Interface CookieSpecPNames

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface CookieSpecPNames

Parameter names for HTTP cookie management classes.


Field Summary
static String DATE_PATTERNS
          Defines valid date patterns to be used for parsing non-standard expires attribute.
          Defines whether cookies should be forced into a single Cookie request header.

Field Detail


static final String DATE_PATTERNS
Defines valid date patterns to be used for parsing non-standard expires attribute. Only required for compatibility with non-compliant servers that still use expires defined in the Netscape draft instead of the standard max-age attribute.

This parameter expects a value of type Collection. The collection elements must be of type String compatible with the syntax of SimpleDateFormat.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String SINGLE_COOKIE_HEADER
Defines whether cookies should be forced into a single Cookie request header. Otherwise, each cookie is formatted as a separate Cookie header.

This parameter expects a value of type Boolean.

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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