
Package org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.hs.webapp

Class Summary
HsAboutPage A Page the shows info about the history server
HsAttemptsPage Render a page showing the attempts made of a given type and a given job.
HsConfPage Render a page with the configuration for a give job in it.
HsController This class renders the various pages that the History Server WebApp supports
HsCountersPage Render the counters page
HsJobBlock Render a block of HTML for a give job.
HsJobPage Render a page that describes a specific job.
HsJobsBlock Render all of the jobs that the history server is aware of.
HsNavBlock The navigation block for the history server
HsSingleCounterPage Render the counters page
HsTaskPage A Page the shows the status of a given task
HsTasksBlock Render the a table of tasks for a given type.
HsTasksPage A page showing the tasks for a given application.
HsView A view that should be used as the base class for all history server pages.

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