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
set(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Sets a gemfire property that will be used when creating the Cache.
set(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Sets a gemfire property that will be used when creating the ClientCache.
set(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Sets a GemFire Distributed System Property.
set(Properties) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
add the properties in the Gemfire Distributed System Property
set(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets a GemFire Distributed System Property.
set(Properties) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
add the properties in the Gemfire Distributed System Property
setAckSevereAlertThreshold(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the ack-severe-alert-threshold for the system
setAckSevereAlertThreshold(int) - Method in class
setAckWaitThreshold(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the ack-wait-threshold for the system
setAckWaitThreshold(int) - Method in class
setAction(EnumActionDestroyOverflow) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruEntryCount
Sets the value of the action property.
setAction(EnumActionDestroyOverflow) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruHeapPercentage
Sets the value of the action property.
setAction(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesDetail
Sets the value of the action property.
setAction(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType
Sets the value of the action property.
setAgentSSLCiphers(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets the SSL ciphers used when connecting to the JMX agent.
setAgentSSLEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets whether or not SSL is required for the JMX agent.
setAgentSSLProtocols(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets the SSL protocols used when connecting to the JMX agent.
setAgentSSLRequireAuth(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets whether SSL authentication is used when connecting to the RMI connector.
setAlertLevel(AlertLevel) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Sets the lowest level of alert that should be delivered to the AlertListeners registered on this AdminDistributedSystem.
setAlertLevelAsString(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Sets the lowest level of alert that should be delivered to the AlertListeners registered on this AdminDistributedSystem.
setAlertThreshold(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Sets the value of the alertThreshold property.
setAlertThreshold(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the alertThreshold property.
setAlertThreshold(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Sets the alert threshold in milliseconds for entries in a GatewaySender 's queue.
setAllowForceCompaction(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Sets the value of the allowForceCompaction property.
setAllowForceCompaction(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
Set to true to allow DiskStore.forceCompaction() to be called on regions using this disk store.
setArchiveDiskSpaceLimit(int) - Method in class
setArchiveFileSizeLimit(int) - Method in class
setArguments(IN) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Execution
Specifies the user data passed to the function when it is executed.
setAssignBuckets(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets whether buckets should be assigned to partitioned regions in the cache upon Server start.
setAsyncDistributionTimeout(int) - Method in class
setAsyncEventListener(DeclarableType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Sets the value of the asyncEventListener property.
setAsyncEventQueueIds(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the asyncEventQueueIds property.
setAsynchronousWrites(RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes.AsynchronousWrites) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes
Sets the value of the asynchronousWrites property.
setAsyncMaxQueueSize(int) - Method in class
setAsyncQueueTimeout(int) - Method in class
setAutoCompact(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Sets the value of the autoCompact property.
setAutoCompact(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
Set to true to cause the disk files to be automatically compacted.
setAutoConnect(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets whether or not the JMX agent will automatically connect to the distributed system it administers.
setBatchConflation(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Sets the value of the batchConflation property.
setBatchConflationEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Sets whether to enable batch conflation for AsyncEventQueue.
setBatchConflationEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Sets whether to enable batch conflation for a GatewaySender's queue.
setBatchSize(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Sets the batch size for an AsyncEventQueue's queue.
setBatchSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Sets the value of the batchSize property.
setBatchSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Sets the value of the batchSize property.
setBatchSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the batchSize property.
setBatchSize(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Sets the batch size to be picked at the time of dispatching from a GatewaySender's queue.
setBatchTimeInterval(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Sets the batch time interval (in milliseconds) for a AsyncEventQueue.
setBatchTimeInterval(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Sets the value of the batchTimeInterval property.
setBatchTimeInterval(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Sets the value of the batchTimeInterval property.
setBatchTimeInterval(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the batchTimeInterval property.
setBatchTimeInterval(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Sets a time interval in milliseconds to wait to form a batch to be dispatched from a GatewaySender's queue.
setBindAddress(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the IP address to which the distributed system's server sockets are bound.
setBindAddress(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributionLocatorConfig
Sets the address to which the distribution locator's port is (or will be) bound.
setBindAddress(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setBindAddress(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Sets the ip address or host name that this server is to listen on for client connections.
setBindAddress(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Sets the ip address or host name that this server is to listen on for client connections.
setBindAddress(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Sets the value of the bindAddress property.
setBindAddress(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
Sets the value of the bindAddress property.
setBindAddress(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Sets the value of the bindAddress property.
setBindAddress(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Sets the ip address or host name that this cache server is to listen on for client connections.
setBindAddress(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiverFactory
Sets the ip address or host name that this GatewayReceiver is to listen on for GatewaySender Connection
setBindAddress(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Sets the IP address as an to which the Locator has bound itself listening for client requests.
setBindAddress(String) - Method in class
setBlockingTimeoutSeconds(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Sets the value of the blockingTimeoutSeconds property.
setBucketRegion(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
setBytesReceivedRate(float) - Method in class
Sets the average number of bytes per second received.
setBytesSentRate(float) - Method in class
Sets the average number of bytes per second sent.
setBytesThreshold(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes.AsynchronousWrites
Sets the value of the bytesThreshold property.
setBytesThreshold(long) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributesFactory
setCache(GemFireCache) - Method in class
setCacheListener(CacheListener<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
setCacheLoader(CacheLoader<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the cache loader for the next RegionAttributes created.
setCacheLoader(CacheLoader<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Changes the cache loader for the region.
setCacheLoader(DeclarableType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the cacheLoader property.
setCacheLoader(CacheLoader<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the cache loader for the next RegionAttributes created.
setCacheTransactionManager(CacheTransactionManagerType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the cacheTransactionManager property.
setCacheWriter(CacheWriter<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the cache writer for the next RegionAttributes created.
setCacheWriter(CacheWriter<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Changes the cache writer for the region.
setCacheWriter(DeclarableType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the cacheWriter property.
setCacheWriter(CacheWriter<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the cache writer for the next RegionAttributes created.
setCacheXMLFile(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheServerConfig
Sets the cache.xml declarative caching initialization file used to configure this cache server VM.
setCacheXMLFile(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheVmConfig
Sets the cache.xml declarative caching initialization file used to configure this cache server VM.
setCacheXMLFile(String) - Method in class
setCallbackArg(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyOperationContext
Set the callback argument object for this operation.
setCallbackArg(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutAllOperationContext
Set the callback argument object for this operation.
setCallbackArg(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RegionOperationContext
Set the callback argument object for this operation.
setCallbackArg(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RemoveAllOperationContext
Set the callback argument object for this operation.
setCapacity(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType.ClientSubscription
Sets the value of the capacity property.
setCapacity(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ClientSubscriptionConfig
Sets the capacity of the client queue.
setClassName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ClassNameType
Sets the value of the className property.
setClassName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType.Instantiator
Sets the value of the className property.
setClassName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType.Serializer
Sets the value of the className property.
setClassName(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the className property.
setClassPath(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheServerConfig
Sets the location(s) of user classes (such as cache loaders) required by the cache server VM.
setClassPath(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheVmConfig
Sets the location(s) of user classes (such as cache loaders) required by the cache server VM.
setClientConflation(String) - Method in class
setClientCQCount(int) - Method in class
setClientHealthStats(Map) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setClientHealthStats(String, ClientHealthStats) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setClientId(String) - Method in class
Sets the ID of the client.
setClientId(String) - Method in class
setClientQueueSizes(Map) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setClientSubscription(ServerType.ClientSubscription) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Sets the value of the clientSubscription property.
setCloningEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets cloning on region.
setCloningEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Sets cloning on region Note: off-heap regions always behave as if cloning is enabled.
setCloningEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets cloning on region Note: off-heap regions always behave as if cloning is enabled.
setCloningEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the cloningEnabled property.
setCloningEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets cloning on region Note: off-heap regions always behave as if cloning is enabled.
setClusterSSLAlias(String) - Method in class
setClusterSSLCiphers(String) - Method in class
setClusterSSLEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setClusterSSLKeyStore(String) - Method in class
setClusterSSLKeyStorePassword(String) - Method in class
setClusterSSLKeyStoreType(String) - Method in class
setClusterSSLProtocols(String) - Method in class
setClusterSSLRequireAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class
setClusterSSLTrustStore(String) - Method in class
setClusterSSLTrustStorePassword(String) - Method in class
setColocatedWith(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Sets the value of the colocatedWith property.
setColocatedWith(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
Sets the name of the PartitionRegion with which this newly created partitioned region is colocated
setCommand(LocatorLauncher.Command) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Sets the Locator launcher command used during the invocation of the LocatorLauncher
setCommand(ServerLauncher.Command) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets the Sever launcher command used during the invocation of the ServerLauncher
setCompactionThreshold(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Sets the value of the compactionThreshold property.
setCompactionThreshold(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
Sets the threshold at which an oplog will become compactable.
setCompactionThreshold(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributesFactory
setCompressor(Compressor) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets this region's compressor for compressing entry values.
setCompressor(Compressor) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Set the compressor to be used by this region for compressing region entry values.
setCompressor(ClassNameType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the compressor property.
setCompressor(Compressor) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Set the compressor to be used by this region for compressing region entry values.
setConcurrencyChecksEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Enables or disabled concurrent modification checks.
setConcurrencyChecksEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Enables or disabled concurrent modification checks
setConcurrencyChecksEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the concurrencyChecksEnabled property.
setConcurrencyChecksEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Enables a versioning system that detects concurrent modifications and ensures that region contents are consistent across the distributed system.
setConcurrencyLevel(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the concurrency level of the next RegionAttributes created.
setConcurrencyLevel(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets the concurrency level tof the next RegionAttributes created.
setConcurrencyLevel(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Sets the value of the concurrencyLevel property.
setConcurrencyLevel(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the concurrencyLevel property.
setConcurrencyLevel(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the concurrency level tof the next RegionAttributes created.
setConfigFile(String) - Method in class
setConfiguration(ConfigurationParameter[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMember
Sets the configuration of this member.
setConnected(boolean) - Method in class
setConnectedIncomingGateways(Map) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setConnectedPeers(Set) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setConnectedServers(Set) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setConnectionLoad(float) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoad
Set the load due to client to server connections.
setConnectionUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Sets the value of the connectionUrl property.
setConnPooledDatasourceClass(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Sets the value of the connPooledDatasourceClass property.
setConserveSockets(boolean) - Method in class
setContent(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskDirType
Sets the value of the content property.
setContext(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
For internal use only.
setContext(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.Instantiator
sets the context of this Instantiator.
setCopyOnRead(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the copyOnRead property.
setCopyOnRead(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Sets the "copy on read" feature for cache read operations.
setCpus(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of CPUs available to the client.
setCriticalHeapPercentage(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ResourceManagerType
Sets the value of the criticalHeapPercentage property.
setCriticalHeapPercentage(float) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager
Set the percentage of heap at or above which the cache is considered in danger of becoming inoperable due to garbage collection pauses or out of memory exceptions.
setCriticalHeapPercentage(Float) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
setCriticalOffHeapPercentage(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ResourceManagerType
Sets the value of the criticalOffHeapPercentage property.
setCriticalOffHeapPercentage(float) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager
Set the percentage of off-heap at or above which the cache is considered in danger of becoming inoperable due to out of memory exceptions.
setCriticalOffHeapPercentage(Float) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
setCustomEntryIdleTimeout(CustomExpiry<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the idleTimeout CustomExpiry for the next RegionAttributes created.
setCustomEntryIdleTimeout(CustomExpiry<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Changes the CustomExpiry for idleTimeout for values in the region
setCustomEntryIdleTimeout(CustomExpiry<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets the custom idleTimeout for the next RegionAttributes created.
setCustomEntryIdleTimeout(CustomExpiry<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the custom idleTimeout for the next RegionAttributes created.
setCustomEntryTimeToLive(CustomExpiry<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the custom timeToLive for the next RegionAttributes created.
setCustomEntryTimeToLive(CustomExpiry<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Changes the custom timeToLive for values in this region
setCustomEntryTimeToLive(CustomExpiry<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets the custom timeToLive expiration method for the next RegionAttributes created.
setCustomEntryTimeToLive(CustomExpiry<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the custom timeToLive expiration method for the next RegionAttributes created.
setCustomExpiry(DeclarableType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesDetail
Sets the value of the customExpiry property.
setCustomExpiry(DeclarableType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType
Sets the value of the customExpiry property.
setCustomLoadProbe(DeclarableType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Sets the value of the customLoadProbe property.
setDataPolicy(DataPolicy) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the data policy for the next RegionAttributes created.
setDataPolicy(RegionAttributesDataPolicy) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the dataPolicy property.
setDataPolicy(DataPolicy) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the data policy for the next RegionAttributes created.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Sets the debug mode of the GemFire launcher class.
setDebug(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Sets whether the new instance of the LocatorLauncher will be set to debug mode.
setDebug(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets whether the new instance of the ServerLauncher will be set to debug mode.
setDeclarable(DeclarableType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ObjectType
Sets the value of the declarable property.
setDefaultGemFireHealthConfig(GemFireHealthConfig) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth
Sets the GemFireHealthConfig for GemFire components whose configurations are not overridden on a per-host basis.
setDeletePidFileOnStop(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Sets whether the Geode Locator should delete the pid file when its service stops or when the JVM exits.
setDeletePidFileOnStop(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets whether the Geode Server should delete the pid file when its service stops or when the JVM exits.
setDeltaPropagation(boolean) - Method in class
setDepartureCorrelationWindow(int) - Method in class
setDirSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskDirType
Sets the value of the dirSize property.
setDisableAutoReconnect(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Disables auto reconnect after being forced out of the distributed system
setDisableDefaultServer(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets a boolean value indicating whether to add a default cache when the GemFire Server comes online.
setDisableJmx(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the disable-jmx property for the system.
setDisablePersistBackup(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DynamicRegionFactoryType
Sets the value of the disablePersistBackup property.
setDisableRegisterInterest(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DynamicRegionFactoryType
Sets the value of the disableRegisterInterest property.
setDisableTcp(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the disable-tcp property for the system.
setDisableTcp(boolean) - Method in class
setDiskDir(DiskDirType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DynamicRegionFactoryType
Sets the value of the diskDir property.
