Interface Summary | |
Closeable | Deprecated. use java.io.Closeable |
MapFile.Reader.Option | |
MapFile.Writer.Option | |
RawComparator<T> |
A Comparator that operates directly on byte representations of
objects. |
ReadaheadPool.ReadaheadRequest | An outstanding readahead request that has been submitted to the pool. |
SequenceFile.Reader.Option | A tag interface for all of the Reader options |
SequenceFile.Sorter.RawKeyValueIterator | The interface to iterate over raw keys/values of SequenceFiles. |
SequenceFile.ValueBytes | The interface to 'raw' values of SequenceFiles. |
SequenceFile.Writer.Option | |
Stringifier<T> | Stringifier interface offers two methods to convert an object to a string representation and restore the object given its string representation. |
Writable | A serializable object which implements a simple, efficient, serialization
protocol, based on DataInput and DataOutput . |
WritableComparable<T> | A Writable which is also Comparable . |
WritableFactory | A factory for a class of Writable. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractMapWritable | Abstract base class for MapWritable and SortedMapWritable Unlike org.apache.nutch.crawl.MapWritable, this class allows creation of MapWritable<Writable, MapWritable> so the CLASS_TO_ID and ID_TO_CLASS maps travel with the class instead of being static. |
ArrayFile | A dense file-based mapping from integers to values. |
ArrayFile.Reader | Provide access to an existing array file. |
ArrayFile.Writer | Write a new array file. |
ArrayPrimitiveWritable | This is a wrapper class. |
ArrayWritable | A Writable for arrays containing instances of a class. |
BinaryComparable | Interface supported by WritableComparable
types supporting ordering/permutation by a representative set of bytes. |
BloomMapFile | This class extends MapFile and provides very much the same
functionality. |
BloomMapFile.Reader | |
BloomMapFile.Writer | |
BooleanWritable | A WritableComparable for booleans. |
BooleanWritable.Comparator | A Comparator optimized for BooleanWritable. |
BytesWritable | A byte sequence that is usable as a key or value. |
BytesWritable.Comparator | A Comparator optimized for BytesWritable. |
ByteWritable | A WritableComparable for a single byte. |
ByteWritable.Comparator | A Comparator optimized for ByteWritable. |
CompressedWritable | A base-class for Writables which store themselves compressed and lazily inflate on field access. |
DataInputByteBuffer | |
DataOutputByteBuffer | |
DataOutputOutputStream | OutputStream implementation that wraps a DataOutput. |
DefaultStringifier<T> | DefaultStringifier is the default implementation of the Stringifier
interface which stringifies the objects using base64 encoding of the
serialized version of the objects. |
DoubleWritable | Writable for Double values. |
DoubleWritable.Comparator | A Comparator optimized for DoubleWritable. |
EnumSetWritable<E extends Enum<E>> | A Writable wrapper for EnumSet. |
FloatWritable | A WritableComparable for floats. |
FloatWritable.Comparator | A Comparator optimized for FloatWritable. |
GenericWritable | A wrapper for Writable instances. |
IntWritable | A WritableComparable for ints. |
IntWritable.Comparator | A Comparator optimized for IntWritable. |
IOUtils | An utility class for I/O related functionality. |
IOUtils.NullOutputStream | The /dev/null of OutputStreams. |
LongWritable | A WritableComparable for longs. |
LongWritable.Comparator | A Comparator optimized for LongWritable. |
LongWritable.DecreasingComparator | A decreasing Comparator optimized for LongWritable. |
MapFile | A file-based map from keys to values. |
MapFile.Reader | Provide access to an existing map. |
MapFile.Writer | Writes a new map. |
MapWritable | A Writable Map. |
MD5Hash | A Writable for MD5 hash values. |
MD5Hash.Comparator | A WritableComparator optimized for MD5Hash keys. |
NullWritable | Singleton Writable with no data. |
NullWritable.Comparator | A Comparator "optimized" for NullWritable. |
ObjectWritable | A polymorphic Writable that writes an instance with it's class name. |
SecureIOUtils | This class provides secure APIs for opening and creating files on the local disk. |
SequenceFile | SequenceFile s are flat files consisting of binary key/value
pairs. |
SequenceFile.Metadata | The class encapsulating with the metadata of a file. |
SequenceFile.Reader | Reads key/value pairs from a sequence-format file. |
SequenceFile.Sorter | Sorts key/value pairs in a sequence-format file. |
SequenceFile.Writer | Write key/value pairs to a sequence-format file. |
SetFile | A file-based set of keys. |
SetFile.Reader | Provide access to an existing set file. |
SetFile.Writer | Write a new set file. |
ShortWritable | A WritableComparable for shorts. |
ShortWritable.Comparator | A Comparator optimized for ShortWritable. |
SortedMapWritable | A Writable SortedMap. |
Text | This class stores text using standard UTF8 encoding. |
Text.Comparator | A WritableComparator optimized for Text keys. |
TwoDArrayWritable | A Writable for 2D arrays containing a matrix of instances of a class. |
UTF8.Comparator | A WritableComparator optimized for UTF8 keys. |
VersionedWritable | A base class for Writables that provides version checking. |
VIntWritable | A WritableComparable for integer values stored in variable-length format. |
VLongWritable | A WritableComparable for longs in a variable-length format. |
WritableComparator | A Comparator for WritableComparable s. |
WritableFactories | Factories for non-public writables. |
WritableUtils |
Enum Summary | |
SequenceFile.CompressionType | The compression type used to compress key/value pairs in the
SequenceFile . |
Exception Summary | |
MultipleIOException | Encapsulate a list of IOException into an IOException |
SecureIOUtils.AlreadyExistsException | Signals that an attempt to create a file at a given pathname has failed because another file already existed at that path. |
VersionMismatchException | Thrown by VersionedWritable.readFields(DataInput) when the
version of an object being read does not match the current implementation
version as returned by VersionedWritable.getVersion() . |
Generic i/o code for use when reading and writing data to the network, to databases, and to files.