Interface | Description |
BatchedRemoteIterator.BatchedEntries<E> | |
BlockStoragePolicySpi |
A storage policy specifies the placement of block replicas on specific
storage types.
ByteBufferReadable |
Implementers of this interface provide a read API that writes to a
ByteBuffer, not a byte[].
CanSetDropBehind | |
CanSetReadahead | |
CanUnbuffer |
FSDataInputStreams implement this interface to indicate that they can clear
their buffers on request.
DelegationTokenRenewer.Renewable |
The renewable interface used by the renewer.
FsConstants |
FileSystem related constants.
GetSpaceUsed | |
GlobalStorageStatistics.StorageStatisticsProvider |
A callback API for creating new StorageStatistics instances.
PathFilter | |
PositionedReadable |
Stream that permits positional reading.
RemoteIterator<E> |
An iterator over a collection whose elements need to be fetched remotely
Seekable |
Stream that permits seeking.
StorageStatistics.CommonStatisticNames |
These are common statistic names.
Syncable |
This interface for flush/sync operation.
Class | Description |
AbstractFileSystem |
This class provides an interface for implementors of a Hadoop file system
(analogous to the VFS of Unix).
AvroFSInput |
Adapts an
FSDataInputStream to Avro's SeekableInput interface. |
BatchedRemoteIterator<K,E> |
A RemoteIterator that fetches elements in batches.
BatchedRemoteIterator.BatchedListEntries<E> | |
BlockLocation |
Represents the network location of a block, information about the hosts
that contain block replicas, and other block metadata (E.g.
ChecksumFileSystem |
Abstract Checksumed FileSystem.
CommonConfigurationKeysPublic |
This class contains constants for configuration keys used
in the common code.
ContentSummary |
Store the summary of a content (a directory or a file).
ContentSummary.Builder |
We don't use generics.
DelegationTokenRenewer.RenewAction<T extends FileSystem & DelegationTokenRenewer.Renewable> |
An action that will renew and replace the file system's delegation
tokens automatically.
DUHelper | |
FileChecksum |
An abstract class representing file checksums for files.
FileContext |
The FileContext class provides an interface to the application writer for
using the Hadoop file system.
FileStatus |
Interface that represents the client side information for a file.
FileSystem |
An abstract base class for a fairly generic filesystem.
FileSystem.Statistics |
Tracks statistics about how many reads, writes, and so forth have been
done in a FileSystem.
FileSystem.Statistics.StatisticsData |
Statistics data.
FileUtil |
A collection of file-processing util methods
FileUtil.HardLink | Deprecated
HardLink |
FilterFileSystem |
FilterFileSystem contains
some other file system, which it uses as
its basic file system, possibly transforming
the data along the way or providing additional
functionality. |
FSDataInputStream |
Utility that wraps a
FSInputStream in a DataInputStream
and buffers input through a BufferedInputStream . |
FSDataOutputStream |
Utility that wraps a
OutputStream in a DataOutputStream . |
FSExceptionMessages |
Standard strings to use in exception messages in filesystems
HDFS is used as the reference source of the strings
FSInputStream |
FSInputStream is a generic old InputStream with a little bit
of RAF-style seek ability.
FsServerDefaults |
Provides server default configuration values to clients.
FsShellPermissions.Chgrp |
Used to change group of files
FsShellPermissions.Chmod |
The pattern is almost as flexible as mode allowed by chmod shell command.
FsShellPermissions.Chown |
Used to change owner and/or group of files
FsStatus |
This class is used to represent the capacity, free and used space on a
FileSystem . |
GetSpaceUsed.Builder |
The builder class
GlobFilter |
A filter for POSIX glob pattern with brace expansions.
HardLink |
Class for creating hardlinks.
HardLink.LinkStats |
HardLink statistics counters and methods.
HarFileSystem |
This is an implementation of the Hadoop Archive
HarFs | |
LocalFileSystem |
Implement the FileSystem API for the checksumed local filesystem.
LocatedFileStatus |
This class defines a FileStatus that includes a file's block locations.
MD5MD5CRC32CastagnoliFileChecksum |
For CRC32 with the Castagnoli polynomial
MD5MD5CRC32GzipFileChecksum |
For CRC32 with the Gzip polynomial
Options |
This class contains options related to file system operations.
Options.ChecksumOpt |
This is used in FileSystem and FileContext to specify checksum options.
Options.CreateOpts |
Class to support the varargs for create() options.
Options.CreateOpts.BlockSize | |
Options.CreateOpts.BufferSize | |
Options.CreateOpts.BytesPerChecksum |
This is not needed if ChecksumParam is specified.
Options.CreateOpts.ChecksumParam | |
Options.CreateOpts.CreateParent | |
Options.CreateOpts.Perms | |
Options.CreateOpts.Progress | |
Options.CreateOpts.ReplicationFactor | |
Path |
Names a file or directory in a
FileSystem . |
QuotaUsage |
Store the quota usage of a directory.
QuotaUsage.Builder |
Builder class for QuotaUsage.
RawLocalFileSystem |
Implement the FileSystem API for the raw local filesystem.
StorageStatistics |
StorageStatistics contains statistics data for a FileSystem or FileContext
StorageStatistics.LongStatistic |
A 64-bit storage statistic.
Trash |
Provides a trash facility which supports pluggable Trash policies.
TrashPolicy |
This interface is used for implementing different Trash policies.
Enum | Description |
CreateFlag |
CreateFlag specifies the file create semantic.
GlobalStorageStatistics |
Stores global storage statistics objects.
Options.Rename |
Enum to support the varargs for rename() options
ReadOption |
Options that can be used when reading from a FileSystem.
StorageType |
Defines the types of supported storage media.
XAttrCodec |
The value of
XAttr is byte[], this class is to
covert byte[] to some kind of string representation or convert back. |
XAttrSetFlag |
Exception | Description |
ChecksumException |
Thrown for checksum errors.
FileAlreadyExistsException |
Used when target file already exists for any operation and
is not configured to be overwritten.
InvalidPathException |
Path string is invalid either because it has invalid characters or due to
other file system specific reasons.
InvalidRequestException |
Thrown when the user makes a malformed request, for example missing required
parameters or parameters that are not valid.
ParentNotDirectoryException |
Indicates that the parent of specified Path is not a directory
as expected.
PathAccessDeniedException |
PathExistsException |
Exception corresponding to File Exists - EEXISTS
PathIOException |
Exceptions based on standard posix/linux style exceptions for path related
PathIsDirectoryException |
PathIsNotDirectoryException |
PathIsNotEmptyDirectoryException |
Generated by rm commands
PathNotFoundException |
Exception corresponding to path not found: ENOENT/ENOFILE
PathOperationException |
PathPermissionException |
Exception corresponding to Operation Not Permitted - EPERM
UnsupportedFileSystemException |
File system for a given file system name/scheme is not supported
ZeroCopyUnavailableException |
Error | Description |
FSError |
Thrown for unexpected filesystem errors, presumed to reflect disk errors
in the native filesystem.
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