setDiskDirs(File[]) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
setDiskDirs(List<DiskDirType>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
setDiskDirs(DiskDirsType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the diskDirs property.
setDiskDirs(File[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
Sets the directories to which this disk store's data is written.
setDiskDirs(File[]) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
setDiskDirsAndSizes(File[], int[]) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
setDiskDirsAndSizes(File[], int[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
Sets the directories to which this disk store's data is written and also set the sizes in megabytes of each directory.
setDiskDirsAndSizes(File[], int[]) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
setDiskFlushAvgLatency(long) - Method in class
Sets the flush time average latency.
setDiskReadsRate(float) - Method in class
Sets the average number of disk reads per second.
setDiskStoreName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Sets the disk store name for overflow or persistence.
setDiskStoreName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the DiskStore name attribute.
setDiskStoreName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets the DiskStore name attribute.
setDiskStoreName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Sets the value of the diskStoreName property.
setDiskStoreName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Sets the value of the diskStoreName property.
setDiskStoreName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the diskStoreName property.
setDiskStoreName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
Sets the value of the diskStoreName property.
setDiskStoreName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the diskStoreName property.
setDiskStoreName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType.ClientSubscription
Sets the value of the diskStoreName property.
setDiskStoreName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the DiskStore name attribute.
setDiskStoreName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ClientSubscriptionConfig
Sets the disk store name for overflow
setDiskStoreName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Sets the disk store name for overflow or persistence
setDiskSynchronous(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Sets whether or not the writing to the disk is synchronous.
setDiskSynchronous(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets whether or not the writing to the disk is synchronous.
setDiskSynchronous(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets whether or not the writing to the disk is synchronous.
setDiskSynchronous(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Sets the value of the diskSynchronous property.
setDiskSynchronous(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the diskSynchronous property.
setDiskSynchronous(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the diskSynchronous property.
setDiskSynchronous(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets whether or not the writing to the disk is synchronous.
setDiskSynchronous(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Sets whether or not the writing to the disk is synchronous.
setDiskUsageCriticalPercentage(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Sets the value of the diskUsageCriticalPercentage property.
setDiskUsageCriticalPercentage(float) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Sets the value of the disk usage critical percentage.
setDiskUsageCriticalPercentage(float) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
Sets the critical threshold for disk usage as a percentage of the total disk volume.
setDiskUsageCriticalPercentage(float) - Method in interface
Sets the value of the disk usage critical percentage.
setDiskUsageWarningPercentage(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Sets the value of the diskUsageWarningPercentage property.
setDiskUsageWarningPercentage(float) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore
Sets the value of the disk usage warning percentage.
setDiskUsageWarningPercentage(float) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
Sets the warning threshold for disk usage as a percentage of the total disk volume.
setDiskUsageWarningPercentage(float) - Method in interface
Sets the value of the disk usage warning percentage.
setDiskWriteAttributes(DiskWriteAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
setDiskWriteAttributes(RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the diskWriteAttributes property.
setDiskWriteAttributes(DiskWriteAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
setDiskWritesRate(float) - Method in class
Sets the average number of disk writes per second.
setDispatcherThreads(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Sets the number of dispatcher thread.
setDispatcherThreads(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Sets the value of the dispatcherThreads property.
setDispatcherThreads(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the dispatcherThreads property.
setDispatcherThreads(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Sets the number of dispatcher thread.
setDistributed(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
Sets whether transactions should be executed in distributed or non-distributed mode.
setDistributedSystemHealthConfig(DistributedSystemHealthConfig) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth
Sets the configuration for determining the health of the distributed system itself.
setDistributedSystemProperties(Properties) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributionLocatorConfig
Sets the properties used to configure the locator's DistributedSystem.
setDistributedTransactions(boolean) - Method in class
setDouble(int, double) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Sets the value of a statistic with the given id whose type is double.
setDouble(StatisticDescriptor, double) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Sets the value of a described statistic of type double
setDouble(String, double) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Sets the value of a named statistic of type double.
setDoubleSupplier(int, DoubleSupplier) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Provide a callback to compute the value of this statistic every sample interval and use that as the value of the stat.
setDoubleSupplier(String, DoubleSupplier) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Provide a callback to compute the value of this statistic every sample interval and use that as the value of the stat.
setDoubleSupplier(StatisticDescriptor, DoubleSupplier) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Provide a callback to compute the value of this statistic every sample interval and use that as the value of the stat.
setDurableClientId(String) - Method in class
setDurableClientTimeout(int) - Method in class
setDynamicRegionFactory(DynamicRegionFactoryType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the dynamicRegionFactory property.
setEarlyAck(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
This setting no longer has any effect.
setEarlyAck(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Sets the value of the earlyAck property.
setEarlyAck(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the earlyAck property.
setEarlyAck(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
As of 6.5 this setting no longer has any effect.
setElementType(ObjectType) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults
Specify a new elementType, overriding any existing known elementType.
setEmailNotificationEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets whether Emails for Notifications is enabled See description above.
setEmailNotificationFrom(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets the EmailID from whom notification emails are sent.
setEmailNotificationHost(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets the Host Name from whom notification emails are sent.
setEmailNotificationToList(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets the EmailID from whom notification emails are sent as a comma separated list.
setEnableAdministrationOnly(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystemFactory
Call this method with a value of true to dedicate the VM to GemFire administration only.
setEnableAdministrationOnly(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
setEnableAsyncConflation(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets whether or not conflation is enabled for sending messages to async peers.
setEnableAsyncConflation(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the enableAsyncConflation property.
setEnableAsyncConflation(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets whether or not conflation is enabled for sending messages to async peers.
setEnableBatchConflation(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Sets the value of the enableBatchConflation property.
setEnableBatchConflation(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the enableBatchConflation property.
setEnableBridgeConflation(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
setEnableConflation(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
setEnableGateway(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the enableGateway property.
setEnableNetworkPartitionDetection(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Turns on network partition detection
setEnableNetworkPartitionDetection(boolean) - Method in class
setEnablePersistence(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Sets the value of the enablePersistence property.
setEnablePersistence(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the enablePersistence property.
setEnableSubscriptionConflation(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets whether or not conflation is enabled for sending messages from a cache server to its clients.
setEnableSubscriptionConflation(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the enableSubscriptionConflation property.
setEnableSubscriptionConflation(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets whether or not conflation is enabled for sending messages from a cache server to its clients.
setEnableTimeStatistics(boolean) - Method in class
setEndPort(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
Sets the value of the endPort property.
setEndPort(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiverFactory
Sets the end port for the GatewayReceiver.
setEnforceUniqueHost(boolean) - Method in class
setEntityConfigXMLFile(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the name of the XML file that specifies the configuration of managed entities administered by the DistributedSystem.
setEntryCount(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
setEntryIdleTime(RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the entryIdleTime property.
setEntryIdleTimeout(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the idleTimeout expiration attributes for region entries for the next RegionAttributes created.
setEntryIdleTimeout(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Changes the idleTimeout expiration attributes for values in the region.
setEntryIdleTimeout(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets the idleTimeout expiration attributes for region entries for the next RegionAttributes created.
setEntryIdleTimeout(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the idleTimeout expiration attributes for region entries for the next RegionAttributes created.
setEntryTimeToLive(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the timeToLive expiration attributes for region entries for the next RegionAttributes created.
setEntryTimeToLive(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Changes the timeToLive expiration attributes for values in this region.
setEntryTimeToLive(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets the timeToLive expiration attributes for region entries for the next RegionAttributes created.
setEntryTimeToLive(RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the entryTimeToLive property.
setEntryTimeToLive(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the timeToLive expiration attributes for region entries for the next RegionAttributes created.
setEventId(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
For internal use only.
setEventId(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.Instantiator
sets the unique eventId of this Instantiator.
setEventsConflated(long) - Method in class
setEventsEnqued(long) - Method in class
setEventsExpired(long) - Method in class
setEventsRemoved(long) - Method in class
setEventsRemovedByQrm(long) - Method in class
setEventsTaken(long) - Method in class
setEvictionAttributes(EvictionAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the EvictionController for the next RegionAttributes created.
setEvictionAttributes(EvictionAttributes) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets the eviction attributes that controls growth of the Region to be created.
setEvictionAttributes(RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the evictionAttributes property.
setEvictionAttributes(EvictionAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the eviction attributes that controls growth of the Region to be created.
setEvictionHeapPercentage(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ResourceManagerType
Sets the value of the evictionHeapPercentage property.
setEvictionHeapPercentage(float) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager
Set the percentage of heap at or above which the eviction should begin on Regions configured for HeapLRU eviction.
setEvictionHeapPercentage(Float) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
setEvictionOffHeapPercentage(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ResourceManagerType
Sets the value of the evictionOffHeapPercentage property.
setEvictionOffHeapPercentage(float) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager
Set the percentage of off-heap at or above which the eviction should begin on Regions configured for HeapLRU eviction.
setEvictionOffHeapPercentage(Float) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
setEvictionPolicy(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType.ClientSubscription
Sets the value of the evictionPolicy property.
setEvictionPolicy(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ClientSubscriptionConfig
Sets the eviction policy that is executed when capacity of the client queue is reached.
setExitOK(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
Indicate whether it is acceptable to call System.exit(int) after failure processing has completed.
setExpression(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
Sets the value of the expression property.
setFailure(Error) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
Set the underlying system failure, if not already set.
setFailureAction(Runnable) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
Sets a user-defined action that is run in the event that failure has been detected.
setFailureMemoryThreshold(long) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
Set the memory threshold under which system failure will be notified.
setField(String, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.WritablePdxInstance
Set the existing named field to the given value.
setFilter(SnapshotFilter<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.SnapshotOptions
Sets a filter to apply to snapshot entries.
setForce(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Sets the boolean value used by the Locator to determine if it should overwrite the PID file if it already exists.
setForce(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets the boolean value used by the Server to determine if it should overwrite the PID file if it already exists.
setForwardExpirationDestroy(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Forwards destroy operations from expiration action to AsyncEventQueue.
setForwardExpirationDestroy(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Sets the value of the forwardExpirationDestroy property.
setFreeConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Sets the free connection timeout for this pool.
setFreeConnectionTimeout(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the freeConnectionTimeout property.
setFreeHeapSize(long) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setFromClause(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
Sets the value of the fromClause property.
setFunctionService(FunctionServiceType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the functionService property.
setGatewayConflictResolver(GatewayConflictResolver) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Adds a gateway event conflict resolution resolver.
setGatewayConflictResolver(DeclarableType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the gatewayConflictResolver property.
setGatewayEventSubstitutionFilter(DeclarableType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Sets the value of the gatewayEventSubstitutionFilter property.
setGatewayEventSubstitutionFilter(DeclarableType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the gatewayEventSubstitutionFilter property.
setGatewayEventSubstitutionFilter(GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Sets the provided GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter in this GatewaySenderFactory.
setGatewayEventSubstitutionListener(GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Sets the GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter.
setGatewayQueue(CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Sets the value of the gatewayQueue property.
setGatewayReceiver(GatewayReceiverConfig) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the gatewayReceiver property.
setGatewaySenderIds(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the gatewaySenderIds property.
setGatewaySSLAlias(String) - Method in class
setGatewaySSLCiphers(String) - Method in class
setGatewaySSLEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setGatewaySSLKeyStore(String) - Method in class
setGatewaySSLKeyStorePassword(String) - Method in class
setGatewaySSLKeyStoreType(String) - Method in class
setGatewaySSLProtocols(String) - Method in class
setGatewaySSLRequireAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class
setGatewaySSLTrustStore(String) - Method in class
setGatewaySSLTrustStorePassword(String) - Method in class
setGemFireHealthConfig(String, GemFireHealthConfig) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth
Sets the GemFireHealthConfig for GemFire components that reside on a given host.
setGlobalProperties(Properties) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
setGroups(String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Sets the list of server groups this cache server will belong to.
setGroups(String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Sets the list of server groups this cache server will belong to.
setGroups(String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
as of 7.0 use the groups gemfire property
setHealthEvaluationInterval(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealthConfig
Sets the number of seconds between assessments of the health of the GemFire components.
setHelp(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Sets whether the new instance of LocatorLauncher will be used to output help information for either a specific command, or for using LocatorLauncher in general.
setHelp(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets whether the new instance of ServerLauncher will be used to output help information for either a specific command, or for using ServerLauncher in general.
setHost(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntityConfig
Sets the name of the host on which the managed entity will run.
setHost(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayEndpoint
Sets the value of the host property.
setHost(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType.Locator
Sets the value of the host property.
setHost(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType.Server
Sets the value of the host property.
setHostAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setHostName(String) - Method in class
Sets the name of the host on which the client is running.
setHostnameForClients(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Sets the ip address or host name that this server is to listen on for client connections.
setHostnameForClients(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Sets the ip address or host name that this server is to listen on for client connections.
setHostnameForClients(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Sets the value of the hostnameForClients property.
setHostnameForClients(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Sets the ip address or host name that this cache server is to listen on for client connections.
setHostnameForClients(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Sets the hostname used by clients to lookup the Locator.
setHostNameForClients(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
setHostnameForSenders(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
Sets the value of the hostnameForSenders property.
setHostnameForSenders(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiverFactory
Sets the ip address or host name that server locators will tell GatewaySenders that this GatewayReceiver is listening on.
setHttpAuthEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets whether or not the HTTP adapter authenticates connections.
setHttpAuthPassword(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets the password for HTTP adapter authentication.
setHttpAuthUser(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets the user name for HTTP adapter authentication.
setHttpBindAddress(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets the bind address to which the HTTP adapter's listening socket is bound.
setHttpEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets whether or not the HTTP adapter is enabled.
setHttpPort(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets the port of the HTTP adapter.
setHttpServiceBindAddress(String) - Method in class
setHttpServicePort(int) - Method in class
setHttpServiceSSLAlias(String) - Method in class
setHttpServiceSSLCiphers(String) - Method in class
setHttpServiceSSLEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setHttpServiceSSLKeyStore(String) - Method in class
setHttpServiceSSLKeyStorePassword(String) - Method in class
setHttpServiceSSLKeyStoreType(String) - Method in class
setHttpServiceSSLProtocols(String) - Method in class
setHttpServiceSSLRequireAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class
setHttpServiceSSLTrustStore(String) - Method in class
setHttpServiceSSLTrustStorePassword(String) - Method in class
setHttpSSLRequireAuth(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets whether SSL authentication is used when connecting to the HTTP connector.
setHubId(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the hubId property.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayEndpoint
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.SerializationRegistrationType.Instantiator
Sets the value of the id property.
setIdleTimeout(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Set the amount of time a connection can be idle before expiring the connection.
setIdleTimeout(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the idleTimeout property.
setIdleTimeoutSeconds(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Sets the value of the idleTimeoutSeconds property.
setIgnoreJTA(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the flag telling a region to ignore JTA transactions.
setIgnoreJta(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the ignoreJta property.
setIgnoreJTA(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets whether operations on this region should be controlled by JTA transactions or not
setIgnoreUnreadFields(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
Sets the value of the ignoreUnreadFields property.
setImports(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
Sets the value of the imports property.
setIncludeFile(String) - Method in class
setIndexMaintenanceSynchronous(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Set how indexes on the region should be maintained.
setIndexMaintenanceSynchronous(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets how indexes on this region are kept current.
setIndexUpdateType(RegionAttributesIndexUpdateType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the indexUpdateType property.
setInitialCapacity(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the entry initial capacity for the next RegionAttributes created.
setInitialCapacity(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets the entry initial capacity for the next RegionAttributes created.
setInitialCapacity(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the initialCapacity property.
setInitialCapacity(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the entry initial capacity for the next RegionAttributes created.
setInitializer(DeclarableType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the initializer property.
setInitPoolSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Sets the value of the initPoolSize property.
setInt(int, int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
as of Geode 1.10, use Statistics.setLong(int, long) instead
setInt(String, int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
as of Geode 1.10, use Statistics.setLong(String, long) instead
setInt(StatisticDescriptor, int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
as of Geode 1.10, use Statistics.setLong(StatisticDescriptor, long) instead
setInterestPolicy(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
setInterestPolicy(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.SubscriptionAttributes
Sets the value of the interestPolicy property.
setIntSupplier(int, IntSupplier) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
as of Geode 1.10, use Statistics.setLongSupplier(int, LongSupplier) instead
setIntSupplier(String, IntSupplier) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
setIntSupplier(StatisticDescriptor, IntSupplier) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
setIsClient(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
Sets whether this member is a client to a cache server
setIsConnected(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setIsGatewayHub(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
Sets whether this member is a cache server
setIsLocator(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setIsLockGrantor(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the isLockGrantor property.
setIsPostOperation(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteFunctionOperationContext
setIsPrimary(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes.FixedPartitionAttributes
Sets the value of the isPrimary property.
setIsPrimaryGatewayHub(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setIsServer(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
Sets whether this member is a cache server
setIsServer(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Sets whether or not this Cache resides in a long-running "cache server" VM.
setIsServer(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the isServer property.
setJdbcDriverClass(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Sets the value of the jdbcDriverClass property.
setJmxManager(boolean) - Method in class
setJmxManagerAccessFile(String) - Method in class
setJmxManagerBindAddress(String) - Method in class
setJmxManagerHostnameForClients(String) - Method in class
setJmxManagerHttpPort(int) - Method in class
setJmxManagerPasswordFile(String) - Method in class
setJmxManagerPort(int) - Method in class
setJmxManagerSSL(boolean) - Method in class
setJmxManagerSSLCiphers(String) - Method in class
setJmxManagerSSLEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setJmxManagerSSLKeyStore(String) - Method in class
setJmxManagerSSLKeyStorePassword(String) - Method in class
setJmxManagerSSLKeyStoreType(String) - Method in class
setJmxManagerSSLProtocols(String) - Method in class
setJmxManagerSSLRequireAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class
setJmxManagerSSLTrustStore(String) - Method in class
setJmxManagerSSLTrustStorePassword(String) - Method in class
setJmxManagerStart(boolean) - Method in class
setJmxManagerUpdateRate(int) - Method in class
setJmxSSLAlias(String) - Method in class
setJndiName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Sets the value of the jndiName property.
setKey(ObjectType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Entry
Sets the value of the key property.
setKey(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestOperationContext
Set the key for this register/unregister interest operation.
setKeyConstraint(Class<K>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the key constraint for the next RegionAttributes created.
setKeyConstraint(Class<K>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets the key constraint for the next RegionAttributes created.
setKeyConstraint(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the keyConstraint property.
setKeyConstraint(Class<K>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the key constraint for the next RegionAttributes created.
setKeyIndex(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
Sets the value of the keyIndex property.
setKeySet(Set) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeySetOperationContext
Set the keys to be returned as the result of Region.keySet() operation.
setListener(TransactionListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
setLoadConditioningInterval(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Sets the load conditioning interval for this pool.
setLoadConditioningInterval(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the loadConditioningInterval property.
setLoadFactor(float) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the entry load factor for the next RegionAttributes created.
setLoadFactor(float) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets the entry load factor for the next RegionAttributes created.
setLoadFactor(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the loadFactor property.
setLoadFactor(float) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the entry load factor for the next RegionAttributes created.
setLoadPerConnection(float) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoad
Set the estimated load per connection.
setLoadPerSubscriptionConnection(float) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoad
Set the estimated load per subscription connection.
setLoadPollInterval(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Set the frequency in milliseconds to poll the load probe on this cache server
setLoadPollInterval(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Set the frequency in milliseconds to poll the load probe on this cache server
setLoadPollInterval(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Sets the value of the loadPollInterval property.
setLoadPollInterval(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Set the frequency in milliseconds to poll the load probe on this cache server
setLoadProbe(ServerLoadProbe) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Set the load probe for this cache server.
setLoadProbe(ServerLoadProbe) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Set the load probe for this cache server.
setLoadProbe(ServerLoadProbe) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Set the load probe for this cache server.
setLocalMaxMemory(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Sets the value of the localMaxMemory property.
setLocalMaxMemory(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
setLocalMaxMemory(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
Sets the maximum amount of memory, in megabytes, to be used by the region in this process.
setLocalProperties(Properties) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
use PartitionAttributesFactory.setLocalMaxMemory(int) in GemFire 5.1 and later releases
setLocators(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the comma-delimited list of locators for the system
setLocators(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setLocators(String) - Method in class
setLocatorSSLAlias(String) - Method in class
setLockGrantor(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets whether this region should become lock grantor.
setLockGrantor(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets whether this region should become lock grantor.
setLockLease(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Sets the length, in seconds, of distributed lock leases obtained by this cache.
setLockLease(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Sets the length, in seconds, of distributed lock leases obtained by this cache.
setLockLease(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the lockLease property.
setLockTimeout(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Sets the number of seconds a cache operation may wait to obtain a distributed lock lease before timing out.
setLockTimeout(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Sets the number of seconds a cache operation may wait to obtain a distributed lock lease before timing out.
setLockTimeout(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the lockTimeout property.
setLogDiskSpaceLimit(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the log disk space limit in megabytes
setLogDiskSpaceLimit(int) - Method in class
setLogFile(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the name of the log file to which informational messages are written.
setLogFile(String) - Method in class
setLogFileSizeLimit(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the log file size limit in megabytes
setLogFileSizeLimit(int) - Method in class
setLoginTimeoutSeconds(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Sets the value of the loginTimeoutSeconds property.
setLogLevel(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the level at which information messages are logged.
setLogLevel(int) - Method in class
setLong(int, long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Sets the value of a statistic with the given id whose type is long.
setLong(StatisticDescriptor, long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Sets the value of a described statistic of type long
setLong(String, long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Sets the value of a named statistic of type long.
setLongSupplier(int, LongSupplier) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Provide a callback to compute the value of this statistic every sample interval and use that as the value of the stat.
setLongSupplier(String, LongSupplier) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Provide a callback to compute the value of this statistic every sample interval and use that as the value of the stat.
setLongSupplier(StatisticDescriptor, LongSupplier) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Statistics
Provide a callback to compute the value of this statistic every sample interval and use that as the value of the stat.
setLossAction(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes
Sets the value of the lossAction property.
setLruEntryCount(RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruEntryCount) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes
Sets the value of the lruEntryCount property.
setLruHeapPercentage(RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruHeapPercentage) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes
Sets the value of the lruHeapPercentage property.
setLruHeapPercentageEvictionAction(EnumActionDestroyOverflow) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
setLruMemorySize(RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruMemorySize) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes
Sets the value of the lruMemorySize property.
setManagedConnFactoryClass(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Sets the value of the managedConnFactoryClass property.
setManualStart(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Sets the value of the manualStart property.
setManualStart(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the manualStart property.
setManualStart(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
Sets the value of the manualStart property.
setManualStart(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiverFactory
Sets the manual start boolean property for this GatewayReceiver.
setManualStart(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
- Manual start of senders is deprecated and will be removed in a later release.
setMap(Map) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutAllOperationContext
use getMap() instead and modify the values in the map it returns
setMarkerEventsConflated(long) - Method in class
setMaxConnections(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Sets the maximum number of client connections allowed.
setMaxConnections(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Sets the maximum number of client connections allowed.
setMaxConnections(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Set the max number of client to server connections that the pool will create.
setMaxConnections(BigInteger) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Sets the value of the maxConnections property.
setMaxConnections(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the maxConnections property.
setMaxConnections(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Sets the value of the maxConnections property.
setMaxConnections(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Sets the maximum number of client connections allowed.
setMaxConnections(Integer) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
setMaxDepartedApplications(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemHealthConfig
Sets the maximum number of application members that can unexceptedly leave a healthy the distributed system.
setMaxEventQueueSize(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheHealthConfig
Sets the maximum number of entries in the event delivery queue of a healthy cache member.
setMaximum(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruEntryCount
Sets the value of the maximum property.
setMaximum(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.EvictionAttributes.LruMemorySize
Sets the value of the maximum property.
setMaximum(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributesMutator
Sets the maximum value on the EvictionAttributesImpl that the given EvictionAlgorithm uses to determine when to perform its EvictionAction.
setMaximumHeapSize(long) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setMaximumMessageCount(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Sets maximum number of messages that can be enqueued in a client-queue.
setMaximumMessageCount(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Sets maximum number of messages that can be enqueued in a client-queue.
setMaximumMessageCount(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Sets the value of the maximumMessageCount property.
setMaximumMessageCount(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Sets maximum number of messages that can be enqueued in a client-queue.
setMaximumQueueMemory(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Sets the maximum amount of memory (in MB) for an AsyncEventQueue's queue.
setMaximumQueueMemory(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Sets the value of the maximumQueueMemory property.
setMaximumQueueMemory(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Sets the value of the maximumQueueMemory property.
setMaximumQueueMemory(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the maximumQueueMemory property.
setMaximumQueueMemory(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Sets the maximum amount of memory (in MB) for a GatewaySender's queue.
setMaximumTimeBetweenPings(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Sets the maximum amount of time between client pings.
setMaximumTimeBetweenPings(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Sets the maximum amount of time between client pings.
setMaximumTimeBetweenPings(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Sets the value of the maximumTimeBetweenPings property.
setMaximumTimeBetweenPings(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
Sets the value of the maximumTimeBetweenPings property.
setMaximumTimeBetweenPings(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Sets the value of the maximumTimeBetweenPings property.
setMaximumTimeBetweenPings(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Sets the maximum amount of time between client pings.
setMaximumTimeBetweenPings(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiverFactory
Sets the maximum amount of time between client pings.The default is 60000 ms.
setMaxLoadTime(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheHealthConfig
Sets the maximum mumber of milliseconds a cache load operation can take before the cache member is considered to be unhealthy.
setMaxMessageCount(Integer) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
setMaxMessageQueueSize(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.MemberHealthConfig
Sets the maximum number of enqueued incoming or outgoing messages that a healthy member of a distributed system can have.
setMaxNetSearchTime(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheHealthConfig
Sets the maximum number of milliseconds a netSearch operation can take before the cache member is considered to be unhealthy.
setMaxNumReconnectTries(int) - Method in class
setMaxOplogSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Sets the value of the maxOplogSize property.
setMaxOplogSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes
Sets the value of the maxOplogSize property.
setMaxOplogSize(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
Sets the maximum size in megabytes a single oplog (operation log) is allowed to be.
setMaxOplogSize(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributesFactory
setMaxOplogSizeInBytes(long) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributesFactory
setMaxPoolSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Sets the value of the maxPoolSize property.
setMaxReplyTimeouts(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.MemberHealthConfig
Sets the maximum number message replies that can timeout in a healthy member.
setMaxRetransmissionRatio(double) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.MemberHealthConfig
Sets the maximum ratio of multicast retransmissions / total multicast messages.
setMaxThreads(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Sets the maximum number of threads allowed in this server to service client requests.
setMaxThreads(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Sets the maximum number of threads allowed in this server to service client requests.
setMaxThreads(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Sets the value of the maxThreads property.
setMaxThreads(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Sets the maximum number of threads allowed in this cache server to service client requests.
setMaxThreads(Integer) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
setMaxVMProcessSize(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.MemberHealthConfig
Sets the maximum VM process size (in megabytes) of a healthy member of the distributed system.
setMaxWaitTimeForReconnect(int) - Method in class
setMcastAddress(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the multicast address for the system
setMcastAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setMcastAddress(String) - Method in class
setMcastByteAllowance(int) - Method in class
setMcastPort(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the multicast port for the system
setMcastPort(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setMcastPort(int) - Method in class
setMcastRechargeBlockMs(int) - Method in class
setMcastRechargeThreshold(float) - Method in class
setMcastRecvBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setMcastSendBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setMcastTTL(int) - Method in class
setMemberGroups(String) - Method in class
setMemberId(Serializable) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setMemberName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setMemberName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Sets the member name of the Locator in GemFire.
setMemberName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets the member name of the Server in GemFire.
setMemberName(String) - Method in class
setMembershipAttributes(MembershipAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
this API is scheduled to be removed
setMembershipAttributes(RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the membershipAttributes property.
setMembershipAttributes(MembershipAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
this API is scheduled to be removed
setMembershipPortRange(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the membership-port-range property of the Distributed System.
setMembershipPortRange(int[]) - Method in class
setMemberTimeout(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Set the millisecond value of the member-timeout used in failure-detection protocols.
setMemberTimeout(int) - Method in class
setMessageSyncInterval(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Sets the frequency (in seconds) at which a message will be sent by the primary cache-server node to all the secondary cache-server nodes to remove the events which have already been dispatched from the queue.
setMessageSyncInterval(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the messageSyncInterval property.
setMessageTimeToLive(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Sets the time (in seconds ) after which a message in the client queue will expire.
setMessageTimeToLive(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Sets the time (in seconds ) after which a message in the client queue will expire.
setMessageTimeToLive(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Sets the value of the messageTimeToLive property.
setMessageTimeToLive(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Sets the time (in seconds ) after which a message in the client queue will expire.
setMessageTimeToLive(Integer) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
setMethodAuthorizer(QueryConfigService.MethodAuthorizer) - Method in class
Sets the value of the methodAuthorizer property.
setMinConnections(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Set the minimum number of connections to keep available at all times.
setMinConnections(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the minConnections property.
setMinHitRatio(double) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.CacheHealthConfig
Sets the minimum hit ratio of a healthy cache member.
setMirrorType(MirrorType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
setMirrorType(RegionAttributesMirrorType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the mirrorType property.
setMulticastEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets whether distributed operations on this region should attempt to use multicast.
setMulticastEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the multicastEnabled property.
setMulticastEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets whether distributed operations on this region should attempt to use multicast.
setMultiuserAuthentication(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
If set to true then the created pool can be used by multiple authenticated users.
setMultiuserAuthentication(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the multiuserAuthentication property.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding.ConfigProperty
Sets the value of the configPropertyName property.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ParameterType
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes.RequiredRole
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the name of the client.
setNotifyBySubscription(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Sets whether or not this cache server should notify clients based on key subscription.
setNotifyBySubscription(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Sets whether or not this cache server should notify clients based on key subscription.
setNotifyBySubscription(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Sets the value of the notifyBySubscription property.
setNotifyBySubscription(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
as of 6.0.1. This method is no longer in use, by default notifyBySubscription attribute is set to true.
setNumBuckets(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes.FixedPartitionAttributes
Sets the value of the numBuckets property.
setNumOfCacheListenerCalls(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of times a cache listener call has completed.
setNumOfGets(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of times a successful get operation has occurred.
setNumOfMisses(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of times a cache miss has occurred.
setNumOfPuts(int) - Method in class
Set the number of times an entry was added or replaced in this cache as a result of a local operation.
setNumOfThreads(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of threads currently in use.
setNumVoidRemovals(long) - Method in class
setObject(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.GetOperationContext
Set the result value of the object for this operation.
setOffHeap(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Enables this region's usage of off-heap memory if true.
setOffHeap(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the offHeap property.
setOffHeap(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Enables this region's usage of off-heap memory if true.
setOldValue(Object) - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.EntryExistsException
Sets the old existing value that caused this exception.
setOrderPolicy(GatewaySender.OrderPolicy) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Sets the order policy for multiple dispatchers.
setOrderPolicy(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Sets the value of the orderPolicy property.
setOrderPolicy(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Sets the value of the orderPolicy property.
setOrderPolicy(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the orderPolicy property.
setOrderPolicy(GatewaySender.OrderPolicy) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Sets OrderPolicy for this GatewaySender.
setOverflowDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Sets the value of the overflowDirectory property.
setOverflowDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType.ClientSubscription
Sets the value of the overflowDirectory property.
setOverflowDirectory(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.ClientSubscriptionConfig
setParallel(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Indicates whether all VMs need to distribute events to remote site.
setParallel(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Sets the value of the parallel property.
setParallel(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the parallel property.
setParallel(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Indicates whether all VMs need to distribute events to remote site.
setParallelFactorForReplicatedRegion(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
setParallelMode(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.SnapshotOptions
Enables parallel mode for snapshot export, which will cause each member of a partitioned region to save its local data set (ignoring redundant copies) to a separate snapshot file.
setParameters(Properties) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DeclarableType
setParameters(List<QueryConfigService.MethodAuthorizer.Parameter>) - Method in class
Sets the value of the parameter property.
setParameterValue(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the parameter-value property.
setParent(RegionSubRegionSnapshot) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
setPartitionAttributes(PartitionAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the PartitionAttributes that describe how the region is partitioned among members of the distributed system.
setPartitionAttributes(RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the partitionAttributes property.
setPartitionAttributes(PartitionAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the PartitionAttributes that describe how the region is partitioned among members of the distributed system.
setPartitionName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes.FixedPartitionAttributes
Sets the value of the partitionName property.
setPartitionResolver(DeclarableType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Sets the value of the partitionResolver property.
setPartitionResolver(PartitionResolver<K, V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
Sets the PartitionResolver for the PartitionRegion.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Sets the value of the password property.
setPassword(String) - Method in class
setPauseEventProcessing(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Sets the value of whether the queue will be created with paused processing of the events queued
setPdx(PdxType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the pdx property.
setPdxDiskStore(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Set the disk store that is used for PDX meta data.
setPdxDiskStore(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Pdx Persistence is not supported on client side. Even when set, it's internally ignored.
setPdxDiskStore(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets the GemFire Disk Store to be used to persist PDX type meta-data.
setPdxIgnoreUnreadFields(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Control whether pdx ignores fields that were unread during deserialization.
setPdxIgnoreUnreadFields(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Control whether pdx ignores fields that were unread during deserialization.
setPdxIgnoreUnreadFields(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets whether fields in the PDX instance should be ignored when unread.
setPdxPersistent(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Control whether the type metadata for PDX objects is persisted to disk.
setPdxPersistent(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Pdx Persistence is not supported on client side. Even when set, it's internally ignored.
setPdxPersistent(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets whether the PDX type meta-data should be persisted to disk.
setPdxReadSerialized(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Sets the object preference to PdxInstance type.
setPdxReadSerialized(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Sets the object preference to PdxInstance type.
setPdxReadSerialized(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets whether PDX instances should be returned as is when Region.get(key:String):Object is called.
setPdxSerializer(PdxSerializer) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Set the PDX serializer for the cache.
setPdxSerializer(PdxSerializer) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Set the PDX serializer for the cache.
setPdxSerializer(DeclarableType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
Sets the value of the pdxSerializer property.
setPdxSerializer(PdxSerializer) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Set the PdxSerializer to use to serialize POJOs to the GemFire Cache Region or when sent between peers, client/server, or during persistence to disk.
setPermissions(List<ResourcePermission>) - Method in class
setPersistBackup(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
as of GemFire 5.0, use DataPolicy.PERSISTENT_REPLICATE instead
setPersistBackup(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the persistBackup property.
setPersistenceEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Sets whether to enable persistence for a GatewaySender's queue.
setPersistent(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueueFactory
Sets whether the AsyncEventQueue is persistent or not.
setPersistent(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.AsyncEventQueue
Sets the value of the persistent property.
setPersistent(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
Sets the value of the persistent property.
setPid(Integer) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Sets the process ID (PID) of the running Locator indicated by the user as an argument to the LocatorLauncher.
setPid(Integer) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets the process ID (PID) of the running Server indicated by the user as an argument to the ServerLauncher.
setPingInterval(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
How often to ping servers to verify that they are still alive.
setPingInterval(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the pingInterval property.
setPoolFreeConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Sets the free connection timeout for this pool.
setPoolIdleTimeout(long) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Set the amount of time a connection can be idle before expiring the connection.
setPoolLoadConditioningInterval(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Sets the load conditioning interval for this pool.
setPoolMaxConnections(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Set the max number of client to server connections that the pool will create.
setPoolMinConnections(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Set the minimum number of connections to keep available at all times.
setPoolMultiuserAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
If set to true then the created pool can be used by multiple users.
setPoolName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the pool name attribute.
setPoolName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets the pool name attribute.
setPoolName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DynamicRegionFactoryType
Sets the value of the poolName property.
setPoolName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the poolName property.
setPoolName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the pool name attribute.
setPoolName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DurableClientAttributes
setPoolPingInterval(long) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
How often to ping servers to verify that they are still alive.
setPoolPRSingleHopEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
By default setPRSingleHopEnabled is true in which case the client is aware of the location of partitions on servers hosting regions with DataPolicy.PARTITION.
setPoolReadTimeout(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Sets the number of milliseconds to wait for a response from a server before timing out the operation and trying another server (if any are available).
setPoolRetryAttempts(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Set the number of times to retry a request after timeout/exception.
setPoolServerConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Sets the server connection timeout for this pool.
setPoolServerGroup(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Configures the group that all servers this pool connects to must belong to.
setPoolSocketBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Sets the socket buffer size for each connection made in this pool.
setPoolSocketConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Sets the socket connect timeout for this pool.
setPoolSocketFactory(SocketFactory) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Set the socket factory used by this pool to create connections to both locators (if configured using ClientCacheFactory.addPoolLocator(String, int) (String, int)}) and servers.
setPoolStatisticInterval(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
How often to send client statistics to the server.
setPoolStats(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
setPoolSubscriptionAckInterval(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Sets the interval in milliseconds to wait before sending acknowledgements to the cache server for events received from the server subscriptions.
setPoolSubscriptionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
If set to true then the created pool will have server-to-client subscriptions enabled.
setPoolSubscriptionMessageTrackingTimeout(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Sets the messageTrackingTimeout attribute which is the time-to-live period, in milliseconds, for subscription events the client has received from the server.
setPoolSubscriptionRedundancy(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Sets the redundancy level for this pools server-to-client subscriptions.
setPoolSubscriptionTimeoutMultiplier(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
A server has an inactivity monitor that ensures a message is sent to a client at least once a minute (60,000 milliseconds).
setPoolThreadLocalConnections(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory
Since Geode 1.10.0. Thread local connections are ignored. Will be removed in future major release.
setPort(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributionLocatorConfig
Sets the port on which the distribution locator listens for members to connect.
setPort(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Sets the port on which this cache server listens for bridge clients to connect.
setPort(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Sets the port on which this cache server listens for clients to connect.
setPort(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayEndpoint
Sets the value of the port property.
setPort(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Sets the value of the port property.
setPort(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType.Locator
Sets the value of the port property.
setPort(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType.Server
Sets the value of the port property.
setPort(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Sets the value of the port property.
setPort(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Sets the port on which this cache server listens for clients.
setPort(Integer) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Sets the port number used by the Locator to listen for client requests.
setPossibleDuplicate(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.GatewayEvent
Sets whether this event is a possible duplicate.
setPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.GetOperationContext
Set the post-operation flag to true.
setPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyOperationContext
Set the post-operation flag to true.
setPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeySetOperationContext
Set the post-operation flag to true.
setPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutAllOperationContext
Set the post-operation flag to true.
setPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.QueryOperationContext
Set the post-operation flag to true.
setPostOperation() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.RemoveAllOperationContext
Set the post-operation flag to true.
setPostProcessor(PostProcessor) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Sets the postProcessor for the cache.
setProcessCpuTime(long) - Method in class
Sets the amount of time (in nanoseconds) used by the client process.
setProductDirectory(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntityConfig
Sets the name of the GemFire product directory to use when administering the managed entity.
setPRSingleHopEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
By default setPRSingleHopEnabled is true in which case the client is aware of the location of partitions on servers hosting regions with DataPolicy.PARTITION.
setPrSingleHopEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the prSingleHopEnabled property.
setPublisher(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
as of 6.5
setPublisher(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the publisher property.
setPublisher(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
as of 6.5
setPulseURL(String) - Method in interface
Sets the URL for the Pulse application.
setQueryCollectionsDepth(int) - Method in interface
setQueryResult(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.QueryOperationContext
Set the result of query operation.
setQueryResultSetLimit(int) - Method in interface
setQueueSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Sets the value of the queueSize property.
setQueueSize(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
Sets the maximum number of operations that can be asynchronously queued.
setQueueSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the client queue size.
setQueueSize(long) - Method in class
setReadSerialized(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PdxType
Sets the value of the readSerialized property.
setReadTimeout(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Sets the number of milliseconds to wait for a response from a server before timing out the operation and trying another server (if any are available).
setReadTimeout(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the readTimeout property.
setRebalance(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Set a boolean value indicating whether a rebalance operation on the cache should occur upon starting the GemFire server.
setRecoveryDelay(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Sets the value of the recoveryDelay property.
setRecoveryDelay(long) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
Sets the delay in milliseconds that existing members will wait before satisfying redundancy after another member crashes.
setRedirectOutput(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Sets whether the new instance of LocatorLauncher will redirect output to system logs when starting a Locator.
setRedirectOutput(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets whether the new instance of ServerLauncher will redirect output to system logs when starting a Server.
setRedundancyZone(String) - Method in class
setRedundantCopies(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Sets the value of the redundantCopies property.
setRedundantCopies(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
Sets the number of extra copies of buckets desired.
setRedundantCopy(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
setRefid(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the refid property.
setRefreshInterval(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the refreshInterval in seconds
setRegionAttributes(RegionAttributesType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
setRegionAttributes(String, RegionAttributes<K, V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.GemFireCache
Sets the id of the given RegionAttributes.
setRegionIdleTime(RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the regionIdleTime property.
setRegionIdleTimeout(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the idleTimeout expiration attributes for the region itself for the next RegionAttributes created.
setRegionIdleTimeout(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Changes the idleTimeout expiration attributes for the region as a whole.
setRegionIdleTimeout(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets the idleTimeout expiration attributes for the region itself for the next RegionAttributes created.
setRegionIdleTimeout(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the idleTimeout expiration attributes for the region itself for the next RegionAttributes created.
setRegionNames(Set) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.QueryOperationContext
Set the names of regions that are part of the query string.
setRegionTimeToLive(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the timeToLive expiration attributes for the region itself for the next RegionAttributes created.
setRegionTimeToLive(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesMutator
Changes the timeToLive expiration attributes for the region as a whole
setRegionTimeToLive(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets the timeToLive expiration attributes for the region itself for the next RegionAttributes created.
setRegionTimeToLive(RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the regionTimeToLive property.
setRegionTimeToLive(ExpirationAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the timeToLive expiration attributes for the region itself for the next RegionAttributes created.
setRemoteCommand(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Sets the remote command and formatting this system should use to access and/or manipulate resources on remote machines.
setRemoteCommand(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the remote command setting to use for remote administration.
setRemoteCommand(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntityConfig
Sets the command prefix used to administer a managed entity that is hosted on a remote machine.
setRemoteDistributedSystemId(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the remoteDistributedSystemId property.
setRemoveUnresponsiveClient(boolean) - Method in class
setResourceManager(ResourceManagerType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the resourceManager property.
setResult(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.ExecuteFunctionOperationContext
setResumptionAction(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.MembershipAttributes
Sets the value of the resumptionAction property.
setRetryAttempts(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Set the number of times to retry a request after timeout/exception.
setRetryAttempts(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the retryAttempts property.
setRmiBindAddress(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets the bind address to which the RMI adapter's listening sockets are bound.
setRmiEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets whether or not the RMI adapter is enabled.
setRmiPort(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets the port of the RMI adapter.
setRmiRegistryEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets whether or not the agent hosts an RMI registry.
setRmiServerPort(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets the port of the RMI Connector Server.
setRoles(Set<ExampleSecurityManager.Role>) - Method in class
setRoles(String) - Method in class
setRollOplogs(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway.GatewayQueue
Sets the value of the rollOplogs property.
setRollOplogs(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes
Sets the value of the rollOplogs property.
setRollOplogs(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributesFactory
setScope(Scope) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the scope for the next RegionAttributes created.
setScope(RegionAttributesScope) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the scope property.
setScope(Scope) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the scope for the next RegionAttributes created.
setSearchTimeout(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCache
Sets the number of seconds a cache get operation can spend searching for a value.
setSearchTimeout(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Sets the number of seconds a cache get operation can spend searching for a value.
setSearchTimeout(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the searchTimeout property.
setSecurableCommunicationChannel(SecurableCommunicationChannel[]) - Method in class
setSecurityClientAccessor(String) - Method in class
setSecurityClientAccessorPP(String) - Method in class
setSecurityClientAuthenticator(String) - Method in class
setSecurityClientAuthInit(String) - Method in class
setSecurityClientDHAlgo(String) - Method in class
setSecurityLogFile(String) - Method in class
setSecurityLogLevel(int) - Method in class
setSecurityManager(SecurityManager) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.CacheFactory
Sets the securityManager for the cache.
setSecurityPeerAuthenticator(String) - Method in class
setSecurityPeerAuthInit(String) - Method in class
setSecurityPeerMembershipTimeout(int) - Method in class
setSerializableClasses(List<String>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
setSerializationRegistration(SerializationRegistrationType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the serializationRegistration property.
setSerializedValue(byte[], boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyValueOperationContext
Set the serialized value object for this operation.
setServerBindAddress(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the IP address to which a server cache will bind when listening for client cache connections.
setServerBindAddress(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets the IP address to which the Server will be bound listening for and accepting cache client connections in a client/server topology.
setServerBindAddress(String) - Method in class
setServerConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Sets the server connection timeout for this pool.
setServerConnectionTimeout(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the serverConnectionTimeout property.
setServerGroup(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Configures the group that all servers this pool connects to must belong to.
setServerGroup(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the serverGroup property.
setServerGroup(String) - Method in class
setServerPort(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setServerPort(Integer) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets the port on which the Server will listen for and accept cache client connections in a client/server topology.
setServerSSLAlias(String) - Method in class
setServerSSLCiphers(String) - Method in class
setServerSSLEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setServerSSLKeyStore(String) - Method in class
setServerSSLKeyStorePassword(String) - Method in class
setServerSSLKeyStoreType(String) - Method in class
setServerSSLProtocols(String) - Method in class
setServerSSLRequireAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class
setServerSSLTrustStore(String) - Method in class
setServerSSLTrustStorePassword(String) - Method in class
setSnmpBindAddress(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets the bind address used with the SNMP adapter.
setSnmpDirectory(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets the directory for the SNMP adapater.
setSnmpEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets whether or not the SNMP adapter is enabled.
setSocketBufferSize(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Sets the buffer size in bytes of the socket connection for this BridgeServer.
setSocketBufferSize(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Sets the buffer size in bytes of the socket connection for this CacheServer.
setSocketBufferSize(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Sets the socket buffer size for each connection made in this pool.
setSocketBufferSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Sets the value of the socketBufferSize property.
setSocketBufferSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Sets the value of the socketBufferSize property.
setSocketBufferSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the socketBufferSize property.
setSocketBufferSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
Sets the value of the socketBufferSize property.
setSocketBufferSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the socketBufferSize property.
setSocketBufferSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
Sets the value of the socketBufferSize property.
setSocketBufferSize(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Sets the buffer size in bytes of the socket connection for this CacheServer.
setSocketBufferSize(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiverFactory
Sets the buffer size in bytes of the socket connection for this GatewayReceiver.
setSocketBufferSize(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Sets the buffer size in bytes of the socket connection for this GatewaySender.
setSocketBufferSize(Integer) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
setSocketBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setSocketConnectTimeout(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Sets the socket connect timeout for this pool.
setSocketConnectTimeout(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the socketConnectTimeout property.
setSocketFactory(SocketFactory) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Set the socket factory used by this pool to create connections to both locators (if configured using PoolFactory.addLocator(String, int)) and servers.
setSocketLeaseTime(int) - Method in class
setSocketReadTimeout(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
Sets the value of the socketReadTimeout property.
setSocketReadTimeout(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
Sets the value of the socketReadTimeout property.
setSocketReadTimeout(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySenderFactory
Sets the number of milliseconds to wait for a response from a GatewayReceiver before timing out the operation and trying another GatewayReceiver (if any are available).
setSpringXmlLocation(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets the location of the Spring XML configuration meta-data file used to bootstrap, configure and initialize the GemFire Server on start.
setSSLAuthenticationRequired(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the value of the "ssl-require-authentication" property.
setSSLCiphers(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the value of the "ssl-ciphers" property.
setSSLCiphers(String) - Method in class
setSSLDefaultAlias(String) - Method in class
setSSLEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the value of the "ssl-enabled" property.
setSSLKeyStore(String) - Method in class
setSSLKeyStorePassword(String) - Method in class
setSSLKeyStoreType(String) - Method in class
setSSLProperties(Properties) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the provider-specific properties for SSL.
setSSLProtocols(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the value of the "ssl-protocols" property.
setSSLProtocols(String) - Method in class
setSSLRequireAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class
setSSLTrustStore(String) - Method in class
setSSLTrustStorePassword(String) - Method in class
setSSLTrustStoreType(String) - Method in class
setSSLWebServiceRequireAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class
setStartDevRestApi(boolean) - Method in class
setStartLocator(String) - Method in class
setStartPort(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
Sets the value of the startPort property.
setStartPort(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiverFactory
Sets the start port for the GatewayReceiver.
setStartupPolicy(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
Sets the value of the startupPolicy property.
setStartupRecoveryDelay(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Sets the value of the startupRecoveryDelay property.
setStartupRecoveryDelay(long) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
Sets the delay in milliseconds that new members will wait before satisfying redundancy.
setStateSaveFile(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
Sets the name of the file to be used for saving agent state See description above.
setStatisticArchiveFile(String) - Method in class
setStatisticInterval(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
How often to send client statistics to the server.
setStatisticInterval(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the statisticInterval property.
setStatisticSampleRate(int) - Method in class
setStatisticSamplingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setStatisticsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets whether statistics are enabled for this region and its entries.
setStatisticsEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets whether statistics are enabled for this region and its entries.
setStatisticsEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the statisticsEnabled property.
setStatisticsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets whether statistics are enabled for this region and its entries.
setStatusMessage(String) - Method in interface
Sets the status message.
setString(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ObjectType
Sets the value of the string property.
setSubRegionSnapshots(Set) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
setSubscriptionAckInterval(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Sets the interval in milliseconds to wait before sending acknowledgements to the cache server for events received from the server subscriptions.
setSubscriptionAckInterval(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the subscriptionAckInterval property.
setSubscriptionAttributes(SubscriptionAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the SubscriptionAttributes that describe how the region will subscribe to other distributed cache instances of the region.
setSubscriptionAttributes(RegionAttributesType.SubscriptionAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the subscriptionAttributes property.
setSubscriptionAttributes(SubscriptionAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the kind of interest this region has in events occuring in other caches that define the region by the same name.
setSubscriptionConnectionLoad(float) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoad
Set the load due to client subscriptions.
setSubscriptionEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
If set to true then the created pool will have server-to-client subscriptions enabled.
setSubscriptionEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the subscriptionEnabled property.
setSubscriptionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setSubscriptionMessageTrackingTimeout(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Sets the messageTrackingTimeout attribute which is the time-to-live period, in milliseconds, for subscription events the client has received from the server.
setSubscriptionMessageTrackingTimeout(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the subscriptionMessageTrackingTimeout property.
setSubscriptionRedundancy(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Sets the redundancy level for this pools server-to-client subscriptions.
setSubscriptionRedundancy(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the subscriptionRedundancy property.
setSubscriptionTimeoutMultiplier(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
A server has an inactivity monitor that ensures a message is sent to a client at least once a minute (60,000 milliseconds).
setSubscriptionTimeoutMultiplier(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Sets the value of the subscriptionTimeoutMultiplier property.
setSynchronous(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributesFactory
setSynchronousWrites(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes
Sets the value of the synchronousWrites property.
setSystemId(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the string identity for the system
setSystemName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the optional non-unique name for the system
setTcpNoDelay(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.CacheServer
Sets the value of the tcpNoDelay property.
setTcpNoDelay(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Configures the tcpNoDelay setting of sockets used to send messages to clients.
setTcpPort(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Sets the primary communication port number for the Distributed System.
setTcpPort(int) - Method in class
setThreadLocalConnections(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.PoolFactory
Since Geode 1.10.0. Thread local connections are ignored. Will be removed in future major release.
setThreadLocalConnections(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
Since Geode 1.10.0. Thread local connections are ignored. Will be removed in future major release.
setThreadsSocketPolicy(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Sets the calling thread's socket policy.
setTimeInterval(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Sets the value of the timeInterval property.
setTimeInterval(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes.AsynchronousWrites
Sets the value of the timeInterval property.
setTimeInterval(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
Sets the number of milliseconds that can elapse before data written asynchronously is flushed to disk.
setTimeInterval(long) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DiskWriteAttributesFactory
setTimeout(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesDetail
Sets the value of the timeout property.
setTimeout(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesType
Sets the value of the timeout property.
setTotalBackupCompleted(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of backups of this DiskStore that have been completed.
setTotalBackupInProgress(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of backups currently in progress on this DiskStore.
setTotalBytesOnDisk(long) - Method in class
Sets the total number of bytes of space that have been used.
setTotalMaxMemory(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Sets the value of the totalMaxMemory property.
setTotalMaxMemory(long) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
since Geode 1.3.0
setTotalNumBuckets(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
Sets the value of the totalNumBuckets property.
setTotalNumBuckets(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
Sets the total number of hash buckets to be used by the region in all processes.
setTransactionType(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Sets the value of the transactionType property.
setTransactionWriter(DeclarableType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheTransactionManagerType
Sets the value of the transactionWriter property.
setType(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding.ConfigProperty
Sets the value of the configPropertyType property.
setType(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Sets the value of the type property.
setType(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
Sets the value of the type property.
setType(RegionType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
Sets the value of the type property.
setType(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
setUdpFragmentSize(int) - Method in class
setUdpRecvBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setUdpSendBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setUnconnectedServers(Set) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setUpTime(long) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
setUpTime(long) - Method in class
Sets the amount of time (in seconds) that the client has been running.
setUserAttribute(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region.Entry
Sets the user attribute for this entry.
setUserAttribute(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sets the application-defined object associated with this region.
setUserName(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Sets the value of the userName property.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ConfigurationParameter
Sets a new value for this configuration parameter.
setValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding.ConfigProperty
Sets the value of the configPropertyValue property.
setValue(ObjectType) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Entry
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.KeyValueOperationContext
Set the result value of the object for this operation.
setValue(V) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region.Entry
Sets the value of this entry.
setValueConstraint(Class<V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Sets the value constraint for the next RegionAttributes created.
setValueConstraint(Class<V>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionFactory
Sets the value constraint for the next RegionAttributes created.
setValueConstraint(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
Sets the value of the valueConstraint property.
setValueConstraint(Class<V>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RegionFactory
Sets the value constraint for the next RegionAttributes created.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
Sets the value of the version property.
setWorkingDirectory(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntityConfig
Sets the name of the working directory in which the managed entity will run.
setWorkingDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Sets the working directory in which the Locator will be ran.
setWorkingDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Sets the working directory in which the Server will be ran.
setWriteBufferSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
Sets the value of the writeBufferSize property.
setWriteBufferSize(int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStoreFactory
Sets the write buffer size in bytes.
setWriter(TransactionWriter) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
Set the TransactionWriter for the cache
setXaDatasourceClass(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
Sets the value of the xaDatasourceClass property.
SEVERE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.AlertLevel
severe(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes an exception to this writer.
severe(StringId, Object[], Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
severe(StringId, Object, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
severe(StringId, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
severe(StringId, Object[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
severe(StringId, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
severe(StringId) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
severe(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
severe(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes a message to this writer.
severe(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes an exception to this writer.
severeEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
severeEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Returns true if "severe" log messages are enabled.
shouldInvokeCallbacks() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.SnapshotOptions
Returns whether loading a snapshot causes callbacks to be invoked
shouldReassignPrimaries(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RestoreRedundancyOperation
Set whether the restore redundancy operation should reassign primary buckets.
showAllClientStats() - Method in interface
Returns health and statistic information for all clients.
showClientQueueDetails() - Method in interface
Shows a list of client with their queue statistics.
showClientQueueDetails(String) - Method in interface
Shows queue statistics of the given client.
showClientStats(String) - Method in interface
Returns health and statistic information for the give client id.
showDiskMetrics(String) - Method in interface
Returns disk metrics for a distributed member.
showJVMMetrics(String) - Method in interface
Returns JVM metrics for a distributed member.
showJVMMetrics() - Method in interface
Returns JVM metrics.
showLog(int) - Method in interface
Returns the most recent log entries for the member.
showNetworkMetric(String) - Method in interface
Returns network metrics for a distributed member.
showOSMetrics(String) - Method in interface
Returns operating system metrics for a distributed member.
showOSMetrics() - Method in interface
Returns operating system metrics.
shutDownAllMembers() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Shuts down all the members of the distributed system with a cache that the admin member is connected to, excluding the stand-alone locators.
shutDownAllMembers(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Shuts down all the members of the distributed system with a cache that the admin member is connected to, excluding the stand-alone locators.
shutDownAllMembers() - Method in interface
Shuts down all members of a distributed system except for the managing member.
shutDownMember() - Method in interface
Shuts down the member.
SIGNAL_HANDLER_REGISTRATION_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
signalCacheClose() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
Should be invoked when GemFire cache is closing or closed.
signalCacheCreate() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
Should be invoked when GemFire cache is being created.
SimpleSecurityManager - Class in org.apache.geode.examples
Intended for example and demo purpose, this class authenticates a user when the username matches the password, which also represents the permissions the user is granted.
SimpleSecurityManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.examples.SimpleSecurityManager
simulate() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceFactory
Simulates a rebalance of the GemFire controlled cache resources on this member.
size() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventQueue
Returns the number of entries in this AsyncEventQueue.
size() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the number of entries present in this region.
SIZE_CLASS_ONCE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.ObjectSizer
An implementation of ObjectSizer that calculates an accurate size of the first instance of each class that is put in the cache.
sizeof(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.util.ObjectSizer
sizeOnServer() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns the number of entries present in this region on the server.
SnappyCompressor - Class in org.apache.geode.compression
An implementation of Compressor for Google's Snappy compression codec.
SnappyCompressor() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.compression.SnappyCompressor
Create a new instance of the SnappyCompressor.
SNAPSHOT_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.RegionSnapshotService
File extension for snapshot files
SnapshotFilter<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot
Filters region entries for inclusion into a snapshot.
SnapshotIterator<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot
Iterates over the entries in a region snapshot.
SnapshotOptions<K,V> - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot
Provides a way to configure the behavior of snapshot operations.
SnapshotOptions.SnapshotFormat - Enum in org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot
Defines the available snapshot file formats.
SnapshotReader - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot
Provides utilities for reading cache data.
sni(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.client.proxy.ProxySocketFactories
Create a SocketFactory that will connect a geode client through the configured SNI proxy.
SniProxySocketFactory - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.client.proxy
A SocketFactory that connects a client to locators and servers through a SNI proxy.
SniProxySocketFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.client.proxy.SniProxySocketFactory
SniProxySocketFactory(String, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.client.proxy.SniProxySocketFactory
SNMP_BIND_ADDRESS_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "snmpBindAddress" property
SNMP_DIRECTORY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "snmpDirectory" property
SNMP_ENABLED_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "snmpEnabled" property
SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "socket-buffer-size" property
SOCKET_LEASE_TIME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "socket-lease-time" property
socketBufferSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
socketBufferSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
socketBufferSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
socketBufferSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
socketBufferSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
socketBufferSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ServerType
SocketFactory - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.client
A socket factory used to create sockets from a client to locators or servers.
socketReadTimeout - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub.Gateway
socketReadTimeout - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewaySender
SORT_JSON_FIELD_NAMES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter
By setting "gemfire.sort-json-field-names" to true, enables serialization of JSON field in JSON document to be sorted.
SSL_CIPHERS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-ciphers" property
SSL_CLUSTER_ALIAS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-cluster-alias" property
SSL_DEFAULT_ALIAS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-default-alias" property DescriptionThis property will be set when using multi-key keystores.
SSL_ENABLED_COMPONENTS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-enabled-components" property
SSL_ENDPOINT_IDENTIFICATION_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-endpoint-identification-enabled" property
SSL_GATEWAY_ALIAS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-gateway-alias" property
SSL_JMX_ALIAS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-jmx-alias" property
SSL_KEYSTORE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-keystore" property
SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-keystore-password" property
SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-keystore-type" property
SSL_LOCATOR_ALIAS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-locator-alias" property
SSL_PARAMETER_EXTENSION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-parameter-extension" property DescriptionSSLParameterExtension module name for Clients that want to use SSL Parameter extensions.
SSL_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "cluster-ssl-protocols" property
SSL_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-require-authentication" property
SSL_SERVER_ALIAS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-server-alias" property
SSL_TRUSTSTORE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-truststore" property
SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-truststore-password" property
SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-truststore-type" property
SSL_USE_DEFAULT_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-use-default-context" property
SSL_WEB_ALIAS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-web-alias" property
SSL_WEB_SERVICE_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "ssl-web-require-authentication" property DescriptionIf false allows client side's http connection to be authenticated without a 2-way SSL authentication.
SSLParameterExtension - Interface in
User implementation of a SSLParameter extension logic.
start() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Starts all managed entities that are not currently running.
start() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.Agent
Starts this JMX Agent and its associated adapters.
start() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntity
Starts this managed entity.
start() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Starts this cache server.
start() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Starts this cache server.
start() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RebalanceFactory
Asynchronously starts a new rebalance operation.
start() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.control.RestoreRedundancyOperation
Asynchronously starts a new restore redundancy operation.
start() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Starts this cache server.
start() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Starts this receiver.
start() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Starts this GatewaySender.
start() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Starts a Locator running on the specified port and bind address, as determined by getPort and getSocketAddress respectively, defaulting to 10334 and 'localhost' if not specified, with both peer and server location enabled.
start() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Invokes the 'start' command and operation to startup a GemFire server (a cache server).
start() - Method in interface
Starts the gateway receiver.
start() - Method in interface
Starts this GatewaySender.
start() - Method in interface
Starts the manager service.
start(MetricsSession) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.metrics.MetricsPublishingService
Invoked when a metrics session starts.
START_DEV_REST_API - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "start-dev-rest-api" property
START_LOCATOR - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "start-locator" property
startLocator(int, File) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
as of 7.0 use startLocatorAndDS instead.
startLocator(int, File, InetAddress) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
as of 7.0 use startLocatorAndDS instead.
startLocatorAndDS(int, File, Properties) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
Starts a new distribution locator host by this VM, and an admin distributed system controlled by the locator.
startLocatorAndDS(int, File, InetAddress, Properties) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
Starts a new distribution locator host by this VM that binds to the given network address.
startLocatorAndDS(int, File, InetAddress, Properties, boolean, boolean, String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
use a different startup method peerLocator and serverLocator parameters are ignored
startManager() - Method in class
Starts the management service on this member.
startPort - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.GatewayReceiverConfig
startThreads() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
This starts up the watchdog and proctor threads.
STARTUP_RECOVERY_DELAY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionAttributesFactory
startupPolicy - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.GatewayHub
startupRecoveryDelay - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
STATE_SAVE_FILE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The name of the "state-save-file-name" property
Statistic - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
STATISTIC_ARCHIVE_FILE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "statistic-archive-file" property
STATISTIC_SAMPLE_RATE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "statistic-sample-rate" property
STATISTIC_SAMPLING_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "statistic-sampling-enabled" property
StatisticDescriptor - Interface in org.apache.geode
Describes an individual statistic whose value is updated by an application and may be archived by GemFire.
statisticInterval - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
StatisticResource - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
Statistics - Interface in org.apache.geode
Instances of this interface maintain the values of various application-defined statistics.
StatisticsDisabledException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Thrown if statistics are requested when statistics are disabled on the region.
StatisticsDisabledException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.StatisticsDisabledException
Creates a new instance of StatisticsDisabledException without detail message.
StatisticsDisabledException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.StatisticsDisabledException
Constructs an instance of StatisticsDisabledException with the specified detail message.
StatisticsDisabledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.StatisticsDisabledException
Constructs an instance of StatisticsDisabledException with the specified detail message and cause.
StatisticsDisabledException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.StatisticsDisabledException
Constructs an instance of StatisticsDisabledException with the specified cause.
statisticsEnabled - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
StatisticsFactory - Interface in org.apache.geode
Instances of this interface provide methods that create instances of Statistics.
StatisticsType - Interface in org.apache.geode
Used to describe a logical collection of statistics.
StatisticsTypeFactory - Interface in org.apache.geode
Instances of this interface provide methods that create instances of StatisticDescriptor and StatisticsType.
status() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Attempts to determine the state of the Locator.
status() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Invokes the 'status' command and operation to check the status of a GemFire server (a cache server).
status() - Method in interface
Returns the status.
statusForLocator(int, InetAddress) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Returns the status of the locator on the given host & port
statusLocator(int, InetAddress) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
in Geode 1.12. Use statusForLocator() instance method instead. This static method does not use the properties set via the Builder.
stop() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Stops all managed entities that are currently running.
stop() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.Agent
Disconnects from the distributed system and stops this JMX Agent and all of its associated adapters.
stop() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntity
Stops this managed entity.
stop() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberBridgeServer
Stops this cache server.
stop() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberCacheServer
Stops this cache server.
stop() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqQuery
Stops this CqQuery without releasing resources.
stop() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Stops this cache server.
stop() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver
Stops this receiver.
stop() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender
Stops this GatewaySender.
stop() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
Stops this distribution locator.
stop() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Stop shuts the running Locator down.
stop() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Invokes the 'stop' command and operation to stop a GemFire server (a cache server).
stop() - Method in interface
Stops the gateway receiver.
stop() - Method in interface
Stops this GatewaySender.
stop() - Method in interface
Stops the manager service.
stop(MetricsSession) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.metrics.MetricsPublishingService
Invoked when a metrics session stops.
stopContinuousQuery(String) - Method in interface
This method is dangerous because it only modifies the target cache server - other copies of the CQ on other servers are not affected. Using the client side CQ methods to modify a CQ.
StopCQOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
StopCQOperationContext(String, String, Set) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.StopCQOperationContext
Constructor for the STOP_CQ operation.
stopCqs() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Stops execution of all the continuous queries for this client to become inactive.
stopCqs(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
Stops execution of all the continuous queries registered on the specified region for this client.
stopManager() - Method in class
Stops the management service running on this member.
stopReconnecting() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Force the Cache to stop reconnecting.
stopReconnecting() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Force the DistributedSystem to stop reconnecting.
stopThreads() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.SystemFailure
This stops the threads that implement this service.
storeConfig(File, AdminConfig.Entry[]) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminConfig
string - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ObjectType
StringId - Class in org.apache.geode.i18n
localization in Geode is deprecated
StringId(int, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.i18n.StringId
Gemstone internal constructor, customers have no need to create instances of this class.
StringPrefixPartitionResolver - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.util
This partition resolver requires every key of the partitioned region to be an instance of String and to contain at least one "|" delimiter.
StringPrefixPartitionResolver() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.util.StringPrefixPartitionResolver
Creates a prefix resolver with the default delimiter.
Struct - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query
An immutable and thread-safe data type used by the result of some SELECT queries.
StructType - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.query.types
Describes the field names and types for each field in a Struct.
subregions(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns a Set of all subregions.
subRegionSnapshots - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
subscriptionAckInterval - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
subscriptionAttributes - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
SubscriptionAttributes() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.SubscriptionAttributes
SubscriptionAttributes - Class in org.apache.geode.cache
Configuration attributes for defining subscriber requirements and behavior for a Region.
SubscriptionAttributes() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.SubscriptionAttributes
Creates a new SubscriptionAttributes with the default configuration
SubscriptionAttributes(InterestPolicy) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.SubscriptionAttributes
Creates a new SubscriptionAttributes with the given interest policy.
subscriptionEnabled - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
SubscriptionNotEnabledException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.client
An exception indicating that client subscriptions are not enabled on this client, but the client is trying to perform an operation that requires a client subscription, such as Region.registerInterest(Object).
SubscriptionNotEnabledException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.SubscriptionNotEnabledException
Create a new instance of SubscriptionNotEnabledException without a detail message or cause.
SubscriptionNotEnabledException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.SubscriptionNotEnabledException
Create a new instance of SubscriptionNotEnabledException with a detail message
SubscriptionNotEnabledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.SubscriptionNotEnabledException
Create a new instance of SubscriptionNotEnabledException with a detail message and cause
SubscriptionNotEnabledException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.client.SubscriptionNotEnabledException
Create a new instance of SubscriptionNotEnabledException with a and cause
subscriptionRedundancy - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
suspend() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
Suspends the transaction on the current thread.
suspendLocking(long) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
Suspend granting of locks in this service.
suspendLockingInterruptibly(long) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
as of GemFire 5.1, use DistributedLockService.suspendLocking(long) with waitTimeMillis instead
SynchronizationCommitConflictException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Thrown when a commit operation of a JTA enlisted cache transaction fails
SynchronizationCommitConflictException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.SynchronizationCommitConflictException
Constructs an instance of SynchronizationCommitConflictException with the specified detail message.
SynchronizationCommitConflictException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.SynchronizationCommitConflictException
Constructs an instance of SynchronizationCommitConflictException with the specified detail message and cause.
synchronousWrites - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes
SYSTEM_ALERT - Static variable in interface
Notification type which indicates a GemFire system generated alert
The value of this type string is system.alert.
SYSTEM_ID_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
The name of the "system-id" property
SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.jmx.AgentConfig
The prefix for JMX Agent configuration system properties
SystemConnectException - Exception in org.apache.geode
An SystemConnectException is thrown when a GemFire application tries to connect to an existing distributed system and is unable to contact all members of the distributed system to announce its presence.
SystemConnectException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.SystemConnectException
Creates a new SystemConnectException.
SystemConnectException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.SystemConnectException
SystemFailure - Class in org.apache.geode
since Geode 1.11 because it is potentially counterproductive to try to mitigate a VirtualMachineError since the JVM (spec) makes no guarantees about the soundness of the JVM after such an error. In the presence of a VirtualMachineError, the simplest solution is really the only solution: exit the JVM as soon as possible.
SystemIsRunningException - Exception in org.apache.geode
A SystemIsRunningException is thrown when an operation is attempted that requires that the locator is stopped.
SystemIsRunningException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.SystemIsRunningException
Creates a new SystemIsRunningException.
SystemIsRunningException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.SystemIsRunningException
Creates a new SystemIsRunningException.
SystemMember - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
SystemMemberBridgeServer - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 5.7 use SystemMemberCacheServer instead.
SystemMemberCache - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
SystemMemberCacheEvent - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
SystemMemberCacheListener - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
SystemMemberCacheServer - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
SystemMemberRegion - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
SystemMemberRegionEvent - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
SystemMembershipEvent - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
SystemMembershipListener - Interface in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
SystemMemberType - Class in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead


TCP_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "tcp-port" property
TCP_PORT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
settings for tcp-port
tcpNoDelay - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig.CacheServer
terminate() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.Aggregator
Finish the aggregation and return the operation result.
THREAD - Static variable in interface
The thread causing the alert
THREAD_MONITOR_ENABLED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "thread-monitor-enabled" property
THREAD_MONITOR_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "thread-monitor-interval-ms" property
THREAD_MONITOR_TIME_LIMIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "thread-monitor-time-limit-ms" property
threadLocalConnections - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.PoolType
throwing(String, String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Log throwing an exception.
throwing(String, String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Log throwing an exception.
timeInterval - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
timeInterval - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.DiskWriteAttributes.AsynchronousWrites
timeout - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.ExpirationAttributesDetail
TimeoutException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Thrown if a netSearch times out without getting a response back from a cache, or when attempting to acquire a distributed lock.
TimeoutException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TimeoutException
Creates a new instance of TimeoutException without detail message.
TimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TimeoutException
Constructs an instance of TimeoutException with the specified detail message.
TimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TimeoutException
Constructs an instance of TimeoutException with the specified detail message and cause.
TimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TimeoutException
Constructs an instance of TimeoutException with the specified cause.
TimestampedEntryEvent - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache.util
TimestampedEntryEvent is an EntryEvent that has additional information provided to GatewayConflictResolver plugins.
toConfigTypeString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Scope
toData(DataOutput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
toData(DataOutput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAttributes
toData(DataOutput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes
toData(DataOutput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoad
toData(DataOutput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.SubscriptionAttributes
toData(DataOutput) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.DataSerializable
Writes the state of this object as primitive data to the given DataOutput.
toData(Object, DataOutput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Data serializes an object to a DataOutput.
toData(PdxWriter) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxSerializable
Serializes the PDX fields using the given writer.
toData(Object, PdxWriter) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxSerializer
This method is given an object to serialize as a PDX using the given writer.
toData(Object, PdxWriter) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Method implemented from PdxSerializer which performs object serialization.
ToDataException - Exception in org.apache.geode
A ToDataException is thrown during serialization if DataSerializable.toData( throws an exception or if DataSerializer.toData(java.lang.Object, is called and returns false.
ToDataException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.ToDataException
Creates a new ToDataException with the given message
ToDataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.ToDataException
Creates a new ToDataException with the given message and cause.
toDaysHoursMinutesSeconds(Long) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
toDelta(DataOutput) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.Delta
This method is invoked on an application object at the delta sender, if GemFire determines the presence of a delta by calling Delta.hasDelta() on the object.
toJson() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Marshals this state object into a JSON String.
toJSON(PdxInstance) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter
Converts a PdxInstance into a JSON document in String form
toJSONByteArray(PdxInstance) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter
Converts a PdxInstance into a JSON document in byte-array form
toJsonByteArrayFromPdxInstance(PdxInstance) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter
Converts a PdxInstance into a JSON document in byte-array form
TOKEN - Static variable in interface
property name of the token passed in the Properties in authenticate method
toLocalizedString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.i18n.StringId
toLocalizedString(Object...) - Method in class org.apache.geode.i18n.StringId
Substitutes parameter Objects into the text
toOrdinal() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestType
Returns the ordinal for this interest type.
toPdxInstance(Object, String...) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.JSONFormatter
Converts a JSON document (String or Byte Array) into a PdxInstance
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminConfig.Entry
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AlertLevel
Returns a string representation for this alert level.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireHealth.Health
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.RegionSubRegionSnapshot
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.admin.SystemMemberType
Returns a string representation for this system member type.
toString() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheException
toString() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.CacheRuntimeException
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ClassNameType
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DeclarableType
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ObjectType
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.ParameterType
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
Returns a string representation for this data policy.
toString() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.EntryExistsException
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.EvictionAttributes
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction
Returns a string representation for this action
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAttributes
Returns a string representation of this ExpirationAttributes.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestPolicy
Returns a string representation for this interest policy.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.InterestResultPolicy
Returns a string representation for this InterestResultPolicy.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.LossAction
Returns a string representation for this loss action.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MirrorType
Returns a string representation for this mirror type.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
Returns a string representation for this operation.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestType
Returns a string representation for this interest type.
toString() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.CqState
Returns the state in string form.
toString() - Method in exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.MultiIndexCreationException
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ResumptionAction
Returns a string representation for this resumption action.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.Scope
Returns a string representation for this scope.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.server.ServerLoad
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.SubscriptionAttributes
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.wan.EventSequenceID
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
Gets a String describing the state of the GemFire service.
toString(Date) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
toString(Number) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
toString(Object...) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
toString(String) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.ServiceState
toString() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.Status
Gets a String representation of the Status enum type.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DurableClientAttributes
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator
Returns a brief description of this Locator
toString() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Command
Gets the String representation of this Locator launcher command.
toString() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Command
Gets the String representation of this Server launcher command.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.i18n.StringId
toString(Object...) - Method in class org.apache.geode.i18n.StringId
Substitutes parameter Objects into the text
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
String representation of EvictionAttributesData
toString() - Method in class
String representation of FixedPartitionAttributesData
toString() - Method in class
String representation of JVMMetrics
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
String representation of MembershipAttributesData
toString() - Method in class
String representation of OSMetrics
toString() - Method in class
String representation of PartitionAttributesData
toString() - Method in class
String representation of RegionAttributesData
toString() - Method in class
String representation of ServerLoadData
toString() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.pdx.FieldType
toString() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstance
Prints out all of the identity fields of this PdxInstance.
toString() - Method in class
totalMaxMemory - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
totalNumBuckets - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType.PartitionAttributes
toXmlString() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction
converts to strings used in cache.xml
TP_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestType
TP_LIST - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestType
TP_REGEX - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.InterestType
TRACE_SERIALIZABLE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Use Boolean.getBoolean("DataSerializer.TRACE_SERIALIZABLE") instead.
TransactionDataNodeHasDepartedException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Thrown when the transactional data host has shutdown or no longer has the data being modified by the transaction.
TransactionDataNodeHasDepartedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionDataNodeHasDepartedException
TransactionDataNodeHasDepartedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionDataNodeHasDepartedException
TransactionDataNotColocatedException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Indicates that an attempt was made to transactionally modify multiple keys that are not colocated on the same data host.
TransactionDataNotColocatedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionDataNotColocatedException
TransactionDataNotColocatedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionDataNotColocatedException
TransactionDataRebalancedException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Thrown when a RebalanceOperation occurs concurrently with a transaction.
TransactionDataRebalancedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionDataRebalancedException
TransactionDataRebalancedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionDataRebalancedException
TransactionDataRebalancedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionDataRebalancedException
TransactionEvent - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
An event that describes the culmination of an entire transaction.
TransactionException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
This is the superclass for all Exceptions that may be thrown by a GemFire transaction.
TransactionException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionException
TransactionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionException
TransactionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionException
TransactionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionException
TransactionId - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
The TransactionId interface is a "marker" interface that represents a unique GemFire transaction.
TransactionInDoubtException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
This Exception is thrown in presence of node failures, when GemFire cannot know with certainty about the outcome of the transaction.
TransactionInDoubtException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionInDoubtException
TransactionInDoubtException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionInDoubtException
TransactionInDoubtException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionInDoubtException
TransactionInDoubtException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionInDoubtException
TransactionListener - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
A listener that can be implemented to handle transaction related events.
TransactionListenerAdapter - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.util
Utility class that implements all methods in TransactionListener with empty implementations.
TransactionListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.util.TransactionListenerAdapter
transactionListeners - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheTransactionManagerType
transactionType - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
transactionWriter - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheTransactionManagerType
TransactionWriter - Interface in org.apache.geode.cache
A callback that is allowed to veto a transaction.
TransactionWriterException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Exception thrown by implementors of TransactionWriter.beforeCommit(org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionEvent) to signal that the current transaction should be aborted.
TransactionWriterException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionWriterException
TransactionWriterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionWriterException
transformFieldValue(Field, Class<?>) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Controls if a pdx field's value can be transformed during serialization.
tryResume(TransactionId) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
On the current thread, resumes a transaction that was previously suspended using CacheTransactionManager.suspend().
tryResume(TransactionId, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.CacheTransactionManager
On the current thread, resumes a transaction that was previously suspended using CacheTransactionManager.suspend(), or waits for the specified timeout interval if the transaction has not been suspended.
TXManagerCancelledException - Exception in org.apache.geode.distributed
Thrown when a GemFire transaction manager has been terminated.
TXManagerCancelledException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.TXManagerCancelledException
TXManagerCancelledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.TXManagerCancelledException
TXManagerCancelledException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.TXManagerCancelledException
TXManagerCancelledException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.distributed.TXManagerCancelledException
type - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.AdminConfig.Entry
type - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
type - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Index
type - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig
TypeMismatchException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache.query
Thrown if type consistency is violated while a query is being executed.
TypeMismatchException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.TypeMismatchException
Construct an instance of TypeMismatchException
TypeMismatchException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.query.TypeMismatchException
Construct an instance of TypeMismatchException


UDP_FRAGMENT_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "udp-fragment-size" property
UDP_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "udp-recv-buffer-size" property
UDP_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "udp-send-buffer-size" property
UNAUTHORIZED_STRING - Static variable in class
UncreatedSystemException - Exception in org.apache.geode
An UncreatedSystemException is thrown when the specified locator's directory or configuration file can not be found.
UncreatedSystemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.UncreatedSystemException
Creates a new UncreatedSystemException.
UncreatedSystemException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.UncreatedSystemException
Creates a new UncreatedSystemException with the given message and cause.
UNDEFINED - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService
The undefined constant
UniversalMembershipListenerAdapter - Class in
The UniversalMembershipListenerAdapter is a wrapper for MembershipListener and ClientMembershipListener, providing a facade that makes both appear as a single MembershipListener .
UniversalMembershipListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class
Constructs an instance of UniversalMembershipListenerAdapter.
UniversalMembershipListenerAdapter(int) - Constructor for class
Constructs an instance of UniversalMembershipListenerAdapter.
UniversalMembershipListenerAdapter.AdaptedMembershipEvent - Class in
Adapts ClientMembershipEvent to look like a MembershipEvent
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutOperationContext
Indicates that it is not known whether the operation results in a create or in an update.
unlock(Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedLockService
Release the lock previously granted for the given name.
UnmodifiableConfigurationException - Exception in org.apache.geode.admin
as of 7.0 use the management package instead
UnmodifiableConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.UnmodifiableConfigurationException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
UnmodifiableConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.UnmodifiableConfigurationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
UnmodifiableConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.UnmodifiableConfigurationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
UnmodifiableConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.admin.UnmodifiableConfigurationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
UnmodifiableException - Exception in org.apache.geode
A UnmodifiableException is thrown when a an attempt is made to modify a GemFire member configuration attribute that can not currently be modified.
UnmodifiableException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.UnmodifiableException
Creates a new UnmodifiableException.
unregisterClientMembershipListener(ClientMembershipListener) - Static method in class
Removes registration of a previously registered ClientMembershipListener.
unregisterClientMembershipListener() - Method in class
Unregisters this adapter as a ClientMembershipListener.
unregisterDynamicRegionListener(DynamicRegionListener) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DynamicRegionFactory
Unregisters a DynamicRegionListener for callbacks.
unregisterFunction(String) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionService
Unregisters the given Function with the FunctionService using Function.getId().
unregisterInterest(String, Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.ClientSession
Unregisters interest in a particular region and key
unregisterInterest(String, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.ClientSession
Unregisters interest in a particular region and key
unregisterInterest(K) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to unregister interest in a key for this client.
UnregisterInterestOperationContext - Class in org.apache.geode.cache.operations
since Geode1.0, use ResourcePermission instead
UnregisterInterestOperationContext(Object, InterestType) - Constructor for class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.UnregisterInterestOperationContext
Constructor for the unregister interest operation.
unregisterInterestRegex(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.ClientSession
Unregisters interest in a particular region and regular expression
unregisterInterestRegex(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.ClientSession
Unregisters interest in a particular region and regular expression
unregisterInterestRegex(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Sends a request to the CacheServer to unregister interest in a regular expression pattern for this client.
unregisterInterestRegistrationListener(InterestRegistrationListener) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer
Unregisters an existing InterestRegistrationListener from the set of InterestRegistrationListeners.
unregisterMBean(ObjectName) - Method in class
Unregisters an MBean.
unregisterMembershipListener(ManagementService) - Method in class
Unregisters this adapter with the ManagementService.
UnrestrictedMethodAuthorizer - Class in
An immutable and thread-safe MethodInvocationAuthorizer that allows any method execution as long as the target object does not belong to a Geode package, or does belong but it's marked as safe (see RestrictedMethodAuthorizer.isAllowedGeodeMethod(Method, Object)).
UnrestrictedMethodAuthorizer(Cache) - Constructor for class
Creates a UnrestrictedMethodAuthorizer object and initializes it so it can be safely used in a multi-threaded environment.
UnrestrictedMethodAuthorizer(RestrictedMethodAuthorizer) - Constructor for class
Creates a UnrestrictedMethodAuthorizer object and initializes it so it can be safely used in a multi-threaded environment.
UnstartedSystemException - Exception in org.apache.geode
An UnstartedSystemException is thrown when the specified locator exists but is not running or could not be connected to.
UnstartedSystemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.UnstartedSystemException
Creates a new UnstartedSystemException.
UnstartedSystemException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.UnstartedSystemException
Creates a new UnstartedSystemException with the given message and cause.
UnsupportedOperationInTransactionException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
Indicates that an attempt was mode to invoke an operation that is not allowed in a transaction.
UnsupportedOperationInTransactionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.UnsupportedOperationInTransactionException
UnsupportedOperationInTransactionException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.UnsupportedOperationInTransactionException
UnsupportedVersionException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
An UnsupportedVersionException indicates an unsupported version.
UnsupportedVersionException(short) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.UnsupportedVersionException
Constructs a new UnsupportedVersionException.
UnsupportedVersionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.UnsupportedVersionException
Constructs a new UnsupportedVersionException.
UPDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An entry update.
UPDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.operations.PutOperationContext
Indicates that the operation results in an update of the key.
UPDATE_VERSION_STAMP - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.Operation
An internal operation used to update the version stamp of an entry.
updateCacheConfig(String, UnaryOperator<CacheConfig>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationPersistenceService
update the cluster configuration of a member group
updateEntryIdleTime(Integer, String, ClassName) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
update the entry idle time using timeout, action or expiry.
updateEntryTimeToLive(Integer, String, ClassName) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
update the entry time to live using timeout, action or expiry.
updateRegionIdleTime(Integer, String, ClassName) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
update the region idle time using timeout, action or expiry.
updateRegionTimeToLive(Integer, String, ClassName) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
update the region time to live using timeout, action or expiry.
updateTimeout(int) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DurableClientAttributes
Used to update the timeout when a durable client comes back to a server
upTime - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
usage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Displays usage information on the proper invocation of the LocatorLauncher from the command-line to standard err.
usage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Displays usage information on the proper invocation of the ServerLauncher from the command-line to standard err.
USE_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "use-cluster-configuration" property
User() - Constructor for class
USER_COMMAND_PACKAGES - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "user-command-packages" property
USER_NAME - Static variable in interface
property name of the username passed in the Properties in authenticate method
userName - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding


VALID_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.examples.SimpleSecurityManager
the valid token string that will be authenticated.
validate() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.DistributedSystemConfig
Validates that this distributed system configuration is correct and consistent.
validate() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntityConfig
Validates this configuration.
validate() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Validates the configuration settings and properties of this Builder, ensuring that all invariants have been met.
validate() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Builder
Validates the configuration settings and properties of this Builder, ensuring that all invariants have been met.
VALIDATE_SERIALIZABLE_OBJECTS - Static variable in interface org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties
The static String definition of the "validate-serializable-objects" property DescriptionIf true checks incoming java serializable objects against a filter (allows internal Geode classes and any others provided in the serializable-object-filter property).
validateAttributes(RegionAttributes<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory
Validates that the attributes are consistent with each other.
validateOnStart() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Validates the arguments passed to the Builder when the 'start' command has been issued.
validateOnStatus() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Validates the arguments passed to the Builder when the 'status' command has been issued.
validateOnStop() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Builder
Validates the arguments passed to the Builder when the 'stop' command has been issued.
value() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.EnumActionDestroyOverflow
value() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.EnumReadableWritable
value() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesDataPolicy
value() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesIndexUpdateType
value() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesMirrorType
value() - Method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesScope
value - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionConfig.Entry
valueConstraint - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesType
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionShortcut
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.EnumActionDestroyOverflow
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.EnumReadableWritable
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesDataPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesIndexUpdateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesMirrorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesScope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.RegionShortcut
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.SnapshotOptions.SnapshotFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.util.Gateway.OrderPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender.OrderPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Command
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Command
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.pdx.FieldType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOfDescription(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.Status
Looks up the Status enum type by description.
valueOfName(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Command
Looks up a Locator launcher command by name.
valueOfName(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Command
Looks up a Server launcher command by name.
valueOfSynonym(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexType
values() - Static method in class org.apache.geode.admin.AlertLevel
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientRegionShortcut
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.EnumActionDestroyOverflow
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.EnumReadableWritable
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesDataPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesIndexUpdateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesMirrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.RegionAttributesScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VALUES - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.LossAction
List of all LossAction values
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.operations.OperationContext.OperationCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
Returns a Collection of values in this region.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.RegionShortcut
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VALUES - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.ResumptionAction
List of all ResumptionAction values
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.snapshot.SnapshotOptions.SnapshotFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.util.Gateway.OrderPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender.OrderPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher.Command
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher.Command
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.geode.pdx.FieldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.CacheConfig
version() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
Gets the version of GemFire currently running.
VersionException - Exception in org.apache.geode.cache
An VersionException is an exception that indicates a client / server version mismatch exception has occurred.
VersionException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.VersionException
Constructs a new VersionException.
VersionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.VersionException
Constructs a new VersionException with a message string.
VersionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.VersionException
Constructs a VersionException with a message string and a base exception
VersionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.geode.cache.VersionException
Constructs a VersionException with a cause
viewLicense() - Method in interface
Removed licensing in 8.0.
viewLog() - Method in interface
Returns the most recent log entries for the Locator.
viewRemoteClusterStatus() - Method in interface
Returns a map of remote distributed system IDs and the current connection status for each.


waitForRequiredRoles(Region<?, ?>, long) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.cache.RequiredRoles
Returns a set of any currently missing required roles for the specified region.
waitOnLocator() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Waits on the Locator to stop causing the calling Thread to join with the Locator's location-based services Thread.
waitOnServer() - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher
Causes the calling Thread to block until the GemFire Cache Server/Data Member stops.
waitOnStatusResponse(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher
Waits for a Locator status request response to be returned up to the specified timeout in the given unit of time.
waitToBeConnected(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.AdminDistributedSystem
Wait for up to a given number of milliseconds for the connection to the distributed system to be made.
waitToStart(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntity
Waits for up to a given number of milliseconds for this managed entity to start.
waitToStop(long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.admin.ManagedEntity
Waits for up to a given number of milliseconds for this managed entity to stop.
waitUntilReconnected(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Cache
Wait for the Cache to finish reconnecting to the distributed system and recreate a new Cache.
waitUntilReconnected(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystem
Wait for the DistributedSystem to finish reconnecting to the system and recreate the cache.
WARNING - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.AlertLevel
warning(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes an exception to this writer.
warning(StringId, Object[], Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
warning(StringId, Object, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
warning(StringId, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
warning(StringId, Object[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
warning(StringId, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
warning(StringId) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
Writes a message to this writer.
warning(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes both a message and exception to this writer.
warning(String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes a message to this writer.
warning(Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Writes an exception to this writer.
warningEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.i18n.LogWriterI18n
warningEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.LogWriter
Returns true if "warning" log messages are enabled.
WEB - Static variable in interface
This determines that the http service communication will be secured.
withArgs(IN) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Execution
withBindAddress(String) - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
withCollector(ResultCollector<OUT, AGG>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Execution
Specifies the ResultCollector that will receive the results after the function has been executed.
withDisableDefaultServer(Boolean) - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
withFilter(Set<?>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Execution
Specifies a data filter of routing objects for selecting the GemFire members to execute the function on.
withHostnameForClients(String) - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
withMaxConnections(Integer) - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
withMaxMessageCount(Integer) - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
withMaxThreads(Integer) - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
withMessageTimeToLive(Integer) - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
withPartitioning() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
Return whether this policy does partitioning.
withPersistence() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
Return whether this policy does persistence.
withPort(Integer) - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
withPreloaded() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
Return whether this policy does preloaded.
withReplication() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
Return whether this policy does replication.
withSocketBufferSize(Integer) - Method in enum org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncherParameters
withStorage() - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy
Return true if regions with this policy store data locally.
WORKING_DIRECTORY_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
WORKING_DIRECTORY_OPTION_NOT_VALID_ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class org.apache.geode.distributed.AbstractLauncher
WritablePdxInstance - Interface in org.apache.geode.pdx
WritablePdxInstance is a PdxInstance that also supports field modification using the setField method.
writeArrayList(ArrayList<?>, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an ArrayList to a DataOutput.
writeArrayOfByteArrays(byte[][], DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an array of byte[] to a DataOutput.
writeArrayOfByteArrays(String, byte[][]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeArrayOfByteArrays(String, byte[][]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeBoolean(Boolean, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an instance of Boolean to a DataOutput.
writeBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeBooleanArray(boolean[], DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an array of booleans to a DataOutput.
writeBooleanArray(String, boolean[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeBooleanArray(String, boolean[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeBufferSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.DiskStoreType
writeByte(Byte, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an instance of Byte to a DataOutput.
writeByte(String, byte) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeByte(String, byte) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeByteArray(byte[], DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an array of bytes to a DataOutput.
writeByteArray(byte[], int, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes the first len elements of an array of bytes to a DataOutput.
writeByteArray(String, byte[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeByteArray(String, byte[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeChar(String, char) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeChar(String, char) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeCharacter(Character, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an instance of Character to a DataOutput.
writeCharArray(char[], DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an array of chars to a DataOutput.
writeCharArray(String, char[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeCharArray(String, char[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeClass(Class<?>, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an instance of Class to a DataOutput.
writeConcurrentHashMap(ConcurrentHashMap<?, ?>, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a ConcurrentHashMap to a DataOutput.
writeDate(Date, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an instance of Date to a DataOutput.
writeDate(String, Date) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeDate(String, Date) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeDouble(Double, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an instance of Double to a DataOutput.
writeDouble(String, double) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeDouble(String, double) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeDoubleArray(double[], DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an array of doubles to a DataOutput.
writeDoubleArray(String, double[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeDoubleArray(String, double[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeEnum(Enum, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes the Enum constant to DataOutput.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.MembershipAttributes
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.apache.geode.cache.SubscriptionAttributes
writeField(String, VT, Class<CT>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value and type to the serialized form.
writeField(String, VT, Class<CT>, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value and type to the serialized form.
writeField(String, VT, Class<CT>) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value and type to the serialized form.
writeField(String, VT, Class<CT>, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value and type to the serialized form.
writeFile(File, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an instance of File to a DataOutput.
writeFloat(Float, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an instance of Float to a DataOutput.
writeFloat(String, float) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeFloat(String, float) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeFloatArray(float[], DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an array of floats to a DataOutput.
writeFloatArray(String, float[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeFloatArray(String, float[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeHashMap(Map<?, ?>, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a HashMap to a DataOutput.
writeHashSet(HashSet<?>, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a HashSet to a DataOutput.
writeHashtable(Hashtable<?, ?>, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a Hashtable to a DataOutput.
writeIdentityHashMap(IdentityHashMap<?, ?>, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a IdentityHashMap to a DataOutput.
writeInetAddress(InetAddress, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an instance of InetAddress to a DataOutput.
writeInt(String, int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeInt(String, int) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeIntArray(int[], DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an int array to a DataOutput.
writeIntArray(String, int[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeIntArray(String, int[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeInteger(Integer, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an instance of Integer to a DataOutput.
writeLinkedHashMap(Map<?, ?>, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a LinkedHashMap to a DataOutput.
writeLinkedHashSet(LinkedHashSet<?>, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a LinkedHashSet to a DataOutput.
writeLinkedList(LinkedList<?>, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an LinkedList to a DataOutput.
writeLong(Long, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an instance of Long to a DataOutput.
writeLong(String, long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeLong(String, long) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeLongArray(long[], DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an array of longs to a DataOutput.
writeLongArray(String, long[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeLongArray(String, long[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeNonPrimitiveClassName(String, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes class name to a DataOutput.
writeObject(Object, DataOutput, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an arbitrary object to a DataOutput.
writeObject(Object, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an arbitrary object to a DataOutput.
writeObject(String, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeObject(String, Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeObject(String, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeObject(String, Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeObjectArray(Object[], DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an array of Objects to a DataOutput.
writeObjectArray(String, Object[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeObjectArray(String, Object[], boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeObjectArray(String, Object[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeObjectArray(String, Object[], boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeObjectAsByteArray(Object, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Serialize the given object obj into a byte array using DataSerializer.writeObject(Object, DataOutput) and then writes the byte array to the given data output out in the same format DataSerializer.writeByteArray(byte[], DataOutput) does.
writePrimitiveBoolean(boolean, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a primitive boolean to a DataOutput.
writePrimitiveByte(byte, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a primitive byte to a DataOutput.
writePrimitiveChar(char, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a primitive char to a DataOutput.
writePrimitiveDouble(double, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a primtive double to a DataOutput.
writePrimitiveFloat(float, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a primitive float to a DataOutput.
writePrimitiveInt(int, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a primitive int to a DataOutput.
writePrimitiveLong(long, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a primitive long to a DataOutput.
writePrimitiveShort(short, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a primitive short to a DataOutput.
writeProperties(Properties, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a Properties to a DataOutput.
writeRegion(Region<?, ?>, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an instance of Region.
writeShort(Short, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an instance of Short to a DataOutput.
writeShort(String, short) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeShort(String, short) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeShortArray(short[], DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an array of shorts to a DataOutput.
writeShortArray(String, short[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeShortArray(String, short[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeStack(Stack<?>, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an Stack to a DataOutput.
writeString(String, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an instance of String to a DataOutput.
writeString(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeString(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeStringArray(String[], DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an array of Strings to a DataOutput.
writeStringArray(String, String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstanceFactory
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeStringArray(String, String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
writeToDisk() - Method in interface org.apache.geode.cache.Region
use DiskStore.flush() instead.
writeTransform(Field, Class<?>, Object) - Method in class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
Controls what field value is written during auto serialization.
writeTreeMap(TreeMap<?, ?>, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a TreeMap to a DataOutput.
writeTreeSet(TreeSet<?>, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a TreeSet to a DataOutput.
writeUnreadFields(PdxUnreadFields) - Method in interface org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxWriter
Writes the given unread fields to the serialized form.
writeUnsignedByte(int, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a primitive int as an unsigned byte to a DataOutput.
writeUnsignedShort(int, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes a primitive int as an unsigned short to a DataOutput.
writeVector(Vector<?>, DataOutput) - Static method in class org.apache.geode.DataSerializer
Writes an Vector to a DataOutput.


xaDatasourceClass - Variable in class org.apache.geode.cache.configuration.JndiBindingsType.JndiBinding
XSDRootElement - Annotation Type in org.apache.geode.cache.configuration


_bindAddress - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_clientHealthStats - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_clientHostNames - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_clientQueueSizes - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_connectedClients - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_connectedIncomingGateways - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_connectedPeers - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_connectedServers - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_freeHeapSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_gatewayHubStatus - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_gatewayQueueSizes - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_hostAddress - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_isClient - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
Notifies whether this member is a client to a cache server.
_isConnected - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_isGatewayHub - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
Notifies whether this member is a hub for WAN gateways.
_isLocator - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
Notifies whether this member is a locator.
_isPrimaryGatewayHub - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_isServer - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
Notifies whether this member is a cache server.
_locators - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_maximumHeapSize - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_mcastAddress - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_mcastPort - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_memberId - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_memberName - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_outgoingGateways - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_regionStatuses - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_serverPort - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
_unconnectedServers - Variable in class org.apache.geode.admin.GemFireMemberStatus
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X _